5.15 Performing Document-Centric Inference

Document-centric inference refers to the ability to infer from each document individually.

It does not allow triples extracted from two different documents to be used together for inference. It contrasts with the more common corpus-centric inference, where new triples can be inferred from combinations of triples extracted from multiple documents.

Document-centric inference can be desirable in document search applications because inclusion of a document in the search result is based on the extracted and/or inferred triples for that document only, that is, triples extracted and/or inferred from any other documents in the corpus do not play any role in the selection of this document. (Document-centric inference might be preferred, for example, if there is inconsistency among documents because of differences in the reliability of the data or in the biases of the document creators.)

To perform document-centric inference, use named graph based local inference (explained in Named Graph Based Local Inference (NGLI)) by specifying options => 'LOCAL_NG_INF=T' in the call to the SEM_APIS.CREATE_INFERRED_GRAPH procedure.

Inferred graphs created through document-centric inference can be included as content of a semantic index by creating a dependent policy and adding that policy to the semantic index, as shown in Example 5-2.

Example 5-2 Using Document-Centric Inference

-- Create inferred graph 'extr_data_inf' using document-centric inference
-- assuming:
--   model_name for semantic index based on base policy: 'RDFCTX_MOD_1'
--    (model name (RDF graph name)is available from the RDFCTX_INDEX_POLICIES view; 
--   ontology: dataOntology
--   rulebase: OWL2RL
-- options: 'LOCAL_NG_INF=T' (for document-centric inference)
  models_in    => sem_models('RDFCTX_MOD_1', 'dataOntology'),
  rulebases_in => sem_rulebases('OWL2RL'),
  options      => 'LOCAL_NG_INF=T');
-- Create a dependent policy to augment data extracted using base policy
-- with content of inferred graph extr_data_inf (computed in previous statement)
sem_rdfctx.create_policy (
  policy_name => 'SEM_EXTR_PLUS_DATA_INF',
  base_policy => 'SEM_EXTR',
  user_models => NULL,
  user_entailments => sem_models('extr_data_inf'));
-- Add the dependent policy to the ARTICLEINDEX index.
EXECUTE sem_rdfctx.add_dependent_policy('ARTICLEINDEX','SEM_EXTR_PLUS_DATA_INF');