Class GeorColormapEntry

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GeorColormapEntry
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CellValueInterface
    A GeoRaster colormap entry, which contains five components: cellValue, red, green, blue, and alpha (alpha is optional). It is combined with class GeorColormap to represent a GeoRaster colormap.

    Two constructors are provided: one is default constructor without parameters, and the other constructor allows you to specify the cell value and four components: red, green, blue, and alpha.

    Methods in this class are provided for retrieving and setting the cell value and each component of red, green, blue, and alpha.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs a GeorColormapEntry object.
      GeorColormapEntry​(double value, int red, int green, int blue, java.lang.Double alpha)
      Constructs a GeorColormapEntry object with the given cell value, red, green, blue, and alpha values.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.Double getAlpha()
      Returns the alpha value component.
      int getBlue()
      Returns the blue color component.
      double getCellValue()
      Returns the cell value.
      int getGreen()
      Returns the green color component.
      int getRed()
      Returns the red color component.
      void setAlpha​(java.lang.Double alpha)
      Sets the alpha value component.
      void setBlue​(int blue)
      Sets the blue color component.
      void setCellValue​(double cellValue)
      Sets the cell value.
      void setGreen​(int green)
      Sets the green color component.
      void setRed​(int red)
      Sets the red color component.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeorColormapEntry

        public GeorColormapEntry()
        Constructs a GeorColormapEntry object.
      • GeorColormapEntry

        public GeorColormapEntry​(double value,
                                 int red,
                                 int green,
                                 int blue,
                                 java.lang.Double alpha)
        Constructs a GeorColormapEntry object with the given cell value, red, green, blue, and alpha values.

        Alpha value can be null.

        value - cell value
        red - red color component
        green - green color component
        blue - blue color component
        alpha - alpha color component
    • Method Detail

      • getCellValue

        public double getCellValue()
        Returns the cell value.
        Specified by:
        getCellValue in interface CellValueInterface
        cell value
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(double cellValue)
        Sets the cell value.
        cellValue - cell value
      • getRed

        public int getRed()
        Returns the red color component.
        red color component
      • setRed

        public void setRed​(int red)
        Sets the red color component.
        red - red color component
      • getGreen

        public int getGreen()
        Returns the green color component.
        green color component
      • setGreen

        public void setGreen​(int green)
        Sets the green color component.
        green - green color component
      • getBlue

        public int getBlue()
        Returns the blue color component.
        blue color component
      • setBlue

        public void setBlue​(int blue)
        Sets the blue color component.
        blue - blue color component
      • getAlpha

        public java.lang.Double getAlpha()
        Returns the alpha value component.
        alpha value component
      • setAlpha

        public void setAlpha​(java.lang.Double alpha)
        Sets the alpha value component.
        alpha - alpha value component