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abortLoad() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
abortLoad() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
AbstractDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
A base class for data access objects (DAOs), providing methods to access the model and the connection.
AbstractDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
Creates an AbstractDAO with the specified connection and model.
AbstractDataAccessObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
Represents a basic data access object
AbstractDataAccessObject(AbstractDataSource) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
AbstractDataModel - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
Abstract class to represent editable spatial models.
AbstractDataModel() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
AbstractDataSet - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
Abstract class to represent editable data sets
AbstractDataSet() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
AbstractDataSetLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer
AbstractDataSetLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
AbstractDataSetProducer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer
GeometrySetProducer is a producer that uses the edit model data set with indexing information for geometries.
AbstractDataSetProducer(AbstractDataSetLayer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
AbstractDataSource - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
Class to create a database data source.
AbstractDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
AbstractFeature - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject
Defines an abstract class that represents a geospatial feature.
AbstractFeature() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
AbstractIndexedDataSet - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index
An indexed dataset that is associated to a data layer
AbstractIndexedDataSet() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
AbstractRTree<T extends RNode> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the RTreeInterface interface to minimize the effort required to implement an RTree.
AbstractRTree() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
AbstractRTree.DoubleRNode - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Helper class for {#search(ToDoubleFunction)} Stores the node plus a double value; sorts on the doubles.
AbstractRTree.JoinWalker<T extends RNode,​Q extends RNode> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
AbstractRTree.JoinWalkerLevel<T extends RNode,​Q extends RNode> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Helper class for JoinWalker.
AbstractRTree.PairDebug<P,​Q> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
AbstractRTree.PQItem - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
AbstractRTree.TreeWalker<Q extends RNode> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
This helper class remembers its place in the search tree and can find the next node to return and/or do an intelligent split of the tree.
AbstractSpatialIndex - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index
Abstract spatial index class.
AbstractSpatialIndex() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
accept(E, Object[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Filter
Returns true if the given entry with the specified params should be included in the results
accept(T) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.Callback
accuracy - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
ACCURACY_LEVEL_HIGH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
ACCURACY_LEVEL_HIGHEST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
ACCURACY_LEVEL_LOW - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
ACCURACY_LEVEL_LOWEST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
ACCURACY_LEVEL_MEDIUM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
AccurateSum() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain.AccurateSum
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.CoreLoop
Handle timer firing.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
actuallySetCursor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Calls the Component superclass setCursor() method
Adapters - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Adapters() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
AdapterShapefileJGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.util
AdapterShapefileJGeom() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.AdapterShapefileJGeom
add(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain.AccurateSum
Add to the running sum
add(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
add(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
add(int, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
add(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
add(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
add(ArrayList) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Adds a list of paths to the path.
add(Intersection<E>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
add(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Inserts the specified layer at the end of this list.
add(Layer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Inserts the specified layer at the end of the specified position in this list.
add(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Adds a given path to the path.
add(T) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
add(T) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Insert a new node into an RTree.
add(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
addAll(Collection<? extends Layer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
addAll(Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
addAttributeConstraint(NFEAttributeConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
addAttributeConstraint(NFEAttributeConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Adds an attribute constraint to the feature class
addAttributeDescriptor(NFEAttributeDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
addAttributeDescriptor(NFEAttributeDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets an attribute descriptor for the given attribute's name
addAttributesToFeatureTable(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Adds the specified attributes to the feature table.
addBidirectedLinkColumn(Connection, Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
add a bidirected column to the network link table
addCardinalityRule(NFECardinalityRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Adds a cardinality rule to the rules model
addCardinalityRules(Collection<NFECardinalityRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Adds all the cardinality rules to the rules model
addCatalogValue(NFECatalogValue) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
addCatalogValue(NFECatalogValue) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Adds a value to the catalog
addCentralPoint(PointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Add a central point to network buffer.
addChangeFlag(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Adds a flag which represents a transformation being performed in the manipulation
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
Adds a change lister
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
Adds a change listener to listen for selection changes.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Adds a change listener to listen for queryWindow changes.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Adds a change listener to listen for queryWindow changes.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
Adds a ChangeListener
addCheckPoint(String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Add a 2D Gound Check Point (not a Ground Control Point)
addCheckPoint(String, String, Double, Double, Integer, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Add a Gound Check Point (not a Ground Control Point)
addChildNode(TreeLink, TreeNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Adds a child tree node to current tree node
addColumn(Connection, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Add a column in a database table
addConnectableEdge(NFEConnectableEdge<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Sets a collection of edges to be connected to a vertex
addConnectableEdges(Collection<NFEConnectableEdge<V>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Adds a connectable edge
addConnectableHierarchies(int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.NFEInteractionEngine
Sets which hierarchy levels allows inter-hierarchy interactions, that is, interactions between members of different hierarchies
addConnectivityRules(Collection<? extends NFEConnectivityRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Adds all the connectivity rules to the rules model.
addContextualMenuHandler(ContextualMenuHandler) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Add a contextual menu handler
addCoords(Vector, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
addCoords(Vector, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
addCoords(Vector, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
addDefaultPointInitValue(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Adds an attribute value for initializing a point when it is automatically created by the rule
addDoubleCoords(Vector, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
added(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
The function called when the layer is added to either a MapCanvas or an EditSession (typically both, MapCanvas first, EditSession later)
added(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
addEdge(int, int, Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds an Edge to the topology, making all necessary adjustments to the surrounding topological context.
addEdgePre(int, int, Point2DD[], TopoMap) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.topo.TopoPreprocess
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
addEditChangeListener(EditChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
Adds a change listener to listen for editing changes
addEditChangeListener(EditChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
addEditChangeListener(EditChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Adds a change listener to listen for editing changes.
addEditionFlag(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObject
addEditionFlag(byte) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
Turns on a single flag
addEditSession(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
addElement(int, FeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Adds a feature element at the ith position of the feature.
addElement(int, FeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
addElements(FeatureElement[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Appends a list of elements to the end of the feature.
addElements(FeatureElement[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
addEntry(double[][], Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
addEntry adds an entry at leaf level to the RTree.
addEntry(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
Adds an entry to the index
addEntry(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Adds an entry to the index
addFeature(String, AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Registers the addition of a new feature.
addFeature(Feature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayer
Adds a feature to the feature layer.
addFeature(Feature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
addFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
addFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Adds a feature to the feature layer.
addFeature(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Adds a new feature to index data set.
addFeature(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Adds a new feature to the data set if data set is read-write mode.
addFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
addFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Adds a Feature Class instance to the Feature Layer.
addFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
addFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Adds a feature element to the feature
addFeatureElementRelation(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Adds a relation to the feature element
addFeatureElements(List<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
addFeatureElements(List<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Adds all the feature elements in the collection to the feature
addFeatureLayer(int, FeatureLayer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Adds the feature layer.
addFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
addFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Adds a feature layer to the model.
addFeatureLayerMetadata(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Adds feature layer metadata.
addFeatureLayerRenderer(NFEFeatureLayerRenderer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Associates a feature layer renderer
addFeatureLayerToModel(NFEFeatureLayer, NFEModelMetadata, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Adds the feature layer record to the table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_FTLAYER_REL.
addFeatures(Collection<NFEFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
addFirst(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Inserts the specified layer at the begining of this list.
addFirst(Layer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Inserts the specified layer at the begining of the specified position in this list.
addGCP(int, String, String, Double, Double, Integer, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Add a Gound Control Point
addGCP(String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Add a 2D Gound Control Point (not a Ground Check Point)
addGCP(String, String, Double, Double, Integer, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Add a Gound Control Point (not a Ground Check Point)
addGCP(GCPPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Add a Ground Control Point
addGcpPoints(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Append the GCP points to existing GCP points.
addGCPs(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
addGlobalOutputStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Adds a global log outputstream.
addGlobalOutputStream(PrintStream, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Adds a global log outputstream to the given namespace.
addInLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Adds an incoming link to this node.
addInLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
addIntervals(NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals
Adds intervals.
addIsolatedNode(int, Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds an isolated node inside of a face when the face ID is known.
addIsolatedNode(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds an isolated node inside of a face when the face ID is not known.
addIsolatedNodePre(Point2DD, TopoMap) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.topo.TopoPreprocess
addLast(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Inserts the specified layer at the end of this list.
addLast(Layer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Inserts the specified layer at the end of the specified position in this list.
addLinearGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a linear (line string) geometry to the topology, inserting edges and nodes as necessary based on the full intersection of the geometry with the edges and nodes in the topology graph.
addLinearGeometry(Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a linear (line string) geometry to the topology, inserting edges and nodes as necessary based on the full intersection of the geometry with the edges and nodes in the topology graph.
addLineLineRule(NFELineLineRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Adds a line-line rule to the rules model
addLinePointRule(NFELinePointRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Adds a line-point rule to the rules model
addLink(long, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpanningTree
addLink(Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a link to the network.
addLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Adds a logical link to the network.
addLink(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
addLink(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Adds an existing link to the network.
addLink(NFELink, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
addLink(NFELink, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Connects a link to the node.
addLink(NFELink, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
addLink(NFELink, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Adds an existing link to the network and sets the link's start and end nodes.
addLinkData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a link user data entry A NetworkDataException is thrown if the data already exists
addLinkData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Adds a link user data entry
addLinkData(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Adds a link user data entry to the metadata
addLinkIntervals(NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
addLinkIntervals(NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals, boolean, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Adds the intervals of a link.
addLinkIntervals(NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals, double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
addLinks(Collection<NFELink>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
addLinks(Collection<NFELink>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Adds all the links contained in the given collection.
addLinks(Link[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds an array of links to the network.
addListener(U) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventSupport
Adds a new listener
addLoadedArea(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
addLoadedArea(Area) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Adds an area loaded.
addLockedArea(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
Adds the specified geometry in the locked area.
addLoop(int, Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds an edge that loops and connects to the same node.
addLoopPre(int, Point2DD[], TopoMap) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.topo.TopoPreprocess
addMember(IntersectionMember<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Adds a member to the intersection
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Subscribes a model listener instance to this class
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Adds a listener to the model.
addModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Subscribes a model listener to receive events about rule instances
addNetwork(Network) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a network to the current network.
addNetworkElementIndex(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
addNetworkElementIndex(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Spatially-indexes a network element
addNetworkToCache(String, Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Adds a network in the network cahce
addNodataMapping(double, double, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This function will add nodata(range) mapping to current image, so that all pixel values, which fall into the nodata range, will be changed to newValue and it's alpha channel value is changed too based on transparent setting by parameter isTransparent.
addNodataMapping(double, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This function will add nodata(value) mapping to current image, so that all pixel values, which equal to the nodata value, will be changed to newValue and it's alpha channel value is changed too based on transparent setting by parameter isTransparent.
addNODATARange(Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Adds a new NODATA range.
addNODATAValue(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Adds a NODATA value.
addNode(int, Point2DD, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a node to an edge, splitting the edge in the process.
addNode(Link, double, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a node on a link to the network.
addNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Adds a logical node to the network.
addNode(LogicalNetNode, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Adds a logical node to the sub-network.
addNode(LogicalNetNode, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartition
Adds a node to the network partition.
addNode(LogicalNetNode, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
addNode(LogicalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Adds a node to the network elements.
addNode(LogicalNode, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Adds a node to the network buffer.
addNode(VisitedNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
addNode(NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
addNode(NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Adds an existing node to the network.
addNode(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a node to the network.
addNodeData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a node user data entry A NetworkDataException is thrown if the data already exists
addNodeData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Adds a node user data entry
addNodeData(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Adds a node user data entry to the metadata
addNodeLink(NFENode, NFELink, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Adds a connected (in or out) link to the given node.
addNodePre(int, Point2DD, int, boolean, TopoMap) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.topo.TopoPreprocess
addNodes(Collection<NFENode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
addNodes(Collection<NFENode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Adds a collection of nodes to the network
addNodes(Node[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds an array of nodes to the network.
addOutLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Adds an outgoing link to this node.
addOutLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
addOutputStream(PrintStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Adds a logging output stream.
addPath(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a path to the network.
addPathData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a path user data entry A NetworkDataException is thrown if the data already exists
addPathData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Adds a path user data entry
addPathData(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Adds a path user data entry to the metadata
addPaths(Path[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds an array of paths to the network.
addPoint(double, double, double, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
addPointGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a point geometry to the topology.
addPointGeometry(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a point to the topology.
addPoints(Las2SqlLdr.PointData) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.LasFileStream
addPolygonGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a polygon geometry to the topology, inserting edges and nodes as necessary based on the full intersection of the geometry with the edges and nodes in the topology graph.
addPolygonGeometry(Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adds a single polygon geometry to the topology, inserting edges and nodes as necessary based on the full intersection of the polygon with the edges and nodes in the topology graph.
addPredefinedConnectedPoint(NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
addPredefinedConnectedPoint(NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Adds a predefined connected point descriptor to the feature class
addPreview(ManipulationPreview) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.BasicManipulationPreview
addPreview(ManipulationPreview) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulationPreview
Adds a preview to the current preview
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
addRelation(NFERuleInstanceRelation) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Adds a relation to a feature element.
addResidentPartition(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Adds a resident partition to the caching policy.
addRuleInstance(NFERuleInstance) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Adds a new rule instance to the rule model
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Adds a selection listener
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Adds a SelectionListener
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
addSequence(Sequence) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Adds a sequence.
addSpatialTableMetadata(SpatialTableMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Adds a spatial table metadata.
addSubPath(SubPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a subpath to the network.
addSubPathData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a subpath user data entry A NetworkDataException is thrown if the data already exists
addSubPathData(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Adds a subpath user data entry
addSubPathData(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Adds a subpath user data entry to the metadata
addSubPaths(SubPath[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds an array of subpaths to the network.
addTemporaryNode(Link, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Adds a Temporary node (non-persistent) on a link.
addToBlocksFromInputTable(long, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Hilbert
addToNonNullAttributes(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Adds the attribute name to the list of non null attributes.
addUserDataCategory(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Adds the user data category that have been loaded to the network.
addUserDataSchema(Connection, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
addValue(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
addVertex(GeoObject, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.VertexEditableLayer
Adds a vertex to the given GeoObject at the specified snap point
addVertex(GeoObject, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
adjustColumnNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Adjusts key column and spatial column names to the values in list of attributes.
affineTransform(SdoGeoRaster, double[], double[], double[], Double, double[], Integer, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Apply affine geometric trasnformation on GeoRaster Objects
affineTransform(SdoGeoRaster, double[], double[], double[], Double, double[], Integer, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Apply affine geometric trasnformation on GeoRaster Objects
affineTransforms(boolean, double, double, double, boolean, JGeometry, double, double, double, boolean, JGeometry, JGeometry, double, int, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean, JGeometry, JGeometry, int, boolean, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns the affine transformed JGeometry in 2D and 3D Euclidean space.
affineTransforms(Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, String, Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, String, Struct, Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, String, Struct, Struct, NUMBER, String, SdoNumberArray, SdoNumberArray) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
allDetourShortestPathsWithCostLimit(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds all paths from the start points to the end points with the following properties: The cost of the path is smaller than or equal to the given cost bound The subpath from the start points to any intermediate node on the path is the shortest possible path from the start points to that node.
allDetourShortestPathsWithDepthLimit(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds all paths from the start points to the end points with the following properties: The depth of the path is smaller than or equal to the given depth bound The subpath from the start points to any intermediate node on the path is the shortest possible path from the start points to that node.
allowObjectCallbacks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Whether or not per-object callbacks will be used in this Tracker.
allowRegionCallbacks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Whether or not per-region callbacks will be used in this Tracker.
allPaths(Network, int, int, int, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all paths between the start node and the goal node.
allPaths(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all paths between the start node and the goal node.
allPaths(Path, int, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all paths between the start node and the goal node of the complex path.
allPathsExpand(VisitedNode, HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[], LongHashMap<VisitedNode>, int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, double, LODNetworkConstraint, int, NetworkSearch.Statistics, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
This expands a node, i.e., processes the links connected to the node.
allPathsRelax(VisitedNode, LogicalNetLink, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[], LongHashMap<VisitedNode>, int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, double, LODNetworkConstraint, int, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
This processes one link from the node currently being expanded.
amplitudeRescaling() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Performs amplitude rescaling; the method will calculate extreme values for the image at first, and then scale extreme low and extreme high values to 0 and 256 respectively.
amplitudeRescaling(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Performs amplitude rescaling; low value and high value will be scaled to 0 and 256, respectively.
AnalysisCost - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
An AnalysisCost describes the NFE analysis cost.
AnalysisCost() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
AnalysisCustomizedCost - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
An AnalysisCustomizedCost describes a customized cost.
AnalysisCustomizedCost() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
AnalysisEngine - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
AnalysisEngine.DefaultCallable - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
AnalysisInfo - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines methods for retrieving the analysis information.
analyst - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
and(FeatureFilter[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureFilterOperator
Performs "and" operation on an array of feature filters, and returns the combined feature filter.
and(LODGoalNode[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GoalNodeOperator
Performs "and" operation on an array of goal node filters, and returns the combined goal node filter.
and(LODNetworkConstraint[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ConstraintOperator
Performs "and" operation on an array of constraints, and returns the combined constraint.
and(TspConstraint[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
Performs "and" operation on an array of constraints, and returns the combined constraint.
AND - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
AND - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
AND operator.
AND_NOT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
AND NOT operator.
animatedStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
animatedStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
AnimatedStroke - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics
A Java2D basic stroke that also animates itself along the path of a shape it applied to.
AnimatedStroke() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
AnimatedStroke(Color) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
Creates a default 1-pixel wide stroke that animates at a default speed.
AnimatedStroke(Color, float) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
Creates a default 1-pixel wide stroke that animates at the given speed.
ANNOTATION_TEXT_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
ANY - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
Any interaction
ANY_FEATURE_CLASS_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Any feature class id
ANY_FEATURE_LAYER_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Any feature layer id
anyInteract(boolean, boolean, ArrayList, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
anyInteract(Struct, Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
anyInteract(J3D_Geometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns whether two 3-D (Cartesian) geometries anyInteract or not.
anyInteract(J3D_Geometry, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns whether two 3-D geometries anyInteract or not.
anyInteract(JGeometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
This method determines if a 2D/3D Geometry has anyinteraction with another 2D/3D Geometry.
anyInteract(JGeometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines if a 2D/3D Geometry has anyinteraction with another 2D/3D Geometry.
anyInteract(JGeometry, double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines if a 2D/3D Geometry has anyinteraction with another 2D/3D Geometry.
anyInteract(JGeometry, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines if a 2D/3D Geometry has anyinteraction with another 2D/3D Geometry.
anyInteract(RTree, boolean, boolean, ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
anyInteract(RTree, boolean, boolean, ArrayList, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
anyInteract(RTree, ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
ANYINTERACT - oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.FastOp
anyInteract2(J3D_Geometry, boolean[], boolean[], boolean[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
append(long, double[], long, double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Append a link to this path.
append(long, double, long, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
use append(long nextLinkId, double[] nextLinkCosts, long nextNodeId, double[] connectorNodeCosts);
append(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, Integer, String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Appends the source GeoRaster object to the target GeoRaster object.
append(LogicalHeavyPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Appends a path after this path.
append(LogicalLink, LogicalNode, double[], double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Appends a link at the end of this path.
append(LogicalPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Appends a path to the end this path.
append(LogicalPath, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
use append(LogicalPath path);
append(LogicalSubPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPath
Appends a subpath to this subpath.
append(LogicalSubPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
appendFeature(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Appends a feature to index data set.
appendFeature(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Appends a feature to current list of the data set features.
appendRasterBlock(byte[], Blob) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Stores data from byte array into a BLOB.
appendToCollection(JGeometry, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns a collection or multi-x geometry by appending simple (x) geometries in 3-D.
appendToObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
Appends the provided spatialObject to an existing feature
appendToObject(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
applyConnectivityRules(List<Intersection<NFEFeatureElement>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Runs the rule applicability process over the given intersections of feature elements
applyConnectivityRules(Intersection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Runs the rule applicability process for the given intersection of feature elements
applyFeatureClass(NFEFeature, NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
applyFeatureClass(NFEFeature, NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Enforces all the attribute constraints defined in the feature class to the given feature
arcArcIntersect(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Finds the open-set intersection(s) of two arc segments, if any.
area(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the total planar surface area of a 3-D geometry.
area(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Compute the area of the geometry.
area(double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the total planar surface area of a 3-D geometry.
area(Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
areaToRectangles(Area) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TransformUtils
areSegmentsParallel(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
areSegmentsParallel(Point2DD, Point2DD, Point2DD, Point2DD, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Finds whether two line segments are parallel or, optionally, anti-parallel.
areSitesConnected(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
This method determines whether the Set/Component containing Site/Element "s" is the same as the Set/Component containing Site/Element "r".
ARROW_MARKER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Arrow marker height.
ARROW_MARKER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Marker height of the marker used to show line directions.
ARROW_MARKER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Arrow marker name.
ARROW_MARKER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Marker name of the marker used to show line directions.
ARROW_MARKER_POSITION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Arrow marker position.
ARROW_MARKER_POSITION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Marker position of the marker used to show line directions.
ARROW_MARKER_WIDTH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Arrow marker width.
ARROW_MARKER_WIDTH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Marker width of the marker used to show line directions.
asComplexValue(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asComplexValue(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder, DecimalFormat) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asFieldName(String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asGeometry(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asGeometry(JGeometry[], StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asGeometry(JGeometry, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
Delegates to asGeometry with a null decimalFormat (which will then use the defaultDecimalFormat)
asGeometry(JGeometry, StringBuilder, DecimalFormat) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asMer(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the mer corresponding to a geohash
asNameValue(String, Object, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asNameValue(String, Object, StringBuilder, DecimalFormat) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asNameValueList(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
asNameValueList(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder, DecimalFormat) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
assessSplitsCalls - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
asSimpleValue(Object, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
Appends value to res.
asSimpleValue(Object, StringBuilder, DecimalFormat) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
Note decimal formatting differs from most other methods in this class.
AStar - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements A* shortest path algorithm.
AStar() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
Default constructor.
AStar(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], HeuristicCostFunction, LinkLevelSelector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
AStar.AStarVisitedNode - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
AStarCostFunction - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines the heuristic cost function for A* search Users can provide their own cost estimates to guide the A* search.
asText(String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
attributes - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Stores information about the non-complex attributes.
attrJavaTypes - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Loaded attributes and their java types.
augmentMBR(Point2DD[], Point2DD[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Expands target MBR to encompass added one.
augmentMBR(Point2DD, Point2DD[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Expands target MBR to encompass an added point.
AUTO - oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.PPStatus
AV_MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_MULTIPOINTM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_MULTIPOINTZ - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_NULL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POINTM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POINTZ - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POLYGONM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POLYGONZ - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POLYLINE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POLYLINEM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
AV_POLYLINEZ - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom


BAND_DIMENSION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A integer indicating band dimension.
BANDREFERENCE_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
BandReferenceInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
BandReferenceInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element BandReferenceInfo in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
BandReferenceInfo(JGeoRasterMeta) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
base32 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
baseTable - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Database table name
BASIC - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.ConnectionType
BasicConnection(String, char[], String, int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
BasicLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer
A basic layer that serves as a default implementation of the Layer interface.
BasicLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
BasicManipulationPreview - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate
The manipulation preview containing other manipulation previews.
BasicManipulationPreview() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.BasicManipulationPreview
BasicTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools
A basic do-nothing tool intended for extension by concrete tools.
BasicTool(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.BasicTool
BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
begin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Marks the end of setup.
BehavioralLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior
Base interface for all the layers which define a behavior
belongsToTier(NFEFeatureElementGeoObject, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
belongsToTier(NFEFeatureElementGeoObject, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
belongsToTier(NFENetworkElementGeoObject, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
belongsToTier(V, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Tells whether the GeoObject is rendered by the given tier
bestCost - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
bestFirstSearch() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Best First Search based on cost
bestPath - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
BIDIRECTED_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
BIDIRECTED_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
BidirectionalBfs - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
BidirectionalBfs() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
BidirectionalBfs(BreadthFirstSearch, BreadthFirstSearch) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
BidirectionalBfs(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector, LinkLevelSelector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
BidirectionalDijkstra - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
BidirectionalDijkstra(Dijkstra, Dijkstra) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalDijkstra
BidirectionalDijkstra(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector, LinkLevelSelector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalDijkstra
BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
BIGGER_OR_EQUALS_THAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
BIGGER_THAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
BIGGER THAN operator.
BIN_TYPE_EXPLICIT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
A string indicating EXPLICIT value bin function definition.
BIN_TYPE_LINEAR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
A string indicating LINEAR bin function definition.
BIN_TYPE_LOGARITHM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
A string indicating LOGARITHM bin function definition.
BinaryHeap<E extends java.lang.Comparable> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
a binary Min.
BinaryHeap() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
BinaryHeap(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
BinaryHeap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
BinaryHeap(int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
BinaryHeap(int, BinaryHeap.IndexKeeper) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
BinaryHeap(int, BinaryHeap.IndexKeeper, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
BinaryHeap.IndexKeeper<E> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
BinaryInteraction - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
Defines different types of interactions between two elements
bisectClustering(PointOnNet[], int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
bitsValue - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
BKGND_ALPHA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
blobToPartition(String, int, int, InputStream, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator
Reads a partition BLOB from the specified input stream and translates it into a LogicalPartition object.
blobToPartition(String, int, int, InputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11g
blobToPartition(String, int, int, InputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2
BlockedPoint(int, byte[], PcBlockSortByLrs.SFCInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
BLOCKING_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating NONE blocking.
BLOCKING_REGULAR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating REGULAR blocking.
BOOLEAN_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
Boolean return type.
BORDER_ALPHA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
borderStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
boundaryColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
boundaryColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
box - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
BREADTH_FIRST_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Constant for bread-first-search
breadthFirstSearch() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Breadth First Search
BreadthFirstSearch - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Network search algorithm that explores the network in breadth first manner.
BreadthFirstSearch() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
BreadthFirstSearch(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
BreadthFirstSearch(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector, PriorityQueue) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
bs - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
buffer(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object which is the buffered version of the input geometry.
buffer(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object which is the buffered version of the input geometry.
buffer(double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object which is the buffered version of the input geometry.
buffer(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
BufferedRandomAccessFile - Class in oracle.spatial.util
BufferedInputStream impl with similar facilities as a RandomAccessFile.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(File) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Same as BufferedRandomAccessFile(String, int) except that it will use the BufferedRandomAccessFile.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES for bufferSize parameter.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(File, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Creates a BufferedRandomAccessFile with the specified buffer size, and creates an input stream from the file argument, which is saved for later use.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Same as BufferedRandomAccessFile(String, int) except that it will create a File object from the file string parameter and it will use the BufferedRandomAccessFile.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES for bufferSize parameter.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Same as BufferedRandomAccessFile(File, int) except it will create a File object from the file string parameter.
bufferLen - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
bufferSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Retrieves the buffer size used by this instance.
build(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
build(NFEFeature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.NFEExpressionAnalyzer
Builds the expression and return the expression value.
buildNodeToEndPointsMap(HeavyPointOnNet[][]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
buildQuery(Area, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Not needed if doLoad is overriden
buildQuery(Connection, String[], String[], String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Take on array of condition, one for each one the tables specified on the JGeoRasterVM and generate a sqlQuery based on the combination of tables, columns and conditions.
buildSegmentTree(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.JGeometrySegmentUtil
Builds an Rtree index for geometry segments.
button - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
buttonMask - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
byteArrayToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ByteOrder - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ByteOrder() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
ByteOrderBigEndian - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ByteOrderBigEndian() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderBigEndian
ByteOrderLittleEndian - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ByteOrderLittleEndian() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderLittleEndian


cache - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
CachedNetworkIO - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods related to cached network input and output.
CachedNetworkIOWM - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods related to workspace change.
CachingHandler - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a caching handler.
CachingPolicy - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
The caching policy for a network at certain link level.
CachingPolicy() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Creates a default caching policy instance, whose caching handler is oracle.spatial.network.lod.LRUCachingHandler, and the maximum number of nodes allowed in the cache is 500000.
CachingPolicy(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Constructs a caching policy instance.
CachingPolicy(CachingPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Copy constructor
CachingPolicy(Element) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Constructs a caching policy instance according to the configuration specified in the xml element.
calcCompressionRatio(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes the compression ratio of the GeoRaster object.
calcOptimizedBlockSize(long[], long[], long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Calculates an optimal blockSize value that will use less padding space in the GeoRaster object storage, based on the GeoRaster dimension sizes and the user-specified block size values.
calcRasterNominalSize(SdoGeoRaster, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the total raster block length (in bytes) of a GeoRaster object, as if it were not compressed and did not contain any empty raster blocks.
calcRasterStorageSize(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the actual length (in bytes) of all raster blocks of a GeoRaster object.
calcSurfaceArea(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Calculates the three dimensional (3D) surface area represented by digital elevation model (DEM) data that is stored in a GeoRaster object.
calculate(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
Computes the pairwise shortest path and the pairwise costs using the pairwise shortest paths algorithm passed in to the constructor.
calculate(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
calculate(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseCostCalculator
Computes the pairwise costs between two sets of points.
calculateFeatureElementGeometry(NFEFeatureElement, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Returns the feature element geometry considering the start and end percentage.
calculatePersistedNetworkMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
calculatePersistedNetworkMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the model network.
calculateTextLength(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
call() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine.DefaultCallable
canAddVertex(GeoObject, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.VertexEditableLayer
Tells whether it is possible to add a new vertex to the GeoObject at the specified snap point
canAddVertex(GeoObject, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
cancelManipulation(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Cancels the given manipulation and releases all the resources related to it
cancelManipulation(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
cancelManipulation(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
canSave() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns true if changes are register, false otherwise.
canSave() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
Tells whether currently exist changes that can be saved.
canvas - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
canvas - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
canvas - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
CARDINALITY_UNBOUNDED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
No cardinality limit
CATALOG_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Catalog already exists error code.
CategorizedUserData - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a categorized user data object.
CategorizedUserDataImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation for CategorizedUserData.
CategorizedUserDataImpl(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserDataImpl
CategorizedUserDataImpl(UserData[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserDataImpl
CBREFEREBCE_IMAGE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
CBREFERENCE_OVERLAP - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
CBREFERENCE_VALUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
CCWOutputRectangle(int, double[], int, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
CCWOutputRectangle(int, double[], int, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
CCWOutputRectangle(int, double[], int, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
CELL_DEPTH_128BIT_COMPLEX - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 128BIT_COMPLEX cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_16BIT_S - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 16BIT_S cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_16BIT_U - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 16BIT_U cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_1BIT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 1BIT cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_2BIT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 2BIT cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_32BIT_REAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 32BIT_REAL cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_32BIT_S - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 32BIT_S cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_32BIT_U - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 32BIT_U cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_4BIT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 4BIT cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_64BIT_COMPLEX - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 64BIT_COMPLEX cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_64BIT_REAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 64BIT_REAL cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_8BIT_S - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 8BIT_S cell depth.
CELL_DEPTH_8BIT_U - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating 8BIT_U cell depth.
CELL_DIMENSION_BAND - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating BAND dimension.
CELL_DIMENSION_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating COLUMN dimension.
CELL_DIMENSION_ROW - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating ROW dimension.
CELL_DIMENSION_TEMPORAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating TEMPORAL dimension.
CELL_DIMENSION_VERTICAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating VERTICAL dimension.
CELL_INTERLEVING_BIL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating BIL interleaving.
CELL_INTERLEVING_BIP - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating BIP interleaving.
CELL_INTERLEVING_BSQ - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating BSQ interleaving.
CELL_REPRESENTION_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating UNDEFINED cell representation.
cellCoordinates - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
cellDimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
CellValueInterface - Interface in oracle.spatial.georaster
center(Component) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Centers an awt component w.r.t.
centralLongLatforGNMProjection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Choose the default central long/lat point for a Gnomic projection based on the geometry's MBR.
centroid_3d(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
centroid3d(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the centroid aka center of mass, center of gravity of solid 3-D geometry of uniform material density.
Chain - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Provides an efficient double-ended list of vertices, which can be referenced by either end.
Chain.AccurateSum - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Accurately accumulate a summation.
Chain.CenterPoint - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Abusing subclassing --- this is used to store the centers of circular arcs in Chain.
ChainConverter() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ChainConverter
changeBrightness(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
change brightness of the current working image
changeCache - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Change cache manager to stores the editing history.
changeCellValue(long, long, long, long, String, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Changes the value of raster cells in a specified window of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.
changeCellValue(long, long, String, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Changes the value of raster cell in a specified point of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.
changeCellValue(JGeometry, String, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Changes the value of raster cells in a specified window of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.
changeCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, long, long, long, long, String, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Changes the value of raster cells in a specified window of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.
changeCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, long, long, String, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Changes the value of raster cell in a specified point of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.
changeCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Changes the value of raster cells in a specified window of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.
changeCellValues(SdoGeoRaster, int[], int[], int, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Changes the value of raster cells specified by row/column arrays or by a multipoint geometry to new values.
changeCellValues(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Changes the value of raster cells specified by row/column arrays or by a multipoint geometry to new values.
changeContrast(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Changes the contrast of the current working image.
changeEdgeCoords(int, Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Replaces the coordinate string for an edge without changing the topological context of the edge.
changeEdgeCoords(int, Point2DD[], ArrayList<Integer>, ArrayList<Integer>, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Replaces the coordinate string for an edge without changing the topological context of the edge.
changeFormatCopy(SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Makes a copy of an existing GeoRaster object using a different storage format (for example, changing the blocking, cell depth, or interleaving).
changeLinkEndNode(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
changeLinkEndNode(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Changes the end node of the link identified by linkId to the node identified by endNodeId
changeLinkStartNode(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
changeLinkStartNode(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Changes the start node of the link identified by linkId to the node identified by startNodeId
changePcBlockPtIds(Blob, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
changeThreshold(double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Applies a threshold operation on the current working image; maps all the pixels of this image whose value falls within a specified range to a specified constant.
CharacterColumn(byte[], int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.CharacterColumn
checkConstraintsConsistencies(Connection, String, String, NFENetworkMetadata, NFEEditionMode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Inserts the nodes that were deleted in the parent workspace and child workspace.
checkSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
checkSQLName(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Checks for any illegal characters in a SQL name.
checkSQLName(String, int, Util.CheckType) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Checks: - for any illegal characters in a SQL name.
checkSysdataEntries() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Checks the USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view for any invalid entries.
CHUNKSIZE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
circle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.GeomParser
circle_polygon(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method return JGeometry which is the approximated Geodetic Circle.
circle_polygon(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method return JGeometry which is the approximated Geodetic Arc CirclePolygon - Stroked circle (arc actually) polygon with start and end azimuths and tolerance.
classify(String, double[], String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(String, double[], String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(String, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(String, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(String, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster[], double[], String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster object stored in a BLOB after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster[], double[], String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster[], String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster[], JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in BLOB after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster[], JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
classify(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster, long[], String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster in BLOB after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
classify(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster in BLOB after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
classify(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object after applying the specified classification operation on the input GeoRaster object or objects.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Clears network cache for all link levels.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PriorityQueue
Empties the queue.
clear() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Clears all network structure.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Clears the selection
clear() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
Clears all existing data.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
clear() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Clears all contents of this layer.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Clears all existing data.
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
clear() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Clears the tree structure
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
clear() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
clear(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Clears network cache for the specified link level.
clearAllHover() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
clearAllSelections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
clearBelongingGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
clearCache() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Clears all entities from the object cache.
clearCachedSessions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Clear the current edit session definitions from the server's in-memory cache.
clearCacheForNLW() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Clears all entities from the object cache such that another loadWindow can be loaded witout doing a commit/rollback.
clearChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Clear changes.
clearChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
Removes all the changes currently held in the class.
clearChanges() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
clearChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
clearChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Clears any changes in node or link set.
clearChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Clears the change cache.
clearChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Clears all changes.
clearConnectableHierarchies() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.NFEInteractionEngine
Removes all the hierarchy levels for inter-hierarchy interactions.
clearFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Removes all features and clears the change cache.
clearHover() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
clearHover() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverableLayer
Removes the hovering state from all the geo-objects
clearHover() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
clearModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
clearNetworkCache() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Clears the network cache
clearPreprocess() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Clears the preprocessing listener for addXXXX methods
clearProperties() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
clearReportTable(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Deletes records in the table that contains GeoRaster operation status information.
clearSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
clearSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
clearSelection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Clears all selected objects
clearSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
clearStatementCache(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
clearStatementCache(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
clearTemporaryCache() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Clears the temporatory cache
clip(LRSGeometryG3D, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
ClipFlatPcIntoTxt - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ClipFlatPcIntoTxt() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ClipFlatPcIntoTxt
clipG3D(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
ClipPcFlatCells - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ClipPcFlatCells() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ClipPcFlatCells
ClipPcIntoTxt - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ClipPcIntoTxt() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ClipPcIntoTxt
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
constructs an instance that is a clone of this JGeometry.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Clones the link.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalDijkstra
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachingHandler
Creates and returns a copy of this CachingHandler object.
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserData
Supports cloneable
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserDataImpl
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Supports clone().
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Dijkstra
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement
Support cloneable
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPathsBfs
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Supports cloneable
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Support cloneable.
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Support cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Support cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Returns a shallow copy of this HashSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LRUCachingHandler
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeatureImpl
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SingleSourceShortestPaths
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserData
Returns the cloned object.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserDataImpl
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Clones the network.
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Clones the metadata.
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.PointIntersectionMember
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
A shallow clone
clone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Clones a node.
clone() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Clones the path.
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
close() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Close the connection to the database and release the client resources and database connections.
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Closes this random access file stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
close() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
close(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
close(ResultSet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
close(Statement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
closeBlock() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Sets the block to stop listening events.
closeConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
closeConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
closeConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
closeConnection(DbConnection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
closeCoords(double[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
CLOSED - oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
closeDataAccessConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
closeDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
Closes this data source.
closeDBF() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
closes this dbfile.
closeOracleConnection(OracleConnection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
closeOracleConnection(OracleConnection) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
closePairwisePathResultIO() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FilePairwisePathResultIO
closeShapefile() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
close this shapefile.
closeStmt() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Closes the statement cursor.
closeStmt(Statement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
Close the statement.
closestPoints(Struct, Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
closestPoints(J3D_Geometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the closest points of approach between two 3-D (Cartesian) geometries.
closestPoints(J3D_Geometry, double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the closest points of approach between two 3-D geometries.
closestPointsLRS(J3D_Geometry, double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
An LRS version of closest Pts Since LRS for 3D Polygons is not supported, there is no need for expandGeom.
cluster(PointOnNet[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointClustering
cluster(PointOnNet[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialBisectClustering
cluster(PointOnNet[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialKMeansClustering
Cluster - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ClusterEvaluator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ClusteringConstraint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ClusterResult - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ClusterSizeConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ClusterSizeConstraint(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterSizeConstraint
cnt - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
COLLECTION - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of one or more points or lines.
COLLECTION - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
This is the most generic feature layer type.
CollectionUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Collection utilities class.
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.CollectionUtils
COLOR_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Identifies a change to the color used to render the shadow.
COLORBALANCE_HISTOGRAMMATCHING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COLORBALANCE_LINEARSTRETCHING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COLORBALANCE_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COLORBALANCE_NORMALIZATION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COLORBALANCE_STATISTICMATCHING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COLUMN_DIMENSION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A integer indicating column dimension.
columnDecimalDigits - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn
columnLength - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.CharacterColumn
columnLength - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn
columnName - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
combine(PartitionUpdate) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
commentChar(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specified that the character argument starts a single-line comment.
commit() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sends out commit command to the database.
commit(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
commitAndClose(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
commitDB() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Commits any updates to the database and clears any row locks.
COMMONPOINTRULE_AVERAGE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_CTC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_END - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_HIGH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_HIGHRES - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_LATEST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_LOW - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_OLDEST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
COMMONPOINTRULE_START - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree.ComparatorImpl
compares MBH midpoints on the axis specified by the parameter m.
compArea(RTree.Span[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
compareTo(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar.AStarVisitedNode
compareTo(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathToPoint
compareTo(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
compareTo(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
compareTo(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
compareTo(AbstractRTree.DoubleRNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.DoubleRNode
compareTo(FeaturePath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Compares the cost of the path.
CompGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
CompGeom() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
compIntsxn(RTree.Span[], RTree.Span[], RTree.Span[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
CompJGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
CompJGeom() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
complete() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpanningTree
COMPLEX_LINE - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
compMinDistance(RTree.Span[], RTree.Span[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
compMinDistance(RTree.Span[], RTree.Span[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
COMPRESSION_DEFLATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating DEFLATE compression.
COMPRESSION_JP2_C - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating JP2-C compression, but not supported in the current version.
COMPRESSION_JP2_F - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating JP2-F compression, but not supported in the current version.
COMPRESSION_JPEG_B - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating JPEG-B compression.
COMPRESSION_JPEG_F - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating JPEG-F compression.
COMPRESSION_LT_JP2 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating LT-JP2 compression.
COMPRESSION_LT_MG2 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating LT-MG2 compression.
COMPRESSION_LT_MG3 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating LT-MG3 compression.
COMPRESSION_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating NONE compression.
COMPRESSION_RLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating RLE compression.
compressJP2(SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Compresses the image in a GeoRaster object using JPEG 2000 compression.
compute(Algorithm, Object...) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine
computeArc(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Helper method to compute center, radius, and angles for this arc from the three coordinate points.
computeArcMBR(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
computeDistanceRatio(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Computes the distance ratio along a spatial link geometry.
computeFeatureGeometries(Feature[], int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Constructs the feature geometry from the geometries of its network elements.
computeGeometry(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Computes the path geometry from its link geometries.
computeGeometry(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
computeHandSegment(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
computeLongLat() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Compute and return the long/lat equivalent to this unit-sphere point.
computeMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialBasicNetwork
Computes the Maximum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the network.
computeMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialPartition
Computes the Maximum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the network partition.
computeMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialSubNetwork
Computes the Maximum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the subnetwork.
computeNextElementCost(VisitedNode, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Returns the cost of the next element.
computeSpatialResolutions(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Computes the spatial resolution based on GeoReference information.
concatenate(LRSGeometryG3D, LRSGeometryG3D, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
concaveHullDig(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Return the concave hull of the specified multipoint geometry.
concaveHullDig(JGeometry, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Ops
Return the concave hull of the specified multipoint geometry.
ConfigManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
This singleton class manages LOD configurations.
confirmLhvColumn(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Hilbert
ConflictDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a conflict as in the conflict table.
ConflictDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
ConflictDescriptor(Map<String, String>, String, Object, Object, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
conn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
conn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
conn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ExtendedKML2
conn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.SchemaEntityResolver
connect() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
connect() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
connect() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
connect(String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Establishes an Oracle JDBC connection to the specified database.
connect(NFEConnectionDescriptor<NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Perform the connections described by the given connection descriptor instance.
connect(NFEFeatureElement, NFEConnectableEdge<NFEFeatureElement>, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Connects a point feature element to a line feature element.
connectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Tells whether two feature elements are directly connected.
connectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
connectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Tells whether the given feature elements are connected.
ConnectionParameters - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
ConnectionParameters(String, char[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
A connection using Host, Port and Service Name.
ConnectionParameters.ConnectionType - Enum in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
A connection using a wallet file, service name found in tnsnames.ora and proxy parameters.
connProperties - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
Connection properties.
Constraint<T> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ConstraintOperator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Supports "and", "or", and "not" operations on network constraints.
ConstraintOperator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ConstraintOperator
contains(double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the point is contained in the MBR.
contains(double[], double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the point is contained in the MBR.
contains(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Tests if the specified coordinates are inside the boundary of the Drawable.
contains(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
contains(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
contains(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Tests if a specified Point2D is inside the boundary of the Shape.
contains(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
contains(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
contains(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
contains(Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path contains the specified link.
contains(MBR) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the MBR is contained in the specified MBR.
contains(MBR, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the MBR is contained in the specified MBR.
contains(MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the point is contained in the MBR.
contains(MDPoint, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the point is contained in the MBR.
contains(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
contains(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Tells whether the network contains the given networkElement or not
contains(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path contains the specified node.
contains(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path contains the specified path.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
containsEditionFlag(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObject
containsEditionFlag(byte) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
Tells whether the flag is on
containsEditSession(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns if edit session name exists.
containsFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
containsFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Tells whether the feature layer contains the given feature
containsKey(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
containsLink(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given link
containsLink(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given link
containsLinkUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Checks if the given link user data name exists
containsMember(IntersectionMember<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Tells whether an intersection member belongs to the current intersection
containsNode(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given node
containsNode(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given node
containsNodeUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Checks if the given node user data name exists
containsPartialLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Does the tree contain particial links?
containsPath(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given path
containsPath(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given path
containsPathUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Checks if the given path user data name exists
containsSubPath(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given subpath
containsSubPath(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network contains the given subpath
containsSubPathUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Checks if the given subpath user data name exists
containsTag(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
containsTag(Layer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
containsTransformFlags(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Tells whether the manipulation contains the given transform flags
containsUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network has user data defined in user_network_user_data
containsUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network has user data defined in user_sdo_network_user_data
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
ContextualMenuHandler - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
Interface to implement a class that will add menu items to the contextual menu.
contextualMenuHandlerList - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Contour - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Contour() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Contour
convert(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Converts a string of coordinates into a double array.
convertNetworkBetweenWorkspaces(Connection, Network, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Converts the source network into the network in the target workspace and savepoint based on their diffs in a workspace(version-enabled) environment.
convertToBufferedImage(Image) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Converts the specified image into a compatible buffered image.
convexHull() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns the convex hull of the input geometry.
convexHull(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Ops
Return the convex hull of the input geometry.
coord(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Return one coordinate of size dim from the ordinates array, starting at ordinates[idx0] In a 2-dimensional geometry, coord(0) is the first coordinate, coord(2) is the second coordinate; note index starts at zero and needs to be incremented by dim for subsequent coordinates.
CoordRefSys - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CoordRefSys() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys
CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CoordRefSys.LambertConformalConicSrid - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CoordRefSys.Srid - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CoordRefSys.TransverseMercatorSrid - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CoordSysInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Immutable, thread-safe class that stores simplified coordinate system information.
copy(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
copy(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Makes a copy of an existing GeoRaster object.
CoreLoop - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Each MapCanvas instance has a core rendering loop.
CoreLoop(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.CoreLoop
COST_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.PathConstants
Cost description attribute.
COST_VALUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.PathConstants
Cost value attribute.
count - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
countElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
Returns the number of Sites/Elements (i.e., size of id Array).
countSets() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
Returns the number of Sets/Components.
covers(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test if the query mer is completely covered by the first mer
covers(Mer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return true if this Mer completely covers the query mer.
CP1250_EASTERN_EUROPEAN_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1251_RUSSIAN_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1252_WINDOWS_ANSI - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1253_GREEK_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1254_TURKISH_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1255_HEBREW_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1256_ARABIC_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP1257_BALTIC_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP20127_7_BIT_US_ASCII - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP28591_ISO_8859_1 - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP437_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP65001_UTF_8 - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP737_GREEK_MS_DOS_437G - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP850_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP852_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP857_TURKISH_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP860_PORTUGUESE_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP861_ICELANDIC_MS_DOS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP863_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP865_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP866_RUSSIAN_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP874_THAI_ANSI_OEM - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP932_JAPANESE_SHIFT_JIS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP936_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP949_KOREAN_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CP950_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE_WINDOWS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
CpaPtL3D(J3D_Geometry, J3D_Geometry, double, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
create(Properties) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
Creates the index with the specified properties
create(Properties) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Creates the Rtree index with the given properties.
create(Properties, List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
Creates the index with the input features using their MBR's.
create(Properties, List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Creates the Rtree object with the input features using their MBR's.
create(LocationMsgPkd, Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
create(LocationMsg, Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
create(NotificationMsg, Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
create(TrackerMsg, Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
create(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
create(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
create(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
create(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
create(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
createAnnotationTextMetadata(String, String, Double, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
createArc2d(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry simple arc in 2D
createAttributeConstraint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createAttributeConstraint() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEAttributeConstaint and automatically assigns an ID to it.
createAttributeConstraint(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createAttributeConstraint(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEAttributeConstaint and sets the given ID.
createAttributeDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createAttributeDescriptor() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEAttributeDescriptor.
createCardinalityRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createCardinalityRule() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFECardinalityRule with and automatically assigns an ID to it
createCardinalityRule(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createCardinalityRule(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFECardinalityRule with and sets the given ID
createCatalog() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createCatalog() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFECatalog and automatically assigns an ID to it.
createCatalog(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createCatalog(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFECatalog and sets the given ID.
createCatalogValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createCatalogValue() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFECatalogValue.
createCircle(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a 2D Circle.
createCircle(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a Circle with provided radius and center.
createColorModelCompatibleImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new BufferedImage using the same color model as the image passed as a parameter.
createCompatibleImage(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new opaque compatible image of the specified width and height.
createCompatibleImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image with the same width, height and transparency as the image specified as a parameter.
createCompatibleImage(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image of the specified width and height, and the same transparency setting as the image specified as a parameter.
createCompatibleTranslucentImage(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new translucent compatible image of the specified width and height.
createComplexPath(int, Node, Node, Link[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a complex path with the specified start node and end node
createConnectableEdge(NFEFeatureElement, Point2D, IntersectionLocation) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
createConnectableEdge(NFEFeatureElement, Point2D, IntersectionLocation) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a new connectable edge which will be used by a connection descriptor.
createConnectionDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
createConnectionDescriptor() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a new connection descriptor instance
createContext(NFELinePointRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
createContext(NFELinePointRule) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a new nested context for the line-point rule.
createConvexHull(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a convex hull as an array of MDpoint for the specified geometry.
createConvexHull(MDPoint[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates the convex hull as an array of MDpoint for the specified array of MDPoints.
createConvexHull(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates the convex hull as an array of MDpoint for the specified network.
createCoordSysInfo(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
Define a SRID to be a projected coordinate system, overriding the default values.
createCoordSysInfo(int, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
Define a SRID to be a geodetic coordinate system (longitude/latitude), overriding the default values.
createCopy() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
createCopy() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalogValue
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns a copy of the feature layer metadata.
createCopy() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Returns object copy.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns a copy of the network.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Returns a copy of the object.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Returns a copy of the rule.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Returns a copy of the rule.
createCopy() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Returns a copy of the object.
createDBDescriptors(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Load the SQL type information required to store a JGeometry object back into database.
createDefaultPoints(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler
createDemBlocks(STRUCT, String, String, String, long, long, double, double, double, double, long, long, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Pc2Dem
createDirectedNetwork() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
createDMLTrigger(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Creates the required standard GeoRaster data manipulation language (DML) trigger on a GeoRaster column in a GeoRaster table, so that the appropriate operations are performed when its associated trigger is fired.
createDoubleShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a Java2D double shape object from this JSDOGeometry Double shape object use double, not float, as the coordinates data type.
createDoubleShape(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a transformed shape from the geometry using the given affine transform.
createDrawable(JGeometry[], AffineTransform) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Creates a Drawable instance collection out from the given JGeometry instances
createDrawable(JGeometry, AffineTransform) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Creates a Drawable instance out from a JGeometry instance
createEdgeIndex() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Builds a ram-resident R-tree index for the edge cache.
createEditSession(String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Creates a new edit session on server.
createFaceIndex() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Builds a ram-resident R-tree index for the face cache.
createFeature(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeature(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeature for the Feature Layer identified by the given featureLayerId.
createFeature(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeature(long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeature for the Feature Layer identified by the given featureLayerId and sets the given Feature ID.
createFeature(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createFeature(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates an empty Feature (with no Feature Element) of the specified Feature Class
createFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeatureClass() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeatureClass and automatically assigns an ID to it.
createFeatureClass(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeatureClass(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeatureClass and sets the given ID.
createFeatureClass(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureClass, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Persists a feature class.
createFeatureElement(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeatureElement(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeatureElement for the Feature Layer identified by the given featureLayerId and automatically sets a sequence number to the Feature Element.
createFeatureElement(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeatureElement(long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeatureElement for the Feature Layer identified by the given featureLayerId and sets the given sequence number to the Feature Element.
createFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createFeatureLayer() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEFeatureLayer.
createFeatureLayer(String, String, String, String, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
createFeatureLayer(String, String, String, String, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Creates a feature layer.
createFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Creates the feature layer tables and metadata.
createFromScratchModel(String, boolean, NFEGeometryDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
createFromScratchModel(String, boolean, NFEGeometryDescriptor) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Creates a model in from scratch mode.
createGeometryMetadata(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
createGeometryMetadata(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a geometry metadata.
createGeometryMetadata(String, String, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
createGeometryMetadata(String, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a spatial geometry metadata.
createInitialElement(long, HeavyPointOnNet, HeavyPointOnNet[], double[], double[], long, VisitedNode, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
createInitialElement(long, HeavyPointOnNet, HeavyPointOnNet[], double[], double[], long, VisitedNode, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
createInSQLExpression(String, Collection<Long>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Creates a SQL IN expression of the form "column IN (elements)" taking care of the maximum number of elements supported in an in expression (1000).
createKey(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
createLeftHandLinePointHandlerParam(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
createLeftHandLinePointHandlerParam(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a new parameter for a line-line rule's left hand side line-point rule
createLinearLineString(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a single linear Line String.
createLinearMultiLineString(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a linear multi-linestring.
createLinearPolygon(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a simple linear Polygon without holes.
createLinearPolygon(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a linear polygon which may have holes.
createLineFeature(NFEFeatureClass, JGeometry, boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
Creates a new line feature and its corresponding feature element(s) and network elements.
createLineFeature(NFEFeatureClass, JGeometry, boolean, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new line feature and its corresponding feature element(s) and network elements.
createLineFeatureElement(NFELink, double, double, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createLineFeatureElement(NFELink, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new feature containing one line feature element.
createLineLineRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createLineLineRule() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFELineLineRule with and automatically assigns an ID to it
createLineLineRule(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createLineLineRule(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFELineLineRule with and sets the given ID
createLinePointRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createLinePointRule() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFELinePointRule with and automatically assigns an ID to it
createLinePointRule(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createLinePointRule(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFELinePointRule with and sets the given ID
createLink(int, String, Node, Node, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical network link.
createLink(int, Network, int, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical network link.
createLink(int, Node, Node, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical network link.
createLink(long, NFENode, NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createLink(long, NFENode, NFENode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFELink and sets the given ID.
createLink(NFENode, NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createLink(NFENode, NFENode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new link.
createLink(NFENode, NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createLink(NFENode, NFENode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFELink and assigns an ID.
createLink(NFENode, NFENode, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createLink(NFENode, NFENode, JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new link.
createLinkGeometry(int, int, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Returns a link geometry (a linestring JGeometry).
createLinkTable(Connection, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network link table in the database.
createLogicalBasicNetwork(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical network.
createLogicalBasicNetwork(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical network.
createLogicalHeavyPath(LogicalLink[], LogicalNode[], double[], CategorizedUserData, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a heavy-weight logical path, which contains the object representation of the links and nodes on the path.
createLogicalHeavyPath(LogicalLink[], LogicalNode[], Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
use createLogicalHeavyPath( LogicalLink[] links, LogicalNode[] nodes, double[] costs, CategorizedUserData userData)
createLogicalLightPath(long, long, long, long, int, int, double[], CategorizedUserData, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a light-weight logical path, which contains only the start and end node IDs and costs of the path.
createLogicalLightSubPath(LogicalLightPath, int, double, int, double, double[], CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a light-weight logical sub-path, i.e., a logical sub-path that refers to a light-weight logical path.
createLogicalLink(int, String, Node, Node, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical link.
createLogicalLink(long, int, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalLink(long, int, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a stand-alone logical link.
createLogicalLink(long, int, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalLink(long, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalLink(long, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetLink(long, int, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetLink(long, int, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a logical link with reference to its start and end node objects.
createLogicalNetLink(long, int, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetLink(long, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetLink(long, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, double, boolean, int, int, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, double, boolean, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, double, boolean, int, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, double, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, double, boolean, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, int, int, double, boolean, int, int, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNetNode(long, int, int, double, boolean, int, int, int, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a logical node to which we can add reference to incident links.
createLogicalNetwork(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical network with the default naming convension: node table name = network_name + "_NODE$", link table name = network_name + "_LINK$, path table name = network_name + "_PATH$", path-link table name = network_name + "PLINK$", subPath table name = network_name + "SPATH$", all cost column name="COST".
createLogicalNetwork(String, int, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical network.
createLogicalNetwork(String, int, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical network.
createLogicalNode(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical node.
createLogicalNode(long, double, boolean, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNode(long, double, boolean, int, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a stand-alone logical node.
createLogicalNode(long, double, boolean, int, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a stand-alone logical node.
createLogicalNode(long, double, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalNode(long, double, boolean, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalPartition(String, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical partition.
createLogicalPartition(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty logical partition.
createLogicalPath(long[], long[], double[], Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalPath(long[], long[], double[], CategorizedUserData, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a logical path, which contains only the IDs of the links and the nodes on the path, instead of the link and node objects.
createLogicalPath(long[], long[], double, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
use createLogicalPath( long[] linkIds, long[] nodeIds, double[] costs, Map userData)
createLogicalSubPath(LogicalPath, int, double, int, double, double[], Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createLogicalSubPath(LogicalPath, int, double, int, double, double[], CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a logical sub-path.
createLogicalSubPath(LogicalPath, int, double, int, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
use createLogicalSubPath( LogicalPath refPath, int startLinkIndex, double startPercentage, int endLinkIndex, double endPercentage, double[] costs, CategorizedUserData userData)
createLRSLinearLineString(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a single LRS linear Line String.
createLRSLinearMultiLineString(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a LRS linear multi-linestring.
createLRSLinearPolygon(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a simple LRS linear Polygon without holes.
createLRSLinearPolygon(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a linear LRS polygon which may have holes.
createLRSLink(int, String, Node, Node, double, int, double, double, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an LRS geometry link.
createLRSNetwork(String, int, boolean, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial LRS_GEOMETRY network.
createLRSNetwork(String, int, boolean, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial LRS_GEOMETRY network.
createLRSNetwork(String, int, boolean, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial LRS_GEOMETRY network.
createLRSNode(int, String, int, double, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an LRS geometry node.
createLRSPoint(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
createLRSTable(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network LRS table in the database.
createMBR(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an MBR.
createMBR(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an MBR of the specified geometry.
createMDPoint(double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a 1D MDPoint.
createMDPoint(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an MDPoint.
createMDPoint(double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a 2D MDPoint.
createMDPoint(double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a 3D MDPoint.
createModelSequence(long, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Creates a sequence in database and a record in the model sequence table.
createModelWorkspaceRel(NFEWorkspace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Creates a record in the model workspace relationship table USER_NFE_NFE_MODEL_WORKSPACE.
createMultiPoint(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a multi-point geometry.
createNetwork() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createNetwork() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFENetwork class.
createNetwork(long, String, Integer, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Creates the network and the related sequences.
createNetwork(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network from the specified network (metadata).
createNetworkHiearchy(Network, int, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Creates a network hiearchy with the given number of levels.
createNetworkTables(Connection, Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates the network tables based on the specified network metadata.
createNewModelTables(String, NFEEditionMode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Creates the needed tables for a new model.
createNextElement(VisitedNode, LODAnalysisInfo, Object, double, double, int, int, HeavyPointOnNet[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
createNextElement(VisitedNode, LODAnalysisInfo, Object, double, double, int, int, HeavyPointOnNet[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
createNFEGeometryMetadata(String, String, NFEGeometryDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Creates a spatial geometry metadata.
createNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFENode and assigns an ID.
createNode(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createNode(double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new node.
createNode(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical network node.
createNode(int, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a spatial network node.
createNode(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a logical network node.
createNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createNode(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFENode and sets the given ID.
createNode(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createNode(JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new node.
createNodeGeometry(int, int, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Returns a node point geometry (JGeometry).
createNodeTable(Connection, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network node table in the database.
createNodeTable(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network node table in the database.
createNURBScurve(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry that is a single NURBS curve.
createOverExistingNetworkModel(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
createOverExistingNetworkModel(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Creates a model in from existing network mode.
createPartitionNetwork(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Returns the partition network with the partitions as nodes and the connections between partitions as links.
createPartitionNetwork(Network, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Returns the partition network with the partitions as nodes and the connections between partitions as links.
createPartitionTable(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network partition table in the database.
createPath(int, Node, Node, Link[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a path with the specified start node and the specified end node.
createPath(Node, Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty path with the specified start node and end node.
createPath(Node, Node, Link[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a path with the specified start node and the specified end node.
createPathLinkTable(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network path-link table in the database.
createPathTable(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network path table in the database.
createPoint(double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
createPointFeature(NFEFeatureClass, JGeometry, boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
Creates a new feature of the given feature class, containing only a PON feature element and its corresponding node.
createPointFeature(NFEFeatureClass, JGeometry, boolean, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new feature of the given feature class, containing only a PON feature element and its corresponding node.
createPOLFeatureElement(NFELink, double, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createPOLFeatureElement(NFELink, double, long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new feature containing one PointOnLink feature element.
createPONFeatureElement(NFENode, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createPONFeatureElement(NFENode, long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new feature containing one PointOnNode feature element.
createPredefinedConnectedPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createPredefinedConnectedPoint() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint with an ID assigned automatically.
createPredefinedConnectedPoint(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createPredefinedConnectedPoint(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint and sets the given ID.
createPredefinedConnectedPointFeatures(Collection<NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint>, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
Creates the predefined points defined in the line feature class along a line geometry using the predefined points position percentages.
createPredefinedConnectedPointFeatures(Collection<NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint>, JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates the predefined points defined in the line feature class along a line geometry using the predefined points position percentages.
createPreview(Collection<Manipulation<NFENetworkElement>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Creates a preview for the given manipulations to network elements
createRefConstraints(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Creates the referential constraints on the link and the path tables.
createReportTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Creates the table to contain GeoRaster operation status information.
createRighttHandLinePointHandlerParam(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
createRighttHandLinePointHandlerParam(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a new parameter for a line-line rule's right hand side line-point rule
createRTree2(RTree, ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
createRuleInstance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createRuleInstance() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFERuleInstance with and automatically assigns an ID to it
createRuleInstance(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
createRuleInstance(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Creates a new instance of NFERuleInstance with and sets the given ID
createSDODimArray(boolean, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a java 2D SDO_DIM_ARRAY.
createSDODimArray(String[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a java SDO_DIM_ARRAY.
createSDOLink(int, String, Node, Node, double, double[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an SDO geometry link.
createSDOLink(int, String, Node, Node, double, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an SDO geometry link.
createSDONetwork(String, int, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial SDO_GEOMETRY network with the default naming convension: node table name = network_name + "_NODE$", link table name = network_name + "_LINK$, path table name = network_name + "_PATH$", path-link table name = network_name + "PLINK$", subpath table name = network_name + "_SPATH$", all geometry column name="GEOMETRY" and all cost column name="COST"
createSDONetwork(String, int, boolean, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial SDO_GEOMETRY network.
createSDONetwork(String, int, boolean, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial SDO_GEOMETRY network.
createSDONode(int, String, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a spatial node (SDO_GEOMETRY with SRID = 0).
createSDONode(int, String, double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a spatial node (SDO_GEOMETRY).
createSegmentPoint(double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Creates a JGeometrySegmentPoint for the given line ordinates.
createSequence(String, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
createSequence(Connection, String, long, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Creates a sequence.
createSequenceForTable(Connection, String, long, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Creates a sequence for a table, the name of the sequence will be the concatenation of the table name and _ID_SEQ.
createShadow(BufferedImage) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Generates the shadow for a given picture and the current properties of the renderer.
createShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a Java2D shape object from this JGeometry Note: for point geometry this method returns null.
createShape(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a transformed shape from the geometry using the given affine transform.
createShape(AffineTransform, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a simplified transformed shape from the geometry using the given affine transform.
createSimplePath(int, Node, Node, Link[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a simple path with the specified start node and end node.
createSingleLinkSubPath(NetworkSearch.SameLinkMatchedPointPair, int[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
createSingleLinkSubPaths(NetworkSearch.SameLinkMatchedPointPair[], int[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
createSpatialBasicNetwork(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial network.
createSpatialBasicNetwork(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial network.
createSpatialHeavyPath(SpatialLink[], SpatialNode[], double[], JGeometry, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a heavy-weight spatial path, which contains the object representation of the links and nodes on the path.
createSpatialHeavyPath(SpatialLink[], SpatialNode[], double[], JGeometry, CategorizedUserData, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a heavy-weight spatial path, which contains the object representation of the links and nodes on the path.
createSpatialHeavyPath(SpatialLink[], SpatialNode[], JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a heavy-weight spatial path, which contains the object representation of the links and nodes on the path.
createSpatialIndex(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Creates the spatial index.
createSpatialLink(long, int, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialLink(long, int, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a stand-alone spatial link.
createSpatialLink(long, int, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialLink(long, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialLink(long, long, long, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetLink(long, int, SpatialNetNode, SpatialNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetLink(long, int, SpatialNetNode, SpatialNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a spatial link with reference to its start and end node objects.
createSpatialNetLink(long, int, SpatialNetNode, SpatialNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetLink(long, SpatialNetNode, SpatialNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a spatial link with reference to its start and end node objects.
createSpatialNetLink(long, SpatialNetNode, SpatialNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a spatial link with reference to its start and end node objects.
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, double, boolean, int, int, int, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, double, boolean, int, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, double, boolean, int, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, double, boolean, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, double, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, int, double, boolean, int, int, int, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNetNode(long, int, int, double, boolean, int, int, int, JGeometry, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a spatial node to which we can add reference to incident links.
createSpatialNode(long, double, boolean, int, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNode(long, double, boolean, int, JGeometry, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a stand-alone spatial node.
createSpatialNode(long, double, boolean, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNode(long, double, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialNode(long, double, int, boolean, JGeometry, LODUserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a stand-alone spatial node.
createSpatialPartition(String, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial partition.
createSpatialPartition(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates an empty spatial partition.
createSpatialPath(long[], long[], double[], JGeometry, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createSpatialPath(long[], long[], double[], JGeometry, CategorizedUserData, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a light-weight spatial path, which contains only the IDs of the links and the nodes on the path, instead of the link and node objects.
createSpatialSubPath(SpatialPath, int, double, int, double, double[], JGeometry, CategorizedUserData) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
Creates a spatial sub-path.
createSpatialSubPath(SpatialPath, int, int, double, double, double[], JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
createStandalonePointFeature(NFEFeatureClass, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
createStandalonePointFeature(NFEFeatureClass, JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Creates a new feature of the given feature class, containing only a PON feature element and its corresponding node.
createStrokedShape(Shape) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
createStyle(Style, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Creates a style record in the view user_sdo_styles.
createSubPath(int, Path, int, double, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a sub path
createSubPath(Path, int, double, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a sub path
createSubPathTable(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates an empty network subpath table in the database.
createTable(String, String[], String[], boolean[], String, Vector<SpatialTableMetadata>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Creates a new table
createTemplate(SdoGeoRaster, int, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Populates a GeoRaster object with metadata of a general pattern, and optionally inserts entries with empty raster blocks into its raster data table.
createThumbnail(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createThumbnail(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createThumbnailFast(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createThumbnailFast(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createTopology(String, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
createTrackingSet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Create the tracker on the database.
createTree(TreeNode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a tree.
createTree(TreeNode, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a tree.
createTreeLink(Link) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a tree link containing a regular network link
createTreeLink(Link, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a tree link containing a partial link
createTreeNode(Link, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a tree node containg a node on a link
createTreeNode(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkFactory
Creates a tree node containing a regular node
createvoronoiDiag(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns Voronoi Polygons for a given set of points represented by multipoint
createWorkerThread(Tracker.WorkerType, BooleanSupplier) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Create a new session of this tracker usable as a worker thread.
createWorkspace(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Creates a workspace in the database with the specified workspace name.
CREATION_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.PathConstants
Creation date attribute.
cross(JPoint3DD, JPoint3DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Return the cross product (a x b).
CROSS - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
Two elements crossing
crossesMeridian() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if the given geometry has any lines that cross the Prime Meridian.
crossProduct(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
3-D crossproduct via arrays.
crossProduct(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
crossProduct(Point2DD, Point2DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
CS8307_54004 - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs
CS8307_54004() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CS8307_54004
CSTransformer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs
CSTransformer() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSTransformer
CSUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs
CSUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSUtils
currNodeId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
CUSTOM - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Cost option custom.
CustomCrsExport - Class in oracle.spatial.util
CustomCrsExport() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CustomCrsExport
CustomStreamTokenizer(InputStream) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
As of JDK version 1.1, the preferred way to tokenize an input stream is to convert it into a character stream, for example:
             Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
             StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(r);
CustomStreamTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Create a tokenizer that parses the given character stream.
CustomTokenizeWKT(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
cutoffCosts - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
cutoffPercentage - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
CWOutputRectangle(int, double[], int, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
CWOutputRectangle(int, double[], int, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
CWOutputRectangle(int, double[], int, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3


DataException - Exception in oracle.spatial.geometry
Reports SDOVIS exception related with map data access.
DataException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
DataException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
DataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
DataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
dataModel - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Parent data model.
DataProducer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A generic interface for all types of data producers.
dataSet - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Data set object.
dataSetLayer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
The layer owning this object
datasetName - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Generic name.
dataSource - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
dataSource - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Data source
DataSourceMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
DataSourceMetadata() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
dataTableExists(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns if input data table exists
dataWindow - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
dataWindowSrid - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
DATE - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
DATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
DateColumn(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.DateColumn
DbConnectionData - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
This class defines the data needed to connect to a database.
DbConnectionData() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
DBFFileCodePage - Enum in oracle.spatial.util
Enum that represents Code Pages supported by DBF files.
DBFieldDesc - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBFieldDesc() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFieldDesc
DBFileHdr - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBFileHdr() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
DBFReaderJGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Reads records from a Shapefile (DBF format), decoding the fields data using a derived or specified Charset.
DBFReaderJGeom() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
DBFReaderJGeom(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Constructs an object out of the specified shapefile's DBF file, and that will decode the fields using the derived charset as explained in the DBFReaderJGeom class documentation.
DBFReaderJGeom(String, Charset) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Constructs an object out of the specified shapefile's DBF file, and that will decode the fields using the specified charset.
DBFReaderJGeom.CharacterColumn - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBFReaderJGeom.DateColumn - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBFReaderJGeom.LogicalColumn - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBMS - Class in oracle.spatial.util
DBMS() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBMS
DbmsOutputClose() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBMS
DbmsOutputDisable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBMS
DbmsOutputEnable(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBMS
DbmsOutputPrepare(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBMS
DbmsOutputShow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBMS
debug(Exception) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a debug exception
debug(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a debug message
debug(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a debug message
debugLevel(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Set level of debug output (overriding any system value).
debugOutput(PrintStream) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Copy debugging output to the given print stream, in addition to its normal output location.
decimalFormat(Locale, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
decimalValue(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Computes the numeric value of a geohash string
decodePolyline(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns 2D polyline decoded ordinates with 5 digit precision
decodePolyline(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns 2D polyline decoded ordinates with 5 or 6 digit precision
decodePolylineAsGeom(Clob, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
decompressJP2(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, double[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Decompress the JPEG 2000 compressed GeoRaster image into a GeoRaster object.
decompressJP2(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Decompress the JPEG 2000 compressed GeoRaster image into a GeoRaster object.
deepClone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
A deep clone (except the layer reference)
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
DEFAULT_LL_HANDLER_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Default line line-rule handler id
DEFAULT_LP_HANDLER_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Default line-point rule handler id
DEFAULT_PARENT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.NFEConstants
Default parent workspace (LIVE).
DEFAULT_SCREEN_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Default screen tolerance (in pixels)
DEFAULT_USER_DATA_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
DefaultCallable(Algorithm, Object...) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine.DefaultCallable
defaultColorName - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
defaultLineName - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
DefaultLinkCostCalculator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is the default link cost calculator implementation.
DefaultLinkCostCalculator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultLinkCostCalculator
defaultMarkerName - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
DefaultNodeCostCalculator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is the default node cost calculator implementation.
DefaultNodeCostCalculator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultNodeCostCalculator
DefaultNodeCostCalculator(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultNodeCostCalculator
DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is the default pairwise cost calculator.
DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator(PairwiseShortestPaths) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
Constructs a default pairwise cost calculator.
DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is the default pairwise shortest paths algorithm.
DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], ShortestPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths(ShortestPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
Construct a DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths instance.
defaultPointSize - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
DefaultSelectionManager<V extends GeoObject> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A helper component that can be used by a Layer to keep track of the geo-objects selected
DefaultSelectionManager(Layer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Crates a new instance associated to the given layer
DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths(ShortestPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths
defaultTextName - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
defaultTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
Returns a suitable tolerance for use with this coordinate system.
defaultTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gives a tolerance that is appropriate for many use cases.
defineG3D(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
deleteCatalog(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
deleteCatalog(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Deletes the specified catalog.
deleteCatalog(NFEModelMetadata, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the specified catalog.
deleteDanglingFeatureElements(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Deletes feature elements that refer to features that do not exist.
deleteDanglingLinks(NFENetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Deletes the links that are not referenced by any feature in any feature layer.
deleteDanglingNodes(NFENetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Deletes the nodes that are not referenced by any feature in any feature layer.
deleteDanglingRuleFeatureRel(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Deletes the rules elements that are not referencing existing features from the specified feature layer.
deleteElement(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Deletes the ith element in the feature.
deleteElement(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
deleteElementAt(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
deleteElementAt(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
deleteFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Removes a feature from the current list of the data set features.
deleteFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
deleteFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Deletes the feature class.
deleteFeatureClass(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the feature class record from the FT_CLASS_[model_id] table related to the specified feature class and delete the related connected points and attribute constraints information from tables FT_CLASS_DEF_CON_PT_[model_id] and FT_CLASS_ATTR_CSTR_[model_id].
deleteFeatureClasses(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the feature classes records from the FT_CLASS_[model_id] table related to the specified feature layer and delete the related connected points and attribute constraints information from tables FT_CLASS_DEF_CON_PT_[model_id] and FT_CLASS_ATTR_CSTR_[model_id].
deleteFeatureClassesAttributesConstraints(NFEModelMetadata, Collection<NFEFeatureClass>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes all the attributes constraints related to the specified feature classes in the FT_CLASS_ATTR_CSTR_[model_id] table.
deleteFeatureClassHierarchyRelationship(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureClass, Collection<NFEFeatureLayerMetadata>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes any relation of the class with the hierarchy table (parent or child)
deleteFeatureClassRel(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the records from the table FT_CLASS_REL_[model_id] related to the specified feature class.
deleteFeatureClassRel(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the records from the table FT_CLASS_REL_[model_id] related to the specified feature classes.
deleteFeatureElements(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Deletes the feature elements from the feature element relationship table.
deleteFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
deleteFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Deletes the feature layer.
deleteFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Drops (deletes) a feature layer using the database procedure sdo_net.drop_feature_layer.
deleteFeatureLayerAttributes(NFEFeatureLayer, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
deleteFeatureLayerAttributes(NFEFeatureLayer, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Deletes the feature layer attributes.
deleteFeatureLayerAttributes(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayer, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the attributes for the specified feature layer from the user_sdo_network_user_data view and from the FT_CLASS_ATTR_CSTR_[model_id] and FT_USR_DATA_[model_id] tables.
deleteFeatureLayerToProject(NFEFeatureLayer, NFEModelMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes the feature layer record from the table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_FTLAYER_REL.
deleteFeatureParentRelationship(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Deletes the feature parent relationship where the feature is parent or child.
deleteFeatures(Collection<NFEFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Deletes the features in the feature and hierarchy tables, also deletes the record in the feature class relationship table.
deleteLink(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a link by ID.
deleteLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Deletes a link from the network
deleteLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
deleteLink(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Deletes a link from the network
deleteLink(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a link by the String ID.
deleteLink(Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a link.
deleteLinkData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a link user data entry
deleteLinkData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Deletes a link user data entry
deleteLinkData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Deletes a link user data entry from the metadata
deleteLinks(Collection<NFELink>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Deletes the specified links.
deleteMin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
deleteMin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
deleteMin() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PriorityQueue
Deletes the minimum element in the queue.
deleteModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
deleteModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Deletes the model.
deleteModel(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Deletes model structure.
deleteModelTables(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Drops the model's tables and its registry in the Model-Metadata table.
deleteNetwork(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Drops the NFE Network (an SDO Network associated with a NFE project) along with its tables and sequences, and the relations with the NFE project.
deleteNetwork(Network) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a sub-network.
deleteNetworkBuffer(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Deletes the network buffer from the database.
deleteNetworkBuffer(long, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Deletes the network buffer from the database.
deleteNODATARange(Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Removes a new NODATA range.
deleteNODATAValue(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Removes a NODATA value.
deleteNode(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a node by ID.
deleteNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Deletes a node from the network
deleteNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
deleteNode(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Delete a node from the network.
deleteNode(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a node by the STring ID.
deleteNode(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a node.
deleteNodeData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a node user data entry
deleteNodeData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Deletes a node user data entry
deleteNodeData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Deletes a node user data entry from the metadata
deleteNodes(Collection<NFENode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Deletes the specified nodes and all the dependent network elements.
deleteObject(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
Deletes an existing GeoObject instance.
deleteObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Deletes an existing GeoObject instance.
deleteObjectSubscription(long, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Delete notifications for a tracked object.
deletePath(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a path by ID.
deletePath(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Deletes path.
deletePath(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a path by the String ID.
deletePath(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
deletePath(NFEFeature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEAnalysisIOService
Deletes feature path.
deletePath(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a path.
deletePathData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a path user data entry
deletePathData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Deletes a path user data entry
deletePathData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Deletes a path user data entry from the metadata
deletePaths(long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Deletes paths.
deletePointDefaultAttributes(NFELineLineRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
deletePyramid(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Deletes the pyramid data of a GeoRaster object.
deleteRuleInstanceRelations(Collection<NFERuleInstanceRelation>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Deletes the specified feature rule relations from the tables FT_RULE_REL_[model_id].
deleteRuleInstances(Collection<NFERuleInstance>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Deletes the specified rule instances from the tables RULE_INSTANCE_[model_id].
deleteRules(Collection<? extends NFEConnectivityRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Deletes the specified rules from the tables LINE_LINE_RULE_[model_id] and LINE_POINT_RULE_[model_id].
deleteSelection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.SelectionEditableLayer
Deletes the elements currently selected
deleteSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
deleteSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool
deleteSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Notifies all the layers to delete its current selected GeoObjects
deleteStyle(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Deletes the styles related to the specified feature class.
deleteStyles(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Deletes the styles related to the specified feature layer.
deleteSubPath(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a subpath by ID.
deleteSubPath(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Deletes sub-path.
deleteSubPath(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a subpath by the String ID.
deleteSubPath(SubPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a subpath.
deleteSubPathData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes a subpath user data entry
deleteSubPathData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Deletes a subpath user data entry
deleteSubPathData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Deletes a subpath user data entry from the metadata
deleteSubPaths(long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Deletes sub-paths.
deleteTable(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Drops the table.
deleteTemporaryElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Deletes all temporary elements (nodes and links).
deleteTrackingRegion(long, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Delete a tracking region.
deleteWorkspaceRel(NFEModelMetadata, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Deletes the record related to the specified workspace in the table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_WORKSPACE.
deltaDuration() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.NDMTimer
densifyArcs(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Arcs densification method to densify arcs into lines.
densifyArcs(double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
densifyGeodesic() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Chooses a default tolerance value and calls JGeometry.densifyGeodesic(double).
densifyGeodesic(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Densify a geodesic geometry by interpolating points along great circle arcs.
DEPTH_FIRST_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Constant for depth-first-search
depthFirstSearch() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Depth First Search
deregisterJavaObject(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Deregister the given Java object from user_sdo_network_java_objects
deregisterNetworkConstraint(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Deregister the given constraint from user_sdo_network_constraints
deregisterPolygon(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SdoPointInPolygon
descendingEntryIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
descendingLayerIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
description - Variable in exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
description - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.PathConstants
Description attribute.
deserialize(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
detail - Variable in exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
determineCenterAndRadiusForArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
diff(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
diff(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object by performing the diff operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
diff(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, long[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB by performing the diff operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
diff(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
diff(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB by performing the diff operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
diff(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object by performing the diff operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
difference(JGeometry, JGeometry[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the difference between source geometry and other geometries.
difference(AbstractFeature, AbstractFeature[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the difference between source geometry and other geometries.
Dijkstra - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.
Dijkstra() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Dijkstra
Default constructor.
Dijkstra(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Dijkstra
dim - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
dim - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
dim() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return the dimension of this mer.
dimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
dimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
DIRECTED_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
DIRECTED_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
DIRECTION_BACKWARD - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
DIRECTION_BOTH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
DIRECTION_FORWARD - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
directTransform2D(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Given (X,Y) model coordinates, computes its (row, column) cell coordinates.
directTransform3D(double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Given (X,Y,Z) model coordinates, computes its (row, column) cell coordinates.
disableAllVersioning() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
disableAllVersioning() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Disables the versioning for the model general tables and feature layers tables.
disableRefConstraints(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Disables the referential constraints on the link and the path tables.
disableReport() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Disables status reporting on GeoRaster operations in the current session.
disableVersioning(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Disables table or topology versioning.
disableVersioning(Connection, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Disables versioning with SQL procedure dbms_wm.DisableVersioning.
disableVersioningForFeatureLayers(List<NFEFeatureLayer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
disableVersioningForFeatureLayers(List<NFEFeatureLayer>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Disables the versioning for the feature layers table: feature table, relation table and hierarchy table.
disableVersioningForGeneralTables() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
disableVersioningForGeneralTables() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Disables the versioning for the model general tables: RULE_INSTANCE, FT_RULE_REL, FT_CLASS_REL and network tables (links and nodes).
discardAllEdits() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
disconnect(NFEFeatureElement, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Disconnects one or more feature elements from the target feature element.
disconnect(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Disconnects two connected feature elements.
dispatch(NFEModelEvent, Collection<U>, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEBasicEventDispatcher
dispatch(NFEModelEvent, Collection<U>, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatcher
Notifies about an event to a collection of listeners by invoking the given method name.
display() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns a two-dimensional array to list all metadata information.
dispose() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
distance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return the Euclidean distance between two mers.
distance(Struct, Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
distance(J3D_Geometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the minimum distance between two 3-D (Cartesian) geometries.
distance(J3D_Geometry, double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the minimum distance between two 3-D geometries.
distance(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
Compute distance to geometry A using the tolerance and isGeodetic values passed at creation.
distance(JGeometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
This method determines the distance between two 2D Geometries.
distance(JGeometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines the distance between two 2D Geometries.
distance(JGeometry, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines the distance between two 2D Geometries.
distance(Mer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return the Euclidean distance from this mer to targetMer.
distance(MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns the Cartesian distance to the specified point.
DISTANCE - oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.FastOp
distance2(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return square of the Euclidean distance between two mers.
distance2(Mer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return square of the Euclidean distance from this mer to targetMer.
distancePtLineRadians(UnitSphere, UnitSphere, UnitSphere) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Return the distance on the unit sphere (an angle) between a point and a great-circle line segment.
distanceRadians(UnitSphere, UnitSphere) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Distance on the unit sphere between two points.
distCpa(J3D_Geometry, double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the closest points of approach (and hence the minimum distance) between two J3D_Geometry geometries.
distCpa2(J3D_Geometry, boolean[], boolean[], boolean[], double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
distCpaLRS(J3D_Geometry, double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
an LRS version of distCpa
distLineToLine(JPoint2DD, JPoint2DD, JPoint2DD, JPoint2DD, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
Compute the distance from a line to a line.
distToComInterPoint - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
distToLine(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
Finds the planar closest distance from a point to a line segment.
distToLine(Point2D, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the distance from the given point to the nearest point at the given line
distToLine(JPoint2DD, JPoint2DD, JPoint2DD, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
Compute the distance from a point to a line.
distToPoint(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
Finds the planar closest distance from a point to a point.
distToPoint(JPoint2DD, JPoint2DD, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
Compute the distance from a point to a line.
DIVISION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
DIVISION operator.
dodge(SdoGeoRaster, double[], int, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Apply a dodging algorithm on the input GeoRaster object to color balance the image..
dodge(SdoGeoRaster, double[], int, SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Apply a dodging algorithm on the input GeoRaster object to color balance the image..
doLoad(Callable, PropertyChangeSupport, Area, int, AbstractDataAccessObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Runs in dataGetter thread
doRealRendering() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
dot(JPoint3DD, JPoint3DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Return the dot product of two 3D vectors.
dotProduct(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
dotProduct(Point2DD, Point2DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
Double return type.
DoubleInterval(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
Constructs a double interval.
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Draws the current Drawable instance
Drawable - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A Drawable references either a Java2D Shape or Point2D instance, but never both.
Drawable() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Drawable(Point2D) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Constructs a Drawable instance that is a point.
Drawable(Point2D, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Constructs a Drawable instance that is an oriented point, with vectorX and vectorY representing the end point of the orientation vector.
Drawable(Image) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Drawable(Shape, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Constructs a Drawable instance that is a shape.
drawSnapPoint(Graphics2D, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
drawVertices(Graphics2D, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
dropAllRasterBlocks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Drops all raster blocks of the associated GeoRaster object from raster data table in the Oracle database.
dropAttributeFromFeatureTable(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata, NFEAttributeDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Drops the attribute column from the feature table.
dropAttributesFromFeatureTable(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Drops the specified attributes columns from the feature table.
dropFeatureTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Drops the feature table with the specified name.
dropNetwork(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Drops the network from the database.
dropRefConstraints(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Drops the referential constraints on the link and the path tables.
dropReportTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Drops the table that contains GeoRaster operation status information.
DummyCostFunction - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
The heuristic cost function implemented in this class always returns 0.
DummyCostFunction(double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyCostFunction
DummyLinkCostCalculator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This implementation of LinkCostCalculator always returns a fixed number as link cost.
DummyLinkCostCalculator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkCostCalculator
DummyLinkCostCalculator(double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkCostCalculator
DummyLinkLevelSelector - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This implementation of LinkLevelSelector always returns the fixed link level specified in the constructor.
DummyLinkLevelSelector() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
DummyLinkLevelSelector(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
DummyNodeCostCalculator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This implementation of NodeCostCalculator always returns a fixed number as node cost.
DummyNodeCostCalculator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyNodeCostCalculator
DummyNodeCostCalculator(double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyNodeCostCalculator
DUPLICATE_LAYER - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Duplicate layer error code.
duration() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.NDMTimer
DynamicLinkLevelSelector - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This implementation of LinkLevelSelector dynamically assigns link level to the next node according to the distance from the next node to the start/end point.
DynamicLinkLevelSelector() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
Default constructor.
DynamicLinkLevelSelector(NetworkAnalyst, int, HeuristicCostFunction, double[], int, double, LODNetworkConstraint) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
Returns a dynamic link level selector.


Edge - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
editable - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
EditableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A layer which support editing actions on its content
EditChangeEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
Defines an edit event which can be a spatial representation change, a change in one non-spatial attribute, or a change in several non-spatial attributes at the same time.
EditChangeEvent(int, int, String, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Constructs a geometry edit event
EditChangeListener - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Implementers will be notified when a layer content is edited
EditChangeManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
Defines a class to keep history of edit changes.
EditChangeManager(Hashtable<String, AbstractFeature>, AbstractDataSet) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
editStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditChangeListener
Invoked when the layer has changed as a result of editing it's objects
editStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
EFLAG_EXISTING - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
If this flag is on, it means the object was loaded from the database
EFLAG_REMOVED - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
If this flag is on, it means the object was removed from the model
ei - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
eitpr - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
EITPR_ARC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EITPR_CIRCLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EITPR_GEODETICMBR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EITPR_LINEAR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EITPR_NURBSCURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EITPR_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EITPR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
interpretation of the point(s) in an element.
element - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
ElementExtractor - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
This extractor extracts elements from J3D_Geometry in an iterative fashion Composite surface is expected to be: < , 1006, N> N tuples of the form <, 1003, x> <, 2003, x>* Composite solid should be of the form: < , 1008, N> N solids each of the form <, 1007, > specified using 1 outer surface and N inner surfaces <, 1006, M> and M tuples of the form <,1003, > m times followed by 0 or more inner solids specified as surfaces as: <, 2006, p> and p tuples of the form <,2003, >
ElementExtractor(J3D_Geometry) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ElementExtractor(J3D_Geometry, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
Constructs an extractor that extracts elements from J3D_Geometry in an iterative fashion
ElementExtractor(J3D_Geometry, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ElementExtractor(J3D_Geometry, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ElementExtractor(J3D_Geometry, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ElementExtractor(J3D_Geometry, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ElementIterator(JGeometry) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
Elements() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
elemInfo - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
elemInfo - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
elemInfoDesc - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ELEMINFODESCSTR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
EMPTY_STR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
emptyBlocks(SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Trims all blocks that contain only the specified background values to empty LOBs, thus making them empty blocks.
emptyBlocks(SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Trims all blocks that contain only the specified background values to empty LOBs, thus making them empty blocks.
emptyMer(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Create a new, standard empty mer of dimension dim.
enableAllVersioning() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
enableAllVersioning() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Enables the versioning for the model general tables and feature layers tables.
enableAnalysisInModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
enableAnalysisInModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Enables the analysis searching creating the path layer.
ENABLED_BLUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
enableRefConstraints(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Enables the referential constraints on the link and the path tables.
enableReport() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Enables status reporting on GeoRaster operations in the current session.
enableVersioning(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Enables versioning on table or topology for use with workspace manager.
enableVersioning(Connection, String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Enables versioning with SQL procedure dbms_wm.EnableVersioning.
enableVersioningForFeatureLayers(List<NFEFeatureLayer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
enableVersioningForFeatureLayers(List<NFEFeatureLayer>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Enables versioning for the feature layers table: feature table, relation table and hierarchy table.
enableVersioningForGeneralTables() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
enableVersioningForGeneralTables() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Enables versioning for the model general tables: RULE_INSTANCE, FT_RULE_REL, FT_CLASS_REL and network tables (links and nodes).
encodePolyline(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns Google 2D polyline encoding String with 5 digit precision
encodePolyline(double[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns Google polyline encoding String with 5 or 6 digit precision
encodePolylineAsClob(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
END_ARRAY - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
END_OBJECT - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
endChangeBlock() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Ends a block of changes.
endEditingSession(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
End the editing session on the server side
enforceRules(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
enforceRules(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Detect interactions and enforces rules if needed for the given feature elements
EngineConfig - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
EngineConfig() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.EngineConfig
EngineConfig(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.EngineConfig
ENGLISH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
enqueMapRegionChange(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
enquoteColumnName(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Enquotes a column name.
enquoteNameSQLName(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Returns the ENQUOTE_NAME formatted String for the SQL name If the Oracle JDBC is present, use the new OracleStatement.enquoteIdentifier API in the JDK8 JDBC.
enquoteNameSQLName(String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Returns the ENQUOTE_NAME formatted String for the SQL name.
enquoteNameSQLName(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Returns the ENQUOTE_NAME formatted String for the SQL name If the Oracle JDBC is present, use the new OracleStatement.enquoteIdentifier API in the JDK8 JDBC.
enquoteNameSQLName(Connection, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Returns the ENQUOTE_NAME formatted String for the SQL name.
enquoteTableName(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Enquotes a table name with or without schema name which is separated by ".".
ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFEAttributeConstraint
ENTITY_CARDINALITY_RULE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFECardinalityRule
ENTITY_CATALOG - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFECatalog
ENTITY_CATALOG_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFECatalogValue
ENTITY_FEATURE_CLASS - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFEFeatureClass
ENTITY_LINE_LINE_RULE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFELineLineRule
ENTITY_LINE_POINT_RULE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFELinePointRule
ENTITY_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFELink
ENTITY_NODE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFENode
ENTITY_PREDEF_CONN_POINT - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFEDefaultConnectedPoint
ENTITY_RULE_INSTANCE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Represents an NFERuleInstance
entries - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Entry(LayerManager.LinkedEntry<Integer, Layer>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager.Entry
entryCount - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
entryIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
entryIterator(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
entryIterator(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
entrySet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
eolIsSignificant(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Determines whether or not ends of line are treated as tokens.
equalize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Applies an equalization operation on the current working image.
equalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Process the input GeoRaster object by using histogram equalization method.
equalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Process the input GeoRaster object by using histogram equalization method.
equalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Process the input GeoRaster object by using histogram equalization method.
equalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Process the input GeoRaster object by using histogram equalization method.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
Compares the specified object with this entry for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Equality is based on the (x, y, z) values.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
Returns true if the input feature consists of the same set of feature elements in the same order as this feature.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstanceRelation
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
equals(JGeometry.Point) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.Point
equals(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
EQUALS operator.
equalsWithinBasin(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
equalsWithinBasin(Point2DD, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
error(Exception) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a error exception
error(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs an error
error(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs an error
ERROR_CODE_TOOMANYPOINTS - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkException
ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkException
errors - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
escapeSQLComments(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.StringUtils
estimateSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.JoinWalker
estimateSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.TreeWalker
ETOPO_EXTERIOR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETOPO_INTERIOR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETOPO_NA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
interior/exterior tag of ring element.
ETOPO_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
etype - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
ETYPE_COMPOSITEPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_COMPOSITEPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
ETYPE_COMPOSITESOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_COMPOSITESOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
ETYPE_COMPOSITESURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_COMPOSITESURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
ETYPE_COMPOUNDCURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_COMPOUNDCURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETYPE_COMPOUNDRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_COMPOUNDRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETYPE_CURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_CURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETYPE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
ETYPE_RING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_RING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ETYPE_SOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_SOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
ETYPE_SURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_SURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
ETYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
ETYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
element types
EuclideanCostFunction - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements the A* heuristic cost function as the 2D euclidean distance between the current node and the goal node.
EuclideanCostFunction(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.EuclideanCostFunction
Creates a EuclideanCostFunction instance.
evaluate(PointOnNet[], ClusterResult) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterEvaluator
evaluate(PointOnNet[], ClusterResult) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SilhouetteClusterEvaluator
evaluateDouble(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Evaluates a direct location using a specified interpolation method, and returns the raster values for the specified bands for that location.
evaluateDouble(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Evaluates a direct location using a specified interpolation method, and returns the raster values for the specified layers for that location.
evaluateDoubles(SdoGeoRaster, int, int[], int[], int, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Evaluates multiple locations using a specified interpolation method, and returns the raster values (double precision numbers) for the specified band or layer for those locations.
evaluateDoubles(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, int, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the values of one or more cells located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row/column/band numbers in its cell coordinate space, or by specifying a multipoint geometry in either model coordinate space or cell coordinate space and its logical layer number.
EventManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
EventManager keeps track of current keyboard, mouse inputs and other critical events for the associated map canvas.
EventManager() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
execute(CallableStatement, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
execute(PreparedStatement, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
executeQuery(PreparedStatement, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
executeUpdate(PreparedStatement, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
expand(VisitedNode, HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[], LongHashMap<VisitedNode>, int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, double, LongHashMap<ArrayList<NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement>>, NetworkBuffer, LODNetworkConstraint, int, NetworkSearch.Statistics, NetworkSearch.FeatureBundle, double[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
This expands a node, i.e., processes the links connected to the node.
expandCircle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
expandG3Dgeoms(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
expandGeom(J3D_Geometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the expanded geometry.
expandMBR(double[], double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
expandMBR(double[], double[], int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
expandMBR(double[], double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
expandMBR(double[], double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
expandSolid(J3D_Geometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
exportLAS(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport
ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression
Default implementation for NFEExpressionAnalyzer.
ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
extend() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
extend() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
extend(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Extend this mer to include pt.
extend(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Extend a target MER to include a new MER or a new point.
extend(double[], JPoint2DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Extend a 2D target MER to include a new MER or a new point.
extend(JPoint2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Extend this mer to include pt.
extend(Mer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Extend this mer to include m.
ExtendedKML2 - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ExtendedKML2() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ExtendedKML2
extendPath(Link, Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Extends the path by adding a new start link and a new end link The given links must be topologically connected to the path or an exception will be thrown No extension in the specific direction (start or end) if a null link is given
extract3d(Struct, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
EXTREMEPOINT_INTERSECTIONS - Static variable in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
Locations at the extreme points of a line
extrusion(JGeometry, double[], double[], Connection, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the extruded 3-D geometry from a 2-D polygon.
extrusion(JGeometry, double[], double[], Connection, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the extruded 3-D geometry from a 2-D polygon.
extrusion(JGeometry, double, double, Connection, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the extruded 3-D geometry from a 2-D polygon.
extrusion(JGeometry, double, double, Connection, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the extruded 3-D geometry from a 2-D polygon.
extrusion2(Struct, SdoNumberArray, SdoNumberArray, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
extrusion2(JGeometry, double[], double[], Connection, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
extrusion2(JGeometry, double, double, Connection, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry


F_FEAT_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEAT_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEAT_PROPS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEAT_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_ATTR_NAMES - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_ATTR_TYPES - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_BBOX - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_CR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_FEATURES - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_GEODETIC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_SRS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_FEATCOLL_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_GEOM_COORDS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
F_GEOM_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
Face - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
FastJGeometry - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Subclass of JGeometry that is capable of preprocessing the geometry and storing extra information to allow later operations to be performed faster.
FastJGeometry(JGeometry, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
All eligible operations will be preprocessed automatically at the discretion of the implementation.
FastJGeometry(JGeometry, double, EnumSet<FastJGeometry.FastOp>, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
Creates a shallow copy of the given geometry that will be preprocessed as specified.
FastJGeometry.FastOp - Enum in oracle.spatial.geometry
Operations can be accelerated by doing preprocessing beforehand.
FastJGeometry.PPStatus - Enum in oracle.spatial.geometry
Whether a particular operation is PREPROCESSed, should NEVER be preprocessed, or may be AUTOmatcially done at the discretion of the implementation.
fastWithinCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost from the start point candidates.
fastWithinCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost from the start point candidates.
fastWithinCostPolygonUsingNetworkBuffer(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
fastWithinCostPolygonUsingWithinCostNodes(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
fastWithinCostPolygonUsingWithinCostPoints(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
fastWithinReachingCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost to the end point candidates.
fastWithinReachingCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost to the end point candidates.
fatal(Exception) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a fatal exception
fatal(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a fatal event
fatal(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a fatal event
feature - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Feature - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines the methods supported by a network feature.
FEATURE_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
Feature.FeatureType - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A list of valid feature types.
featureAdded(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the add feature change.
FeatureAttributeDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a feature attribute descriptor.
FeatureAttributeDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
FeatureClassDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a feature class with features involved in a conflict.
FeatureClassDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
FeatureDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
The FeatureDAO data access object provides methods to load and manage the model features.
FeatureDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Creates a FeatureDAO with the specified connection and model.
FeatureData - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
FeatureData contains information about all feature data associated with the network elements in a network, sub-network or a partition.
FeatureDataImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementations for FeatureData.
FeatureDataImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureDataImpl
featureDeleted(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the delete feature change.
FeatureDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a feature involve in a conflict.
FeatureDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
FeatureElement - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A feature element is a point or line defined on a network element.
FeatureElement.FeatureElementType - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A list of valid feature element types.
featureElementAdded(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the add feature element change.
featureElementDeleted(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the delete feature element change.
FeatureElementDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a feature element or a network element that is part of a feature descriptor.
FeatureElementDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
FeatureElementImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of FeatureElement.
FeatureElementImpl(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
Constructs a POINT_ON_NODE type feature element.
FeatureElementImpl(long, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
Constructs a POINT_ON_LINK type feature element.
FeatureElementImpl(long, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
Constructs a LINE type feature element.
featureElementModified(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the modify feature element change.
FeatureElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when a feature element's property has changed.
FeatureElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFEFeatureElement, String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit
FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more feature elements are added to the model
FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit
FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFEFeatureElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit
FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when a one or more feature elements are removed from the model.
FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFEFeatureElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
FeatureFilter - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines the methods to check whether a given feature is a goal feature during network analysis.
FeatureFilterOperator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Supports "and", "or", and "not" operations on feature filters.
FeatureFilterOperator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureFilterOperator
FeatureImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of Feature.
FeatureImpl(long, FeatureElement[], CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
Constructs a feature.
FeatureLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Features associated with elements in a network, sub-network or a partition, in a feature layer.
FeatureLayerDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a feature layer with features involved in a conflict.
FeatureLayerDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
FeatureLayerImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of FeatureLayer.
FeatureLayerImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
Constructs a FeatureLayer instance.
FeatureLayerManipulationPreview - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate
A manipulation preview implementation for creating a feature layer manipulation preview.
FeatureLayerManipulationPreview(NFEModel, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>, Map<String, Manipulation<NFENetworkElement>>, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.FeatureLayerManipulationPreview
Allocates a new feature layer manipulation preview
FeatureLayerMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Metadata information for a feature layer.
FeatureLayerMetadata(String, int, String, FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Constructs a feature layer metadata instance.
FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A list of valid feature layer types.
FeatureMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Metadata for all registered feature layers on a network.
FeatureMetadata(Connection, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
featureModified(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the modify feature change.
FeaturePath - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A FeaturePath object consists of a Feature and the PathFeature that ends at the feature.
FeaturePath(Feature, PathFeature) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Constructs a FeaturePath object.
FeaturePropertyChangedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when a feature's property has changed.
FeaturePropertyChangedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFEFeature, String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturePropertyChangedUndoableEdit
features - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Abstract features.
FEATURES_FROM_SCRATCH - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
Represents the FromScratch edition mode
FEATURES_OVER_EXISTING_NETWORK - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
Represents the OverExistingNetwork edition mode
FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more features are added to the model
FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, Collection<NFEFeature>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit
FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFEFeature) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit
FeatureSelectableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior
Defines a feature layer which features can be selected.
FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more features are removed from the model
FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, Collection<NFEFeature>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit
FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFEFeature) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit
fetchFeatLayersAttributesUsingCatalog(NFEModelMetadata, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns a map with as key the feature layer identifiers and as values the list of the attributes using the specified catalog.
fetchFeatureLayerAttributeDescriptors(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Fetches the attribute descriptors of the specified feature layer.
fetchFeatureLayersMetadata(NFEModelMetadata, Collection<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Fetches the metadata of the specified feature layers.
fetchGeometryLayerMBR(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometries in the specified table and column.
fetchGeometryMetadata(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Returns the metadata information for the specified geometry column.
fetchLink(NFENetwork, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the link object related to the specified link identifier.
fetchModelFeatureLayersRelations(NFEModelMetadata, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns the feature layers information related to the specified model.
fetchModelIdentificators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns a map containing the identifiers and names of all the existing models.
fetchModelMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Retrieves the metadata for the model whose identifier is specified.
fetchNetworkMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the network metadata from the view user_sdo_network_metadata.
fetchNode(NFENetwork, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the node object related to the specified node identifier.
fetchNotifications(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Fetch notification(s) from the database, waiting at most the specified time for the first one to arrive.
fetchSRS(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Returns the spatial reference system (SRS) referred by the specified Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID).
FFMethodType - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType
fileCode - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
fileLength - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
FilePairwisePathResultIO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
FilePairwisePathResultIO(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FilePairwisePathResultIO
FileUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Files utilities class.
FileUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.FileUtils
fill(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Fills the current Drawable instance
fillEmptyBlocks(SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Fills in all empty blocks with specified background values.
fillEmptyBlocks(SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Fills in all empty blocks with specified background values.
filter(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, String, double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Applies the convolution filter on the input GeoRaster object.
filter(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, String, double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Applies the convolution filter on the input GeoRaster object.
filter(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, String, double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Applies the convolution filter on the input GeoRaster object.
filter(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, String, double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Applies the convolution filter on the input GeoRaster object.
Filter<E> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Interface used to customize searches by filtering
filterPointsUpPyramid(STRUCT, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PCPyramidFilter
filterSet(Filter<Layer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
filterSet(Filter<Layer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
filterSetByTags(String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
finalize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
finalize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object based on the input GeoRaster object, but masking all cells that do not satisfy the condition parameter specification.
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, long[], String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB based on the input GeoRaster object, but masking all cells that do not satisfy the condition parameter specification.
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object based on the input GeoRaster object, but masking all cells that do not satisfy the condition parameter specification.
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], double[], boolean, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], double[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB based on the input GeoRaster object, but masking all cells that do not satisfy the condition parameter specification.
findCells(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], boolean, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object based on the input GeoRaster object, but masking all cells that do not satisfy the condition parameter specification.
findConnectedComponents(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the connected components for the given link level.
findConnectedComponents(String, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Finds the connected components and writes the node component relationship into component table.
findConnectedComponents(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the number of connected components in the network.
findConnectedComponentsInPartition(int, int, int, ArrayList<AnalysisUtility.NodeComponent>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Find the connected components within a partition, with all the external nodes and boundary links included.
findConnectedComponentsInPartition(int, int, int, ArrayList<AnalysisUtility.NodeComponent>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Find the connected components within a partition, with all the external nodes and boundary links included.
findConnectedComponentsInPartition(String, int, int, int, Array[], Array[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Find the connected components within a partition, with all the external nodes and boundary links included.
findConnectedComponentVector(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns connected components of the network in a Vector.
findConnectedFeatures(PointOnNet[], int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Returns the features within the given cost and the paths to/from them.
findConnectedNodes(int, long, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
findConnectedNodes(int, PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes connected to the given points.
findConnectedNodes(PointOnNet[], int, boolean, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Returns the nodes connected to startNodeId in the specified direction
findConnectedNodes(PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
findContourPoints(Blob, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Contour
findElement(FeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Finds the input feature element in this feature, and returns the feature element index.
findElement(FeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
findElementIndex(E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
findExternalLinks(Node[], Node[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns external links between the two arrays of nodes.
findFeaturesIds(NFESearchParams) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
findFeaturesIds(NFESearchParams) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Searches features based on the specified parameters.
findFeaturesIds(NFEModelMetadata, NFESearchParams) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Searches features.
findInternalLinks(Node[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the internal links of the node array.
findIntersection(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
Looks for an intersection taking place at the given line's point
findIntersection(JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
Looks for an intersection taking place at the given line's segment point
findIntersections(NFEFeatureElement, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.NFEInteractionEngine
Retrieves all the intersections of the given Feature Element.
findIntersections(NFEFeatureElement, JGeometry, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.NFEInteractionEngine
Retrieves all the intersections of the given Feature Element, supposing the given geometry is the feature element's geometry.
findLinks(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Finds the links that connect current node to the specified node.
findLRSProjectPtInfo(J3D_Geometry, J3D_Geometry, double, String, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
This method computes the ordinates index of geometry within the original geometry, where the output ArrayList from the closestPoints method is used.
findMaxNodeDegree(Network, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Finds the maximum node degree of the network
findMBR(Node[], double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the MBR of the node array and expanded it by the specified factor.
findMin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
findMin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
findMin() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PriorityQueue
Finds the minimum element in the queue.
findMinNodeDegree(Network, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Finds the minimum node degree of the network
findNodesWithinDegreeBounds(Network, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Finds nodes with degree within the given degree bounds.
findPointOnGeodetic3DLineSegment(J3D_Geometry, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
This method computes a point on a Geodetic 3D line segment by processing the ratio between 0 and 1 both inclusive where ratio=0 or 1 means either end points of the geodetic line segment.
findReachableFeatures(int, PointOnNet[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes reachable from the given node.
findReachableNodes(int, long, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
findReachableNodes(int, PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes reachable from the given points.
findReachableNodes(Network, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can be reached from the source node.
findReachableNodes(Network, int, MBR) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can be reached from the source node.
findReachableNodes(Network, int, MBR, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can be reached from the source node.
findReachableNodes(Network, int, MBR, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can be reached from the source node.
findReachableNodes(Network, int, MBR, int, NetworkConstraint, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can be reached from the source node.
findReachableNodes(Network, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can be reached from the source node.
findReachingFeatures(int, PointOnNet[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes that can reach the given node.
findReachingNodes(int, long, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
findReachingNodes(int, PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes that can reach the given points.
findReachingNodes(Network, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can reach the target node.
findReachingNodes(Network, int, MBR) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can reach the target node.
findReachingNodes(Network, int, MBR, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can reach the target node.
findReachingNodes(Network, int, MBR, int, NetworkConstraint, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can reach the target node.
findReachingNodes(Network, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all nodes that can reach the target node.
findSetIdentifier(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
Returns the Set/Component Identifier in id Array for the Set/Component containing the Site/Element "s".
findTier(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets the tier identified by the given name
finest(Exception) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a debug exception
finest(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a very fine-level message
finest(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a very fine-level message
finish() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.GeomParser
finishManipulation(long, Point2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
finishes the manipulation identified by the given id.
finishManipulation(long, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
finishManipulation(long, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
fireEditStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
fireSelectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Notifies the given SelectionEvent to all the registered selection listeners
fireSelectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
fireStateChanged() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
fireStateChanged() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
fireStateChanged() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
FIRST_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
A line's first point
fitArc(int, double[], double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a 2D arc JGeometry that best fits the given coordinates.
fitsInHemisphere() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Check if the Geometry fits in half a hemi sphere.
fixFaceMBRs() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Adjusts the MBRs of any faces in the cache whose instance MBR does not match MBR computed from the edges in the outer boundary of the face.
flushPartition(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Removes the partition from the cache.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
forEach(Predicate<? super Mer>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
forEach(Predicate<? super Mer>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
The specified action is applied to every node that touches the search mer.
forEach(Mer, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
The specified action is applied to every node that touches the targetMer.
FORMATS_LAS_XYZ - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
FORMATS_LAS10 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
FORMATS_LAS10_BASE1 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
FORMATS_LAS10_BASE2 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
FORMATS_LAS10_FORMAT0 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
FORMATS_LAS10_FORMAT1 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
FORMATS_LAS12 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
FORMATS_LAS12_BASE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
FORMATS_LAS12_FORMAT0 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
FORMATS_LAS12_FORMAT1 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
FORMATS_LAS12_FORMAT2 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
FORMATS_LAS12_FORMAT3 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
fromBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFieldDesc
fromBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
fromBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
fromCharsetName(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
fromCodePage(int) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
fromCodePageMark(byte) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
fromJGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKAdapter
This transforms a JGeometry to a WKB/WKT geometry.
fromJGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_CollectionElement(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int, int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_1_1(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_1_n(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_1_n_internal(JGeometry, int, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_2(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, int, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_2_1(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_2_2(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_2_3(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_4(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_4_n(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_x003(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_x003_optimized_circle(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_x003_optimized_rectangle(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, int, ByteOrder, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_ETYPE_x005(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_COLLECTION(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_CURVE(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_MULTICURVE(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_MULTIPOINT(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_MULTIPOLYGON(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_POINT(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromJGeometry_GTYPE_POLYGON(JGeometry, int, DataOutputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
fromNodeToCompositeCurve(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToCompositeSolid(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToCompositeSurface(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToCurve(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToCurve(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
fromNodeToEnvelope(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
    <Box srsname="EPSG_4326">
                0.0,0.0 100.0,100.0
Note: Each Box Element encloses a single coordinates element or four Coord, the latter containing precisely two coordinate tuples.
fromNodeToEnvelope(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToGeometry(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
fromNodeToGeometry(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToGeometry(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
fromNodeToGeometry(Node, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
fromNodeToGeometry(Node, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToGeometryCollection(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
fromNodeToGeometryCollection(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToGeometryCollection(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
fromNodeToLinearRing(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
fromNodeToLinearRing(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToLinearRing(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
fromNodeToLineString(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
    <LineString srsname="EPSG_4326">
            0.0,0.0 100.0,100.0
fromNodeToLineString(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToMultiCurve(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToMultiLineString(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
    <MultiLineString srsname="EPSG_4326">
                <coordinates>56.1,0.45 67.23,0.67</coordinates>
                <coordinates>46.71,9.25 56.88,10.44</coordinates>
                <coordinates>324.1,219.7 0.45,0.56</coordinates>
fromNodeToMultiPoint(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
    <MultiPoint srsname="EPSG_4326">
    </MultiPoint >
fromNodeToMultiPoint(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToMultiPolygon(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
<MultiPolygon srsname="EPSG_4326">
    <Polygon srsname="EPSG_4326">
            0.0,0.0 100.0,0.0 100.0,100.0 0.0,100.0 0.0,0.0
            10.0,10.0 10.0,40.0 40.0,40.0 40.0,10.0 10.0,10.0
            60.0,60.0 60.0,90.0 90.0,90.0 90.0,60.0 60.0,60.0
    <Polygon srsname="EPSG_4326">
            1000.0,0.0 1100.0,0.0 1100.0,100.0 1000.0,100.0 1000.0,0.0
            1010.0,10.0 1010.0,40.0 1040.0,40.0 1040.0,10.0 1010.0,10.0
            1060.0,60.0 1060.0,90.0 1090.0,90.0 1090.0,60.0 1060.0,60.0
    <Polygon srsname="EPSG_4326">
            2000.0,0.0 2100.0,0.0 2100.0,100.0 2000.0,100.0 2000.0,0.0
            2010.0,10.0 2010.0,40.0 2040.0,40.0 2040.0,10.0 2010.0,10.0
            2060.0,60.0 2060.0,90.0 2090.0,90.0 2090.0,60.0 2060.0,60.0
fromNodeToMultiSolid(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToMultiSurface(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToPoint(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
Example 1:
    <Point srsname="EPSG_4326">
Example 2:
    <Point srsname="8265">
fromNodeToPoint(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToPoint(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
fromNodeToPolygon(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
    <Polygon srsname="EPSG_4326">
                    0.0,0.0 100.0,0.0 100.0,100.0 0.0,100.0 0.0,0.0
                    10.0,10.0 10.0,40.0 40.0,40.0 40.0,10.0 10.0,10.0
                    60.0,60.0 60.0,90.0 90.0,90.0 90.0,60.0 60.0,60.0
fromNodeToPolygon(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToPolygon(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
fromNodeToSolid(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromNodeToSurface(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
fromNodeToSurface(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
fromRecordToFeature(DBFReaderJGeom, ShapefileReaderJGeom, byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
Convert .dbf columns and .shp bytes into Feature instance.
fromRecordToFeature(DBFReaderJGeom, ShapefileReaderJGeom, String[], int[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
Convert .dbf columns and .shp bytes into Feature instance.
fromRecordToFeatureFast(DBFReaderJGeom, ShapefileReaderJGeom, byte[], String[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
Converts .dbf columns and .shp bytes into Feature instance.
fromStruct(Struct) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
Creates a WKB/WKT geometry from a Struct object.
fromSTRUCT(STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKAdapter
Creates a WKB/WKT geometry from a STRUCT object.
fromSTRUCT(STRUCT) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
Creates a WKB/WKT geometry from a STRUCT object.
fromXMLElement(XMLElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
fromXMLElement(XMLElement, Properties) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
fromXMLElement(Element) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Loads the content from an XML representation
fromXMLElement(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
fromXMLElement(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
fs - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs


GCPGeoreference - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GCPGeoreference represents the PL/SQL type MDSYS.SDO_GEOR_GEOREFERENCE It could be used to load Ground Control Points into a GeoRaster using sdo_geor.georeference.
GCPGeoreference(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
GCPGeoreference constructor
GCPGeoreference(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
GCPGeoreference constructor
GCPPoint - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GCPPoint(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Constructs a GCPPoint object with the given parameters.
GCPPOINT_STATUS_ESTIMATED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPointStatus Estimated.
GCPPOINT_STATUS_INVALID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPointStatus Invalidated.
GCPPOINT_STATUS_MEASURED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPointStatus Measured.
GCPPOINT_STATUS_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPointStatus Removed.
GCPPOINT_STATUS_VALIDATED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPointStatus Validated.
GCPPOINT_TYPE_CHECKPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPoint type CheckPoint.
GCPPOINT_TYPE_CONTROLPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating gcpPoint type ControlPoint.
gcps - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType
GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
General error code.
Generalization3D - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Generalization3D() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Generalization3D
Java class that generalizes 3D buildings for different LOD levels.
generateAreaWeightedMean(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, Integer, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes the area weighted mean value on a specified band of the input GeoRaster object.
generateBitmapPyramid(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, String, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Generates pyramid data for a bitmap GeoRaster object.
generateBlockMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Computes the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) for each block in a GeoRaster object, and sets the blockMBR attribute for each raster block in the raster data table.
generateBlockMBR(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) for each block in a GeoRaster object, and sets the blockMBR attribute for each raster block in the raster data table.
generateBlocksFromInputTable(long, long, String, String, int, double, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Hilbert
generateColorRamp(GeorColormap, BigDecimal[], String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Generates an SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP object with a color ramp (gradient) by interpolating the red, green, blue, and alpha values entered as seed.
generateContours(STRUCT, String, long, double[], STRUCT, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.TIN2Contours
generateContours(STRUCT, String, NUMBER, SdoNumberArray, STRUCT, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.TIN2Contours
generateContours(STRUCT, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, STRUCT, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.TIN2Contours
generateGrayRamp(GeorGrayscale, BigDecimal[], String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Generates an SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE object with a grayscale ramp (gradient) by interpolating the values entered as seed.
generatePartitionBlob(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Generate partition BLOB for the specified partition.
generatePartitionBlob(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Generates partition BLOB for the specified partition.
generatePartitionBlob(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Writes partition BLOBs into partition blob table.
generatePartitionBlob(String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Writes partition BLOBs into partition blob table.
generatePartitionBlobs(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Generates partition BLOBs for all link levels.
generatePartitionBlobs(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Generates partition BLOBs for the specified link level.
generatePartitionBlobs(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Generates partition BLOBs for the specified link level.
generatePartitionBlobs(String, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Writes partition BLOBs into partition blob table.
generatePartitionBlobs(String, int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Writes partition BLOBs into partition blob table.
generatePartitionBlobs(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Writes partition BLOBs into partition blob table.
generatePcDiff(STRUCT, STRUCT, long, long, String, String, String, String, String, String, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcDiff
generatePyramid(SdoGeoRaster, String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Generates pyramid data, which is stored together with the original data.
generateSpatialExtent(SdoGeoRaster, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Generates a Spatial geometry that contains the spatial extent (footprint) of the GeoRaster object.
generateSpatialResolutions(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Sets the generated spatial resolutions in the metadata for the GeoRaster object.
generateSpatialResolutions(SdoGeoRaster, long, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Generates and returns the spatial resolutions based on the georeferencing information in the metadata for the GeoRaster object.
generateStatistics(SdoGeoRaster, int, long[], boolean, String, boolean, double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes and sets statistical data associated with one or more layers.
generateStatistics(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, boolean, String, boolean, double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes and sets statistical data associated with one or more layers.
generateStatistics(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers and pyramid levels.
generateStatistics(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers and pyramid levels.
generateStatistics(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers and pyramid levels.
generateStatistics(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers and pyramid levels.
generateStatisticsMax(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the maximum value.
generateStatisticsMax(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the maximum value.
generateStatisticsMax(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the maximum value.
generateStatisticsMax(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the maximum value.
generateStatisticsMean(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mean value.
generateStatisticsMean(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mean value.
generateStatisticsMean(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mean value.
generateStatisticsMean(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mean value.
generateStatisticsMedian(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the median value.
generateStatisticsMedian(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the median value.
generateStatisticsMedian(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the median value.
generateStatisticsMedian(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the median value.
generateStatisticsMin(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the minimum value.
generateStatisticsMin(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the minimum value.
generateStatisticsMin(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the minimum value.
generateStatisticsMin(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the minimum value.
generateStatisticsMode(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mode value.
generateStatisticsMode(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mode value.
generateStatisticsMode(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mode value.
generateStatisticsMode(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mode value.
generateStatisticsSTD(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the STD value.
generateStatisticsSTD(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, long[], String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the STD value.
generateStatisticsSTD(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the STD value.
generateStatisticsSTD(SdoGeoRaster, long, int, JGeometry, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the STD value.
genFeature(String, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
genFeature(String, JGeometry, Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
genFeatureCollectionHeader(String, int, boolean, double[], Map<String, String>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
genFeatureCollectionHeader(String, int, boolean, double[], Map<String, String>, StringBuilder) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
Calls genFeatureCollectionHeader with a null decimalFormat (which will thus use the defaultDecimalFormat).
genFeatureCollectionHeader(String, int, boolean, double[], Map<String, String>, StringBuilder, DecimalFormat) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
GeoDataProducer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A generic spatial data producer that gets data from MDS on demand.
geodetic3DLength(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method computes Geodetic/Geographic 3D length geodetic geometry.
geodetic3DLength(JGeometry, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method computes Geodetic/Geographic 3D length for a specified smax and flattening.
GeodeticCostFunction - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements the heuristic cost as the 2D geodetic distance in meters between the current node and the goal node.
GeodeticCostFunction() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticCostFunction
GeodeticCostFunction(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticCostFunction
Creates a GeodeticCostFunction instance.
GeodeticCostFunction(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticCostFunction
Creates a GeodeticCostFunction instance.
GeodeticCostFunction(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticCostFunction
Creates a GeodeticCostFunction instance.
geodeticDistanceInMeters(MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns the geodetic distance to the specified point.
GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator(int, int, int, NetworkExplorer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
GeodeticSrid(long, double, double, double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
GeodeticSrid(long, double, double, double[], double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
geohash(double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
GeoHash from longitude, latitude with number of characters = hashLength
geohash(long, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
GeoHash corresponding to the long value
geohash(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
GeoHash from a bit string the length of the string must be a multiple of 5
GeoHash - Class in oracle.spatial.util
GeoHash() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
GeoHash(double, double, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
geohashBits(double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
geohashFromString(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
GeoHash from a string (base 32)
geohashString(double, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
geohashWithBitsLength(double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
GeoHash from longitude, latitude with number of bits = numberOfBits numberOfBits must be a multiple of 5
geomDesc - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
GEOMDESCSTR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
geomDimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Geometry dimension.
geometry - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
GEOMETRY_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Data sets types
geometryColumn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Geometry column name.
GeometryExceptionWithContext - Exception in oracle.spatial.util
GeometryExceptionWithContext(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
GeometryFeature - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject
Defines a geometry feature to be used in editable geometry sets.
GeometryFeature() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
geometryHasArcs(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
geometryHasArcs(JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
geometryHasArcs(JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
geometryHasEtypeZero(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
geometryHasEtypeZero(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
geometryHasEtypeZero(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
GeometryMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines geometry metadata for Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY.
GeometryMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Constructs the geometry metadata without a geometry column.
GeometryMetadata(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Constructs the geometry metadata.
GeometryMetadata(Connection, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Constructs the geometry metadata from the database.
geometryTypes - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
geomSRID - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Data Spatial reference ID.
GeoObject - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
An interface representing a piece of geo-spatial object.
GeoObjectLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A layer to keep track of a group of GeoObjects
geoObjectMap - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
geoObjects - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
GeoRasterException - Exception in oracle.spatial.georaster
The class GeoRasterException is a subclass of Exception, and it indicates conditions related to JGeoRaster that an application might want to catch.
GeoRasterException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.georaster.GeoRasterException
Constructs a new GeoRasterException with the specified detail message.
GeoRasterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.georaster.GeoRasterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
GeoRasterImage - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.image
GeoRasterImage is a GeoRaster image engine, which is used to generate Java images from a GeoRaster object or a subset of a GeoRaster object based on the metadata of the GeoRaster object and different query conditions.
GeoRasterImage(JGeoRaster) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Constructs a GeoRasterImage object with the given JGeoRaster object.
GeoRasterImage(JGeoRasterVM, MosaicParameters) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Constructs a GeoRasterImage object with the given JGeoRasterVM object
GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.image
GeoRasterImageProcessUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.image
The GeoRasterImageProcessUtil class provides the following basic image processing functions:
GeoRasterImageProcessUtil(RenderedImage) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Constructs an GeoRasterProcessUtil object using the given RenderedImage object.
GeorColormap - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GeorColormap is combined with class GeorColormapEnrty to represent a GeoRaster colormap, which contains an array of GeorColormapEnrty instances, and each GeorColormapEnrty contains four components: red, green, blue, and alpha (alpha is optional).
GeorColormap() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Constructs a GeorColormap object.
GeorColormap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Constructs a GeorColormap object with the given array length.
GeorColormapEntry - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
A GeoRaster colormap entry, which contains five components: cellValue, red, green, blue, and alpha (alpha is optional).
GeorColormapEntry() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Constructs a GeorColormapEntry object.
GeorColormapEntry(double, int, int, int, Double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Constructs a GeorColormapEntry object with the given cell value, red, green, blue, and alpha values.
georeference(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Georeferences a GeoRaster object using specified cell-to-model transformation coefficients.
georeference(SdoGeoRaster, String, int, SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP[], Boolean, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
georeference(SdoGeoRaster, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
returns the solution of any one of the supported geometric models using ground control points (GCPs) that are stored in the database.
georeference(SdoGeoRaster, GCPGeoreference, Boolean, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
returns the solution of any one of the supported geometric models using ground control points (GCPs) that are specified in the parameters.
georeference(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType, Boolean, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_AFFINE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating geoReference type affine.
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_CUBICPOLYNOMIAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating geoReference type CubicPolynomial.
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_DLT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating geoReference type DLT.
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_QUADRATICPOLYNOMIAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_QUADRATICRATIONAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating geoReference type QuadraticRational.
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_RPC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating geoReference type RPC.
GEOREFERENCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating geoReference type UNKNOWN.
GeorFunctionalFittingModel - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GeorFunctionFittingModel is a Java class that maps to the XML type rationalPolynomialType defined in the GeoRaster XML schema.
GeorFunctionalFittingModel() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Constructs a GeorFunctionalFittingModel object.
GeorGrayscale - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GeorGrayscale class is combined with class GeorGrayscaleEntry to represent a GeoRaster grayscale, which contains an array of GeorGrayscaleEntry instances, and each GeorGrayscaleEntry contains a pair of cell value and gray value.
GeorGrayscale() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Constructs a GeorGrayscale object
GeorGrayscale(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Constructs a GeorGrayscale object with the given array length.
GeorGrayscaleEntry - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
A GeoRaster grayscale entry, which contains two components: cellvalue and gray.
GeorGrayscaleEntry() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscaleEntry
Constructs a GeorGrayscaleEntry object.
GeorGrayscaleEntry(double, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscaleEntry
Constructs a GeorGrayscaleEntry object with the given cell value and gray value.
GeorHistogram - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GeorHistogram class is combined with class GeorHistogramEntry to represent a GeoRaster histogram, which contains an array of GeorHistogramEntry instances, and each GeorHistogramEntry contains a pair of cell value and count value.
GeorHistogram() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Constructs a GeorHistogram object.
GeorHistogram(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Constructs a GeorHistogram object with the given array length.
GeorHistogramEntry - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
A GeoRaster grayscale entry, which contains two components: value and count.
GeorHistogramEntry() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogramEntry
Constructs a GeorGrayscaleEntry object.
GeorHistogramEntry(double, long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogramEntry
Constructs a GeorHistogramEntry object with the given cell value and gray value.
GeorSpatialReference - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
GeorSpatialReference() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
GeorSpatialReference(SpatialReferenceInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
GeorSpatialReference support the representation of a SDO_GEOR_SRS type and can be instantiated from a SpatialRerenceInfo object or from scracth.
GeorUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
GeorUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.GeorUtil
get() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain.AccurateSum
Return the accumulated sum
get(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserData
Returns the user data at the specified index.
get(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserDataImpl
get(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Gets the layer at the given position
get(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
get(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
get(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
Returns the element at the specified row and column.
get(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
get(Point2D, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Gets the element which is closer to the given point but within the tolerance.
get(Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
get(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Gets the object identified by the given key
get(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
get(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
get(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
Convert a state string from database into INSIDE/OUTSIDE.
get(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Returns the tree node that contains the given network node
get_pPolynomial_nCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nCoefficients of p polynomial.
get_pPolynomial_nVars() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nVars of p polynomial.
get_pPolynomial_order() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the order of p polynomial.
get_pPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the coefficients of p polynomial.
get_pPolynomial_pType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the pType of p polynomial.
get_qPolynomial_nCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nCoefficients of q polynomial.
get_qPolynomial_nVars() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nVars of q polynomial.
get_qPolynomial_order() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the order of q polynomial.
get_qPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the coefficients of q polynomial.
get_qPolynomial_pType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the pType of q polynomial.
get_rPolynomial_nCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nCoefficients of r polynomial.
get_rPolynomial_nVars() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nVars of r polynomial.
get_rPolynomial_order() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the order of r polynomial.
get_rPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the coefficients of r polynomial.
get_rPolynomial_pType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the pType of r polynomial.
get_sPolynomial_nCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nCoefficients of s polynomial.
get_sPolynomial_nVars() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the nVars of s polynomial.
get_sPolynomial_order() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the order of s polynomial.
get_sPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the coefficients of s polynomial.
get_sPolynomial_pType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the pType of s polynomial.
getAbstractFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns the feature associated to the given key Returns the abstract feature
getActiveWorkspace() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEAbstractDataSource
getActiveWorkspace() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEDataSource
Returns the active workspace.
getActualCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the cost stored in Link object This function can be used to return the cost stored in the Link object if the getCost() method is overridden by a LinkCostFunction provided by users.
getAdjacentFeatureElements(NFEFeatureElement, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
getAdjacentFeatureElements(NFEFeatureElement, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Gets all the feature elements connected to the given feature element
getAdjacentNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the adjacent nodes as an array.
getAdjacentNodeIds(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the IDs of all the nodes with a direct link to or from this node.
getAdjacentNodeIds(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getAdjacentNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the adjacent nodes as an Iterator.
getAdjacentNodes(HeavyPointOnNet[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getAffectedSpatialArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns the spatial area affected by last change.
getAfter() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
getAll(Point2D, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Gets all the elements which distance to the given point is within the tolerance
getAll(Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getAll(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
getAll(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
getAll(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getAll(Node, String[], int, Vector) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
getAll(Node, String[], int, Vector) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
getAll(Node, String[], int, Vector) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getAllSelections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getAllSetIdentifiersforParents() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
This method returns the Set/Component Identifiers for Parent Sites/Elements.
getAllStatusReport() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the current status for all operations for all clients in the status table.
getAlpha() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Returns the alpha value component.
getAlpha() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the layer number mapped to the alpha channel.
getAnalysisCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Returns the analysis cost.
getAnalysisCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Returns the analysis cost.
getAnalysisCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
Returns the analysis cost.
getAnalysisCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Returns the analysis cost.
getAnalysisCustomizedCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Returns the analysis customized costs.
getAnalysisEngine() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine
getAnalysisLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getAnalysisLayer() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets a feature layer containing the paths resulting from analysis (if any)
getAnalysisService() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
getAnalysisService() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Returns analysis service.
getAngleUnitsPerRadian() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
getAnyInteract(Area) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Gets all the elements interacting in some way with the given area
getAnyInteract(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getAnyInteract(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Gets all the elements interacting in some way with the given rectangle
getAnyInteract(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getApplicableTransformation(GeoObject, Collection<GeoObject>, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Gets manipulation available for the given GeoObject and its current snap point.
getApplicableTransformation(GeoObject, Collection<GeoObject>, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
getApplicableTransformation(GeoObject, Collection<GeoObject>, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getApplyResolutionFilter() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getAreaPolygon() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
getArr() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
getArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
getArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Returns the mer as array - changing the returned array results in undefined behavior.
getArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
getArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
getArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
getArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getArrayDescriptor(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
Use OracleConnection.createOracleArray(...);
getArrayDescriptor(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
Use OracleConnection.createOracleArray(...);
getArrowStyle(NFELink, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Returns the arrow marker style for the link.
getAttribute() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Returns the attribute in conflict.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets the value of the attribute with the given name
getAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
getAttributeChildValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Returns the attribute value in the child workspace.
getAttributeConstraints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getAttributeConstraints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets all the attribute constraint contained by the feature class
getAttributeDescriptor() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Gets the attribute descriptor where the constraint is enforced
getAttributeDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
getAttributeDescriptor(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getAttributeDescriptor(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the attribute descriptor for the given attribute's name
getAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets all the attribute descriptors of the feature layer
getAttributeJavaType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getAttributeName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Returns the attribute name.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
return the set of attribute names.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the attribute names (spatial and non-spatial) that can be edited.
getAttributeParentValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Returns the attribute value in the parent workspace.
getAttributes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
getAttributes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
getAttributes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
getAttributes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Returns the field values for attribute names.
getAttributesJavaType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
getAttributesPerFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Returns the workspace attribute descriptors related to the specified feature.
getAttributeType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
getAttributeType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Gets the catalog's type.
getAvailableConnections(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
getAvailableConnections(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Gets the number of available connections for the given point feature element.
getAvailableConnections(NFEFeatureElement, NFELinePointRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler
getBackground() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
Returns the background color
getBandCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get the band dimension of the Virtual Mosaic object.
getBandReference() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the band reference vector.
getBandReferenceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an BandReferenceInfo object, which represents the XML BandReferenceInfo element, contained in the current instance.
getBaseTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getBaseType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getBaseTypeName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getBatchSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
getBefore() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
getBeginDateTime() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Returns the begin date and time.
getBelongingGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
getBiDirectionalArrow() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Returns the arrow marker style for a bidirectional arrow.
getBigDecimal() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
getBinFunctionData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the bin function data as a vector, which stores four elements in the following order: totalSegNumber(Integer),firstSegNumber(Integer),Extent_Min(Double),Extent_Max(Double)
getBinFunctionTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the bin function table name.
getBinFunctionType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the bin function type.
getBitmapMask(SdoGeoRaster, int, String, SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Updates a specified pyramid of a specified area or the overlapping parts of one GeoRaster object with selected pyramid and selected bands or layers of another GeoRaster object.
getBitmapMaskSubset(int, long, long, long, long, int, String, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary mask data as a byte array for a specified layer of the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layer, and customized cell depth.
getBitmapMaskSubset(int, JGeometry, int, String, String, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary mask data as a byte array for specified layer of the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layer, and customized cell depth.
getBitmapMaskSubsetBlob(int, long, long, long, long, int, String, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
getBitmapMaskSubsetBlobJS(int, long, long, long, long, int, long[], String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary mask data as a BLOB for specified layer of the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layer, and customized cell depth.
getBitmapMaskSubsetBlobJS(int, long, long, long, long, int, String, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary mask data as a BLOB for specified layer of the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layer, and customized cell depth.
getBitmapMaskSubsetBlobJS(int, JGeometry, int, long[], String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary mask data as a BLOB for the specified layer of the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layer, and customized cell depth.
getBitmapMaskSubsetBlobJS(int, JGeometry, int, String, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary mask data as a BLOB for the specified layer of the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layer, and customized cell depth.
getBitmapMaskValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Gets the value of a single cell from a bitmap mask.
getBitmapMaskValue(int, int, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Gets the value of a single cell from a bitmap mask.
getBitmapMaskValue(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Gets the value of a single cell from a bitmap mask.
getBitmapMaskValue(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Gets the value of a single cell from a bitmap mask.
getBitmapMaskValues(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Gets the values of multiple cells from a bitmap mask.
getBitmapMaskValues(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Gets the values of multiple cells from a bitmap mask.
getBlankCellValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the blank cell value defined in the GeoRaster object.
getBlob() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getBlockingType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the blocking type.
getBlockSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the block size of the specified dimension.
getBlue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Returns the blue color component.
getBlue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the layer number mapped to blue.
getBoolean() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
getBorderColor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
Returns the border color
getBoundaryEdge() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Face
getBoundaryLinkIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the boundary link IDs in the sub-network.
getBoundedFaceL() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getBoundedFaceR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getBounds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Returns an integer Rectangle that completely encloses the Drawable.
getBounds2D() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Returns a high precision and more accurate bounding box of the Drawable than the getBounds method.
getCacheBounds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Determines the bounds of the data contained in the cache, using the index in the cache; useful for determining plot bounds, for example.
getCachedNetworkIO(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns the cached network I/O object for the specified network.
getCachedNetworkIO(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata, boolean, LODUserDataIO[], PartitionBlobTranslator) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
user getCachedNetworkIO(Connection conn, String networkName, String globalNetworkName, NetworkMetadata metadata);
getCachedNetworkIO(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata, LODUserDataIO[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
user getCachedNetworkIO(Connection conn, String networkName, String globalNetworkName, NetworkMetadata metadata);
getCachedNetworkIO(DbDataSource, String, String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
getCachedNetworkIOWM(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns the cached network I/O object for the specified network.
getCachedNetworkIOWM(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata, boolean, LODUserDataIO[], PartitionBlobTranslator) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
use getCachedNetworkIOWM(Connection conn, String networkName, String globalNetworkName, NetworkMetadata metadata)
getCachedNetworkIOWM(DbDataSource, String, String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
getCacheEdgeCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the number of edges in the cache.
getCacheFaceCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the number of faces in the cache.
getCacheNodeCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the number of nodes in the cache.
getCachingHandler() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Returns the caching handler object.
getCachingPolicies() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
getCanvas() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
Gets the associated MapCanvas
getCanvas() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Gets the map canvas that this layer is displayed on.
getCanvas() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getCap() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getCapacity() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
getCardinalityRule(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets cardinality rule applicable for the given feature class
getCardinalityRules() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Returns the model's cardinality rules from the table POINT_CARD_RULE_[model_id].
getCardinalityRules() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets all the cardinality rules contained in the rules model
getCatalog() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Gets the catalog associated to this attribute (if any)
getCatalog() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
getCatalogs() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
getCatalogs() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Returns all the catalogs related to the model.
getCatalogs(NFEModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns all the catalogs related to the specified model.
getCatalogSimpleValues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
getCatalogSimpleValues() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Gets the actual values (that is, not holders) defined in the catalog
getCatalogValues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
getCatalogValues() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Gets all the values defined in the catalog
getCategory() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network category (spatial or logical).
getCategory() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Gets the attribute category value
getCategory() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
getCategoryId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
getCategoryId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
getCBReference() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getCellBits(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
getCellCoordinate(double, double, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Calculates cell coordinates based on given model coordinates.
getCellCoordinate(double, double, long, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Calculates cell coordinates based on given model coordinates.
getCellCoordinate(JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Transforms a geometry in the ground coordinate system to the location of a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object.
getCellCoordinate(JGeometry, int, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Transforms a geometry in the ground coordinate system to the location of a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object.
getCellDepth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the cell depth of the current GeoRaster object.
getCellDepthBits() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the cell bits number of the current GeoRaster object.
getcellDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point cell Dimension.
getCellRepresentation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the cell representation of the current GeoRaster object.
getCellValue() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.georaster.CellValueInterface
getCellValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Returns the cell value.
getCellValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscaleEntry
Returns the cell value.
getCellValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogramEntry
Returns the cell value.
getCellValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns the value of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row, column, and band number in its cell coordinate system and its band number.
getCellValue(JGeometry, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns the value of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying a point geometry in its model coordinate system and its logical layer number.
getCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the value of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row, column, and band number in its cell coordinate system and its logical layer number.
getCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, int, int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the values of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row, column, and band numbers in its cell coordinate system.
getCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the values of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying a point geometry in its model coordinate system and its logical layer numbers.
getCellValue(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the value of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying a point geometry in its model coordinate system and its logical layer number.
getCellValues(int, int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns an array of values of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row, column, and band number in its cell coordinate system and its band numbers.
getCellValues(JGeometry, int, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns an array of values of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying a point geometry in its model coordinate system and its logical layer numbers.
getCellValues(SdoGeoRaster, int, int[], int[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the values of one or more cells located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row/column/band numbers in its cell coordinate space, or by specifying a multipoint geometry in either model coordinate space or cell coordinate space and its logical layer number.
getCellValues(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns the values of one or more cells located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row/column/band numbers in its cell coordinate space, or by specifying a multipoint geometry in either model coordinate space or cell coordinate space and its logical layer number.
getCenterPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Computes the center point of the geohash mer
getCentralPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the central points.
getChangedAttributesOfModifiedFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the attribute names of modified features that have the values changed.
getChangedAttributesOfModifiedFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Returns the attribute names of modified features that have the values changed.
getChangedGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Gets the element's geometry after the manipulation
getChangesKeeper() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
Gets the current NFEChangesKeeper instance used to store changes.
getCharset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Retrieves the Charset that is used when reading fields from the file; this charset is derived as explained in DBFReaderJGeom docs.
getCharsetAliases() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Retrieves an array with each publicly-known alias for this platform that might be used by the JVM to map this into a Charset instance by the DBFFileCodePage.toCharset() method.
getChildFeatures(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
getChildFeatures(NFEFeature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Returns the child features of the specified feature.
getChildFeatures(NFEModel, NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Returns the children of the specified feature.
getChildLinkArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the child links as an array.
getChildLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the child links as an Iterator.
getChildNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the child nodes as an array.
getChildNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the child tree node in an array
getChildNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the child nodes as an Iterator.
getChildValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Returns the attribute child value.
getClockHeight() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Returns the clock's height
getClockWidth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Sets the clock's height
getClusterId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Cluster
getClusterId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterResult
getClusteringConstraint() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointClustering
getClusteringConstraint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialBisectClustering
getClusteringConstraint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialKMeansClustering
getClusters() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterResult
getCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
getCodePage() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Retrieves the publicly-known Code Page numeric value associated with this platform
getCodePage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
Retrieves a DBFFileCodePage corresponding to the DBFileHdr.getCodePageMark() value.
getCodePage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Retrieves the Code Page found as text contents of the optional
getCodePageMark() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
Retrieves the the byte value that represents the code page mark.
getCodePageMark() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Retrieves the Code Page Mark found in the header of the
getCodePageMarks() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Retrieves an array representing each of the Code Page Mark bytes that might represent this platform.
getColDenominator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the colDenominator vector.
getColDenominator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get Column Denominator
getCoLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the co-links as an array.
getColNumerator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the colNumerator vector.
getColNumerator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get Column Numerator
getColor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getColor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Gets the color used by the renderer to generate shadows.
getColorBalance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getColormap() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Get Colormap
getColormap() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns a georColormap instance which is constructed by colormap data associated with the specific layer of the current JGeoRaster object.
getColormapEntries() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Returns the GeorColormapEntry array.
getColormapEntry(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Returns a GeorColormap entry indexed by a given value.
getColormapEntry(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Returns a GeorColormap entry indexed by a given entry number.
getColormapTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the color map table name.
getColormapVector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the color map as a vector, which stores all (value,red,green,blue,alpha) in order.
getColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point column.
getColumn(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
getColumnDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
Returns the column dimension.
getColumnName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Returns the geometry column name.
getColumnNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the list of columns names
getColumnNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonLocation
getColumnOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the columnOff value.
getColumnOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get column offset
getColumnRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the columnRMS value.
getColumnRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get column RMS
getColumnScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the columnScale value.
getColumnScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get column scale
getColumnType(byte, short) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
getCommonLinks(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the common links between two paths Note only links with consistent path direction will be returned
getCommonNodes(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the common nodes between two paths
getCommonPointRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getCommonSubPaths(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the common sub-paths between two paths
getComponentNo() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node component number.
getComponentTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the component table name
getCompressionQuality() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the compression quality.
getCompressionType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the compression type.
getConfig(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
Returns the LOD Configuration information for the specified network.
getConfigManager() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
Returns the singleton of ConfigManager.
getConfigManager() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns the LOD configuration manager singleton.
getConflictDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Returns the attribute conflict descriptor if any conflict is related to this attribute, null otherwise.
getConflictDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns the conflict descriptor if any conflict is related to this feature element, null otherwise.
getConflictDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Returns the link conflict descriptor.
getConflictDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Returns the conflict descriptor.
getConflictsNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Returns the number of conflicts.
getConflictsNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the number of attributes in conflict.
getConflictsNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Returns the number of conflicts.
getConflictsNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NFEConflictsDescriptor
Returns the number of conflicts.
getConflictsNumberWithoutShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the number of non shape attributes in conflict.
getConnectableEdges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Gets a collection of edges to be connected to a vertex
getConnectableIntersectionLocation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Gets the location of edge where the connection will be performed.
getConnectableSpatialPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Gets the edge's point that will be connected
getConnectableVertex() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Gets the vertex instance to be connected
getConnectedElements(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Gets all the feature elements adjacent to the given feature element.
getConnectingLineLineRuleId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Gets the line line rule ID which allows the connections described
getConnectingLinePointRuleId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Gets the line point rule ID that will connect the edge
getConnectingLinePointRuleId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Gets the line point rule ID which allows the connections described
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the connection object associated with current GeoRaster object.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the current sql connection
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Returns a connection which points to target database.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns a connection which points to target database.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Returns a connection which points to target database.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns a connection which points to target database.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Returns a connection which points to target database.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns a connection which points to target database.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getConnection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
use getDataSource instead
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
Returns the connection.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEAbstractDataSource
getConnection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEDataSource
Returns a Connection and throws the appropriate exception if it can not do so.
getConnection() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ExtendedKML2
getConnection(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns a new OracleConnection instance.
getConnection(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Static method to build a JDBC Connection object from a connection string, user ID, and password.
getConnectionData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
Gets the connection data.
getConnectionDescriptors(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler
getConnectionDescriptors(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandler
Gets a list connection descriptors which define how and which of the elements given the parameter, are going to be connected.
getConnectionDescriptors(NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler
getConnectionDescriptors(NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELinePointRuleHandler
Gets a list connection descriptors which define how and which of the elements given the parameter, are going to be connected.
getConnectionManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
getConnectionManager() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Gets the connection manager used by the current NFEModel
getConnectionProperties() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
Returns the current connection properties.
getConnectionSpatialPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Gets the point in the space where the connecting vertex will be placed after the connection is performed
getConnectionWihoutWorkspaceHandling() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
Obtains a connection from the Pool Data Source.
getConnectionWihoutWorkspaceHandling() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEAbstractDataSource
Returns a database connection and throws the appropriate exception if it can not do so.
getConnStr(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
connects to the database using supplied information.
getConstraints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint
getContainFace() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Node
getContainingFace(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Overload provides the default behavior of getContaingFace(), that with allow_iso_coincidence false.
getContainingFace(Point2DD, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
From the faces in the instance cache, determines the one, if any, that contains the test point in its open set.
getContext() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler
getContext() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler
getContext() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandler
Gets the handler's context
getContext() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
getCoord() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Node
getCoords() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getCoordsys(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
Return the CoordSysInfo for the given SRID.
getCoordSysInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns a CoordSysInfo for the srid of this geometry (updating the sridCSI field if necessary).
getCoreLoop() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Gets the instance of Core Loop used by this canvas.
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link cost.
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
use getCosts();
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
use getCosts()
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
use getCosts();
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Returns the cost of this link.
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Returns the cost of this node.
getCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Gets the cost of the network element
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node cost.
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path cost.
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
Returns the link cost
getCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the cost from root node
getCost(Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.LinkCostFunction
returns the user defined link cost function This function overrides getCost() method of Link Objects.
getCostExpression(AnalysisCustomizedCost, NFEFeatureLayer, NFEFeatureClass) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Returns the customized expression (analysisCustomizedCost.getExpression) if the customized cost applies to the featureLayer and featureClass, null otherwise.
getCostOption() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Returns the cost option.
getCostRange() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Returns the cost range.
getCosts() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the costs of this path.
getCosts() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the costs of this path.
getCosts() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns the costs of the subpath.
getCosts() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeature
Returns the costs of the path.
getCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeatureImpl
Returns the path costs.
getCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpanningTree
getCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPath
Returns the total cost of the TSP tour.
getCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPathFeature
Returns the total cost of the TSP tour.
getCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Return the costs from the start points to the node.
getCosts(PointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the costs from a buffer center to the input point.
getCostsAtNode(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns the costs to pass through the input node.
getCostsAtNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns an array of costs at each individual nodes on the path.
getCostsAtPrevNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the costs to pass through the previous node.
getCostsToNode(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns the cumulative costs from the start node to the input node.
getCostsToNode(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPath
Returns the cumulative costs from the start point to the input node.
getCostsToNode(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
getCostsToNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns an array of cumulative costs from the start node to the nodes on the path.
getCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogramEntry
Returns the count value.
getCounts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Returns the counts array.
getCurrentCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the path cost of current node
getCurrentCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
getCurrentCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the costs of the current node.
getCurrentDeletedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getCurrentDepth() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the path depth of current node.
getCurrentDepth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the path depth of the current node.
getCurrentDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returnspath the path duration of current node
getCurrentLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the current link.
getCurrentLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the current link.
getCurrentLink(VisitedNode, LogicalBasicNetwork) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getCurrentNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the current node.
getCurrentNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the current node.
getCurrentObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns the current object.
getCurrentRatioScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Returns the current ratio scale.
getCurrentUserObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the user objects that have been accumulated so far.
getCustCostOfLink(Connection, NFEModel, List<AnalysisCustomizedCost>, Long, NFEExpressionAnalyzer) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Returns the link custom cost.
getDash() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
Gets currently available (already loaded) data.
getData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
getDataAccess() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Returns the data access object.
getDataAccessObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
Return a new data access object.
getDataMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getDataMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
returns the MBR of all the data currently loaded.
getDataMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Gets the minimum bounding rectangle of all the data in this layer.
getDataMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
Always return null here.
getDataMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
returns the MBR of all the data currently loaded.
getDataModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getDataSet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
getDataSet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getDataSetLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns the layer owning this object
getDataSource() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
getDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
getDataSource() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the data source.
getDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
getDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
getDataSource() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOService
Returns the NFE data source.
getDataSource() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Returns NFE data source.
getDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
getDataSource(String...) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
getDataSource(String...) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
getDataSRSTolerance(AffineTransform, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets a tolerance in the data coordinate system given a tolerance in pixels
getDataWindow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Gets the data window rectangle
getDataWindowSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Gets the data window SRID
getDate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Returns the saved point date
getDateFormat() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Returns the date format used
getDateGlobalizationSupport() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Returns true if date globalization is supported
getDbNotification() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
The database command to get this type of notification
getDBOrdsLimit() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
getDBVersion(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Gets the version of the database connected.
getDecimalDigits() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn
getDecimalDigits() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
getDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Getter for the numeric value of the geohash
getDefaultBlue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the default blue layer number set in the GeoRaster object.
getDefaultColorStyle() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
Returns a default color render style.
getDefaultComponentTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the default component table name, which is <NETWORKNAME>_COMP$
getDefaultGreen() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the default green layer number set in the GeoRaster object.
getDefaultLabelStyle() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
Returns a default label style (text).
getDefaultLineStyle() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
Returns a default line render style.
getDefaultMarkerStyle() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
Returns a default marker render style.
getDefaultPartitionBlobTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the default partition table name, which is <NETWORKNAME>_PBLOB$
getDefaultPointInitValues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Gets a map containing all the point feature attributes and its initialization values
getDefaultPointSize() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the default point size
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
getDefaultRed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the default red layer number set in the GeoRaster object.
getDefaultRenderStyle() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
Returns a default render style (it is a color).
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Gets the value the attribute must contain when it is created
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
getDegree() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets the degree(number of links taht connect to the node) of a node
getDeletedFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the deleted feature elements.
getDeletedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the deleted features.
getDeletedLinkIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
getDeletedLinkIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getDeletedLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the deleted links.
getDeletedNodeIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
getDeletedNodeIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getDeletedNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the deleted nodes.
getDeletedRuleInstanceRelations() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the deleted rule instance relations.
getDeletedRuleInstances() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the deleted rule instances.
getDepth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the depth of the current node, which is equal to the number of links from the start node to the current node.
getDepth() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the depth of the node form root.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the description.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point description.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the description of the GeoRaster object.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the georeference description.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the description.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Returns the georeference description.
getDescriptionString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
getDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getDetails() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
getDimArray(int, String, String, String, String, String, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
getDimensionArray(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
getDimensions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the dimensionality of this geometry.
getDimensions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Returns the model dimensions.
getDimensions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
getDimensions() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
getDimensions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
getDimensionSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the dimension size of the specified dimension.
getDimName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Gets the dimension's name
getDimName(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Returns the specified dimension name.
getDirection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the direction the network is being explored.
getDirection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the direction (forward or backward) of the network buffer.
getDirection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
getDirection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
getDispatcher() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getDispatcher() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the event dispatcher used by the model.
getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the distance between two points
getDistance(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getDistance(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the distance between two points
getDistToInterCommonPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Gets the distance from the element's intersected point to the point considered as the origin of the intersection
getDistUnitsPerMeter() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
getDouble() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
getDrawable(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
getDrawable(AffineTransform) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
This method returns a drawable Java2D shape or point that can be directly rendered onto a device.
getDrawable(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
getDrawable(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
This method returns a drawable Java2D shape or point that can be directly rendered onto a device.
getDrawables(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
This method returns an array of drawable Java2D shape or point that can be directly rendered onto a device.
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets link duration information
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets node duration information
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Gets path duration information
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
Returns the sum of duration from root node to this node
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the sum of duration from root to this tree node
getDynamicNetworkCache() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the dynamic network cache.
getEdge() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Gets the edge to be connected
getEdge(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns a reference to an Edge object given its logical ID.
getEdgeAdditions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the edges that have been added in the cache.
getEdgeChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the edges that have been changed in the cache.
getEdgeDeletions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the edges that have been marked as deleted in the cache: deleted since the cache topology was loaded from the database, but not yet removed from the database.
getEdgeIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides an Iterator for traversal of all the Edge objects contained in the instance cache.
getEditionFlags() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObject
getEditionFlags() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
Gets all the active flags
getEditionManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getEditionManager() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the edition manager used by the current model
getEditionMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getEditionMode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the edition mode of the current model.
getEditionMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns edition mode.
getEditorSessions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the session names for data source editor.
getEditSession(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Gets the EditSession XML string from the server
getEditSessionNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns the edit session names.
getEightNeighbors() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the eight neighbors of this
getElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Gets the intersection's element
getElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
Gets the element represented by the line
getElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Gets the manipulated element
getElement(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Returns the ith element in the feature.
getElement(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
getElement(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
getElement(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiablePriorityQueue
Returns the element with the input ID, if the element exists; otherwise, returns null.
getElement(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getElementAt(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets an element in this geometry.
getElementAtIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
getElementByLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the sub-geometry indicated by the label string.
getElementIndexes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Cluster
getElementPartition(VisitedNode, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets an array of the (geometry) elements in this geometry.
getElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Returns the feature elements in the feature.
getElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
getElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the elements in this network buffer.
getElements(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
getElementType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns the feature element type.
getElemInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the reference to the element infomation array of this JGeometry.
getElemInfoOfElement(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
getElevationParam() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get elevation Parameters
getEncoding() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
getEnd() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
Returns the end value of the interval.
getEnd() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TimeWindow
getEndDateTime() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Returns the end date and time.
getEndLinkIndex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns the end link index.
getEndLinkIndex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getEndMeasure() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getEndMeasure() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets the end measure of the referenced LRS geometry.
getEndMeasure(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getEndNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the end node.
getEndNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
use getEndPoints
getEndNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the last node on this path.
getEndNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Returns the reference to the end node.
getEndNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
getEndNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Gets the link's end node
getEndNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the end node of the path.
getEndNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getEndNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the end node ID of this path.
getEndNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Returns the end node ID.
getEndNodeIdChild() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Returns the end node identifier of the child workspace.
getEndNodeIdParent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Returns the end node identifier of the parent workspace.
getEndPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the end percentage if the link is created based on an existing link
getEndPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement
Returns the end percentage of the feature element.
getEndPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
getEndPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns the location of the end point of the subpath as a percentage of the last link of the containing path.
getEndPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getEndPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the line feature element's end point relative to its link's length.
getEndPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getEndPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
Returns the end percentage of the link if the tree link is a partial link
getEndPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
use getEndPoints
getEndPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the end points.
getEndPosInOrdinateArray(JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
getEngineConfig() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
getEntryCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
Gets the number of entries (inserted objects) in the tree
getErrorCode() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Returns the error code.
getErrorMessage(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Extracts the error message from an exception message.
getErrorMsg() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Returns the error message.
getErrors() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
Returns errors.
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Returns the event dispatcher.
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets the event dispatcher currently used.
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
getEventManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Gets the Event Manager instance used by this canvas.
getEventType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns the event type.
getExecutionOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the rule execution order
getExpandedNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the node currently being expanded.
getExpandedNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getExpression() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
Returns the cost expression.
getExpression() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
Returns the expression
getExpressionAnalyzer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Gets the current expression analyzer instance
getExtendedMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Extends the MBR for a the Geodetic geometry to account for the curvature of the earth.
getExtent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get the Virtual Mosaic extent
getExtent(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get one of the Virtual Mosaic extent values
getExternalNodeIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the external node IDs in the sub-network.
getFace(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns a reference to a Face object given its logical ID.
getFaceAdditions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the faces that have been added in the cache.
getFaceBoundary(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns an array of edge IDs making up the boundary of a face, with several options
getFaceChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the faces that have been changed in the cache.
getFaceDeletions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the faces that have been marked as deleted in the cache: deleted since the cache topology was loaded from the database, but not yet removed from the database.
getFaceIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides an Iterator for traversal of all the Face objects contained in the instance cache.
getFailedDispatches() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatchException
Gets the objects for which the event could not be dispatched
getFalseEastingInMeters() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
getFalseNorthingInMeters() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
getFD() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Returns the opaque file descriptor object associated with this stream.
getFeatClassAttributesConstraintsTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the feature class attributes constraints table.
getFeatClassDefaultConnectedPointTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the default connected points table.
getFeatClassRelationTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the feature class relation table.
getFeatClassTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns feature class table.
getFeatRulesRelTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the table that keeps the relationship between features and rules.
getFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Returns the feature of interest.
getFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the feature element's feature
getFeature(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayer
Returns the feature with the input feature ID.
getFeature(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
getFeature(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getFeature(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets a feature identified by the given ID contained in the feature layer
getFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Gets the abstract feature.
getFeatureAttribute(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getFeatureAttributeDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the feature attributes descriptors.
getFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets the feature class of the feature
getFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Gets the feature class used for creating new features in case a target feature has not been specified
getFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
Gets the feature class currently used for creating features
getFeatureClass(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getFeatureClass(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets a feature class which belongs on this feature layer.
getFeatureClassDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the feature class descriptor.
getFeatureClassDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Returns the feature class descriptors.
getFeatureClasses() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getFeatureClasses() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the feature classes defined for this feature layer
getFeatureClasses(NFEFeatureShape) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getFeatureClasses(NFEFeatureShape) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets all the feature classes matching the given shape from the feature layer
getFeatureClassId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Returns the feature class id parameter.
getFeatureClassId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Gets the feature class id for which the rule is applicable
getFeatureClassId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Returns the feature class identifier.
getFeatureClassIdOfFeature(NFEModelMetadata, Long, Collection<NFEFeatureClass>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Returns the feature class identifier of the specified feature
getFeatureClassName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Returns the feature class name.
getFeatureData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the feature data associated to this network.
getFeatureDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Returns the feature descriptor.
getFeatureDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Returns the list of features involved in a conflict.
getFeatureElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstanceRelation
Gets the related feature element
getFeatureElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEFeatureElementGeoObject
Gets the GeoObject feature element
getFeatureElementDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the feature element descriptors.
getFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets all the feature elements in the feature
getFeatureElements(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getFeatureElements(Area) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the feature elements interacting with the given area.
getFeatureElements(Area, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getFeatureElements(Area, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the feature elements interacting with the given area.
getFeatureElements(Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getFeatureElements(Point2D, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the feature elements interacting with the given point.
getFeatureElements(Point2D, double, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getFeatureElements(Point2D, double, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the feature elements interacting with the given point.
getFeatureElements(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getFeatureElements(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the feature elements interacting with the given rectangle.
getFeatureElements(Rectangle2D, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getFeatureElements(Rectangle2D, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the feature elements interacting with the given rectangle.
getFeatureElementsCount(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeatureElementsCount(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the number of feature elements associated to a network element
getFeatureElementsOnNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeatureElementsOnNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets all the feature elements associated to a network element
getFeatureElementsOnNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeatureElementsOnNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets all the feature elements with the given hierarchy level associated to a network element
getFeatureElementType(FeatureElement.FeatureElementType) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Returns the feature element type identifier.
getFeatureId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Returns the feature id parameter.
getFeatureId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the feature identifier.
getFeatureIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayer
Returns all the feature IDs in this feature layer.
getFeatureIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
getFeatureKeyValue(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the feature key value
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets the feature's feature layer
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the feature class' feature layer
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the feature element's feature layer.
getFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Gets the rendered feature layer
getFeatureLayer(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureData
Returns the feature data for the input feature layer.
getFeatureLayer(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureDataImpl
getFeatureLayer(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeatureLayer(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets a model's feature layer by its id.
getFeatureLayer(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeatureLayer(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets a model's feature layer by its name
getFeatureLayerDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Returns the feature layer descriptor.
getFeatureLayerDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NFEConflictsDescriptor
Returns the feature layers descriptors.
getFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the ID of the feature layer.
getFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Returns the feature layer id parameter.
getFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
Returns the feature layer identifier.
getFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the feature layer id.
getFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Gets the feature layer id for which the rule is applicable
getFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Returns the feature layer identifier.
getFeatureLayerIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureData
Returns the feature layer IDs.
getFeatureLayerIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureDataImpl
getFeatureLayerIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns feature layer IDs in ascending order.
getFeatureLayerIds(NetworkSearch.FeatureBundle) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getFeatureLayerMetadata(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns the feature layer metadata for the given feature layer ID.
getFeatureLayerMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns the feature layer metadata for the given feature layer name.
getFeatureLayerMetadataOrderById() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns the feature layer metadata array sorted by feature layer name.
getFeatureLayerMetadataOrderByName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns the feature layer metadata array sorted by feature layer name.
getFeatureLayerName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the name of the feature layer.
getFeatureLayerName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the feature layer name.
getFeatureLayerNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns feature layer names in ascending order.
getFeatureLayerRenderers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Gets all the feature layer renderers associated
getFeatureLayers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeatureLayers() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the feature layers of the current model.
getFeatureLayersAttributesUsingCatalog(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
getFeatureLayersAttributesUsingCatalog(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Returns a map with as key the feature layer identifiers and as values the list of attributes using the catalog.
getFeatureLayersMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the feature layers metadata.
getFeatureLayerType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the type of the feature layer.
getFeatureLayerType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the feature layer type.
getFeatureLayerType(FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Returns the feature layer type identifier.
getFeatureList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
Returns the features to visit on the tour.
getFeatureMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the feature metadata.
getFeatures() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayer
Returns all the features in this feature layer.
getFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
getFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets all the features in the feature layer.
getFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the current set of features.
getFeatures(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getFeatures(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets all the features with the given Feature Class in the Feature Layer.
getFeatures(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns all the features that interact with the given area
getFeatures(Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns all the features interacting with the given point used the specified tolerance as buffer around the point
getFeatures(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns all the features that interact with the given MBR
getFeaturesByAttribute(Rectangle2D, Field) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns the feature that interact with input mbr and have an attribute value equal to input attribute.
getFeatureService() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
getFeatureService() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Returns the feature service.
getFeaturesNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Returns the number of features in conflict.
getFeaturesNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Returns the number of features in conflict.
getFeaturesNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NFEConflictsDescriptor
Returns the number of features in conflict.
getFeaturesOnLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayer
Returns the features associated with the input link.
getFeaturesOnLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
getFeaturesOnNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getFeaturesOnNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets all the features containing feature elements associated to the specified network element
getFeaturesOnNode(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayer
Returns the features associated with the input node.
getFeaturesOnNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerImpl
getFeatureSpatialAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getFeatureTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the feature table.
getFeatureTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the name of the feature table.
getFeatureTableTopologies(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the topoloy names associated with table and column.
getFeatUserDataCatalogTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the catalog table.
getFeatUserDataCatalogValueTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the catalogs values table.
getFeatUserDataTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the feature user data table.
getFieldData(int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
get the value string for the ith field in the given record.
getFieldLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFieldDesc
getFieldLength(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
return the length of the specified field.
getFieldName(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
returns the name for the ith field of records in this file.
getFieldNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Retrieves all the field names in lower case, ordered by index.
getFieldOffset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFieldDesc
getFieldType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFieldDesc
getFieldType(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
get the type for the ith field in a record.
getFieldTypes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Retrieves all the field data types, ordered by index.
getFileAsByteArray(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Returns the file in path oracle/spatial/network/nfe/images/imageName
getFileCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getFileLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getFilePointer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Returns the current offset in this file.
getFillGap() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getFirst() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Returns the first layer from this list, or null if this list is empty.
getFirst(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Returns the first layer from the specified position in the list, or null if there are no layers at that position.
getFirst(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
getFirst(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
getFirst(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getFirst(Node, String[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
getFirst(Node, String[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
getFirst(Node, String[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getFirstEtype() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Gets the very first etype of the 3D geometry
getFirstGeoRasterObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the first GeoRaster object found on the virtual mosaic
getFirstLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the first link on this path.
getFirstLinkId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the ID of the first link on this path.
getFirstPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the first coordinate for this geometry.
getFlags() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Gets the current flags of this instance.
getFlags(J3D_Geometry, boolean[], boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
getFlat() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getFlow() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the flow on the link after flow analysis
getFont() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
getFormattedMessage(String, Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs.MessagesBundle
getFormattedMessage(String, Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs.MessagesBundle
getFormattedMessage(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs.MessagesBundle
getFormattedMessage(String, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs.MessagesBundle
getFrameForDialog() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Gets the containing frame
getFullExtent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getFullExtent() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
getFullExtent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getFullExtent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getFunctionalFittingModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns a GeorFunctionFittingModel object based on XML metadata.
getGCP(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Get a Ground Control Point
getGcpFFMethod() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the GCP FFMethod.
getGcpPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the GCP points.
getGCPPointType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point description.
getGcpTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the GCP table name.
getGdalConnectionString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getGdalConnectionString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getGdalConnectionString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getGeoDataProducer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Gets the currently set GeoDataProducer.
getGeodeticSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
getGeogCrsUomFactor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getGeoHashString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Getter for geohash string
getGeoHashToTheEast() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the geohash to the east of this.
getGeoHashToTheNorth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the geohash to the north of this.
getGeoHashToTheSouth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the geohash to the south of this
getGeoHashToTheWest() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the geohash to the west of this
getGeomDescriptor(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Obtains a StructDescriptor object to the MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY PL/SQL object type from the given connection.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link geometry (JGeometry).
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialHeavyPath
Returns the geometry information of the path.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialLink
Returns the geometry information of the link.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialNetLink
Returns the geometry information of the link.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialNetNode
Returns the geometry information of the node.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialNode
Returns the geometry information of the node.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialPath
Returns the geometry information of the path.
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialSubPath
Returns the geometry information of the path.
getGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialSubPathImpl
getGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
gets the network element's geometry
getGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Gets the geometry of the intersection's element
getGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
Gets the GeoObject's geometry
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the point geometry (JGeometry).
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path geometry (JGeometry).
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
Returns the geometry of the tree link
getGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the geometry of the tree node
getGeometry(byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
getGeometry(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
getGeometry(Node, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getGeometry(Node, String[], Vector) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getGeometryAttributes(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the geometry attributes of a table.
getGeometryBytes(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
retrieve nth shape record and return it as a byte array.
getGeometryColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getGeometryDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getGeometryDescriptor() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the geometry descriptor of the current model.
getGeometryDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the geometry descriptor.
getGeometryDimensions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getGeometrySrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getGeometryTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
getGeometryType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network geometry type.
getGeometryType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the network geometry type.
getGeomID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the LRS geometry ID.
getGeomID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the LRS geomeetry ID.
getGeoObject(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets the GeoObject identified by the given key
getGeoObjects(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
getGeoObjects(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getGeoObjects(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
getGeoObjects(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets all the GeoObjects interacting with the given area
getGeoObjects(Point2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
getGeoObjects(Point2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getGeoObjects(Point2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
getGeoObjects(Point2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets all the GeoObjects interacting with the given point
getGeoObjects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
getGeoObjects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getGeoObjects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
getGeoObjects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets all the GeoObjects interacting with the given rectangle
getGeoObjectStyle(NFEFeatureElementGeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
getGeoObjectStyle(NFEFeatureElementGeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
getGeoObjectStyle(NFENetworkElementGeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getGeoObjectStyle(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets the style used for rendering the GeoObject
getGeoRasterColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the column where the current GeoRaster is stored.
getGeoRasterImageObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
getGeoRasterTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the table where the current GeoRaster is stored.
getGeoreferenceType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the georeference type.
getGeoreferenceType(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Returns a number that indicates the georeference type for a GeoRaster object.
getGeorGrayscaleEntry(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Returns a GeorGrayscaleEntry entry indexed by a given value.
getGeorGrayscaleEntry(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Returns a GeorGrayscaleEntry entry indexed by a given entry number.
getGeorHistogramEntry(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Returns a GeorHistogramEntry entry indexed by a given value.
getGeorHistogramEntry(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Returns a GeorHistogramEntry entry indexed by a given entry number.
getGlobalFlags() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Gets the current global logging flags.
getGlobalIPOperation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This method will return current selected global image processing operation.
getGlobalLevel() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Gets the current global logging level.
getGlobalNetworkName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the global network name, i.e., the network name that is globally unique, and is used as the cache key for the network.
getGMLNameSpace() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
getGoalNodeFilters() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getGoalNodeFilters() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default goal node filters to be applied to all analysis functions.
getGray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscaleEntry
Returns the gray value.
getGrayscale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Returns the GeorGrayscaleEntry array.
getGrayscale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the gray scale as a GeorGrayscale object.
getGrayScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Get Grayscale
getGrayscaleTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the gray scale table name.
getGrayscaleVector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the gray scale as a vector, which stores all value and gray pairs.
getGreatCircleDistance(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSUtils
getGreatCircleLength(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSUtils
getGreen() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Returns the green color component.
getGreen() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the layer number mapped to green.
getHandlePoints(GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Gets the ordinates of the points from which a GeoObject can be manipulated
getHandlePoints(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
getHandlePoints(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getHandler() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the rule handler instance associated to the rule
getHandler(NFEConnectivityRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
getHandler(NFEConnectivityRule) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Gets the handler assigned to the given connectivity rule
getHandler(NFEConnectivityRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Gets the appropriate handler for the given rule
getHandlerClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the class of rule handler associated to the rule
getHandlerClassName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the name of the rule habdler's class associated to the rule
getHandlerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the id of the rule handler associated to the rule
getHeaderSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
getHeavyPointsOnNet(PointOnNet[], int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
getHeight() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
getHeuristicCost(double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.EuclideanCostFunction
getHeuristicCost(double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticCostFunction
getHeuristicCost(Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AStarCostFunction
Returns the heuristic cost between 2 AStarNodes (currnet node and goal node)
getHeuristicCost(HeavyPointOnNet, HeavyPointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyCostFunction
getHeuristicCost(HeavyPointOnNet, HeavyPointOnNet) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeuristicCostFunction
Returns the heuristic cost from the current point to the target point.
getHierarchyLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
Returns the hierarchy level.
getHierarchyLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getHierarchyLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the hierarchy level of the feature layer
getHierarchyLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getHierarchyLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets the node's hierarchy level
getHierarchyLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node hierarchy level.
getHierarchyTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the hierarchy table.
getHierarchyTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the name of the hierarchy table.
getHigh() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the high point.
getHigh(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the specified ordinate from the high point.
getHistogram() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the histogram as a GeorHistogram object.
getHistogram(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get the histogram data
getHistogramTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the histogram table name.
getHistogramVector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the histogram as a vector, which stores all value and count pairs.
getHistoryMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network history metadata.
getHost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getHost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the host.
getHourHandSpeed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Returns the clock´s hour hand speed
getHover() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getHover() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverableLayer
Returns all the geo-object that are being hovered
getHover() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
getHover() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getHoverLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Gets the layer that is hovered when adding feature elements.
getIcon() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
getIcon() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getIcon(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.icons.Icons
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Returns the feature ID.
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Identifiable
Returns the ID of the element.
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Returns the link ID.
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Returns the node ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the ID of the node.
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Gets the constraint ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Gets the catalog ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalogValue
Gets the value ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets the feature's ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the feature class' ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the id of the feature layer
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Gets the descriptor ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets the ID of the network
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Gets the ID of the network element
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the network id.
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the ID of the model.
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns model identifier.
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Gets the cardinality rule id
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the rule id
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets the rule instance id
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets the intersection ID
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Gets the member's id
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Node
getID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point ID.
getID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link ID.
getID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node ID.
getID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path ID.
getID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Face
getIdBufferSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator
getIdBufferSize() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdGenerator
Returns the size of the ID buffer.
getIdGenerator(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getIdGenerator(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the NFEIdGenerator currently used for generating ID's for the given entity
getIdManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getIdManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
getIdManager() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the id manager used by the current model
getIdManager() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Gets the NFEIdManager instance currently used.
getImage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Gets the current working image.
getImage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
getImage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
Gets the image associated with this geo-object.
getImageOpacityAlpha() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets the opacity
getImpactedLinkDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Returns the links that belongs to the same conflict in case of a conflict group.
getImpactedNodeDescriptorList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Returns the nodes that belongs to the same conflict in case of a conflict group.
getImpactedNodesIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the nodes identifiers that directly are part of the conflict or that are the start or end of a link that is in conflict.
getIncidentLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the incident links of the node as an array.
getIncidentLinks(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the IDs of all the links incident to this node.
getIncidentLinks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getIncludeNODATA() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getIncomingLinkIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the incoming link IDs in the sub-network.
getInConnectionCount(NFEFeatureElement, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Gets the count of the incoming connected lines with the specified feature layer and feature class.
getInConnectionsCount(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Gets the incoming connected lines count
getInDegree() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets the in-degree of the node in a directed network
getIndexedDataSet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getIndexedSet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getInLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getInLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets all the in-links connected to the node
getInLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the in-links of the node as an array.
getInLinks(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the array of incoming links to this node.
getInLinks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.SQLValidator
Method to get an instance from SQLValidator (Singleton).
getInt() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
getInteraction() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Gets the binary interaction which triggers this rule
getInteractionEngine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
getInteractionEngine() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Gets the current interaction engine instance
getInterleaving() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the interleaving type.
getInternalBoundaryNodeIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the internal node IDs in the sub-network without a link to any external nodes.
getInternalLinkIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the internal link IDs in the sub-network.
getInternalNodeIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the internal node IDs in the sub-network.
getInternalNonBoundaryNodeIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the internal node IDs in the sub-network without a link to any external nodes.
getIntersection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
getIntersection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
getIntersection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
Gets the intersection that is currently being processed.
getIntersection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam
Gets the intersection that is currently being processed.
getIntersectionLocaction(JGeometry, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
Gets a line's intersection location based on the line's segment point
getIntersectionLocation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Gets the element's location where the intersection takes place
getIntersectionMember(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
getIntersectionMember(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
getIntersectionMember(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
Gets the feature element as an intersection member of the current intersection.
getIntersectionMember(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam
Gets the intersection member representation of the given feature element.
getIntersectionPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets the spatial point where the intersection occurred
getIntersectionPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Gets the spatial point where the element is intersected.
getIntersectionPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
getIntersectionPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.PointIntersectionMember
getIntersectionSegmentPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
Gets the line's segment point where the intersection is taking place
getInterval() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval
getIntervals() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals
getIntTableType(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
getInverseFlattening() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
getInvolvedNodesIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Returns the nodes identifiers that belongs to the feature and conflict regions.
getIsEditable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the editing state.
getIslandEdges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Face
getIslandNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Face
getJavaPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the java2D point rerepsentation of this geometry.
getJavaPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the java2D points rerepsentation of this geometry.
getJdbcDriverMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the driver mode (thin or oci).
getJDBCDriverVersion(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Gets the oracle JDBC driver version string.
getJGeometry(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
getJGeometry(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
getJoin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getJSONString(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an JSON string represented by this GeoRasterMetadata object.
getJSONString(StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getJSONString(StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getJSONString(StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getJSONString(StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getJSONString(StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getJSONString(StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getJSONString(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns a JSON string represented by this GeoRaster Metadata subcomponent.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Returns the feature's key.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the feature element's key which is used to uniquely identify a feature element in an NFEModel
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Gets the network element's key.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the rule key which is used to uniquely identify the rule across other types of connectivity rules
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstanceRelation
Gets the relation's key which is used to uniquely identify the relation
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable.LongEntry
getKey() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Gets the key of the selected object.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
Gets the key of the selected object.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns the key value.
getKeyColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getKeyColumnJavaType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getKeyList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Returns the key list.
getKShortestPathsAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getKShortestPathsAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default k-shortest paths algorithm.
getlabelbyelement(Struct, Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
getLabelByElement(J3D_Geometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Computes the corresponding sub-geometry's label within the geometry.
getLabelPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the SDO_GEOMETRY.sdo_point as a label point.
getLabelPointXYZ() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns the x,y and z value of the label point in a double array.
getLast() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the last Drawable instance in a Drawable collection
getLast() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Returns the last layer from this list, or null if this list is empty.
getLast(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Returns the last layer from the specified position in the list, or null if there are no layers at that position.
getLastException() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
When a method of this class returns null, this method will return an Exception that explains why null was returned.
getLastLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the last link on this path.
getLastLinkId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the ID of the last link on this path.
getLastPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the last coordinate of the geometry.
getLatLonFromRadians(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSUtils
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
getLayer() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DataProducer
Gets the layer that is currently consuming data from this producer.
getLayer() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Gets the associated layer for this object.
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager.Entry
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
Gets the associated layer for this object.
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
getLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
getLayerByName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getLayerByPosition(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getLayerByTag(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getLayerDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
Returns the layer dimension.
getLayerDimensionOrdinate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the layer dimension ordinate.
getLayerID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the layer ID.
getLayerInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an LayerInfo object, which represents the XML LayerInfo element, contained in the current instance.
getLayerManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Returns the LayerManager associated with this canvas.
getLayerNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the layer number.
getLeafNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Returns leaf nodes in an array
getLeftHandSideLinePointRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Gets the line-point rule that corresponds to the left hand side operand of the line-line rule
getLength() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the lengths in an MDPoint.
getLength() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Gets the maximum length the attribute can be if it is a VARCHAR type
getLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
getLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.CharacterColumn
getLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.DateColumn
getLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.LogicalColumn
getLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn
getLength() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
getLength(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getLength(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the length of the specified dimension.
getLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Returns the link level.
getLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
getLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Gets the link's level
getLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Gets the logging level of this instance.
getLine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
Gets the current line geometry
getLineAttrCondition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the rule's line attribute condition.
getLineFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
getLineFeatureClass() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Gets the descriptor's owner line feature class
getLineFeatureClassId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the rule's line feature class id
getLineFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the rule's line feature layer id
getLineLength(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the length of a line.
getLineLineRules() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets all the line-line rules contained in the rules model
getLineLineRules(Collection<NFELinePointRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Returns the model's line line rules from the table LINE_LINE_RULE_[model_id].
getLineLineRuleTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the line-line rules table.
getLineNearestSegment(double[], Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the line's segment nearest to the given point as long as it is not farer than the given tolerance
getLineNearestSegment(JGeometry, Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the line's segment nearest to the given point as long as it is not farer than the given tolerance
getLineNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonLocation
getLinePointRules() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Returns the model's line point rules from the table LINE_POINT_RULE_[model_id].
getLinePointRules() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets all the line-point rules contained in the rules model
getLinePointRuleTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the line-point rules table.
getLines(Collection<V>, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getLineSegmentPoint(double[], Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the nearest segment point in the line to the given point as long as it is not farer than the given tolerance.
getLineSegmentPoint(JGeometry, Point2D) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the nearest segment point in the line to the given point.
getLineSegmentPoint(JGeometry, Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the nearest segment point in the line to the given point as long as it is not farer than the given tolerance.
getLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeavyPointOnNet
Returns link.
getLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals
Returns the link object.
getLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
Returns the link.
getLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the link and percentage on the link if the tree node is a node on the link isNodeOnLink() == true
getLink(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the link by ID.
getLink(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the link by the start and the end node IDs
getLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the logical link object for the specified link id.
getLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
getLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
getLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets the link identified by the given ID.
getLink(long, int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the standalone logical link.
getLink(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the link by the STring ID.
getLinkArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links as an array.
getLinkArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path links as an array.
getLinkArray(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified active flag as an array.
getLinkArray(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified level as an array.
getLinkArray(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified type as an array.
getLinkAt(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
getLinkCost(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultLinkCostCalculator
getLinkCost(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkCostCalculator
getLinkCost(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkCostCalculator
Computes the cost of the next link in the analysis info.
getLinkCostCalculator() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultLinkCostCalculator
getLinkCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the primary link cost calculator.
getLinkCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Returns the link cost calculator.
getLinkCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
getLinkCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getLinkCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the link cost calculators.
getLinkCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getLinkCostCalculators() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Returns the link cost calculators.
getLinkCostColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the link cost column name.
getLinkCostColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the link table cost column.
getLinkDataIndexMap(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the link user data index map.
getLinkDataLength(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the link user data length
getLinkDataNames() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the link user data names in a String array
getLinkDataNames(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the link user data names in a String array
getLinkDataType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the link user data type of the given data name
getLinkDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns the link descriptor if the network element is a link, null otherwise.
getLinkDirection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network link type (directed, or undirected).
getLinkDirection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the link direction.
getLinkDurationColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getLinkDurationColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Gets link duration column name
getLinkEnteringCosts(long, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the cost before entering the link.
getLinkGeomColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the link geometry column name in the database.
getLinkGeomColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the link table geometry column.
getLinkGeomMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the link geometry metadata.
getLinkHierarchyLevelArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the link hierarchy levels as an array.
getLinkHistoryTable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.HistoryMetadata
getLinkId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement
Returns the ID of the link on which the feature element is defined.
getLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
getLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Returns the link ID, if the point falls on a link.
getLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Returns the link identifier.
getLinkIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns all the link ids in the network.
getLinkIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns the array of link IDs on this path.
getLinkInformation(NFEModel, List<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the links objects for the specified links identifiers list.
getLinkIntervalArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals
Returns the intervals associated with the link.
getLinkIntervalCosts(long, NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the cost range to reach the input interval.
getLinkIntervals() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Returns the link intervals in the network elements.
getLinkIntervals(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Returns the link intervals of the specified link.
getLinkLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link level.
getLinkLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the link level of the network.
getLinkLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the link level of the containing partition.
getLinkLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getLinkLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the link level the node is to be expanded on.
getLinkLevelArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the link levels as an array.
getLinkLevelSelector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
getLinkLevelSelector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getLinkLevelSelector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the link level selector to be used by all analysis functions.
getLinkLevelSelector() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getLinkLevelSelector() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Returns the link level selector.
getLinkLevelToExpand(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
getLinkLevelToExpand(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
getLinkLevelToExpand(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkLevelSelector
Returns the link level for the next node to expand on.
getLinkPartitionColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getLinkPartitionColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
getLinkPartitionIds(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartition
Returns the ID of the partitions that the start and end nodes of the input link belongs to.
getLinkPartitionIds(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
getLinkPartitionIds(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
getLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns all the links in the network.
getLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the logical links on this path.
getLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpanningTree
getLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links as an Iterator.
getLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
getLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets all the links contained in the network
getLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets all the links (in and out) connected to the node
getLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path links as an Iterator.
getLinks(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified active flag as an Iterator.
getLinks(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified link level as an Iterator.
getLinks(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified type as an Iterator.
getLinksByPartitionID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the links with the specified partition ID as a Set.
getLinksIdsByNodeId(long, NFENetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the links identifiers from the links having as start node or end node the specified node.
getLinkTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the link table.
getLinkTableIndexName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the link table index name.
getLinkTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getLinkTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the link table name in the database.
getListeners() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventSupport
Gets all the listeners
getLoadedArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getLoadedArea() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the area currently loaded model's content.
getLoadedArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
getLoadingArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
getLocation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
getLocation() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonException
getLocation() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonParsingException
getLockedArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
Returns the locked area.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Creates an instance of Logger with given name.
getLogger(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Creates an instance of Logger with given name and level.
getLong() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
getLongLat() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Retuns original long/lat equivalent of this UnitSphere, or if none, computes one.
getLow() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the low point.
getLow(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the specified ordinate from the low point.
getLowerBound() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Gets the dimension's lower boundary
getLowerBound(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Returns the specified lower bound.
getLowerX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns the workspace work area lowest X.
getLowerY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns the workspace work area lower Y.
getLRMDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the dimension index for LRS measure.
getLRSGeomColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network LRS geometry column name in the database.
getLRSGeomMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network LRS geometry metadata.
getLRSTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getLRSTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network geometry (LRS) table name in the database.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the major version of the GeoRaster object.
getManipulableGeoObjects() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Gets the layer's GeoObjects that can be manipulated
getManipulableGeoObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
getManipulableGeoObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getManipulator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getManipulator() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the manipulator instance which helps to perform some trivial feature-network operations over the model's content
getMapCanvas() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getMapRegion() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Returns the current MapRegion
getMapScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Gets the current map scale denominator in the ratio scale.
getMapSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Gets the current map SRID
getMapViewerBaseMaps() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns MapViewer base map names.
getMapViewerBaseMaps() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns MapViewer base map names.
getMapViewerBasemapThemeNames(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Return the base map theme names
getMapViewerThemesMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns some information about the MapViewer predefined theme base table.
getMapViewerTileLayersMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns some metadata information about MapViewer tile layers.
getMaskImage(int, long, long, long, long, Vector, int, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster mask in the specified pyramidLevel and layer as a Java Image.
getMaskImage(int, long, long, long, long, Vector, int, int, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster mask in the specified pyramidLevel and layer as a Java Image.
getMaskImage(int, JGeometry, Vector, int, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster mask in the specified pyramidLevel and layer as a Java Image.
getMaskImage(int, JGeometry, Vector, int, int, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster mask in the specified pyramidLevel and layer as a Java Image.
getMatchedEndPoints(HashSet<HeavyPointOnNet[]>, VisitedNode, int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Returns the matched end point among members of the heavy point array.
getMatchingLineFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
getMatchingLineFeatureElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam
Gets all the line feature elements from the current intersection that matches the line operand of the current line-point rule
getMatchingPointFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
getMatchingPointFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
getMatchingPointFeatureElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
Gets all the point feature elements from the current intersection that matches the point operand of the current line-point rule
getMatchingPointFeatureElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam
Gets all the point feature elements from the current intersection that matches the point operand of the current line-point rule
getMax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the statistics maximum value.
getMaxCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the maximum cost constraint.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the maximum depth constraint.
getMaxDistance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the maximum distance constraint.
getMaxDuration() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
getMaxFlow(Network, int, int, Vector) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Retunrs the max flow between the source node and the sink node
getMaxInConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getMaxInConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the maximum number of in connections when the feature class' shape type is point
getMaxInConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Gets the maximum number of incoming connections defined by this rule
getMaxInConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the maximum number of incoming lines of the rule's line type allowed for the rule's point
getMaxLinkID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the maximum link ID.
getMaxLinkLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Returns the maximum link level of the links incident to this node.
getMaxMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the maximum MBR constraint.
getMaxMeasure() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the maximum Measure value in file.
getMaxMemSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the upper limit size of the memory that can be used for managing memory using the GeoRaster buffer system.
getMaxNodeID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the maximun node ID.
getMaxNumberOfNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Returns the maximum number of nodes allowed in the cache for this network level.
getMaxOutConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getMaxOutConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the maximum number of out connections when the feature class' shape type is point
getMaxOutConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Gets the maximum number of outgoing connections defined by this rule
getMaxOutConnections() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the maximum number of outgoing lines of the rule's line type allowed for the rule's point
getMaxPathID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the maximum path ID.
getMaxSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterSizeConstraint
getMaxStretchValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getMaxSubPathID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the maximum subpath ID.
getMaxX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the maximum X value in file.
getMaxY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the maximum Y value in file.
getMaxZ() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the maximum Z value in file.
getMBH() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
Gets the bounds of the whole tree
getMBH(J3D_Geometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
getMbr() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Face
getMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the MBR of this geometry.
getMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialBasicNetwork
Returns the Maximum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the network.
getMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialPartition
Returns the Maximum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the network partition.
getMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialSubNetwork
Returns the Maximum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the subnetwork.
getMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the network MBR.
getMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
getMBR() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Gets the minimum bounding rectangle of this geo-object.
getMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the spatial attribute.
getMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the spatial attribute.
getMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
getMBR(JGeometry, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the MBR of the given geometry containing the given threshold
getMBRForNodes(String, String, List<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the specified nodes.
getMBRForNodes(String, String, List<Long>, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
getMBRForNodes(String, String, List<Long>, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the specified nodes.
getMDPoint() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the MDpoint of the node.
getMean() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the statistics mean value.
getMean() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getMeasure() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the LRS measure.
getMeasure() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
getMedian() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the statistics median value.
getMember(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets a member identified by the given ID
getMembers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets all the members of the intersection
getMembers(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets all the members with the given geometry type
getMembersCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets the number of elements participating in the intersection
getMer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
getMer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
getMer() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RNode
Returns the bounding box of this spatial object.
getMer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Getter for mer
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonException
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonParsingException
getMessage(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs.MessagesBundle
getMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the network metadata.
getMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the feature layer's metadata
getMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets the network's metadata
getMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the metadata of the current model.
getMetadataObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the JGeoRasterMeta object contained in this JGeoRaster object.
getMetadataObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Returns the JGeoRasterMeta object contained in this JGeoRasterVM object.
getMetadataViewName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the network metadata view name (user_sdo_network_metadata).
getMin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the statistics minimum value.
getMinDistanceToLine(Point2D, Point2D[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getMinDistanceToMiltiPoint(Point2D, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getMinDistanceToMultiLine(Point2D, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
Returns the distance between point and a line (or multiline) from the line segment closest to the point.
getMinMeasure() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the minimum Measure value in file.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the minor version of the GeoRaster object.
getMinSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterSizeConstraint
getMinSpectralResolution(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the minimum spectral resolution of the specified dimension.
getMinStretchValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getMinSubPath(LogicalSubPath[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
getMinuteHandSpeed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Returns the clock´s minute hand speed
getMinX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the minimum X value in file.
getMinY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the minimum Y value in file.
getMinZ() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the minimum Z value in file.
getMiterLimit() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getMmax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getMmin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
getMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
Returns the model.
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
getModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOService
Returns the NFE model.
getModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Returns NFE model.
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the current NFEModel instance
getModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Returns the current NFEModel instance
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets the NFE model associated to the rules model
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Gets the NFE model
getModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Gets the current model
getModelCoordinate(double, double, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
calculate model coordinates based on given cell coordinates.
getModelCoordinate(double, double, long, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
calculate model coordinates based on given cell coordinates.
getModelCoordinate(JGeometry, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Transforms a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object to a geometry in the ground coordinate system.
getModelCoordinate(JGeometry, int, int, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Transforms a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object to a geometry in the ground coordinate system.
getModelCoordinateLocation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get model coordinate location
getModelCoordinateLocation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the model coordinate location.
getModelDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point model Dimension.
getModelDimensionDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the model dimension description.
getModelId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns the model id to which the workspace is related.
getModelObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectEvent
Gets the model object related to this event
getModelObjectFactory() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getModelObjectFactory() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the model object factory instance used by the current model.
getModelObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectsEvent
Gets all the model objects involved in the event
getModelObjectsClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectsEvent
Gets the class of the model objects
getModelService() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
getModelService() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Returns the model service.
getModelsIdentificators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
getModelsIdentificators() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Returns a map with identifiers and names of all the existing models.
getModelSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get model SRID
getModelSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the SRID.
getModelString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getModelTotalRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get model total RMS
getModelType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the model type.
getModelWorkspaces(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Returns the workspaces that belongs to the model
getModelWorkspaces(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
getModelWorkspaces(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Returns the workspaces and the data related to the workspaces work area for the specified model.
getModeValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the statistics mode value.
getModifiedFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the modified feature elements.
getModifiedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the modified features.
getModifiedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getModifiedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
getModifiedLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the modified links.
getModifiedLinks(Connection, String, String, String, NFEEditionMode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Returns the links that are different in child workspace and parent workspace.
getModifiedNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the modified nodes.
getModifiedTablesForWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the modified tables associated with the workspace.
getModifiedWorkspacesForTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the workspaces in which the table has been modified.
getModifiedWorkspacesForTopology(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the workspaces in which any topology table has been modified.
getMosaicExtent(String, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Calculates and returns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the spatial extent of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMosaicExtent(String, String, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Calculates and returns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the spatial extent of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMosaicParameters() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the active MosaicPameters
getMosaicResolutions(String, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns the resolution range of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects in a specified unit.
getMosaicResolutions(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns the resolution range of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects in a specified SRID and unit.
getMosaicResolutions(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns the resolution range of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects in a specified unit.
getMosaicResolutions(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns the resolution range of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects in a specified unit.
getMosaicStatistics(String, int, boolean, double[][][], GeorHistogram[][]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns the statistics of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMosaicStatistics(String, String, int, boolean, double[][][], GeorHistogram[][]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Returns the statistics of a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects
getMosaicSubset(int, long, long, long, long, String, int, String, String, String, int, String, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
This private method performs the same operation as JRaster.getRasterSubset but for Virtual Mosaic and it should only be called by getRasterImageVM at this point.
getMosaicSubset(String, Integer, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, JGeometry[], long[], String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs subsetting over a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMosaicSubset(String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, JGeometry[], long[], String, double[], SdoGeoRaster, double[], double[], GeorHistogram[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs subsetting over a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMosaicSubset(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, JGeometry[], long[], String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs subsetting over a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMosaicSubset(String, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, JGeometry[], long[], String, double[], SdoGeoRaster, double[], double[], GeorHistogram[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs subsetting over a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
getMustAvoidLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the must-avoid links as a Vector
getMustAvoidNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the must-avoid nodes as a Vector
getMVPredefinedThemeMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getMVTileLayerMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link name.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the internal network name, for example, the network name stored in network metadata table.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the network name.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network name.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Gets the attribute name
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Gets the catalog's name
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the feature class' name
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the name of the feature layer
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets the name of the network
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Gets the network element's name
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the network name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the name of the model.
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Gets the name of the layer.
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Returns the current workspace name
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Returns the model name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the data set name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
Return the data source name
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node name.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path name.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFieldDesc
getName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
getNamespace() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.util.GML3.GMLVersion
getNameSpace() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
getNameSpace() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
getNameSpace() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
getNearestEdge(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the ID of the Edge object that is nearest to the specified point.
getNearestEdgeInCache(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the ID of the Edge object that of the edges loaded in the cache is nearest to the specified point.
getNearestLine(Collection<V>, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getNearestNode(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the ID of the Node object that is nearest to the specified point.
getNearestNodeInCache(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the ID of the Node object that of the nodes loaded in the cache is nearest to the specified point.
getNearestPoint(Collection<V>, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getNetElementId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns the network element identifier.
getNetLink(long, int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the network link from the specified partition.
getNetNode(long, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the network node from the containing partition.
getNetNodeForDummyExternalNode(int, long, long, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the network node from the containing partition for the dummy external Node.
getNetwork() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the network that contains the link.
getNetwork() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Gets the network
getNetwork() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getNetwork() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the feature layer's network
getNetwork() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Gets the network to which the network element belongs
getNetwork() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getNetwork() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the current model's network
getNetwork() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the network that contains the node.
getNetwork() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the network that contains the path.
getNetwork() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Returns the network that contains the consatrint.
getNetworkAnalysisConfig() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
getNetworkAnalysisElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getNetworkAnalyst() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
getNetworkAnalyst(NetworkIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns a new NetworkAnalyst instance, which uses the input network IO adaptor to retrieve information about the network.
getNetworkCache() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachedNetworkIO
Returns the network cache for all link levels.
getNetworkCache() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the network cache for editing purpose.
getNetworkCacheMap() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network cache as a HashMap with network name (type: String) as keys and networks (type: Network) as values
getNetworkCategory() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the network category.
getNetworkConstraints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getNetworkConstraints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default network constraints to be applied to all analysis functions.
getNetworkDataSource(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
getNetworkElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getNetworkElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the network element where the feature element resides
getNetworkElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFENetworkElementGeoObject
Gets the GeoObject's network element
getNetworkElements(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getNetworkElements(Area) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the network elements interacting with the given area.
getNetworkElements(Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getNetworkElements(Point2D, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the network elements interacting with the given point.
getNetworkElements(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
getNetworkElements(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Gets all the network elements interacting with the given rectangle.
getNetworkExplorer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the network explorer used by this network analyst.
getNetworkFromCache(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Gets the network from the network cache if the specified network is not in the cache, null will be returned To add a network in the cache, use Networkmanager.putNetworkToCache(networkname, network)
getNetworkID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the network ID.
getNetworkID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Gets the network ID.
getNetworkIDFromName(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network ID from a given network name
getNetworkIDs(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Retunrs network names and IDs from the database.
getNetworkIO() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the network IO.
getNetworkIO(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns the network I/O object for the specified network.
getNetworkIO(Connection, String, String, NetworkMetadata, boolean, LODUserDataIO[], PartitionBlobTranslator) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
use getNetworkIO(Connection conn, String networkName, String globalNetworkName, NetworkMetadata metadata);
getNetworkIO(DbDataSource, String, String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
getNetworkIOConfig() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
getNetworkIOConfig() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the network IO configuration.
getNetworkIOElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
Returns the networkIO element that was used initially to construct this NetworkIOConfig object.
getNetworkIOForInMemoryNetwork(LogicalBasicNetwork[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Return the NetworkIO object for the in-memory network.
getNetworkMaxId(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the current maximum network id.
getNetworkMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
getNetworkMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
getNetworkMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the network metadata.
getNetworkMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the network metadata.
getNetworkMetadata(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns the network metadata for the specified network.
getNetworkMetadata(DbDataSource, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
getNetworkName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the network name for the feature layer.
getNetworkName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the network name used in network metadata.
getNetworkName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the network name.
getNetworkName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns network name.
getNetworkName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the network name
getNetworkNameFromID(Connection, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network name from a given network ID
getNetworkNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the network names associated with table and column.
getNetworkNames(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Retunrs network names and IDs from the database.
getNetworkUpdates() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the network updates for each link level.
getNewDataWindow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
Gets the current data window
getNewFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the new feature elements.
getNewFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the new features.
getNewFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getNewFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
getNewLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the new links.
getNewNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the new nodes
getNewRuleInstanceRelations() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the new rule instance relations.
getNewRuleInstances() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Returns the new rule instances.
getNewViewportTransform() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
Gets the current AffineTransform
getNext() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the next Drawable instance in a Drawable collection
getNextCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the path cost of next node
getNextCost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the path cost of next node.
getNextCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the costs of next node.
getNextDepth() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the path depth of next node.
getNextDepth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the path depth of the next node.
getNextDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returnspath the path duration of next node
getNextEdgeL() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getNextEdgeR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getNextFeatureElementSequence(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getNextFeatureElementSequence(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the next feature element sequence for the Feature Layer identified by the given featureLayerId.
getNextFeatureId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getNextFeatureId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the next feature ID for the Feature Layer identified by the given featureLayerId
getNextId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the next value from the NDM ID sequence.
getNextId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator
getNextId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdGenerator
Gets the next ID
getNextId() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
getNextId() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
getNextId(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getNextId(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the next ID for the given entity name.
getNextLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the next link.
getNextLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the next link.
getNextLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getNextLinkId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the next link ID.
getNextLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns Links that go out from this node in an array for directed networks, these links are out-links of this nodes
getNextLinks(LogicalNetNode, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getNextNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the next node.
getNextNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the next node.
getNextNode(LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetLink, VisitedNode, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getNextNodeId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
getNextNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Gets the next node ID.
getNextNodeIds(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the IDs of all the nodes with a direct link from this node.
getNextNodeIds(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getNextNodeToExpand() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getNextTmpLinkId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the next temporary link ID.
getNextTmpNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the next temporary node ID.
getNextUserObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the next user object.
getNFEEndFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Returns the end feature.
getNFEFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
Returns the feature class.
getNfeFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Returns the NFE feature layer.
getNFEFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
Returns the feature layer.
getNFEFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Returns the feature layer to search for neighbors.
getNFEFeatureLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Returns the feature layer to search in the analysis.
getNFEStartFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Returns the start feature.
getNFEStartFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Returns the start feature.
getNFEStartFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Returns the start feature.
getNODATA() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the NODATA value of the current GeoRaster object.
getNodataMapping() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This function will return all nodata mappings in a Vector of NodataMapping objects
getNodataMappings() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Get nodatamapping.
getNODATAMask() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns true if NODATA is mask.
getNODATARange() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the NODATA range vector.
getNODATAValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the NODATA value vector.
getNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.DoubleRNode
getNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.PQItem
getNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeavyPointOnNet
Returns node.
getNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
If the node is a regular node (not a node on a link)
getNode(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the node by ID.
getNode(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns a reference to a Node object given its logical ID.
getNode(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the logical node object for the specified node id.
getNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Returns the node object of the specified node.
getNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
getNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
getNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
getNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets the node identified by the given ID.
getNode(long, int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the standalone node.
getNode(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the node by the String ID.
getNodeAdditions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the nodes that have been added in the cache.
getNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes as an array.
getNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path nodes as an array.
getNodeArray(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified acvive flag as an array.
getNodeArray(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified hierarchy level as an array.
getNodeArray(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified type as an array.
getNodeAt(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the specified node of the path.
getNodeChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the nodes that have been changed in the cache.
getNodeCost(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultNodeCostCalculator
getNodeCost(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyNodeCostCalculator
getNodeCost(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NodeCostCalculator
Computes the cost of the current node in the analysis info.
getNodeCostCalculator() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultNodeCostCalculator
getNodeCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the primary node cost calculator.
getNodeCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Returns the node cost calculator.
getNodeCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
getNodeCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getNodeCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the node cost calculators.
getNodeCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getNodeCostCalculators() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Returns the node cost calculators.
getNodeCostColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the node cost column name.
getNodeCostColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the node table cost column.
getNodeCosts(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the minimum costs to reach the node from a central point.
getNodeDataIndexMap(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the node user data index map.
getNodeDataLength(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the node user data length
getNodeDataNames() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the node user data names in a String array
getNodeDataNames(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the node user data names in a String array
getNodeDataType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the node user data type of the given data name
getNodeDeletions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides a list of the nodes that have been marked as deleted in the cache: deleted since the cache topology was loaded from the database, but not yet removed from the database.
getNodeDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns the node descriptor if the network element is a node, null otherwise.
getNodeDurationColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getNodeDurationColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Gets node duration column name
getNodeFaceStar(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Gets an array of integers representing the IDs of a clockwise enumeration of all the faces adjoining the given node.
getNodeGeomColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the node geometry column name in the database.
getNodeGeomColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the node geometry column name in the database.
getNodeGeomColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the node table geometry column.
getNodeGeomMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the node geometry metadata.
getNodeHierarchyLevelArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the node hierarchy levels as an array.
getNodeHistoryTable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.HistoryMetadata
getNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement
Returns the ID of the node on which the feature element is defined.
getNodeId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
getNodeId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Returns the node ID, if the point falls on a node.
getNodeId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Returns the node identifier.
getNodeIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns all the node ids in the network.
getNodeIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns the array of node IDs on this path.
getNodeInformation(NFEModel, List<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the NFE node objects related to the specified nodes identifiers.
getNodeIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Provides an Iterator for traversal of all the Node objects contained in the instance cache.
getNodeLevelTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the node level table name
getNodePartitionColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getNodePartitionColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
getNodePartitionId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartition
Returns the ID of the partition that the input node belongs to.
getNodePartitionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
getNodePartitionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Returns the partition ID the node is assigned to.
getNodePartitionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getNodePartitionId(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
getNodePartitionId(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the partition ID for the specified node.
getNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns all the nodes in the network.
getNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the logical nodes on this path.
getNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Returns the nodes in the network elements.
getNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes as an Iterator.
getNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
getNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Gets all the nodes contained in the network
getNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path nodes as an Iterator.
getNodes(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified acvive flag as an Iterator
getNodes(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified hierarchy level as an Iterator.
getNodes(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified type as an Iterator.
getNodesByPartitionID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the nodes with the specified partition ID as a Set.
getNodeStar(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Gets an array of integers representing the IDs of a clockwise enumeration of all the edges connected to the given node.
getNodeStarCount(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Gets a count of the number of edges connected at a node.
getNodeTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the node table.
getNodeTableIndexName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the node table index name.
getNodeTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getNodeTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the node table name in the database.
getNonComplexAttributes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getNonComplexAttributes(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the non complex attributes of a table.
getNonNullAttributes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the a list of non complex attributes that can not have null values.
getNonNullAttributes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
getNoOfChildLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets number of child links Returns 0 if the network is a non-hierarchical network
getNoOfChildNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets number of child nodes Returns 0 if the network is a non-hierarchical network
getNoOfDims() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Returns the number of dimensions.
getNoOfDims() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Returns the number of dimensiosns.
getNoOfDims() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns the number of dimensions.
getNoOfDims() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Returns the number of dimensions.
getNoOfHierarchyLevels() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of hierarcchy levels.
getNoOfHierarchyLevels() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the number of hierarchy levels.
getNoOfHierarchyLevels() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the network number of hierarchy levels.
getNoOfLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of links.
getNoOfLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the number of links in the path.
getNoOfLinks(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of links with the specified active flag.
getNoOfLinks(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of links with the specified link level.
getNoOfNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of nodes.
getNoOfNodes(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of nodes with the specified active flag.
getNoOfNodes(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of nodes with the specified hierachy level.
getNoOfPartitions() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of partitions.
getNoOfPartitions() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
getNoOfPaths() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of paths.
getNoOfPaths(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of paths with the specified active flag.
getNoOfSibilingLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets number of sibling links Sibling links are links with the same parent
getNoOfSibilingNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets number of sibling nodes Sibling nodes are nodes with the same parent
getNoOfSubPaths() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the number of subpaths.
getNotification() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Return one notification, blocking if there are no outstanding
getNotification(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Return one notification, waiting up to the specified time if there are no outstanding.
getNotificationQueueSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
The number of notifications without callbacks to store before discarding the oldest
getNotifications(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Return all available notifications.
getNumberformat() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
getNumberOfBits() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Getter for the number of bits in the geohash bit string
getNumberOfBoundaryLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns the number of boundary links in the sub-network, which includes both incoming links and outgoing links.
getNumberOfBoundaryLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getNumberOfCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserData
Returns the number of user data categories.
getNumberOfCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserDataImpl
getNumberOfCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
getNumberOfCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the number of user data categories.
getNumberOfDimensions(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
getNumberOfEdits() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
Returns the current number of edits
getNumberOfElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Returns the number of elements in the feature.
getNumberOfElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
getNumberOfExternalNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns the number of external nodes in the sub-network.
getNumberOfExternalNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getNumberOfFeatureLayers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureMetadata
Returns the number of feature layers.
getNumberOfIncomingLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns the number of incoming links to the sub-network.
getNumberOfIncomingLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getNumberOfInLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the number of incoming links.
getNumberOfInLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getNumberOfInLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getNumberOfInLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets the number of in-links connected to the node
getNumberOfInternalLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns the number of internal links in the sub-network.
getNumberOfInternalLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getNumberOfInternalNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns the number of internal nodes in the sub-network.
getNumberOfInternalNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getNumberOfLinkLevels() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
getNumberOfLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the total number of links in the network.
getNumberOfLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the number of links on this path.
getNumberOfLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Returns the number of links in the network elements.
getNumberOfLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getNumberOfLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets the number of links (in and out) connected to the node
getNumberOfNeighbors() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Returns the number of neighbors to be returned.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the total number of nodes in the network.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the number of nodes on this path.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Returns the number of nodes in the network elements.
getNumberOfNodes(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
getNumberOfNodesInMemory() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Return the total number of nodes in memory for all link levels.
getNumberOfNodesInMemory(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Return the number of nodes in memory for the specified link level.
getNumberOfOutgoingLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns the number of outgoing links from the sub-network.
getNumberOfOutgoingLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getNumberOfOutLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the number of outgoing links.
getNumberOfOutLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getNumberOfOutLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getNumberOfOutLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets the number of out-links connected to the node
getNumberOfPartitions(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Returns the number of network partitions in the cache for the specified link level.
getNumberOfRecords() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
getNumberOfUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserData
Returns the total number of user data contained in this UserData object.
getNumberOfUserData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserDataImpl
getNumberOfUserObjects() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkConstraint
Returns the max number of user objects to be returned by the getCurrentUserObjects method in LODAnalysisInfo.
getNumberOfUserObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
getNumberOfUserObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
getNumExpansions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.Statistics
getNumExpansions(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.Statistics
getNumLinkLevels() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.Statistics
getNumLocationQueues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
If a tracking set of this name appears on the server, then this will return the number of location queues it has.
getNumPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the number of points or verticies in this geometry.
getNumPointsFree() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
getNumPointsRemaining() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
getNumThreads() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.EngineConfig
getNumTrackingQueues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
If a tracking set of this name appears on the server, then this will return the number of tracking queues it has.
getNumValues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
getNurbsApprox(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
getNurbsApprox(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
getObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getObject(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObjectLayer
Gets the GeoObject corresponding to the provided key
getObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getObjectId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
getObjectId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getObjectId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
getObjectInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an ObjectInfo object, which represents the XML objectInfo element, contained in the current instance.
getObjectLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
Returns the object layer.
getObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getObjects() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObjectLayer
Gets all GeoObjects in this layer
getObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getOldDataWindow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
Gets the data window before the event
getOldObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns the the old object.
getOldPosition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
getOldViewportTransform() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
Gets the AffineTransform instance before the event
getOpacity() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Gets the opacity used by the renderer to generate shadows.
getOperation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
getOperator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint
getOracleArray(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
Use java.sql.Array array = resultSet.getArray(...);
getOracleArray(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
Use java.sql.Array array = resultSet.getArray(...);
getOracleAttributes(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
Use java.sql.Struct.getAttributes();
getOracleAttributes(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
Use java.sql.Struct.getAttributes();
getOracleCallableStatement(CallableStatement) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.GeorUtil
This method takes a CallableStatement and return a OracleCallableStatement.
getOracleConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.GeorUtil
This method takes a Connection and return a OracleConnection.
getOracleConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
getOracleConnection(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
getOracleDataSource(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Returns a new OracleDataSource instance.
getOracleDescriptors(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Use JGeometry.getOracleDescriptors(java.sql.Connection) and the storeJS method instead of store
getOracleDescriptorsStr() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Obtain an Array of Object of SDO_GEOMETRY attributes type names.
getOracleErrorMessage() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
getOracleSTRUCT(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns oracle.sql.STRUCT while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
getOracleSTRUCT(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.STRUCT while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
getOracleSTRUCT(ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.STRUCT while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
getOracleSTRUCTJS(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns java.sql.Struct while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
getORADataFactory() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
getORADataFactory() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
getORADataFactory() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
getORADataFactory() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getORADataFactory() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
getOraFieldNames(DBFReaderJGeom, byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
getOraFieldNames(DBFReaderJGeom, byte[], int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
getOrd() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns the ordinates as an array.
getOrd(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Gets the specified ordinate.
getOrderedNodeIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
Returns the node IDs in increasing depth order.
getOrdinal() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource
getOrdinal() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
getOrdinatesArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the reference to the ordinate array of this JGeometry.
getOrdinatesOfElement(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
getOrdinatesOfElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets an array of the (top-level) elements in this geometry.
getOrdinatesSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
getOrdinatesSize() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
getOrdinatesSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
getOrientMultiPointOffset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Returns the offset to get the orientation parameters for a Multi-point.
getOriginNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getOutArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Get a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object of previous getReprojectedRasterImage call.
getOutArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the virtual mosaic
getOutArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Get a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object of previous getReprojectedRasterSubset or getReprojectedRasterSubsetBlob call.
getOutConnectionCount(NFEFeatureElement, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Gets the count of the outgoing connected lines with the specified feature layer and feature class.
getOutConnectionsCount(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Gets the outgoing connected lines count
getOutDegree() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets the out-degree of the node in a directed network
getOutgoingLinkIds() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Returns all the outgoing link IDs in the sub-network.
getOutLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getOutLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets all the out-links connected to the node
getOutLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the out-links of the node as an array.
getOutLinks(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the array of outgoing links from this node.
getOutLinks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getOwner() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets the member marked as intersection owner (if any)
getOwner() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Return the database schema of this tracker.
getP() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
getPaintTime() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Returns the time spent on painting the last frame
getPairwiseCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getPairwiseCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default pairwise cost calculator.
getPairwiseCostCalculator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
getPairwiseCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
Returns the pairwise costs.
getPairwiseCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
getPairwiseCosts() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseCostCalculator
Returns the pairwise costs that was computed when calculate was called.
getPairwisePaths() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
Returns the pairwise shortest paths.
getPairwisePaths() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
getPairwisePaths() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseCostCalculator
Returns the pairwise paths that was computed when calculate was called.
getPairwiseShortestPathsAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getPairwiseShortestPathsAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default pairwise shortest paths algorithm.
getParentFeatureId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getParentFeatureId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets the feature's parent feature ID (if any)
getParentFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
getParentFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Gets the feature layer ID of the feature's parent feature
getParentForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Returns the value of the column NFE_PARENT$ and NFE_PARENT_LAYER$ that is in the feature table.
getParentLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the parent link.
getParentLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
getParentLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Gets the link's parent link ID (if any)
getParentNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the parent node.
getParentNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the parent tree node
getParentNodeId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getParentNodeId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets the node's parent node id if any
getParentValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Returns the attribute parent value.
getParentWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
getParentWorkspace(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Gets the parent workspace of the specified workspace.
getPartition(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Retrieves the network partition from the cache.
getPartition(int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Returns the partition.
getPartitionBlobTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the partition BLOB table name
getPartitionBlobTranslator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
getPartitionBlobTranslator() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the partition blob translator implementation.
getPartitionBlobTranslator() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11g
getPartitionBlobTranslator() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2
getPartitionId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Returns the ID of the partition that owns the link.
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
getPartitionId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the partition ID.
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getPartitionId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartition
Returns the partition ID of this partition.
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the ID of the partition that the node is assigned to.
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
getPartitionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Gets the node's partition id
getPartitionID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link partition ID
getPartitionID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node partition ID.
getPartitionIds(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
getPartitions(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Returns all the network partitions in the cache for the specified link level.
getPartitionSize(String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Returns the approximated size of a network partition in bytes
getPartitionsToFlushOut(Collection<Integer>, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachingHandler
Returns the IDs of the partitions to be flushed out.
getPartitionsToFlushOut(Collection<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LRUCachingHandler
getPartitionTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the partition table name in the database.
getPartitionTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
getPartitionTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the partition table name.
getPartitionUpdate(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Returns the update information of the specified partition.
getPassword() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getPassword() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the password.
getPath() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Returns the path feature.
getPath(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the path by ID.
getPath(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the path by the String ID.
getPathArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the paths as an array.
getPathArray(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the paths with the specified active flag as an array.
getPathArray(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the paths with the specified type as an array.
getPathColors() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.PathUtil
Returns the possible path colors and the XML style representation.
getPathDataIndexMap(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the path user data index map.
getPathDataLength(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the path user data length
getPathDataNames() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the path user data names in a String array
getPathDataNames(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the path user data names in a String array
getPathDataType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the path user data type of the given data name
getPathFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
Returns the path feature.
getPathGeomColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the path geometry column name in the database.
getPathGeomColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the path table geometry column.
getPathGeomFromDB(Connection, Network, Path, String, String, String, String, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Gets/Computes the path geometry based on the geometries of path links and nodes in the database
getPathGeomMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the path geometry metadata.
getPathLinkTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getPathLinkTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
getPathLinkTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the path link table name.
getPathLinkTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the path-link table name.
getPathLinkVec() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the current path links as a Vector.
getPathNodeVec() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the current path nodes as a Vector.
getPaths() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPath
Returns the logical sub-path for the TSP tour.
getPaths() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPathFeature
Returns the individual paths on the TSP tour.
getPaths() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the paths as an Iterator.
getPaths(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns paths with the specified active as an Iterator.
getPaths(int[], PointOnNet[][], Matrix<LogicalSubPath>, LODNetworkConstraint, ShortestPath, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
getPaths(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the paths with the specified type as an Iterator.
getPathTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getPathTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns the network path table name.
getPathTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the path table name in the database.
getPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
getPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Returns the percentage on the link, if the point falls on a link.
getPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the percentage if the node is created based on an existing link
getPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the link and percentage on the link if the tree node is a node on the link isNodeOnLink() == true
getPhase() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getPixels(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns an array of pixels, stored as integers, from a BufferedImage.
getPlatform() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Retrieves the platform name.
getPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the coordinate of this point geometry.
getPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathToPoint
getPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the referenced point.
getPointAtBearing(Point2D, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSUtils
getPointAttrCondition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the rule's point attribute condition.
getPointAttrDefTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the default point attributes table.
getPointCardRuleTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the cardinality rules table.
getPointFeatureClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
getPointFeatureClass() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Gets the feature class of the default connected point described
getPointFeatureClassId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Gets the feature class id of the point connecting both lines of the rule.
getPointFeatureClassId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the rule's point feature class id
getPointFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Gets the feature layer id of the point connecting both lines of the rule.
getPointFeatureLayerId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the rule's point feature layer id
getPointOnLine(double[], double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the spatial location of a point in the line given a percentage of the line's length
getPoints(Collection<V>, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getPointsWithCommonLink(HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
getPolynomialColumnOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial column offset.
getPolynomialColumnRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial column RMS.
getPolynomialColumnScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial column scale.
getPolynomialRowOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial row offset.
getPolynomialRowRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial row RMS.
getPolynomialRowScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial row scale.
getPolynomialTotalRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial total RMS.
getPolynomialXOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial x offset.
getPolynomialXScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial x scale.
getPolynomialYOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial y offset.
getPolynomialYScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial y scale.
getPolynomialZOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial z offset.
getPolynomialZScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the polynomial z scale.
getPopupMenu() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Gets the current pop up menu associated to this canvas (if any)
getPort() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getPort() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the port.
getPos() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
getPosition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
getPosition() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Gets the position where the default connected point must be placed over a line.
getPosition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager.Entry
getPosition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
getPosition(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Gets the layer position
getPositionPercentage(JGeometry, Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Given a line and a point, gives the corresponding percentage of that point relative to the line's length.
getPositionPercentage(JGeometry, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Given a line and a line's segment point, gives the corresponding percentage of that point relative to the line's length.
getPPStatus(FastJGeometry.FastOp) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
Return the preprocessing status of the specified operation.
getPredefinedConnectedPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getPredefinedConnectedPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the predefined connected points set to the feature class when the shape type is LINE or COMPLEX_LINE
getPredefinedThemeMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns the MapViewer predefeined theme metadata.
getPredefinedThemeSRID(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns the mapviewer predefined theme SRID
getPresentationName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
getPrevEdgeL() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getPrevEdgeR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
getPreview(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Gets a preview for a manipulation
getPreview(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
getPreview(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getPreviousNodeIds(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns the IDs of all the nodes with a direct link to this node.
getPreviousNodeIds(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
getPreviousValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent
Gets the value of the property before it was changed
getPrevLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the ID of the previous link.
getPrevLinkId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval
getPrevLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns Links that come into this node in an array for directed networks, these links are in-links of this nodes
getPrevNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the previous node.
getPrimeMeridianInRadian() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
getProgress(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the progress of the operation for a specified client (session) and optionally for a specified operation.
getProgressBar() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
getProgressIndicator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Returns the current ProgressIndicatorLayer associated to the MapCanvas
getProperties() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
Returns the index properties
getProperties() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getProperties() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
getProperties() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
getProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
getProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getProperty(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
getPropertyName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent
Gets the name of the changed property
getProviderID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Returns the provider ID
getProviderID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getProxyHost() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getProxyPort() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getPyramidLevel(long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
getPyramidMaxLevel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the maximum pyramid level.
getPyramidResampling() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the pyramid resampling.
getPyramidType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the pyramid type.
getQ() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
getQueryCondition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getQueryForLoading() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getRadiansFromLatLon(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSUtils
getRadiometricResolutionDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the radiometric resolution description.
getRadius() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Returns the radius (size) of the network buffer.
getRanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Create and return a copy of the mer is an array of ranges, { {min x, max x}, {min y, max y}, etc.
getRasterBlock(int, long, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Gets the byte array of a specified raster block.
getRasterBlockLocator(SdoGeoRaster, long, long, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
returns the LOB locator of a raster block by specifying the pyramidLevel, bandBlockNumber, rowBlockNumber, and columnBlockNumber parameters.
getRasterBlockLocator2(SdoGeoRaster, long, long, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
return the LOB locator of a raster block that contains a specific single cell and the offset of the cell within the raster block.
getRasterBlockLocator2(SdoGeoRaster, long, JGeometry, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
return the LOB locator of a raster block that contains a specific single cell and the offset of the cell within the raster block.
getRasterBlockLocatorJS(int, long, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Gets the LOB locator of a specified raster block.
getRasterData(int, String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
getRasterDataJS(int, String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns a single Blob object that contains all raster data of the associated GeoRaster object at the specified pyramid level.
getRasterDataTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the raster data table where the current GeoRaster is stored.
getRasterDataTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Returns the raster data table where the current GeoRaster object is stored.
getRasterID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the raster ID assigned to the current GeoRaster.
getRasterID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Returns the raster ID assigned to the current GeoRaster object.
getRasterImage(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the entire GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the entire GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the entire GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, String, int, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the entire GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, JGeometry, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, JGeometry, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, JGeometry, String, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImage(int, JGeometry, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getRasterImageWithMask(int, long, long, long, long, Vector, int, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Gets the specified portion of the GeoRaster and mask as a Java Image.
getRasterImageWithMask(int, long, long, long, long, Vector, int, int, String, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Gets the specified portion of the GeoRaster and mask as a Java Image.
getRasterImageWithMask(int, JGeometry, Vector, int, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Gets the specified portion of the GeoRaster and mask as a Java Image.
getRasterImageWithMask(int, JGeometry, Vector, int, int, String, int, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Gets the specified portion of the GeoRaster and mask as a Java Image.
getRasterInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an RasterInfo object, which represents the XML RasterInfo element, contained in the current instance.
getRasterObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the JRaster object contained in this JGeoRaster object.
getRasterRange(SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Gets the minimum and maximum cell values of a specified layer of a GeoRaster object or of the GeoRaster object itself (the object layer).
getRasterSubset(int, long, long, long, long, String, int, String, String, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary raster data as a byte array for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubset(int, JGeometry, String, int, String, String, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary raster data as a byte array for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubset(int, JGeometry, String, long[], String, double[], String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary raster data as a byte array for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubset(int, JGeometry, String, String, double[], String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary raster data as a byte array for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubsetBlob(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, String, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
getRasterSubsetBlobJS(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, String, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary raster data as a BLOB for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubsetBlobJS(int, JGeometry, String, String, String, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns binary raster data as a BLOB for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubsetDataArray(int, long[], String, BigDecimal[], String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns raster data as a BigDecimal array for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterSubsetDataArray(int, JGeometry, String, BigDecimal[], String, double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Returns raster data as a BigDecimal array for the associated GeoRaster object, based on parameters that specify the window, layers, and customized cell depth.
getRasterType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the raster type.
getRasterType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the GeoRaster type.
getReadBlockMemSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the size in bytes of the GeoRaster internal data block for read-only operations.
getReader() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
use getNetworkIO()
getRealKeyValue(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns the real key value being used in the data set.
getRecord(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
retrieve the nth record in the file.
getRecordCount(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the number of records that satisfy the where clause.
getRecordSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
getRed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Returns the red color component.
getRed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the Layer number mapped to red.
getReferecenValue1() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getReferecenValue2() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getReferenceHistograms() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get reference histograms.
getReferenceImage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
getReferenceLightPath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns the path containing the subpath.
getReferenceLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets the reference link if the link is created based on an existing link.
getReferenceLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets the reference link if the node is created based on an existing link.
getReferencePath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPath
Returns the path containing the subpath.
getReferencePath() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
getReferencePath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getReferenceValue1() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get reference value 1
getReferenceValue2() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get reference value 2
getRegionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getRegionId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
getRehashTime() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
getRelatedFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets all the feature elements currently related to this rule instance
getRelatedLinkIdsForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Returns the links identifiers of links related to the feature.
getRelatedLinkIdsForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
getRelatedLinkIdsForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Returns the links identifiers of the links related by the specified feature.
getRelatedNodeIdsForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Returns the nodes identifiers of the nodes related to the feature.
getRelatedNodeIdsForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
getRelatedNodeIdsForFeature(NFEFeatureLayer, Long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Returns the nodes identifiers of the nodes related by the specified feature.
getRelatedNodesIdsForLink(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
getRelatedNodesIdsForLink(Long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Returns the start and end nodes identifiers of the specified link.
getRelatedNodesIdsForLink(Long, NFENetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns start and end nodes identifiers of the link.
getRelations() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets all the feature element relations.
getRelationsCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets the number of related feature elements
getRelationsForTopologyChildFeature(String, int, int, WorkSpace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the topology relations associated with a topology child feature.
getRelationsForTopologyPrimitive(String, int, int, WorkSpace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the topology relations associated with a topology primitive.
getRelationTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the relation table.
getRelationTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Returns the name of the relation table.
getRelSchema(DBFReaderJGeom) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
getRelSchema(DBFReaderJGeom, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
getRemovedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getRemovedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
getRenderedImage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Create a RenderedImage object from the image.
getRenderOnZoomIn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getRenderOnZoomOut() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getReprojectedRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Reprojects the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel, and returns it as a Java Image.
getReprojectedRasterImage(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Reprojects the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel, and returns it as a Java Image.
getReprojectedRasterImage(int, JGeometry, String, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Reprojects the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel, and returns it as a Java Image.
getReprojectedRasterImage(int, JGeometry, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns the specified portion of the GeoRaster in the specified pyramidLevel as a Java Image.
getReprojectedRasterSubset(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, int, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Reproject subset of a GeoRaster object, and returns binary raster data as a byte array, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.The immediately following getOutArea() call will return a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.
getReprojectedRasterSubset(int, JGeometry, String, String, int, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Reproject subset of a GeoRaster object, and returns binary raster data as a byte array, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.The immediately following getOutArea() call will return a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.
getReprojectedRasterSubsetBlob(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
getReprojectedRasterSubsetBlob(int, JGeometry, String, String, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
getReprojectedRasterSubsetBlobJS(int, long, long, long, long, String, String, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Reproject subset of a GeoRaster object, and returns binary raster data as a Blob, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.The immediately following getOutArea() call will return a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.
getReprojectedRasterSubsetBlobJS(int, JGeometry, String, String, String, String, String, int, int, long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Reproject subset of a GeoRaster object, and returns binary raster data as a Blob, based on parameters which specify a window, layers, and customized cell depth.The immediately following getOutArea() call will return a SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.
getResamplingMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getResamplingTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getResFilter() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getResidentPartitionArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Returns the resident partition ID array.
getResidentPartitions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Returns the resident partition IDs.
getResolutionRange() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get the Virtual Mosaic resolution range
getResolutionRange(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get one of the Virtual Mosaic resolution range
getResolutions(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get one of the Virtual Mosaic base resolution values, the resolution used when the object was created.
getResultSetColumnValue(ResultSet, String, NFEAttributeType) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Gets the resultSet column value of the specified column, the resultSet will get the value depending on the type.
getResultSetColumnValue(ResultSet, String, NFEAttributeType) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Returns the column value of the result set.
getReturnType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
Returns return type.
getReturnValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
Returns return value.
getReverseDirection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Returns true to use reverse search direction, false otherwise.
getReverseDirection(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
getRightHandSideLinePointRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Gets the line-point rule that corresponds to the right hand side operand of the line-line rule
getRoot() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
getRoot() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
getRootNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Returns the root node
getRow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point row.
getRow(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
getRowDenominator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the rowDenominator vector.
getRowDenominator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get Row Denominator
getRowDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
Returns the row dimension.
getRowNumerator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the rowNumerator vector.
getRowNumerator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get row numerator
getRowOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the rowOff value.
getRowOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get row offset
getRowRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the rowRMS value.
getRowRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get row RMS
getRowScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the rowScale value.
getRowScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get row scale
getRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
getRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
getRule() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
The line-point rule that has been triggered
getRule() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam
The line-point rule that has been triggered
getRuleDecHandlerTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the rule decision handlers table.
getRuleId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets the rule instance's rule id
getRuleInstance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstanceRelation
Gets the rule instance object
getRuleInstance(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets the rule instance identified by the given id
getRuleInstances(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets all the rule instances associated to the given feature element
getRuleInstances(NFEFeatureElement, NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Gets all the rule instances associated to the given feature element and created by a connectivity rule of the specified type
getRuleInstanceTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the rule instance table.
getRuleLeftHandMatchingLineFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
getRuleLeftHandMatchingLineFeatureElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
Gets all the line feature elements from the current intersection that matches the left hand side line operand of the current line-line rule
getRuleRightHandMatchingLineFeatureElements() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
getRuleRightHandMatchingLineFeatureElements() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
Gets all the line feature elements from the current intersection that matches the right hand side line operand of the current line-line rule
getRulesEngine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
getRulesEngine() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Gets the rules engine instance that is currently used by the model
getRulesModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getRulesModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the rules model associated to the current model.
getRulesModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets the current rules model
getRuleType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Gets the rule instance's rule type
getSampleTruthPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
getSamplingFactor() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the sampling factor.
getSamplingWindowColumnWidth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the sampling window column width.
getSamplingWindowOrigin(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the sampling window origin point for the specified dimension.
getSamplingWindowRowHeight() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the sampling window row height.
getSavedPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Returns the saved point name
getScalingFunction() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the scaling function as a vector, and coefficients are stored in the vector in the following order: a0,a1,b0,b1
getSchemaName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the schema where the current GeoRaster is stored.
getScreenTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getSdoGeorPKG() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns a SdoGeorPKG object, which is used to remotely execute PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR.
getSegmentPoint(double[], double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the line segment point information corresponding to a position in the line given as a percentage of the line's length
getSegmentPoint(JGeometry, Point2D, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, RTreeIndex, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.JGeometrySegmentUtil
Get the geometry segment point that is withing tolerance of input point.
getSegmentPointsWithinBox(JGeometry, Rectangle2D, RTreeIndex, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.JGeometrySegmentUtil
Returns all geometry segment points that are inside the input box.
getSelectableGeoObjectPriority(GeoObject, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool
getSelectableGeoObjectPriority(GeoObject, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Gets the GeoObject priority to be selected.
getSelectableLayers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool
getSelectableLayers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFENetElementSelectionTool
getSelectableLayers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Gets all the layers containing GeoObjects that may be selected by the tool
getSelectableObject(Collection<Layer>, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Gets the GeoObject to be selected given the selectable layers and the mouse event information
getSelectableObjects(Collection<Layer>, double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
getSelectedFeatures() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.FeatureSelectableLayer
Gets the currently selected features
getSelectedFeatures() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
getSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Gets a list of selected objects
getSelection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Returns all selected objects
getSelection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getSelection(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getSelection(GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Returns selected objects that are children of the provided objects GeoObject's isSubElementOf() determines if an object is children of another object
getSelection(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getSelection(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Returns selected objects that are children of the provided objects GeoObject's isSubElementOf() determines if an object is children of another object
getSemiMajorAxisInMeters() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
getSeqRegistryTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the table that keep the sequences names related to the model.
getSequence() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getSequence() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the feature element's sequence number
getSequence() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns the feature element sequence.
getSequence(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns a sequence.
getSequenceCurrentValue(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
getSequenceName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getSequenceNextValue(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
getSequenceNextValue(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Retrieves the next value from a given sequence name.
getSequenceNextValues(Connection, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Retrieves the next values from a given sequence name.
getSequences() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
getSequences() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getService() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the service name.
getServiceProvider() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
getServiceProvider() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOService
Returns the service provider.
getServiceProvider() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getServiceProvider() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the service provider used by the model to perform IO operations
getSessionWorkspaceModifiedLayers(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns session layers that are modified.
getSFCValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
getShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the feature class' feature shape type
getShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the referenced shape.
getShape(double[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
converts the coordinate array into a GeneralPath shape.
getShapeType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getShortestPathAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getShortestPathAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default shortest path algorithm.
getShortestPathAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
getShpDims(int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
getShpFileType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the Shape Type in the file.
getSiblingLinkArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Retunrs the sibling links as a Link array.
getSiblingNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Retunrs the sibling nodes as a Node array.
getSiblings() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the sibling links as an Iterator.
getSiblings() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Retunrs the sibling nodes as an Iterator.
getSid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the SID.
getSimpleArrow() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Returns the arrow marker style for an unidirectional arrow.
getSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets an estimated size of the geometry in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Gets the size in pixel used by the renderer to generate shadows.
getSliderEnabled() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
getSmax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getSnapPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
getSnapPoint(Point2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ShapeDrawingLayer
Gets the shape snap point closest to the given point
getSnapPoint(Object, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
getSnapPoint(GeoObject, Point2D, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Gets the closer GeoObject's snap point to the given point using the tolerance specified
getSnapPoint(GeoObject, Point2D, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.VertexEditableLayer
Gets the closer GeoObject's snap point to the given point using the tolerance specified
getSnapPoint(GeoObject, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
getSnapPoint(GeoObject, Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets a value indicating where the rule was created
getSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
getSourceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an array of string, which represents the XML SourceInfo nodes, contained in the current instance.
getSpatialAttribute() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Returns the spatial attribute object.
getSpatialAttribute() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
Returns the spatial attribute object.
getSpatialAttributeClone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Returns a clone of the spatial attribute
getSpatialAttributeClone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
Returns a clone of the spatial attribute
getSpatialColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
getSpatialColumnExtent(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Gets the extent of a spatial column
getSpatialColumnSRID(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getSpatialDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Returns the feature spatial dimension.
getSpatialDimension() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
Returns the feature spatial dimension.
getSpatialExtent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Returns the spatial extent.
getSpatialindex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Gets the underlying implementation used to perform spatial-indexing
getSpatialindex() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
getSpatialindex() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
getSpatialJavaPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Returns an array of java points representing the vertexes location of the spatial object.
getSpatialJavaPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
Returns an array of java points representing the vertexes location of the spatial object.
getSpatialModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getSpatialModel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the spatial model used by the current model to keep track of the spatial positions of its content (network elements and feature elements)
getSpatialReferenceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an SpatialReferenceInfo object, which represents the XML SpatialReferenceInfo element, contained in the current instance.
getSpatialResolution(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the spatial resolution of the specified dimension stored in the XML without verification and computing; this means return value might be different from the value returned by the method computeSpatialResolutions.
getSpatialResolutions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get Spatial Resolution of all dimensions:
getSpatialTableMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getSpatialTableMetadata(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getSpatialTables(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns the list of spatial tables for a specified type.
getSpatialTablesMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns some metadata information about spatial tables registered on user_sdo_geom_metadata view.
getSpatialTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get spatial tolerance
getSpatialTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the spatial tolerance.
getSpatialType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Not needed if doLoad is overriden
getSpecifics() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
getSpectralExtent_Max() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the maximum spectral extent.
getSpectralExtent_Min() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the minimum spectral extent.
getSpectralResolutionDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the spectral resolution description.
getSpectralTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the spectral tolerance.
getSpectralUnit() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns the spectral unit.
getSpeed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getSqlCondition() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Returns the SQL that will be added to the where clause of the search query on the feature table.
getSQLInStringWithLimit(List<Long>, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Creates a SQL string in format: columnToBeUsed IN (id[1], id[2],...id[limit]) OR IN (id[x], id[x+1],...id[x+limit])
getSqlQuery() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the SQL query, if exist
getSQLValidator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.AbstractDAO
Returns the SQLValidator
getSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the current SRID of the Virtual Mosaic object
getSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Returns the SRID.
getSrid() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns the SRID.
getSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Returns SRID.
getSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the SRID of the topology.
getSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
getSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the geometry SRID.
getSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
getSRID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Gets the current NFE model's SRID
getSRID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Gets the SRID of the Layer, 0 if it doesn't have an associated SRID
getSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
getSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
getSrs() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Returns SRS.
getSRS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Returns the map region SRS object.
getSRS(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Gets a SRS object from a specified SRID
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
getStart() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
Returns the start value of the interval.
getStart() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TimeWindow
getStartEdge() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Node
getStartLinkIndex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns the start link index.
getStartLinkIndex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getStartMeasure() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getStartMeasure() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets the start measure of the referenced LRS geometry.
getStartMeasure(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
getStartNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the start node.
getStartNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the start node.
getStartNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
use getStartPoints
getStartNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns the first node on this path.
getStartNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Returns the reference to the start node.
getStartNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
getStartNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Gets the link's start node
getStartNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the start node of the path.
getStartNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns the start node ID of this path.
getStartNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Returns the start node ID.
getStartNodeIdChild() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Returns the start node identifier of the child workspace.
getStartNodeIdParent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Returns the start node identifier of the parent workspace.
getStartPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the start percentage if the link is created based on an existing link
getStartPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement
Returns the start percentage of the feature element.
getStartPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
getStartPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns the location of the starting point of the subpath as a percentage of the first link of the containing path.
getStartPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getStartPercentage() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gets the position of the feature element's relative to its link's length.
getStartPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getStartPercentage() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
Returns the start percentage of the link if the tree link is a partial link
getStartPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
use getStartPoints
getStartPoints() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Returns the start points.
getStartPosInOrdinateArray(JGeometry, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
getState() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link state.
getState() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node state.
getState() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Gets the path state.
getState() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getStateString() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
The state string in a notification that corresponds to this state.
getStatistics() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
getStatistics() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Return statistics.
getStatistics(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Get the statistics data
getStatus() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point status, the valid value as below: SpatialReferenceInfo.GCPPOINT_STATUS_MEASURED SpatialReferenceInfo.GCPPOINT_STATUS_REMOVED SpatialReferenceInfo.GCPPOINT_STATUS_ESTIMATED SpatialReferenceInfo.GCPPOINT_STATUS_VALIDATED SpatialReferenceInfo.GCPPOINT_STATUS_INVALID
getStatusReport(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the current status of the operations in the status table for a specified client (session) and optionally for a specified operation.
getSTD() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the statistics STD value.
getString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method should be called to return JSON field names or JSON values.
If JSON value is a JSON Objects {link JsonParser.readJSONObject() will return the JSON Object as string.
If JSON value is a JSON Array {link JsonParser.readJSONArray() will return the JSON Array as string.
getStringValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
Calling this method avoid calling {link #next()} after the previous call returned Event.KEY_NAME to read a JSON string values.
getStringWithoutLastComma(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Gets a substring from the string start to the first comma.
getStroke() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getStructDescriptor(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
getStructDescriptor(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
getStyle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getStyle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the SDO style instance assigned to the feature class
getStyleModel(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
Returns a style model related to input style name.
getStyleName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
getStyleName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the name of the style associated to this style
getSubLayer(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
Returns a subLayer specified by parameter layer.
getSubLayers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
Returns subLayers as a vector.
getSubLine(JGeometry, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the geometry of a portion of the given line
getSubLine(JGeometry, Point2D, Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the geometry of a portion of the given line
getSubLine(JGeometry, JGeometrySegmentPoint, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the geometry of a portion of the given line
getSubLineLength(JGeometry, Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the length from the line's start point to the given point in the line.
getSubLineLength(JGeometry, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Gets the length from the line's start point to the given point in the line.
getSubNetwork(MBR) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the sub-network bound by the specified MBR.
getSubPath() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathToPoint
getSubPath(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpath by ID.
getSubPath(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the sub-path between startNodeIndex and ednNodeIndex
getSubPath(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpath by the String ID.
getSubPath(TreeNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Returns the subpath between the given tree node and the root node
getSubPathArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpaths as an array.
getSubPathArray(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpaths with the specified active flag as an array.
getSubPathArray(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpaths with the specified type as an array.
getSubPathDataIndexMap(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the subpath user data index map.
getSubPathDataLength(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the subpath user data length
getSubPathDataNames() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the subpath user data names in a String array
getSubPathDataNames(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the subpath user data names in a String array
getSubPathDataType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the subpath user data type of the given data name
getSubPathFromRoot(long, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], NetworkExplorer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
getSubPathGeomColumn() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the subpath geometry column name in the database.
getSubPathGeomMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the subpath geometry metadata.
getSubPaths() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpaths as an Iterator.
getSubPaths(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns subpaths with the specified active as an Iterator.
getSubPaths(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns the subpaths with the specified type as an Iterator.
getSubPathTableName() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
getSubPathTableName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the subpath table name in the database.
getSupportedDataTypes() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns all surported data type in the user data metadata
getTableAttributesMetadata(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the table attributes metadata.
getTableKeyColumn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getTableName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
getTableName(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Returns the geometry table name.
getTableNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Return the list of tables names
getTablePrimaryKey(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the table primary key.
getTableSchema(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
getTableSchema(Connection, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
getTableSequence(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEMetadata
Gets the name of the sequence associated to the given table name
getTableSpatialColumns(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
getTablesWithSequence() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEMetadata
Returns all the table names that are associated to a sequence name
getTableWorkspaceConflicts(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the edit session workspace conflicts with parent workspace.
getTabRegistryTable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns the table that keeps the model table names.
getTags() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager.Entry
getTags() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
getTags(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Returns the layer tags
getTargetFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Gets the feature to which the new feature elements will be added
getTargetGeoObj() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
Gets the GeoObject to be modified
getTargetSRID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
Gets the data SRID.
getTargetSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Gets the data SRID.
getTemporalReferenceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an TemporalReferenceInfo object, which represents the XML TemporalReferenceInfo element, contained in the current instance.
getTemporalResolutionDescription() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Returns the temporal resolution description.
getTemporaryLinkArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns all temporary links as an array.
getTemporaryNodeArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Returns all temporary nodes as an array.
getText() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
getThemeDescriptor() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MVThemeLayer
The theme descriptor used by a producer to perform the request to MapViewer
getThreadId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Gets the id of the execution thread assigned to this block.
getThreadId() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelEvent
Gets the id of the thread where the event was fired
getTieBreaker() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.PQItem
getTileLayerMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
Returns the MapViewer tile layer metadata.
getTime() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
getTime() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getTimeCostIndex() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
getTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelEvent
Gets the time when the event was fired
getTimeStamp() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEAtomicUndoableEdit
Gets the time when this object was created.
getTimeWindows() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Tsp2Opt
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Gets the tolerance that was used to determine the interaction between the elements in the connection descriptor
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Returns the tolerance.
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Gets the dimension's tolerance value
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets the tolerance used to detect the intersection
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
Gets the tolerance used to determine if two points can be considered the same point
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Gets the screen tolerance converted to the model's coordinate system
getTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Gets the tolerance used by the tool
getTolerance(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Returns the specified tolerance
getTopLeftCorner() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Returns the top left corner position for this spinning clock.
getTopology() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns topology name of the network
getTopologyBounds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Determines the bounds of the data contained in the database topology, using the spatial index in the database.
getTopologyEdgeCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the number of edges in the <topologyName>_EDGE$table.
getTopologyFaceCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the number of faces in the <topologyName>_FACE$table.
getTopologyFeatureTables(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the feature tables associated with a topology.
getTopologyNames() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the topoloy names associated with table and column.
getTopologyNodeCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the number of nodes in the <topologyName>_NODE$table.
getTopoName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the name of the topology.
getTopoTransactionID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Returns the topology transaction ID if there is data loaded in the cache for update.
getTotalBandNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Gets the number of bands in the current geoRasterImage based on the current setting for red/green/blue if (red=blue=green) then returns 1; otherwise, return 3.
getTotalBlockNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the total number of blocks of the specified dimension.
getTotalDimensions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the total number of dimensions of the current GeoRaster object.
getTotalRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the totalRMS value.
getTotalRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get total RMS
getTourFlag() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
Returns a flag indicating whether the tour should be open or closed, and if the tour is open, whether the tour should have fixed start or end point.
getToWgs84Params() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
getTransformDifference() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
The transformation difference from the old to the new Objects rendered in the old transformation can apply this to be transformed to the new transform
getTransformDifference(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
getTransformFlags() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Gets all the transform flags of the manipulation
getTree() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Returns the internal Rtree structure
getTreeLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the tree link that leads to this tree node
getTreeNodeString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getTreeNodeString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getTreeNodeString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getTspAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getTspAlgorithm() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the default TSP algorithm.
getTspCosts(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspAnalysisInfo
Returns the costs to reach the input tsp point.
getTspNodeDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the TSP path node duration in an array of double The order of the duration is the same as the one in getTSPNodeNodeOrder() the duration is returned as an array of two doubles duration[i][0] represents the arrival duration for the i-th TSP node and This information is only used for TSP related analys
getTspNodeDuration() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the TSP path node duration in an array of double The order of the duration is the same as the one in getTSPNodeNodeOrder() the duration is returned as an array of two doubles duration[i][0] represents the arrival duration for the i-th TSP node and This information is only used for TSP related analys
getTspNodeOrder() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.AnalysisInfo
Returns the TSP path node visit order in an array of Node This information is only used for TSP related analysis
getTspNodeOrder() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the TSP path node visit order in an array of Node This information is only used for TSP related analysis
getTspOptimizer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
getTspOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspAnalysisInfo
Returns TSP points in order.
getTspOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPath
Returns the index of the points in visited order.
getTspOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPathFeature
Returns the index of the features in visited order.
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Gets the geometry type.
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.BasicConnection
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the link type.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Returns the feature type.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement
Returns the type of the feature element.
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network type.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Gets the attribute type identifier
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Gest the type of the feature element.
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the feature layer type
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Gets the actual connectivity rule type
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the type of drawable.
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
Returns the type of selection event
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Returns the node type.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the path type.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.CharacterColumn
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.DateColumn
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.LogicalColumn
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn
getType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
getTypeClass() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Gets the attribute type as a Java Class
getTypeClass() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
Gets the Java Class that corresponds to the current type
getTypeClass() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
getULTCoordinate(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Returns the ULT value of the specified dimension.
getUndoManager() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Returns the UndoManager associated with this canvas.
getUpdatedLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getUpdatedNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
getUpdatedPartitionIds() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Returns the IDs of all the updated partitions.
getUpdateType() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns the update type.
getUpperBound() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Gets the dimension's upper boundary
getUpperBound(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Returns the specified upper bound.
getUpperX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns the workspace work area upper X.
getUpperY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns the workspace work area upper Y.
getUsedConnections(NFEFeatureElement, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
getUsedConnections(NFEFeatureElement, long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Gets the number of in an out connections the given point contains with lines of the specified feature layer and feature class.
getUser() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
getUser() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the network owner.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets the user defined data.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
getUserData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Returns the user data associated with this point on net in the default user data category.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Gets user defined data.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the user defined data.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets user defined data.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Gets user defined data.
getUserData() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getUserData(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserData
Returns the user data for the specified category.
getUserData(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserDataImpl
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Gets user data
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Gets user data
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Gets user data
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Gets user data
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Gets user data
getUserData(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultLinkCostCalculator
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultNodeCostCalculator
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyCostFunction
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkCostCalculator
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyNodeCostCalculator
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureFilter
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeuristicCostFunction
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkCostCalculator
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkLevelSelector
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODGoalNode
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkConstraint
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns the user data categories loaded in the network.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Returns null.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NodeCostCalculator
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFilter
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraint
Returns the required user data categories.
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl.NetworkTspConstraint
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
getUserDataCategories() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
getUserDataCategories(LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
getUserDataIndex(String, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the user data index.
getUserDataIndexMap(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the user data index map for the specified table type or feature layer name.
getUserDataIOs() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
getUserDataIOs() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the user data IO implementations.
getUserDataLength(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the user data length
getUserDataMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns the user data metadata
getUserDataNames(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the user data names in the default category for the specified table type
getUserDataNames(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the user data names in the given category for the specified table type
getUserDataType(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Returns the user data type for the give data name
getUserID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns the GeoRaster user ID.
getUserName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Returns the user name.
getUserObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
Returns the user object associated to this node.
getUserSrid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
getVal() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.DoubleRNode
getValidatedQuery(Connection, String, String...) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.SQLValidator
Receives a wildCarded SQL query and a list of SQL Names as parameters of the wildCards.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalogValue
Gets the actual value
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
Gets the numeric value of the shape type
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
Gets the ordinal value of the current enum value
getValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable.LongEntry
getValue() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
getValue(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
getValueAndCount() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Returns the GeorHistogramEntry array.
getValues() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Returns the values array.
getVATName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns the VAT table name.
getVectorX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the end point's x ordinate of an oriented point
getVectorY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Gets the end point's y ordinate of an oriented point
getVersion() - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the version of the SDO networkAdapter.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFileHdr
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getVersionedTables() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the versioned tables.
getVersionException(String) - Static method in exception oracle.spatial.georaster.GeoRasterException
Returns a GeoRasterException instance about version issue.
getVertexEditableGeoObjects() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.VertexEditableLayer
Gets all the GeoObjects which vertices can be edited
getVertexEditableGeoObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getVertical() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point vertical.
getVerticalSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns the vertical SRID.
getVertices(GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.VertexEditableLayer
Gets all the vertices of the GeoObject
getVertices(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
getViewportTransform() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
A convenience method to get the viewport transformation matrix of the current map region.
getViewportTransform() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
getVmElevationParam() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
Get elevation parameters.
getWalletDirectory() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getWalletPath() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
getWCTolerance(Point2D, int, AffineTransform) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TransformUtils
getWidth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
getWidth() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
getWithinCostPolygonTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
getWKInputStream(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
getWKInputStream(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
getWKInputStream(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
getWKInputStream(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
getWKInputStream(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
getWKInputStream(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
getWorkingArea() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getWorkspace() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns the workspace name.
getWorkspace() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
getWorkspace() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
getWorkspaceConflicts(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
getWorkspaceConflicts(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Returns the workspace conflicts.
getWorkspaceConflicts(String, String, String, List<String>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Returns the workspace conflicts between the child and parent workspace for specified the table.
getWorkspaceConflicts(Connection, String, String, NFEModel) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Returns the workspace's conflicts.
getWorkspaceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
getWorkspaceInfo() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Gets the workspace manager related data associated to the current model
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
Returns the workspace name.
getWorkspaces(NFEModelMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Returns a list with the names of the workspaces related to the model.
getWorkspaceService() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
getWorkspaceService() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Returns workspace service.
getWriteBlockMemSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Returns the size in bytes of the GeoRaster internal data block for read/write operations.
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.Point
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Get x.
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point x.
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
getX() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
getXmax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getXmin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOp2
getXMLSchema() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.XMLConfigurable
Returns the XML schema for the input parameter.
getXMLSchema() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
getXMLString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns an XML string represented by this GeoRasterMetadata object.
getXMLString(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
getXMLString(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
getXMLString(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
getXMLString(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
getXMLString(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
getXMLType(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
Use SQLXML newXML = resultSet.getSQLXML(columnNumber);
getXMLType(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.JDBCExtensionInterface
Use SQLXML newXML = resultSet.getSQLXML(columnNumber);
getXOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the xOff value.
getXOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get x offset
getXRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point xRMS.
getXRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get x RMS
getXScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the xScale value.
getXScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get x scale
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.Point
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Get y.
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point y.
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
getY() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
getYmax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getYmin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getYOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the yOff value.
getYOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get x offset
getYRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point yRMS.
getYRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get y RMS
getYScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the yScale value.
getYScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get y scale
getZ() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Get z.
getZ() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point z.
getZmax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getZmin() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
getZOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the zOff value.
getZOff() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get z offset
getzOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
Returns the feature layer Z-order.
getzOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
getZOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
getZOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Gets the Z order of the feature layer
getZRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Returns the GCP point zRMS.
getZRMS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get z RMS
getZScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Returns the zScale value.
getZScale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get z scale
GML - Class in oracle.spatial.util
GML() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GML
GML_COORD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
Deprecated with GML version 3.0
GML_COORDINATES_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
Deprecated with GML 3.1.0 Use the explicit properties "lowerCorner" and "upperCorner" instead.
GML_LOWER_CORNER_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML_POS_LIST_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML_SRS_DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML_UPPER_CORNER_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML_X - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML_Y - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML_Z - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GML2 - Class in oracle.spatial.util
GML2() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
GML3 - Class in oracle.spatial.util
GML3() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
GML3_1_1 - oracle.spatial.util.GML3.GMLVersion
GML3_2_1 - oracle.spatial.util.GML3.GMLVersion
GML3.GMLVersion - Enum in oracle.spatial.util
gml311ToSTRUCT(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Connection parameter is ignored; static default connection is used instead. Perhaps this is a bug.
gml311ToSTRUCT(String, Connection, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gml311ToSTRUCT(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob) instead.
gml311ToSTRUCT(CLOB, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String) instead.
gml311ToSTRUCT(CLOB, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String, NUMBER) instead.
gml311ToSTRUCT(CLOB, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gml311ToSTRUCT(OracleClob, NUMBER) instead.
GML3g - Class in oracle.spatial.util
GML3g() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
gmlToSTRUCT(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Connection parameter is ignored; static default connection is used instead. Perhaps this is a bug.
gmlToSTRUCT(String, Connection, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
gmlToSTRUCT(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob) instead.
gmlToSTRUCT(CLOB, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String) instead.
gmlToSTRUCT(CLOB, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob, String, NUMBER) instead.
gmlToSTRUCT(CLOB, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.gmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob, NUMBER) instead.
gmlTypes - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
gmlTypes - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
GoalNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines if a given node is a goal node for network analysis
GoalNodeOperator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Supports "and", "or", and "not" operations on goal node filters.
GoalNodeOperator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GoalNodeOperator
gotoWorkspace(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Goes to a Workspace given (workspaceName) in the DB connection given (conn).
goToWorkspace(WorkSpace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Moves connection to the specified workspace.
GraphicsUtilities - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics
GraphicsUtilities contains a set of tools to perform common graphics operations easily.
greatCircle(UnitSphere, UnitSphere) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Compute the great circle through two points, and return it as the vector perpindicular to the plane through the two points and the center of the earth.
groundPlanSimplification(J3D_Geometry, Connection, int, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Generalization3D
Simplifies input 3D building geometry.
GroupingLOD1Generalization - Class in oracle.spatial.util
GroupingLOD1Generalization() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.GroupingLOD1Generalization
Java class that groups LOD1 geometries to generalize.
gtransH - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
gtype - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
gtype - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
GTYPE_COLLECTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_COLLECTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
collection geometry type
GTYPE_CURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_CURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
curve geoemtry type
GTYPE_MULTICURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_MULTICURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
multi-curve geometry type
GTYPE_MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
multi-point geometry type
GTYPE_MULTIPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_MULTIPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
multi-polygon geometry type
GTYPE_MULTISOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_MULTISOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
GTYPE_MULTISURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_MULTISURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
GTYPE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
point geometry type
GTYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
polygon geometry type
GTYPE_SOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_SOLID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
GTYPE_SURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
GTYPE_SURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry


handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
The main method that performs event handling for this tool.
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
handleMenu(JPopupMenu, List<GeoObject>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.ContextualMenuHandler
Handles menu method.
HANDLER_CLASS_NAME_LRU - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
handleTheEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
handleTheEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
hasAlphaFromData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Check if this image has alpha channel included in data provided in this class constructor.
hasAnyRuleInstanceAssociated(NFEConnectivityRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Returns true if any rule instance is related to the specified rule in the table RULE_INSTANCE_[model_id], false otherwise.
hasBitmapMask() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Returns true if there is a bitmap mask associated with this layer.
hasBitmapMask(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Returns true if the GeoRaster object has a bitmapMask defined in the layer layerNo
hasCBReference() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasChanges() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Returns if any feature has been modified or removed, or if new Geometries has been added.
hasCircularArcs() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry is a compound one.
hasColorBalance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasColormap() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns whether a colormap is associated with the current RGB layers.
hasCommonPointRule() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasFillGap() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasGeodeticSRID - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
hasGeodeticSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns if data set has geodetic SRID.
hasGrayscale() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Returns whether a gray scale mapping is associated with the current RGB layers.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
hasIncludeNODATA() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasInterval(NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals
Checks whether the link interval object contains the input interval.
hasLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Checks whether the network elements contains the specified link.
hasLinks(long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Checks whether the input links exist or not
hasMore() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.LasFileStream
hasNext() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
hasNodataTransparent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
hasNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Checks whether the network elements contains the specified node.
hasNodeCost() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network has node cost.
hasNodes(long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Checks whether the input nodes exist or not
hasRelatedRules(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns true if the feature class is used in any NFE rule, false otherwise.
hasRelatedRules(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns true if the feature layer is used in any NFE rule, false otherwise.
hasResamplingMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasResamplingTolerance() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasResolutionFilter() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
hasSequence(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEMetadata
Tells whether the table name is associated to a sequence
hasSpatialAttributeChanged(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns if spatial attribute of modified feature has changed.
hasSpatialAttributeChanged(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Returns if spatial attribute of modified feature has changed.
hasStringID() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network has String ID index
hasType(JGeometry, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
hasVmElevationParam() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
header - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
headSet(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
headSet(Integer, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
heap - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
HeavyPointOnNet - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A HeavyPointOnNet is a PointOnNet with reference to the underlying LogialNode and LogicalLink object.
HeavyPointOnNet(LogicalLink, double, UserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeavyPointOnNet
Constructs a HeavyPointOnNet object for a point on link.
HeavyPointOnNet(LogicalNode, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeavyPointOnNet
Constructs a HeavyPointOnNet object for a node.
HeavyPointOnNet(LogicalNode, UserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeavyPointOnNet
Constructs a HeavyPointOnNet object for a node.
HeuristicCostFunction - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines the heuristic cost function from one point to another.
highliteAnimatedStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Hilbert - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Hilbert() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Hilbert
hilbert_d2xy(long, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Hilbert
hilbert_xy2d(long, long, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Hilbert
hilbert_xy2d(long, long, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
hilbert_xy2d(long, long, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
histogramMatch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, GeorHistogram[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Processes the input GeoRaster object so that the histograms of the output GeoRaster object matches the histogram of a reference GeoRaster object (refGeoRaster) or a reference histogram (refHistograms).
histogramMatch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Processes the input GeoRaster object so that the histograms of the output GeoRaster object matches the histogram of a reference GeoRaster object (refGeoRaster) or a reference histogram (refHistograms).
histogramMatch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, GeorHistogram[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Processes the input GeoRaster object so that the histograms of the output GeoRaster object matches the histogram of a reference GeoRaster object (refGeoRaster) or a reference histogram (refHistograms).
histogramMatch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Processes the input GeoRaster object so that the histograms of the output GeoRaster object matches the histogram of a reference GeoRaster object (refGeoRaster) or a reference histogram (refHistograms).
HistoryMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network
hitTest(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
hitTest(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Performs a hit test for the given mouse location (x,y).
hitTest(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Performs a hit test for the given mouse location (x,y).
hitTest(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
hitTest(Point2D, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Hit-test the specified point against this drawable object.
hitTest(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
hitTest(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Performs a hit test for the given rectangle.
hitTest(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Performs a hit test for the given rectangle.
hitTest(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
hover(GeoObject, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureSelectionTool
hover(GeoObject, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Notifies the GeoObject's layer that the GeoObject is being hovered
HoverableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
An interface for layers that have objects that can be hovered over
hoverBorderColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
hoverBorderColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
hoverColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
hoverColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
hoverManager - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
hoverManager - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
HoverManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A HoverManager is associated with a MapCanvas, and keeps a reference to the GeoObject that is currently in hover.
HoverManager() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
hoverStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
hoverStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer


Icons - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.icons
Icons() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.icons.Icons
id - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Identifiable - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
IdentifiableBinaryHeap<E extends Identifiable & java.lang.Comparable> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
a binary Min.
IdentifiableBinaryHeap() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
IdentifiableBinaryHeap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
IdentifiablePriorityQueue<E extends Identifiable & java.lang.Comparable> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines the methods supported by a priority queue.
identify(Point2D, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Returns a feature that is located at the given point using the specified tolerance
idxFileHdr - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
idxFIS - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
idxRecordOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
make an double out of the byte array starting at offset 'off'.
iflat() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
ImageObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject
An image based feature to be rendered in canvas
ImageObject(Object, Image) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
Creates a new instance with the given key and image
imageOpacityAlpha - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
img - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
img - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
importGeometry(Object, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.AdapterShapefileJGeom
importLAS(DataInputStream, String, PreparedStatement, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
importLAS(String, DataInputStream, String, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
importLAS(String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport
importLAS(String, String, String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport
importNetwork(String, long, long, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Imports all the links and nodes from the specified network to the current model in the database, translating them into line and point features respectively.
importNetworkElementsAsFeatures(String, long, long, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
importNetworkElementsAsFeatures(String, long, long, long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Imports all the links and nodes from the specified network to the current model in the database, translating them into line and point features respectively.
includeColumn(Connection, String, LASImportExport.LasAttribute) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport
includeColumns(Connection, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
includeColumns(Connection, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
includeColumns(Connection, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
includeColumns(Connection, String, LASImportExport.LasAttribute[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport
incNumExpansions(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.Statistics
inConnectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Tells whether the line feature element is an incoming line connected to the point feature element
inConnectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
inConnectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Tells whether the line feature element is an incoming connection of the point feature element
incPointInPolygon(Point2DD, Point2DD[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Incremental Point in Polygon routine taking a string of coordinates representing a part (or all) of a ring boundary.
INDENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
indexedSet - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
indexedSet - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
The indexed set owning this object
IndexedSpatialSet<V extends GeoObject> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
A set that is spatially indexed.
indexKeeper - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
indexOf(Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the link index of the given link in the path
indexOf(Link, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the link index of the given link in the path starting from fromIndex
indexOf(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the node index of the given node in the path
indexOf(Node, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the node index of the given node in the path starting from fromIndex
indexOfLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns the index of the specified link in this path.
indexOfNode(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Returns the index of the specified node in this path.
infiniteMer(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Create a new mer that covers the universe (infinite extent).
info(Exception) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs an info exception
info(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a piece of information (such as configuration et al).
info(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a piece of information (such as configuration et al).
init() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
init() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
Called by superclass constructors and pseudoconstructors (clone, readObject) before any entries are inserted into the map.
init(int, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Initiates a JGeoRasterMeta object based on a general pattern of metadata of a JGeoRaster object.
init(long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
init(long, long, VisitedNode, int, int, int, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
init(Connection, NetworkMetadata, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
init(Properties) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
Creates the data source using the input connection properties.
init(DbDataSource, NetworkMetadata, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
init(LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
init(NetworkMetadata, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AStar
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Dijkstra
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOp2
init(Element) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.XMLConfigurable
Initializes the XML configurable object with the input parameter.
init(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
initBandReferenceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
If the current instance does not contain a BandReferenceInfo instance, then an empty BandReferenceInfo is created and added to the current instance, otherwise just return current BandReferenceInfo.
initDatasource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
Initializes the Pool Data Source to be able to serve DB connections.
initDatasource() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEConnectionDataSource
Initializes the data source to be able to serve DB connections.
initialAnalysisInfo - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
initialAnalysisInfo - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
initialCapacity - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
initialize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
initialize(HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[], int[], int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, LODNetworkConstraint, double, LongHashMap<ArrayList<NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement>>, NetworkBuffer, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
initialize(JDBCExtensionInterface) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCAdapter
This method should be called before any interaction with the db.
initializeTables(NFEModelMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Creates default values in decision handler rules tables.
initLayerInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
If the current instance does not contain a LayerInfo instance, then an empty LayerInfo is created and added to the current instance, otherwise just return current LayerInfo.
initMBR(Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
initObjectInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
If the current instance does not contain an ObjectInfo instance, then an empty ObjectInfo is created and added to the current instance; otherwise, just return the current ObjectInfo.
initRasterBlock(int, int, int, int, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Inserts a new row into raster data table with specified pLevel,bandBlockNumber, rowBlockNumber, columnBlockNumber, and mbr.
initRasterBlockJS(int, int, int, int, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Inserts a new row into raster data table with specified pLevel,bandBlockNumber, rowBlockNumber, columnBlockNumber, and mbr.
initRasterInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
If the current instance does not contain a RasterInfo instance, then an empty RasterInfo is created and added to the current instance; otherwise, just return the current RasterInfo.
initRDT() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Initializes all rows in the RDT table, based on information like dimensionSize, blockSize, pyramidLevel, and so on, stored in the metadata.
initSearch(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
initSpatialReferenceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
If the current instance does not contain a SpatialReferenceInfo instance, then an empty SpatialReferenceInfo is created and added to the current instance, otherwise just return current SpatialReferenceInfo.
initSubLayer() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
Adds a new subLayer in the current layerInfo.
initTemporalReferenceInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
If the current instance does not contain a TemporalReferenceInfo instance, then an empty TemporalReferenceInfo is created and added to the current instance, otherwise just return current TemporalReferenceInfo.
inLineRange(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
computes whether the test point is on the open set of the input line segment with the assumption that the point is already known to be on the infinite line of which the line segment is a part.
InMemoryPairwisePathResultIO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
InMemoryPairwisePathResultIO(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.InMemoryPairwisePathResultIO
INNER_OUTER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
inSector(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
inSector determines whether a line drawn from the middle vertex of a triad of vertices to a test point lies within the sector defined by the triad.
inSector(Point2DD, Point2DD[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
inSector determines whether a line drawn from the middle vertex of a triad of vertices to a test point lies within the sector defined by the triad.
insert(E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
insert(E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
insert(E) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PriorityQueue
Inserts an element into the queue.
insertFeatures(OracleConnection, DBFReaderJGeom, ShapefileReaderJGeom, String, int, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
insertFeatures(OracleConnection, DBFReaderJGeom, ShapefileReaderJGeom, String, String, int, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
insertGeomMetadata(Connection, String, String, int, SDODimArray) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Inserts the geometry metadata to the database.
insertObject(Object, GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
Inserts a new GeoObject instance
insertObject(Object, GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Inserts a new GeoObject instance
inside(MDPoint, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Checks if the point is inside the specified range represented by the point and the radius.
inside(MDPoint, MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Checks if the point is inside the specified range represented by the low and the high points.
INSIDE - oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
inside3d(Struct, Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
inside3d(J3D_Geometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns whether the first Cartesian geometry is inside the solid (second Cartesian geometry) or not.
inside3d(J3D_Geometry, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns whether the first geometry is inside the solid (second geometry) or not.
INTEGER - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
INTEGER_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
interacts(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return true if pt touches or is inside this mer.
interacts(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test if the point or mer touches the target mer.
interacts(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test if the point or mer touches the target mer + tolerance.
interacts(double[], JPoint2DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test if the 2D MER contains the given point.
interacts(JPoint2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return true if pt touches or is inside this mer.
interacts(Mer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return true if target touches or is inside this mer.
interacts(Mer, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return true if target touches or is inside this mer.
interacts(MBR) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the MBR interacts with the specified MBR.
interacts(MBR, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Checks if the MBR interacts with the specified MBR.
interactsTile(double[], JPoint2DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test if the 2D MER contains the given point, excluding the right and bottom edges of the mer.
interactsTile(JPoint2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Return true if pt is inside this mer, or touches the top or left edge.
intersect(JPoint3DD, JPoint3DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Return the intersection of two great-circles.
intersect(UnitSphere, UnitSphere, UnitSphere, UnitSphere) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Return an intersection of two great-circle segments, or null if none.
intersect(MBR) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Creates a new MBR by intersecting with the specified MBR.
intersection(JGeometry, JGeometry[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the intersection between source geometry and other geometries.
intersection(AbstractFeature, AbstractFeature[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the intersection between source geometry and other geometries.
Intersection<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
Represents an intersection between two or more elements.
Intersection(Point2D, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Allocates a new intersection
intersectionLocation - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
IntersectionLocation - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
Defines different line locations
IntersectionMember<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
Holds the information of an element participating in an intersection interaction along with the information of how the element is intersected.
IntersectionMember(V, JGeometry) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Allocates a new intersection member
intersectNetwork(Network) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Intersects the network with the given network.
intscts(RTree.Span[], RTree.Span[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
intscts(RTree.Span[], RTree.Span[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
INVALID_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Invalid column name error code.
INVALID_LINK_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
INVALID_NODE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
INVALID_SQL_NAME - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Invalid SQL Name error code.
InvalidDBConnectionException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io
Thrown when a Connection is invalid.
InvalidDBConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.InvalidDBConnectionException
InvalidDBConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.InvalidDBConnectionException
InvalidExpressionException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression
Thrown when an expression is invalid.
InvalidExpressionException(char, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.InvalidExpressionException
InvalidExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.InvalidExpressionException
invalidStateCursor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
InvalidTopoOperationException - Exception in oracle.spatial.topo
InvalidTopoOperationException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.InvalidTopoOperationException
InvalidTopoOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.InvalidTopoOperationException
inverseTransform2D(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Given (row, column) cell coordinates, computes the (X,Y) model coordinates.
inverseTransform3D(double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Given (row, column) cell coordinates and z, computes the (X,Y) model coordinates.
IP_AUTOMATIC_LINEAR_STRETCH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
IP_EQUALIZATION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
IP_MANUAL_LINEAR_STRETCH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
IP_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
IP_NORMALIZATION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
IP_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_STRETCH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Checks if the link is active.
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Checks whether the link is active.
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Checks whether the node is active.
isActive() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Tells whether the network element is active or not
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Checks if the node is active.
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path is active.
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
isAllowedPoint(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isAllowedPoint(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Tells whether a point is inside the boundaries defined by the model.
isAllowedPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isAllowedPoint(Point2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Tells whether a point is inside the boundaries defined by the model.
isAllowedRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isAllowedRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Tells whether a rectangle is inside the boundaries defined by the model.
isAllowedRectangle(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isAllowedRectangle(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Tells whether a rectangle is inside the boundaries defined by the model.
isAllowedScreenPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Tells whether the screen point is valid according to the model's dimension boundaries
isBackward() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
isBackwardFlag() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
isBidirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Checks if the link is bidiretced
isBidirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Checks whether this link is bidirected or not.
isBidirected() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
isBidirected() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Tells whether the link is bidirected or not
isBlank() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Returns true if the GeoRaster object is blank.
isBlockEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Tells whether the block is empty, that is, it does not contain actions
isBorderless() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
isChildRecordDeleted() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Returns true if the child record is deleted, false otherwise.
isCircle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry represents a circle.
isClosed() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path is closed.
isComplex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
isCompound - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
isCompoundElement(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
isConnected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is connected.
isConnected(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path is connected.
isConstraintSatisfied(HeavyPointOnNet, VisitedNode, LogicalPartition, LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, LODNetworkConstraint, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
isCovered(PointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
isCreatePoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Tells whether the rule creates a point automatically if it does not exist
isCurrentNodePartiallyExpanded(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkConstraint
While expanding a node during network search, the search algorithm may not be able to access all the outgoing links due to network constraint, and we call a node with unaccessible outgoing links partially expanded node.
isCurrentNodePartiallyExpanded(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
isCurrentNodePartiallyExpanded(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
isDanglingNode(NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Tells whether a node is a dangling node, that is, there are no feature elements over the node nor is connected to any link
isDateTimestampWithZone() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Returns true if timestamp contains time zone flag
isDefined() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
isDirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is directed.
isDirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network is directed.
isDirected() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Returns true if the network is directed, false otherwise.
isDraggable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
isDummyExternalNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns true if the net node object is an external node and
isDummyExternalNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
isEditable() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
isEditable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test whether this Mer is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Returns true if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PriorityQueue
Determines whether the queue is empty or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
isEmpty() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Checks if the metadata contains any data
isEmpty(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Test whether a Mer is empty.
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Checks for nulls and empty strings.
isEnabled() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Tells whether the tool is enabled or not
isFeatureElementCompatibleWithFeatureClass(FeatureElement.FeatureElementType, NFEFeatureClass) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isFeatureElementCompatibleWithNetworkElement(FeatureElement.FeatureElementType, NFENetworkElement) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isFeatureLayerLoaded(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns whether the specified user data category is loaded.
isFeaturePath(NFEFeature) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.PathUtil
Returns true if the feature is a path, false otherwise.
isFeatureTableEmpty(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns true if no features belong to the feature class, false otherwise.
isFeatureTableEmpty(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns true if no features belong to the feature layer, false otherwise.
isFirstElemOfCompound - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
isFirstOrLastNode - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint
isForward() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
Returns true if the end value is greater than the start value; false otherwise.
isForward() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Returns the traverse direction
isFullPath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Returns true if the subpath covers the entire reference path.
isFullPath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
isGeodetic() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
isGeodetic() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Determine if the geometry is geodetic based on the SRID and coordinate system information.
isGeodetic() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Returns if the network is a geodetic spatial network
isGeodetic(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Using an Oracle convention to determin if a srid is geodetic.
isGeodetic(OracleConnection, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
isGeodeticMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry represents a geodetic MBR.
isGeoedeticSRID() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
isGeometryTypeExpected(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
Tells whether the set is expecting the specified geometry type (from JGeometry).
isGoal(LogicalNetNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODGoalNode
Returns true if the given node is a goal node, false otherwise.
isGoal(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.GoalNode
Returns true if the given node is a goal, false otherwise
isHidden() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Tells whether the layer is hidden
isHierarchical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is hierarchical (hierarchy level > 1).
isHierarchical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network is hierarchical.
isHoldLayerUpdate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
isHover(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
isHover(GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverableLayer
Returns true if the geo-object is being hovered
isHover(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
Checks to see if the given GeoObject is currently selected.
isHover(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
isInAction() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.BasicTool
Returns if the tool in in the middle of an action.
isInAction() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.Tool
Returns true if the tool is in the middle of an action.
isIncomingLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Checks whether the input link is an incoming link or not.
isInEditMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Returns if data model can be edited (read-write mode).
isInEditMode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns if data set can be edited (read-write mode).
isInnerRing(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
isInside(JGeometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry
Determine whether this geometry is inside B.
isInside(JGeometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines if a 2D/3D Geometry is inside another 2D/3D Geometry.
isInside(JGeometry, double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
isInside(JGeometry, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method determines if a 2D/3D Geometry is inside another 2D/3D Geometry.
ISINSIDE - oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.FastOp
isInsideCheck(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
isIntegralNumber() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method help to identify if the JSON number is integral by not having a fractional or exponential part.
isInternalLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Checks whether the input link is an internal link or not.
isInternalNode(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Checks whether the input node is an internal node or not.
isIsUserDataIncluded() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
isLeaf() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.PQItem
isLeafNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the tree link array that leads to the child nodes i-th tree link leads to i-th child tree node public TreeLink getTreeLink() ; /** Is the node a leaf node?
isLine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Tells whether the element held is a line
isLine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
isLine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.PointIntersectionMember
isLine() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEFeatureElementGeoObject
Tells whether the type of the feature element is a line
isLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
isLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Tells whether the network element is a link or not
isLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
isLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFENetworkElementGeoObject
Tells whether the GeoObject's network element is a link
isLinkDeleted(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
isLinkDeleted(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
isLinkGeometryReversed(int, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the given i-th link geometry in the path is reversed in the path direction
isLinkReversed(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the given i-th link in the path is reversed in the path direction
isLinksExist(long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Checks whether the input links exist or not
isLockInd() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns true if the work area is locked, false otherwise.
isLogical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Checks if the link is logical.
isLogical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is logical (without spatial information).
isLogical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network is logical.
isLogical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
isLogical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Chceks if the path is logical.
isLogical() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Checks if the tree is logical
isLRSGeom() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
isLRSGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this is a LRS (Linear Reference System) geometry.
isLRSGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is from an LRS geometry layer.
isLRSGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network geometries are LRS SDO_GEOMETRY objects.
isMarked() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Checks if the node is marked.
isMatchingType(NFEFeatureElement, long, long, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Tells whether a feature element matches the predicate of a rule.
isMbrInd() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Returns true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise.
isModified() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network has been modified.
isModified() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
isModified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
isModified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
isModified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
isModifiedFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns if change relates to a feature that has been modified before.
isModifiedFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
isModifiedFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
isMultiPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry is of Multi-Point type.
isMultiSelect() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Tells whether the tool allows multiple selection or not
isMyEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
isMyEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
isMyEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
This layer always returns false
isNetworkInCache(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Checks if a given network is in the cache
isNetworkPartitioned(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
isNetworkPartitioned(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the partition ID of the given node
isNetworkPartitionedSet(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
isNeverShrink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
isNewFeature() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Returns if change relates to a new feature.
isNewFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
isNewFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
isNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Checks whether this point falls on a node or not.
isNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
isNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Tells whether the network element is a node or not
isNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
isNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFENetworkElementGeoObject
Tells whether the GeoObject's network element is a node
isNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Returns true if the network element is a node, false otherwise.
isNodeDeleted(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
isNodeDeleted(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
isNodeOnLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Check whether this node is on a link.
isNodesExist(long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Checks whether the input nodes exist or not
isNonNullAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Returns if attribute is a non null attribute.
isOpen() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Tells whether the block is listening to events
isOptimizedPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
isOrientedMultiPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry is of Multi-Point type and oriented.
isOrientedPoint - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
isOrientedPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry is of point type and oriented.
isOrthoRectified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get true if spatial orthorectified is orthorectified, false if is not
isOrthoRectified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns true if the current GeoRaster object is orthorectified.
isOutgoingLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubNetwork
Checks whether the input link is an outgoing link or not.
isOverlap(String, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Returns the string TRUE if two or more GeoRaster objects overlap, or FALSE if two or more GeoRaster objects do not overlap.
isOverlap(SdoGeoRaster[], Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Returns the string TRUE if two or more GeoRaster objects overlap, or FALSE if two or more GeoRaster objects do not overlap.
isOverlap(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Returns the string TRUE if two or more GeoRaster objects overlap, or FALSE if two or more GeoRaster objects do not overlap.
isOwner(IntersectionMember<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Tells whether the given member is owner of the intersection.
isParentRecordDeleted() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Returns true if the parent record is deleted, false otherwise.
isPartialLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
If the tree link is a partial link?
isPartiallyLoaded() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Returns true if the net link object is an external link that is partially loaded.
isPartiallyLoaded() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
Use link level as an indicator for whether a link is external.
isPartiallyLoaded() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns true if the net node object is an external node and partially loaded.
isPartiallyLoaded() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
Use max link level as an indicator for whether a node is external.
isPartitioned() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is partitioned.
isPartitioned() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
isPersistent() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is persistent (stored in the database).
isPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry is of point type.
isPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
isPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Tells whether the element held is a point
isPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
isPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.PointIntersectionMember
isPoint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Tests to see if this Drawable is a point.
isPoint(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool
Tells whether the GeoObject's shape is a point
isPointOnLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Checks whether this point falls on a link or not.
isPOL() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEFeatureElementGeoObject
Tells whether the type of the feature element is POL (point on link)
isPON() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEFeatureElementGeoObject
Tells whether the type of the feature element is PON (point on node)
isPre9i(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Determin if a database is pre-9i version.
isRDTNameUnique(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Checks if the specified raster data table (RDT) name is unique among RDT names in the database.
isReachable(long, long, int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Checks whether there is a path from the start node to the end node using the given link level for long-haul search.
isReachable(Feature[], Feature[], int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Checks whether there is a path from the start features to the end features using the given link level for long-haul search.
isReachable(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Checks whether there is a path from the start node to the end node using the given link level for long-haul search.
isReachable(Network, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Checks if the source node can reach the target node.
isReachable(Network, int, int, MBR, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Checks if the source node can reach the target node.
isReachable(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Checks if the source node can reach the target node.
isReadFromBlob() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
isReadFromBlob() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns true if the partitions are read from BLOB; false if the partitions are read from node/link tables.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is read-only to the database.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Gets whether the attribute is writable or read-only
isReadOnly() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
isReady - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
isRectangle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Checks if this geometry represents a rectangle.
isRectified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get true if spatial reference is rectified, false if is not
isRectified() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns true if the current GeoRaster object is rectified.
isReferenced() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Returns true if the current GeoRaster object is georeferenced.
isReferenced() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Get true if spatial reference is referenced, false if is not
isReferenced() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Returns true if the current GeoRaster object is georeferenced.
isReferenced() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Returns true if the current GeoRaster object is georeferenced.
isRegularLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeLink
if the tree link is a regular link
isRegularNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.TreeNode
Returns the regular node if the tree node is a regular node isNodeOnLink() == false
isRelatedToFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Tells whether the given feature element is related to the rule instance
isRemovedFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
isRemovedFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
isReporting() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Checks if any session has status reporting enabled.
isReservedWord(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
From jpaiva MapBuilder Returns if input word is an Oracle SQL reserved word or an ANSI reserved word.
isReservedWord(OracleConnection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
isResidentPartition(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Checks whether the specified partition is a resident partition.
isReverse() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Returns whether the path is reverse path or not.
isReverse() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Returns false if the path is represented in the traveling direction; Returns true if the path is represented in the reverse direction.
isReverse() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeature
Whether the path is a reverse path.
isReverse() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeatureImpl
isReversePath(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the given path is the reverse path of the path
isRoot(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
isRounded() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
isRunning() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine
isSameDirection(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if two paths the have same direction (indicated by the path node orde).
isSamePath(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the given path has the same path links
isSamePoint(double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Tells whether the given points are located at the same position
isSatisfied(AnalysisInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkConstraint
Checks if the constraint is satisfied.
isSatisfied(AnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Check if the system constraint is satisfied during the search.
isSatisfied(ClusterResult) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusteringConstraint
isSatisfied(ClusterResult) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterSizeConstraint
isSatisfied(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
isSatisfied(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
isSatisfied(TspAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint
isSatisfied(TspAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl.NetworkTspConstraint
isSatisfied(TspAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
isSatisfied(TspAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
isSatisfied(T) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Constraint
Checks if the constraint is satisfied.
isSchemaValid(OracleClob, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
isSchemaValid(CLOB, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
isSDOGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is from an SDO geometry layer.
isSDOGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network geometries are SDO_GEOMETRY objects.
isSelected(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
isSelected(GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Checks if an object is selected
isSelected(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
isSelected(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
True if the object is selected
isShadow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
isShape() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Tests to see if this Drawable is a shape.
isShowFlow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Tells whether the line features flow is shown
isShowFlow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Tells whether flow indicators are displayed for links
isShowFlow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
Tells whether the line features flow is shown.
isSimple() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Checks whether this path is simple or not.
isSimple() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
isSimple() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
isSimple() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path is simple (no self-crossing).
isSimpleElement(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
isSpatial() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is spatial (with spatial information).
isSpatial() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network is spatial.
isStandaloneFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
isStandaloneFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Thells whether the feature element is standalone.
isStopDispatchingAtFirstError() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEBasicEventDispatcher
isStopDispatchingAtFirstError() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatcher
Tells whether the dispatcher stops firing events when an error ocurrs
isSubElementOf(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
isSubElementOf(GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Returns true if this GeoObject is a sub element of the provided GeoObject
isSubElementOf(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
isSubElementOf(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
isTableVersioned(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns if table is versioned (workspace enabled) and workspace exists (if provided)
isTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Checks if the link is temporary.
isTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Checks if the node is temporary.
isTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path is temporary.
isTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
isTopoGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is from a TOPO geometry layer.
isTopoGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network geometries are SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY objects.
isTree() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is a tree.
isTspPath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Checks if the path is a Tsp Path
isUndirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is un-directed.
isUndirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network is undirected.
isUnidirected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Checks if the link is uni-diretced
isUpgradeNeeded() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Checks the GeoRaster system data entries and GeoRaster data for the current schema.
isUserDataCategoryLoaded(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Returns whether the specified user data category is loaded.
isUserDataLoaded() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
use getUserDataCategories
isValid() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
isValid(Feature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureFilter
Returns true if the given feature is a goal feature, false otherwise.
isValid(LogicalSubPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFilter
Returns true if the given sub-path is valid, false otherwise.
isValidPoint(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
isValidPoint(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Returns true if the point location is valid, false otherwise.
isVersionable() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Returns true if the model is versionable, false otherwise.
isVersioned() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Checks if the network is versioned
isVersioned() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Checks if the network is versioned
isVirtualMosaic() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
isVisible() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Tells whether the attribute is visible or not.
isVisible() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
isVisible() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Checks whether this layer is currently visible.
isVisible() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
isVisible(NFEFeatureElementGeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
isVisible(NFEFeatureElementGeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
isVisible(NFENetworkElementGeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
isVisible(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Tells whether the GeoObject is visible
isWithinPolygon(int, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SdoPointInPolygon
isZero() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Test if all three values x, y, and z are zero.
iterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
iterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
iterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
iterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager


J3D_Geometry - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
J3D_Geometry(int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
J3D_Geometry(int, int, double, double, double, int[], double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
J3D_Geometry(int, int, int[], double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
JDBCAbstractIOService - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides default implementation of some methods shared by all the services.
JDBCAbstractIOService(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
JDBCAdapter - Class in oracle.spatial.util
This Class helps to encapsulate calls to Oracle JDBC Extensions that does not work with some J2EE connection pools implementations.
JDBCAnalysisIOService - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides the default implementation for the analysis service.
JDBCAnalysisIOService(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
JdbcDataSource - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
This implementation of NFEConnectionDataSource gets the connections using oracle.jdbc.OracleDataSource.
JdbcDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
JDBCExtensionInterface - Interface in oracle.spatial.util
JDBCFeatureIOService - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides the default implementation for the feature service.
JDBCFeatureIOService(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
JDBCIOServiceProvider - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides the default implementation for the service provider.
JDBCIOServiceProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
JDBCModelIOService - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides the default implementation for the model service.
JDBCModelIOService(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
JDBCUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.util
JDBCUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
JDBCUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
Utilities used by NFE to execute queries and perform common operations.
JDBCUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
JDBCWorkspaceIOService - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides the default implementation for the workspace service.
JDBCWorkspaceIOService(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
JGeometry - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
A Java class that maps Oracle Spatial's SQL type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY.
JGeometry(double, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry instance that is a Rectangle.
JGeometry(double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Constructs a 3D JGeometry instance that is a point
JGeometry(double, double, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Constructs a 2D JGeometry instance that is a point
JGeometry(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Constructs an empty geometry with given type and srid.
JGeometry(int, int, double, double, double, int[], double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Constructs a JGeometry instance with given information
JGeometry(int, int, int[], double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Constructs a JGeometry instance with given information
JGeometry.ChainConverter - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Helper class used in creating an Oracle geometry from chains.
JGeometry.ElementIterator - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
JGeometry.GeomParser - Interface in oracle.spatial.geometry
Callbacks for parsing this geometry via parseGeometry
JGeometry.Point - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
use @link{oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD} instead
JGeometrySegmentUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
JGeometrySegmentUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.JGeometrySegmentUtil
JGeomToGeoJson - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Provides convenient methods to generate JSON fragments.
JGeomToGeoJson() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
JGeoRaster - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
JGeoRaster is a Java class mapped to the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster SQL type MDSYS.SDO_GEORASTER, and it provides the capability to access, manipulate, and visualize the GeoRaster objects stored in an Oracle Spatial database.
JGeoRaster(Connection, String, NUMBER) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Constructs an GeoRaster object with given connection, rasterDataTable, and rasterID.
JGeoRaster(Struct, Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Constructs an GeoRaster object with the given Struct and connection.
JGeoRaster(STRUCT) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
JGeoRasterMeta - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
The GeoRaster Java library defines a full set of Java classes to store and represent all metadata of a GeoRaster object.
JGeoRasterMeta(String, JGeoRaster) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Constructs an JGeoRasterMeta object with the given metadata XML string.
JGeoRasterVM - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
JGeoRasterVM supports the definition of a GeoRaster virtual mosaic for the purpose of displaying a collection of images as a single one without storing the resulting image and supporting most of the same visualization options as if it was a single image.
JGeoRasterVM(Connection, String[], String[], String[], String, MosaicParameters) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Virtual Mosaic constructor.
JGeoRasterVM(Connection, String[], String[], String[], String, MosaicParameters, double[], String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Virtual Mosaic constructor.
JGeoRasterVM(Connection, String, String, MosaicParameters) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Virtual Mosaic constructor.
JGeoRasterVM(Connection, String, String, MosaicParameters, double[], String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Virtual Mosaic constructor.
jMdcgsphgcu(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
The method jMdsphgcu converts the Geodetic long/lat in radians to Geocentric X/Y/Z in unit sphere.
jmdDcl(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDclcl(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDcurv(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDistance(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDlinecurve(JPoint2DD[], JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDlinepolygon(JPoint2DD[], JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDpg(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDpgpg(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDpnt(JGeometry, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDpntcurve(JPoint2DD, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jmdDpntpolygon(JPoint2DD, JGeometry, CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
jMdspheedis(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
The method jMdspheedis computes the precise ellipsoidal distance using long/lat of two points.
join(RTreeInterface<Q>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Do a join of this RTree with rtree1.
join(RTreeInterface<Q>, Predicate<? super Mer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
join(RTreeInterface<Q>, Predicate<? super Mer>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Do a join of this RTree with rtree1.
join(RTreeInterface<Q>, Mer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Do a join of this RTree with rtree1.
joinAdjacentLines(JGeometry, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Joins two lines into one single line
joinConnectionDescriptors(List<NFEConnectionDescriptor<NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement>>, List<NFEConnectionDescriptor<NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler
joinValue - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTreeJoinRes
JPoint2DD - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
JPoint2DD() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
JPoint2DD(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
JPoint2DD(JPoint2DD) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
JPoint3DD - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Immutable 3D point or vector.
JPoint3DD() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Creata the zero vector.
JPoint3DD(double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Create a 3D point or vector.
JPoint3DD(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Create a scaled JPoint3DD, (x, y, z)/divisor.
JRaster - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
JRaster is a Java class that deals with raster data stored on the server side.
JRaster(JGeoRaster) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Constructs a JRaster object with the given JGeoRaster object.
JsonLocation(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonLocation
JsonParser - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
This class provides methods to read a JSON input.
Methods starting with get will return an item related to the previous JsonParser.next() return value.
Methods starting with read involve one or more internal calls to JsonParser.next() method to read complex values.
JsonParser(Reader) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
JsonParser.Event - Enum in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
This are all the possible tokens identified during parsing.
JsonParser.JsonException - Exception in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
IO related exception.
JsonParser.JsonLocation - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
Position of JsonParser when this object was build.
JsonParser.JsonParsingException - Exception in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
JSON syntax related exception


KAMENICKY_CZECH_MS_DOS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
KEY_NAME - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
KEY_VAL_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
keyColumn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Key column name.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a key pressed event is registered
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a key released event is registered
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
keys() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
keys() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
keySet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
keysReverse() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
kMeansClustering(PointOnNet[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
KML - Class in oracle.spatial.util
KML() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.KML
KML2 - Class in oracle.spatial.util
KML2() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
kmlToSTRUCT(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
kmlToSTRUCT(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
conn ignored; uses class static default connection. Perhaps this is a bug.
kmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
kmlToSTRUCT(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.kmlToSTRUCT(OracleClob) instead.
kmlTypes - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
knowsIntermediateNodeCosts() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
kShortestPaths(Feature[], Feature[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the top k shortest paths from the start feature candidates to the end feature candidates.
kShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest loopless paths from the start point candidates to the end point candidates.
kShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest loopless paths from the start point candiates to the end point candidates.
kShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPaths
Returns the k shortest paths from the start point to the end point.
kShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPathsBfs
kShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
kShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter, KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
KShortestPaths - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a k shortest path algorithm.
kShortestPathsBfs(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, double, long, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest loopless paths from the start point candidates to the end point candidates.
KShortestPathsBfs - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
BFS implementation of K-shortest paths search.
KShortestPathsBfs() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPathsBfs
KShortestPathsBfs(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector, double, long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPathsBfs
KShortestPathsBfs(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector, PriorityQueue, double, long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPathsBfs
kShortestPathsDijkstra(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, double, long, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest paths from the start point candidates to the end point candidates.


LABEL_WKB_CIRCULARSTRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_COMPOUNDCURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_CURVEPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_LINESTRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_MULTICURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_MULTILINESTRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_MULTIPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_MULTISURFACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_NURBSCURVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKB_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_CONTROLPOINTS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_DEGREE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_KNOT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_KNOTS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_MULTIPLICITY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_NURBSPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_VALUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_WEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
LABEL_WKT_WEIGHTEDPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
labelFeature(Graphics2D, AffineTransform, AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
LambertConformalConicSrid(long, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.LambertConformalConicSrid
Las10Header(DataInputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
Las12Header(DataInputStream, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
Las2SqlLdr - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Las2SqlLdr() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
Las2SqlLdr.LasFileStream - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Las2SqlLdr.PointData - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Las2SqlLdrIndep - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Las2SqlLdrIndep() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdrIndep
LasFileStream(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.LasFileStream
LasFileStream(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.LasFileStream
LASImportExport - Class in oracle.spatial.util
LASImportExport() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport
LASImportExport.Las10Header - Class in oracle.spatial.util
LASImportExport.Las12Header - Class in oracle.spatial.util
LAST_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
A line's last point
lastDataWindow - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
lastDataWindow - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
lastElem - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
lastPoint - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
lastViewportTransform - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
lastViewXFM - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
layer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
layer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Edit session if this data model is associated with an edit session.
layer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Layer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A Layer represents a graphics layer that handles the display of and interaction with a particular type of contents.
LAYER_ADDED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LAYER_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
LAYER_POSITION_CHANGED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LAYER_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LAYER_TAGGED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LAYER_UNTAGGED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LayerInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
LayerInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element LayerInfo in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
LayerInfo(JGeoRasterMeta) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
layerIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
layerIterator(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
layerIterator(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
LayerManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Contains and manages all the Layers to be displayed by the MapCanvas
LayerManager(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
LayerManager(MapCanvas, Collection<? extends Layer>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Constructs a list containing the elements of the specified collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's iterator
LayerManager.Entry - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
LayerManagerEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Represents an event in a LayerManager
LayerManagerEvent(Object, int, Layer, Integer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LayerManagerEvent(Object, int, Layer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
LayerManagerEvent(Object, int, Layer, Integer, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManagerEvent
lccs - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
leafCount - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
leafDump() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
length() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
Return the length of the vector.
length() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval
Returns the length of the interval.
length() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
length() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Returns the length of this file.
length(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the perimeter of a 3-D geometry.
length(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Compute the length + perimeter of the geometry (length of all curves plus perimeter of all polygons)
length(double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the perimeter of a 3-D geometry.
length(int, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the perimeter of a 3-D geometry.
length(int, double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the perimeter of a 3-D geometry.
length(Struct, NUMBER, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
lengthG3D(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
the DEBUG logging level.
LEVEL_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
LEVEL_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
the ERROR logging level.
LEVEL_FATAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
LEVEL_FATAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
the highest logging level; Logs unrecoverable program events.
LEVEL_FINEST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
LEVEL_FINEST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
the finest possible logging level.
LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
the INFO logging level, used for logging program configuration and other useful information.
LEVEL_WARN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
LEVEL_WARN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
the WARN logging level.
LeveledNetworkCache - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
An instance of this class contains the cache for all link levels of a network.
LeveledNetworkCache(CachingPolicy[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
A LogicalNetworkCache must know the exact number of link levels and the caching policy for each link level when it is constructed.
LeveledNetworkCache(NetworkCache[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
levels - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
LINE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of a single line (link or partial link).
LINE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement.FeatureElementType
Link or partial link
LINE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type LINE.
LINE - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
LINE_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Cost option Line length.
LINE_LINE - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType
Line-line rule type
LINE_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType
Line-point rule type
lineArcIntersect(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Finds the open-set intersection of line and arc segments, if any.
linearizeArc(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
linearizeArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
returns a linearized array of 2D line segments for an ARC given in three points.
linearizeArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
For a given arc, returns a linearized array of 2D line segments.
linearizeArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
returns a linearized array of 2D line segments for an ARC given in three points.
LineIntersectionList<E> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
A list implementation that stores intersection across a line and facilitates sorting and finding those intersections
LineIntersectionList(E, JGeometry, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionList
Allocates a new line intersection list
LineIntersectionMember<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
An intersection member which geometry is a line
LineIntersectionMember(V, JGeometry) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
LineIntersectionMember(V, JGeometry, JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
Allocates a new line intersection member
lineLineConnectionPerformed(long, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Method called to notify the rules engine when a connection between the specified feature elements was performed using the given line-line rule.
lineLineIntersect(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
Finds the open-set intersection of two line segments, if any.
lineLineIntersect(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Finds the open-set intersection of two line segments, if any.
lineLineIntersect(Point2DD, Point2DD, Point2DD, Point2DD, Point2DD) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Finds the open-set intersection of two line segments, if any.
lineno() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Return the current line number.
linePointConnectionPerformed(long, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Method called to notify the rules engine when a connection between the specified feature elements was performed using the given line-point rule.
linestring(List<JGeometry.LineStringInfo>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.GeomParser
linfo - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
link - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PointOnNetWithLink
Link - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a network link.
LINK_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
LINK_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
linkAdded(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the add link change.
LinkCostCalculator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a link cost calculator.
LinkCostFunction - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
User defined link cost interface
linkDeleted(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the delete link change.
LinkDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a link.
LinkDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
linkEndNodeId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
linkExists(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Checks if the link is bound by the node and the specified nodes.
linkId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
LinkInterval(long, NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval
LinkIntervals(LogicalLink, long[], NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals
LinkLevelSelector - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A LinkLevelSelector selects the link level for the next node to expand on.
linkModified(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the modify link change.
LinkNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Thrown when a link(s) cannot be found.
LinkNotFoundException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkNotFoundException
LinkNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkNotFoundException
linkStartNodeId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
listDanglingRasterData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Checks the GeoRaster system data entries and GeoRaster data, and lists all dangling raster data.
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
listGeoRasterColumns() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Lists the GeoRaster columns defined in the current schema.
listGeoRasterColumnsAsArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
listGeoRasterObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Lists the GeoRaster objects defined in the current schema.
listGeoRasterObjectsAsArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
listGeoRasterTables() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Lists the GeoRaster tables defined in the current schema.
listRDT() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Lists the raster data tables (RDTs) defined in the current schema.
listRegisteredRDT() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Lists registered raster data tables (RDTs) defined in the current schema.
listUnregisteredRDT() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Lists unregistered raster data tables (RDTs) defined in the current schema.
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
liveImg - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
liveProducer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
LLRULE - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource
The rule was created by a line-line rule
lls - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
load(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry instance from a SQL image of a SDO_GEOMETRY object.
load(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
load(AbstractDataAccessObject, Rectangle2D, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
load(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Use java.sql.Struct and JGeometry.loadJS(java.sql.Struct) instead.
loadAnnotationTextMetadata(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
loadCityGML(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.StAXCityGML
loadCityGML(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.StAXCityGML
loadCityGMLBuilding(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.StAXCityGML
loadCompatibleImage(InputStream) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image from a stream.
loadCompatibleImage(URL) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image from a URL.
loadConfig(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
Loads LOD configuration xml.
loadConfig(Clob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Reloads the configuration xml.
loadConfig(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
loadData(Area, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
Loads data for the given query window.
loadData(Area, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
loadData(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
loadData(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
loadData(Rectangle2D, WorkSpace, String, String, String, String, long, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads features from a SQL query.
loadData(AbstractDataAccessObject, Rectangle2D, WorkSpace, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
loadDataInto(Vector<AbstractFeature>, Callable, PropertyChangeSupport, Rectangle2D, WorkSpace, String, String, String, String, long, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Streaming version of loadData Features are put in "into" as soon as they're ready The callable is called each time a feature is ready propSupport is for reporting progress (SwingWorker's model)
loadedArea - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
loadEdge(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads an edge from the database if the edge is not already in the cache.
loadFace(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads a face from the database if the face is not already in the cache.
loadFactor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
loadFeature(long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
loadFeature(long, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Loads the feature, network elements, feature elements and rules instances related to the specified feature.
loadFeatureClasses(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Loads the feature classes of the specified feature layer.
loadFeatureLayerContent(NFEFeatureLayer, Collection<NFENetworkElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Loads the features and rules instances related to the specified feature layer and network elements.
loadFeatureLayersContent(Area, Collection<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
loadFeatureLayersContent(Area, Collection<Long>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Loads the network elements, feature elements, features and rules instances that interact spatially with the specified area.
loadFeatures(String[], String, String, String, WorkSpace, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads the features specified by key values
loadFromDB() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Fetches data from GeoRaster object in the Oracle Database server, which is associated with current JGeoRaster object by RDT and RID, and reinitiates JGeoRaster instance with new data.
loadGeometry(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.StAXGML
loadingArea - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
loadJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry instance from a java.sql.Struct object representing a geometry column in a JDBC result set.
loadJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
loadJS(Struct, int, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Creates a JGeometry instance from a java.sql.Struct object representing a geometry column in a JDBC result set.
loadLasIntoBlockTable(int, String, String, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdrIndep
loadLasIntoBlockTable(int, String, String, String, int, int, Connection, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdrIndep
loadLinkFeatures(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
loadLinkFeatures(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Loads into the Model the link and the features associated to the link.
loadMetadata() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
loadMetaData(AbstractDataAccessObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
loadModel(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
loadModel(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Loads the NFE model.
loadMoreFromLas() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
loadNetElementFeatures(NFEFeatureLayer, NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Loads the features related to the specified network element.
loadNetworkElements(Collection<JGeometry>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns the network elements that interact spatially with the specified minimum bounding rectangle (MBR).
loadNetworkMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
loadNode(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads a node from the database if the node is not already in the cache.
loadNodeFeatures(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
loadNodeFeatures(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Loads into the Model the node and the features associated to the node.
loadSequencesRegistry(Collection<String>, NFEModelMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Loads the table sequences of the specified tables in the model metadata.
loadTopology(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads the entire topology from the database into the instance cache.
loadTopology(boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads the entire topology from the database into the instance cache.
loadTopologyFeatures(String, String, String, Rectangle2D, WorkSpace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads the topology features.
loadTopologyLayersMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads the topology metadata for all topology layers
loadTopologyMetadata(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads the topology metadata for feature table.
loadTopologyPrimitives(String, int[], int[], int[], WorkSpace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads the specified topology primitives nodes, edges and faces.
loadTopologyPrimitives(String, Rectangle2D, WorkSpace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Loads the topology primitives nodes, edges and faces.
loadWindow(double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads a portion of the topology specified by a query window.
loadWindow(double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads a portion of the topology specified by a query window.
loadWindow(double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Loads a portion of the topology specified by a query window.
locateG3D(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
locatePoint(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the (linearly interpreted) point on the link geometry of the given distance ratio.
locatePoint(LRSGeometryG3D, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
location(long, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
location(long, double, double, Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Queues a location message to be sent to the server.
LOCATION_WORKER - oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.WorkerType
A worker that will send queued location information to the database
LocationMsg - Class in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
LocationMsg() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
LocationMsg(long, Timestamp, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
LocationMsgArr - Class in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
LocationMsgArr() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
LocationMsgArr(LocationMsg[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
LocationMsgPkd - Class in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
LocationMsgPkd() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
LocationMsgPkd(LocationMsgArr) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
lockTopologyRows(String, String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Locks the topology rows withing specified area.
LODAnalysisInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
An instance of this class carries the analysis information.
LODAnalysisInfo() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
LODAnalysisInfo(LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Creates an LODAnalysisInfo object.
LODConfig - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
Load-on-demand configuration, which consists of configuration for network IO and configuration for network analysis.
LODConfig() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
Default constructor.
LODConfig(NetworkIOConfig, NetworkAnalysisConfig) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
Constructs an LODConfig object.
LODConfig(Element) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
Constructs an LODConfig object from an XML element.
LODConfig(Element, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
Constructs an LODConfig object from an XML element.
LODConfigException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
Reports errors while parsing xml configuration files or constructing LODConfig objects.
LODConfigException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfigException
LODConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfigException
LODGoalNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods to check whether a given node is a goal node.
LODNetworkConstraint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines a general network constraint for network analysis.
LODNetworkException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Base exception class for Load-On-Demand network analysis.
LODNetworkException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkException
LODNetworkException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkException
LODNetworkException(String, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkException
LODNetworkFactory - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class handles network element creation for Oracle Spatial Network Data Model.
LODNetworkManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class is the entry point of all functionalities provided by the lod package.
LODNetworkWrapper - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is the wrapper class containing LOD related java stored procedures used by SDO_NET package.
LODUserDataIO - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods to read and write user defined data from and to the database.
LODUserDataIOSDO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This implementation of LODUserDataIO reads all the user defined data from the node, link and path tables.
LODUserDataIOSDO() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
LODUserDataIOSDO(Connection, NetworkMetadata, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
LODUserDataIOSDO(DbDataSource, NetworkMetadata, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
LOG_THREAD_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Set this flag if log records should include the name of the logging thread.
LOG_TIME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Set this flag if log records should include the date/time of the logging event.
logExpandedNode(Object, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
Logger - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Logging API for Oracle LBS products.
Logger() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
LOGICAL_NETWORK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
LogicalBasicNetwork - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a logical network.
LogicalColumn(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.LogicalColumn
LogicalHeavyPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A LogicalHeavyPath is a logical path with detailed node and link information.
LogicalLightPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Light-weight logical path, which only contains the start and end node IDs on the path.
LogicalLightSubPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Light weight logical sub-path that references to a LogicalLightPath
LogicalLink - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines a standalone link.
LogicalNetLink - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A LogicalNetLink defines a network link, which is a LogicalLink with reference to the LogicalNetNode objects of its start and end nodes.
LogicalNetLinkImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of LogicalNetLink.
LogicalNetLinkImpl(long, int, int, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
LogicalNetLinkImpl(long, int, int, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
LogicalNetLinkImpl(long, int, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, double, boolean, boolean, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
LogicalNetNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A LogicalNetNode is a LogicalNode with reference to adjacent node and link objects.
LogicalNetNodeImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of LogicalNetNode.
LogicalNetNodeImpl(long, int, int, double, boolean, int, int, int, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
Constructs a LogicalNetNode object.
LogicalNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines a standalone node.
LogicalPartition - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a logical network partition.
LogicalPartitionImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of LogicalPartition.
LogicalPartitionImpl(String, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
LogicalPartitionImpl(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
LogicalPartitionImpl(LogicalPartitionImpl) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
LogicalPartitionImpl(LogicalSubNetworkImpl, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
LogicalPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A LogicalPath is defined by an array of link IDs, array of node IDs, and the costs for traversing through this path.
LogicalSubNetwork - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A LogicalSubNetwork is a LogicalNetwork that connects to external nodes.
LogicalSubPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
LogicalSubPath represents a portion of a LogicalPath, with the start and/or end points located on links of the the containing path.
LogicalSubPathImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of LogicalSubPath.
LogicalSubPathImpl(LogicalPath, int, double, int, double, double[], double[], CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
LogicalSubPathImpl(LogicalPath, int, double, int, double, double[], CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
LongEntry(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable.LongEntry
LongHashMap<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is a bare-bones, application specific, optimized hash table implementation.
LongHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
LongHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
LongHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
LongHashSet - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is a bare-bones, application specific, optimized hash set implementation.
LongHashSet() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
LongHashSet(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
LongHashSet(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
LongHashSet(Collection<Long>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified collection.
LongHashTable<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
A subclass of LongHashMap that implements Map the interface.
LongHashTable() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
LongHashTable(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
LongHashTable(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
LongHashTable.LongEntry<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
LongLinkedHashMap<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is a bare-bones, application specific, optimized ordered hash map implementation.
LongLinkedHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance with the default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
LongLinkedHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance with the specified initial capacity and a default load factor (0.75).
LongLinkedHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance with the specified initial capacity and load factor.
LOWER_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
lowerCaseMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Determines whether or not word token are automatically lowercased.
LRS_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
LRSGeometryG3D - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
This class defines an LRS Geodetic 3D geometry object
LRSGeometryG3D(J3D_Geometry, double[], double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
LRUCachingHandler - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements the Least Recently Used (LRU) caching handler.
LRUCachingHandler() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LRUCachingHandler
lttpH - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry


m_cellDimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_column - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
m_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
m_context - Variable in exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
m_currentParanLevel - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
m_dbMajorVersion - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
m_dbMinorVersion - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
m_debug - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
m_defaultByteOrder - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
m_description - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_endColumn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
m_endRow - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
m_fileSignature - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_fileSourceId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
m_flightDateJulian - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_generatingSoftware - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_globalEncoding - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las12Header
m_headerSize - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_hilbert - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint
m_ID - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_is - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
m_isRange - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
indicate if it is nodata range or nodata value
m_isTransparent - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
set nodata pixels to transparent or opaque
m_jGeoRaster - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
m_lasFileStream - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
m_limit - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
m_listLengths - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
m_maxX - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
m_maxX - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_maxY - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
m_maxY - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_maxZ - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_minX - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
m_minX - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_minY - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
m_minY - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_minZ - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_modelDimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_morePointsToReadFromLasFile - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
m_new_value - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
new value for any pixel value in this no data range
m_nodata_end - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
the lower bound of nodata range, which is exclusive
m_nodata_start - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
the lower bound of nodata range, which is inclusive
m_numPointRecords - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_numPointsByReturn_1 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_numPointsByReturn_2 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_numPointsByReturn_3 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_numPointsByReturn_4 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_numPointsByReturn_5 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_numVarLenRecords - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_offsetToData - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_offsetX - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_offsetY - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_offsetZ - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_oracleErrorMessage - Variable in exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
m_outArea - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
m_outArea - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
m_pointDataFormatId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_pointDataRecordLen - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_pyramidLevel - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
m_row - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_scaleFactorX - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_scaleFactorY - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_scaleFactorZ - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_size - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
m_size - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
m_specifics - Variable in exception oracle.spatial.util.GeometryExceptionWithContext
m_startColumn - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
m_startRow - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
m_status - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_systemIdentifier - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_tokenizer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
m_totalReadingTime - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.LasFileStream
m_totalSortingTime - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
m_type - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_values - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
m_values - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
m_versionMajor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_versionMinor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_vertical - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_wkbAdapter - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
m_wktAdapter - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
m_x - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_x - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint
m_xRMS - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_y - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_y - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint
m_year - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
m_yRMS - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_z - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
m_z - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint
m_zRMS - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
MAC_CYRILLIC_RUSSIAN_MACINTOSH - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
MAC_GREEK_MACINTOSH - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
MAC_LATIN2_MACINTOSH_EE - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
MAC_ROMAN_STANDARD_MACINTOSH - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ClipFlatPcIntoTxt
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ClipPcFlatCells
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ClipPcIntoTxt
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.CustomCrsExport
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdrIndep
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.MergeLaszFilesIntoPc
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcSampleDataSet
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeom
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SegY2SqlLdr
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SqlLdrStreamWrapper
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator
mainFileHdr - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
mainFIS - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
mainRecordOffset(int, IndexRecord) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
maintainSysdataEntries() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Checks the USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view for any invalid entries, and takes corrective action as appropriate.
make_2d(JGeometry, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method converts 3D Geometry into 2D Geometry.
make_3d(JGeometry, boolean, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method converts 2D Geometry into 3D Geometry.
make_3dgeom(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Promote the given geometry to a J3D_Geometry.
make_3dgeom(JGeometry, boolean, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method promotes a JGeometry to a J3D_Geometry.
makeDoubleBigEndian(byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makeDoubleLittleEndian(byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makeElementGeometry(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
makeIntBigEndian(byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makeIntLittleEndian(byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makeLogical(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Convert a spatial network to a logical network Note this only updates the network metadata information original spatial information remains unahcnged
makeMPoint(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makeMPointZ(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePoint(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePointM(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePointZ(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePoly(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePolyM(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePolyZ(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makePolyZM(byte[], int, int, int, int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
makeRDTNamesUnique() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Renames some existing registered raster data tables that do not have unique names so that all raster data table names are unique within the database, and updates the GeoRaster system data and all affected GeoRaster objects to reflect the new names.
makeSpatial(Network, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Convert a logical network to a spatial network Note this only updates the network metadata information
makeTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Makes the link temporary.
makeTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Makes the node temporary.
ManipulableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate
Defines a layer which elements can be manipulated.
manipulate(long, Point2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Updates the state of a manipulation with the last point.
manipulate(long, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
manipulate(long, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Manipulation<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate
Contains information regarding to how an element is manipulated
Manipulation(V, byte) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Allocates a new manipulation instance
ManipulationPreview - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate
Represents a preview of a manipulation performed over a ManipulableLayer.
MapCanvas - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
MapCanvas provides a canvas component for displaying and interacting with various spatial data layers.
MapCanvas() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
MapCanvas(LayerManager) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
MapConstants - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps
Contains constants for layers tags and positions.
MapConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
MapNavLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
MapNavLayer renders and handles the events for the Navigation Panel that includes a panning dial, zoom buttons, and if a tile layer is present, a zoom slider
MapNavLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
MapRegion - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
MapRegion defines the current map display region, including the image (device) area and the data window.
MapRegion(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
When the associated canvas's map region is changed, this method is called to notify the layer of the change.
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
When the associated canvas's map region is changed, this method is called to notify the layer of the change.
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
mapRegionChanged(MapRegionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
MapRegionEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Contains information regarding a change in a canvas's map region
MapRegionEvent(Object, AffineTransform, AffineTransform, Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
Creates a new instance
mapSrid - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
mapSRS - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
MapTip - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics
Displays a one line tip that contains a short description of a feature in hover.
MapTip() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
MapUndoManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A subclass of UndoManager that notifies about any edit to the subscribed ChangeListeners.
MapUndoManager() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
markAsOwner(IntersectionMember<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Sets the given member as the owner of the intersection.
mask(SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, double, double, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Applies a mask to specified layers of an existing (input) GeoRaster object.
MatchedPoint(HeavyPointOnNet, HeavyPointOnNet[], boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint
Matrix<E> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A simple double array matrix implementation.
Matrix(int, int, Class<E>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
Constructs an empty matrix with the specified dimensions.
MAX_LENGTH_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.NFEConstants
Maximum Oracle DB object length.
MAX_SELECTABLE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
MaxCostConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Maximum cost network constraint.
MaxCostConstraint(double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
maxCostExists() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Checks if the maximum cost constraint exists.
MaxDepthConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Maximum depth network constraint.
MaxDepthConstraint(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
maxDepthExists() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Checks if the maximum path depth constraint exists.
maxDistanceExists() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Checks if the maximum distance constraint exists.
maxDurationExists() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Checks if the maximum duration constraint exists.
maxMBRExists() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Checks if the maximum MBR constraint exists.
MAZOVIA_POLISH_MS_DOS - oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
mbh - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
mbr - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
mbr(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
MBR - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) interface.
MBR() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
MBRDistance(double[], double[], CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
MBRIscts(double[], double[], CoordSysInfo) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CompJGeom
mcst(int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
mcst(int, LODNetworkConstraint, NetworkUpdate) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
mcst(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the minimum cost spanning tree (Kruskal Algorithm) as a network.
mcstLinkArray(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the minimum cost spanning tree (Kruskal Algorithm).
MDCGEQ(double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
MDGRX_SRM_FUNCFITTING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating modelType FunctionalFitting.
MDGRX_SRM_RIGOROUS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating modelType RigorousModel.
MDGRX_SRM_STOREDFUNC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
An integer indicating modelType StoredFunction.
MDPoint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a mutilple dimension point.
MDSException - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
MDSException() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
MDSException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
MDSException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
MDSException(Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
measureMax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
measureMin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
mer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Mer - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Provides helper methods for mers stored as bare arrays, as well as an encapsulated type.
Mer(double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Create a Mer from a bare array.
Mer(double[], boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Create a Mer from a bare array.
Mer(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Create a mer that contains nothing; it can be extended into a real mer.
Mer(Mer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
Copy constructor.
merge(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Merges two line feature elements into one single line feature element.
mergeCells(BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ClipPcFlatCells
mergeCells(Array) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ClipPcFlatCells
mergeClip(Graphics, Shape) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Sets the clip on a graphics object by merging a supplied clip with the existing one.
MergeLaszFilesIntoPc - Class in oracle.spatial.util
MergeLaszFilesIntoPc() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.MergeLaszFilesIntoPc
mergeLayers(SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Merges the layers of two GeoRaster objects, either by appending source layers to a target GeoRaster object (first format) or by performing a union operation.
mergeLayers(SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Merges the layers of two GeoRaster objects, either by appending source layers to a target GeoRaster object (first format) or by performing a union operation.
mergeTableWorkspaces(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Merge the table child workspace with its parent workspace.
mergeWorkspace(String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
mergeWorkspace(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Merges child and parent workspaces.
mergeWorkspace(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Applies all workspace changes to its parent workspace,.
MessagesBundle - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs
MessagesBundle() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs.MessagesBundle
METHOD_MODEL_OBJECT_ADDED - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
METHOD_MODEL_OBJECT_REMOVED - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
METHOD_MODEL_OBJECTS_ADDED - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
METHOD_MODEL_OBJECTS_REMOVED - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
METHOD_PROPERTY_CHANGED - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
MethodNotSupportedException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Thrown when an unsupported or invalid method is called.
MethodNotSupportedException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.MethodNotSupportedException
MethodNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.MethodNotSupportedException
MID_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
Some point in the middle of a line's segment
MIDPOINT_INTERSECTIONS - Static variable in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
Locations in middle points of a line
MIN_LINK_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
MIN_LINK_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkFactory
MIN_LINK_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
MIN_SELECTABLE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
minFill - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
minimumHeight - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
minimumSpanningTree(int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.MinimumSpanningTree
Returns the link IDs of the minimum-spanning-tree.
MinimumSpanningTree - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a minimum-spanning-tree algorithm.
minimumWidth - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
MINUS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
MINUS operator.
Mmax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
Mmin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
modCount - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
mode - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Access mode
mode - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Access mode
MODE_ONEWAY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
MODE_TWOWAY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
model - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEAtomicUndoableEdit
MODEL_DIMENSION_S - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
A string indicating the S dimension in the GeoRaster model space.
MODEL_DIMENSION_T - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
A string indicating the T dimension in the GeoRaster model space.
MODEL_DIMENSION_X - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
A string indicating the X dimension in the GeoRaster model space.
MODEL_DIMENSION_Y - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
A string indicating the Y dimension in the GeoRaster model space.
MODEL_DIMENSION_Z - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
A string indicating the Z dimension in the GeoRaster model space.
MODEL_FEAT_LAYER_REL_TAB - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Model and feature layers relation table.
MODEL_METADATA_TAB - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Model metadata table.
MODEL_WORKSPACE_TAB - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Model workspace table.
modelCoordinates - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
ModelDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
The ModelDAO data access object provides methods to load, create and manage the model infrastructure.
ModelDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Creates a ModelDAO with the specified connection and model.
ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
Class that store information about the feature layers.
modelDimension - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
modelExists(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Returns true if a model already exists with the specified name, false otherwise.
ModelFeatLayerRelation() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
modelName - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Spatial model name
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
Invoked when a model object has been added
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
modelObjectAdded(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
Invoked when a model object's property has been changed
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
modelObjectPropertyChanged(NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
Invoked when a model object has been removed
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
modelObjectRemoved(NFEModelObjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
Invoked when one or more model objects have been added
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
modelObjectsAdded(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelListener
Invoked when one or more model objects have been removed
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
modelObjectsRemoved(NFEModelObjectsEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
monoMeasure(double[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Edited version of PL/SQL monotonic_measure() monoMeasure() determines whether a line is monotonically increasing or decreasing Note: Repeated measures are not flagged as inconsistent (but are not valid in LRS); assumes measure is in the last position: X,Y,M or X,Y,Z,M
mortonEncode2D(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
mortonExpand(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
mosaic(String, String, SdoGeoRaster, String, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Mosaics GeoRaster objects into one GeoRaster object.
MosaicParameters - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.util
MosaicParameters class provides the parameters for JGeoRasterVM
MosaicParameters() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
mosaicSubset(String, Integer, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs advanced large-scale mosaicking or subsetting from a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
mosaicSubset(String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int, SdoGeoRaster, double[], double[], GeorHistogram[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs advanced large-scale mosaicking or subsetting from a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
mosaicSubset(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs advanced large-scale mosaicking or subsetting from a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
mosaicSubset(String, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, JGeometry, boolean, boolean, String, double[], String, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int, SdoGeoRaster, double[], double[], GeorHistogram[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Performs advanced large-scale mosaicking or subsetting from a virtual mosaic or a collection of GeoRaster objects.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a mouse clicked event is registered
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a mouse dragged event is registered
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a mouse exited event is registered
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a mouse moved event is registered
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
MOUSEOVER_BLUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a mouse pressed event is registered
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Called when a mouse released event is registered
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
moveDown(Layer, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
moveEdge(int, int, int, Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves one endpoint of an edge and changes the edge coordinates after checking that no topological changes would be required, other than some possible exceptions.
moveEdge(int, int, int, Point2DD[], ArrayList<Integer>, ArrayList<Integer>, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves one endpoint of an edge and changes the edge coordinates after checking that no topological changes would be required, other than some possible exceptions.
moveFeatureElementToNetworkElement(NFEFeatureElement, NFENetworkElement, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
moveFeatureElementToNetworkElement(NFEFeatureElement, NFENetworkElement, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Changes a feature element's underlying network element
moveIsolatedNode(int, Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves an isolated node.
moveIsolatedNode(int, Point2DD, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves an isolated node to a new face.
moveIsolatedNode(int, Point2DD, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves an isolated node to a new face.
moveLinePoint(JGeometry, int, Point2D) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Replaces line's point by another
moveNode(int, Point2DD[][]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves a node and its attached edges after checking that no topological changes would be required, except that island edges and nodes may change containing faces.
moveNode(int, Point2DD[][], ArrayList<Integer>, ArrayList<Integer>, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Moves a node and its attached edges after checking that no topological changes would be required.
moveUp(Layer, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
mst(int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the minimum-spanning-tree for the network on the given link level.
mst(int, LODNetworkConstraint, MinimumSpanningTree) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the minimum-spanning-tree for the network on the given link level.
MULTI_LINE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of one or more lines.
MULTI_LINE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type LINE or MULTI_LINE.
MULTI_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of one or more points.
MULTI_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type POINT_ON_NODE, POINT_ON_LINK, POINT MULTI_POINT_ON_NODE, MULTI_POINT_ON_LINK, or MULTI_POINT.
MULTI_POINT_ON_LINK - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of one or more points on link.
MULTI_POINT_ON_LINK - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type POINT_ON_LINK or MULTI_POINT_ON_LINK.
MULTI_POINT_ON_NODE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of one or more points on node.
MULTI_POINT_ON_NODE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type POINT_ON_NODE or MULTI_POINT_ON_NODE.
MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
MULTIPLICITY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
mvImg - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
mvLastViewXFM - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
MVThemeLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
A layer that renders a MapViewer theme
my_tolerance - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
myDeleteObjects - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
myNewObjects - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer


name - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSource
Data source name
namePrefix - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
nccs - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
nCoord - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
nDimensions - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
NDMTimer - Class in oracle.spatial.network
Timer utility class.
NDMTimer() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.NDMTimer
ne - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
nearestFeatures(Feature[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest features from the start feature candidates.
nearestFeatures(PointOnNet[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest features from the start point candidates.
nearestFeatures(PointOnNet[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
nearestLink(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Gets the nearest link in a spatial network The result is in an array of Link.
nearestNeighbors(PointOnNet[], int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest neighbors from the start point candidates.
nearestNeighbors(PointOnNet[], int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
nearestNeighbors(PointOnNet, int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest neighbors from the start point.
nearestNeighbors(PointOnNet, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest neighbors from the start point.
nearestNeighbors(PointOnNet, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest neighbors from the start point.
nearestNeighbors(Network, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the N nearest neighbors from the start node.
nearestNeighbors(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the N nearest neighbors from the start node.
nearestNeighbors(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint, GoalNode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the N nearest neighbors from the specified start node.
nearestNeighborsLight(PointOnNet[], int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest neighbors from the start point candidates.
nearestNode(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Gets the nearest node in a spatial network The result is in an array of Node.
nearestPoint(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the nearest point on the link geometry.
nearestPoints(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], int, LODNetworkConstraint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the top k nearest target points from the start points.
nearestPoints(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], int, LODNetworkConstraint, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
nearestPtLine(UnitSphere, UnitSphere, UnitSphere) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Return a point on great-circle segment ab that is closest to pt.
nearestReachingFeatures(Feature[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching features to the end feature candidates.
nearestReachingFeatures(PointOnNet[], int, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching features to the end point candidates.
nearestReachingNeighbors(PointOnNet[], int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching neighbors to the end point candidates.
nearestReachingNeighbors(PointOnNet, int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching neighbors to the end point.
nearestReachingNeighbors(PointOnNet, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching neighbors to the end point.
nearestReachingNeighbors(PointOnNet, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching neighbors to the end point.
nearestReachingNeighbors(Network, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the N nearest reaching neighbors to the specified start node.
nearestReachingNeighbors(Network, int, int, GoalNode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the N nearest reaching neighbors to the specified start node.
nearestReachingNeighbors(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint, GoalNode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the N nearest reaching neighbors to the specified start node.
nearestReachingNeighborsLight(PointOnNet[], int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nearest reaching neighbors to the end point candidates.
nearestReachingPoints(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], int, LODNetworkConstraint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the top k nearest reaching target points to the start points.
Network - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a network.
NETWORK_MODEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Spatial Model types
NetworkAnalysisConfig - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
Configuration for network analysis.
NetworkAnalysisConfig(Element) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
NetworkAnalyst - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class is the single entry point to all the network analysis operations supported by NDM LOD.
NetworkAnalyst(NetworkIO, NetworkAnalysisConfig) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Constructs an instance of NetworkAnalyst.
networkBuffer(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
Returns network buffer within the specified cost.
networkBuffer(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Computes network buffer within the given cost from the start point candidates.
NetworkBuffer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A NetworkBuffer is defined by central points and the set of nodes and link intervals within certain radius from the cental points.
NetworkBuffer(double, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Constructs a network buffer instance.
NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class defines a double interval.
NetworkBuffer.Elements - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class contains elements in a network buffer.
NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkBuffer.LinkIntervals - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
An instance of this class contains a LogicalLink object and a list of intervals associated with the link object.
NetworkConstraint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a general network constraint for network analysis.
NetworkDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
The NetworkDAO data access object provides methods to load, create and manage the network elements.
NetworkDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Creates a NetworkDAO with the specified connection and model.
NetworkDataException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines the exceptions for Oracle Spatial Network Data Model
NetworkDataException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.NetworkDataException
Constucts a Network Data Model Exception without messgae.
NetworkDataException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.NetworkDataException
NetworkDataException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.NetworkDataException
Constructs a Network Data Model exception with an error message.
NetworkElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when a network element's property has changed.
NetworkElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFENetworkElement, String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit
NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more network elements are added to the model
NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, Collection<NFENetworkElement>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit
NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFENetworkElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit
NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more network elements are removed from the model
NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, Collection<NFENetworkElement>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFENetworkElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
networkExists(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Checks if the given network exists in the database.
networkExistsTest(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Returns true if the specified network exists, false otherwise.
NetworkExplorer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class provides methods to navigate a network.
NetworkExplorer(NetworkIO) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Constructs a NetworkExplorer with empty network updates.
NetworkFactory - Class in oracle.spatial.network
This class handles network element creation for Oracle Spatial Network Data Model.
NetworkIO - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods to read/write network information from/to a datasource.
NetworkIOConfig - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
Configuration for network IO.
NetworkIOConfig() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
NetworkIOConfig(Element) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
NetworkManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines methods for the network data I/O and network analysis.
NetworkMetadata - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines a network metadata.
NetworkSearch - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
NetworkSearch(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], LinkLevelSelector, PriorityQueue<VisitedNode>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.NodeLinkIds - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.PointOnNetWithLink - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.SameLinkMatchedPointPair - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.Statistics - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearch.TmpSearchData - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
NetworkSearchTree(LongHashMap<HeavyPointOnNet>, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
NetworkTspConstraint(LODNetworkConstraint) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl.NetworkTspConstraint
NetworkUpdate - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A NetworkUpdate object contains network update information.
NetworkUpdate() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
NEVER - oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.PPStatus
NEW_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
newObject(Object, Object[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
Creates a new GeoObject with the provided parameters
newObject(Object, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
newPathToDestination(Network, Path, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Creates a new path starting from the new start node to the node on the reference path closest to the start node and to the end node of the reference path
newSession() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Create a duplicate of this tracker with its own session (each thread needs its own session).
next() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
next() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method returned the next JsonParser.Event recognized by the parser.
If event is Event.KEY_NAME calling JsonParser.getString() will return JSON field name.
If event is Event.VALUE_STRING calling JsonParser.getString() will return JSON field value as string.
next() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the next geohash.
next(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the geohash removed by a given number of steps from this.
next_ord_offset - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
nextei - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
nextElement(int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.ElementExtractor
Returns the next element of J3D_Geometry.
nextNodeCosts - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
nextNodeId - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
nextToken() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Parses the next token from the input stream of this tokenizer.
NFEAbstractDataSource - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
This class provides an implementation of the NFEDataSource interface that will return a connection already bind to the workspace specified by the method setActiveWorkspace.
NFEAbstractDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEAbstractDataSource
NFEAddFeatureElementTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tool used for creating new feature elements for a feature layer
NFEAddFeatureElementTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Allocates a new add feature element tool
NFEAddFeatureTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tool used for adding new features to a feature layer
NFEAddFeatureTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
Allocates a new add feature tool
NFEAnalysisIOService - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
This interface is the entry point to the feature analysis operations supported by NFE.
NFEAtomicUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
A base abstract class that should be extended by any undoable edit implementation that wants to perform a undo/redo action for a specific NFE model event.
NFEAtomicUndoableEdit(NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEAtomicUndoableEdit
NFEAttributeConstraint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Represents a constraint for an attribute definition.
NFEAttributeDescriptor - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Used to describe an attribute definition of a Feature Layer.
NFEAttributeType - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Possible types of a feature layer's attribute
NFEBasicAttributeConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The deault implementation of NFEAttributeConstraint
NFEBasicAttributeConstraint() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFEAttributeDescriptor
NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
NFEBasicCatalog - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFECatalog
NFEBasicCatalog() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
NFEBasicEventDispatcher<U extends java.util.EventListener> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
An implementation of NFEEventDispatcher that fires all the event in a single thread.
NFEBasicEventDispatcher() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEBasicEventDispatcher
NFEBasicFeature - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFEFeature
NFEBasicFeature() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
NFEBasicFeatureClass - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFEFeatureClass
NFEBasicFeatureClass() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
NFEBasicFeatureElement - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFEFeatureElement
NFEBasicFeatureElement() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
NFEBasicFeatureLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFEFeatureLayer
NFEBasicFeatureLayer() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
The default implementation of NFELineLineRuleHandler
NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler
NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
The default implementation of NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam
NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam(Intersection<NFEFeatureElement>, NFELineLineRule, Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandlerParam
NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
The default implementation of NFELinePointRuleHandler
NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler
NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
The default implementation of NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam
NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam(NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam, boolean, Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam(Intersection<NFEFeatureElement>, NFELinePointRule, Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandlerParam
NFEBasicLink - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
The default implementation of NFELink
NFEBasicLink(NFENode, NFENode) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
NFEBasicModel - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
The default implementation of NFEModel
NFEBasicModel() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
NFEBasicModelManipulator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
The default implementation of NFEModelManipulator
NFEBasicModelManipulator(NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
NFEBasicModelObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
The simplest implementation of NFEModelObject
NFEBasicModelObject() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObject
NFEBasicModelObjectFactory - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
The dafault implementation of NFEModelObjectFactory
NFEBasicModelObjectFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
NFEBasicNetwork - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
The default implementation of NFENetwork
NFEBasicNetwork() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
NFEBasicNode - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
The default implementation of NFENode
NFEBasicNode() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
The default implementation of NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
NFEBlockUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Undoable Edit implementation which contains multiple actions that should be executed altogether in a undo/redo operation.
NFEBlockUndoableEdit(String, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Allocates a new undoable block
NFEBoxSelectionTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
A tool used for selecting everything interacting with a rectangle drawn by the user.
NFEBoxSelectionTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
Allocates a new box selection tool
NFECardinalityRule - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Represents a cardinality rule associated to a feature layer and (optionally) a point feature class
NFECardinalityRule(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Allocates a new cardinality rule
NFECatalog - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
A set of predefined values that can be assigned to a feature layer's attribute
NFECatalogValue - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
It is a tuple of an ID and a value
NFECatalogValue() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalogValue
NFEChangesKeeper - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
This class is meant to keep the references to the edited objects (network elements and features) in a project session, in order to keep the tracking of the changes performed and then save them into the DB when desired.
NFEChangesKeeper() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
NFEConflictsDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Class describing the NFE conflicts.
NFEConflictsDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NFEConflictsDescriptor
NFEConnectableEdge<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
Represents an edge and the location (relative to the edge and as a point in space) where the connection must be performed.
NFEConnectableEdge() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Allocates an empty connectable edge
NFEConnectableEdge(V, Point2D, IntersectionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Allocates a new connectable edge
NFEConnectionDataSource - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
This interface defines methods related to the Connection handling.
NFEConnectionDescriptor<U,​V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
Holds a vertex a collections of edges to be connected to the point.
NFEConnectionDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Allocates a new connection descriptor
NFEConnectionManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
Component in charge of connecting/disconnecting network/feature elements.
NFEConnectionManager(NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Allocates a new connection manager instance for the given model.
NFEConnectivityRule - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Basic representation of a connectivity rule which defines the properties and methods common to all the NFE connectivity rules
NFEConnectivityRule(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Defines connectivity rule types
NFEConstants - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe
Utility class to obtain general NFE constants.
NFEConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.NFEConstants
NFEDataSource - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io
This interface provides the database connection that will be used by the NFE services.
NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
An implementation of NFEIdGeneratiom that uses a database sequence to generate id's
NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator(String, NFEDataSource, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator
NFEDBSequenceIdManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
An implementation of NFEIdManager that uses instances of NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator to generate id's
NFEDBSequenceIdManager(NFEDataSource) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
NFEEditionManager - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
This class keeps tracks of all the changes made to the model's content such as network elements, features, feature elements and rule instances.
NFEEditionManager() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
NFEEditionMode - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Defines values for the different edition modes supported by NFE
NFEEditVertexTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tool used to add new vertices to line GeoObjects
NFEEditVertexTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel, NFESelectionTool) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
Allocates a new edit vertex tool
NFEEventDispatcher<U extends java.util.EventListener> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Defines a utility component used for firing events
NFEEventDispatchException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Represents an error when dispatching events and contains one or more EventListeners which failed to be notified for certain event.
NFEEventDispatchException(Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatchException
NFEEventDispatchException(Object[], String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatchException
NFEEventDispatchException(Object[], String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatchException
NFEEventDispatchException(Object[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatchException
NFEEventSupport<U extends java.util.EventListener> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Utility class used to subscribe and remove listener used by class which fire model events.
NFEEventSupport() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventSupport
Allocates a new NFEEventSupport object
NFEExpressionAnalyzer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression
This interface defines the methods to set an expression and build it.
NFEFeature - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
This is the base class for representing a single network feature in memory.
NFEFeature() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
NFEFeatureClass - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Base class for representing a feature class.
NFEFeatureClass() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
NFEFeatureElement - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Base class for representing a feature element.
NFEFeatureElement() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
NFEFeatureElementGeoObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
A GeoObject representation of a feature element.
NFEFeatureElementGeoObject(NFEFeatureElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEFeatureElementGeoObject
Allocates a new feature element GeoObject
NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tool used for selecting feature elements within feature layers
NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool
Allocates a new feature element selection tool
NFEFeatureIOService - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
The feature service provides methods to load and manage the model features.
NFEFeatureLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
This class represents a feature layer in memory.
NFEFeatureLayer() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
NFEFeatureLayerMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
This class holds metadata for an NFE Feature Layer.
NFEFeatureLayerMetadata() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
NFEFeatureLayerRenderer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
MapCanvas Layer implementation for rendering an NFE feature layer.
NFEFeatureLayerRenderer(MapCanvas, NFEModel, long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Allocates a new feature layer renderer
NFEFeatureSelectionTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tools used for selecting all the elements composing a feature within a feature layer
NFEFeatureSelectionTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureSelectionTool
Allocates a new feature selection tool
NFEFeatureShape - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Defines the shape types supported by Feature Classes
NFEFeatureUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides some utilities functions related to the features.
NFEFeatureUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
NFEGeometryDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
This class contains the geometry metadata of an NFE model.
NFEGeometryDescriptor(int, List<SDODimElement>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
NFEGeoObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
The base GeoObject class used by NFE.
NFEGeoObject(Object, JGeometry, Layer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
Allocates a new instance of a subclass implementation
NFEIdGenerator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Implementations of this interface must provide ID's for a given entity.
NFEIdManager - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
This interface acts as a holder and manager of different ID generators used for different entities related to an NFEModel.
NFEInteractionEngine - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
NFE component used to detect interaction between elements such as network or feature elements
NFEInteractionEngine(NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.NFEInteractionEngine
Creates a new interaction engine instance
NFEIOException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io
Base exception for NFE.
NFEIOException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
NFEIOException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
NFEIOException(String, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
NFEIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
NFEIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
NFEIOService - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
This interface defines methods supported by the NFE services to access the NFE model and the data source.
NFEIOServiceProvider - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
This interface defines the single entry point to access NFE services.
NFELineLineRule - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
A representation of an NFE line-line connectivity rule
NFELineLineRule(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Allocates a new line-line rule
NFELineLineRuleHandler - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
Defines a line-line rule handler.
NFELineLineRuleHandlerParam - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
Line-line rule handler parameter.
NFELinePointRule - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
A representation of an NFE line-point connectivity rule
NFELinePointRule(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Allocates a new line-point rule
NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Defines different sources where a line-point could be created
NFELinePointRuleHandler - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
Defines a line-point rule handler.
NFELinePointRuleHandlerParam - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
Line-point rule handler parameter.
NFELink - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
Base class for representing network links.
NFELink(NFENode, NFENode) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
A manipulable feature layer renderer.
NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer(MapCanvas, NFEModel, long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
Allocates a new manipulable feature layer renderer
NFEManipulateTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tool used to manipulate GeoObjects within a layer.
NFEManipulateTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel, NFESelectionTool) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
Allocates a new manipulate tool
NFEManipulator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
An NFEManipulator implementation should ease in-memory edition tasks such as adding, removing and moving features.
NFEMapCanvasConstants - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas
Holds constants specific to NFE for rendering MapCanvas layers.
NFEMapCanvasConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
In-memory implementation of a rule handler context.
NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext(NFEModel, NFEConnectivityRule) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
NFEMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Parent class for all classes that hold metadata of any First Class Model Object such as NFEModel, NFENetwork or NFEFeatureLayer.
NFEMetadata() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEMetadata
NFEModel - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
NFEModel is the entry point for representing Network Feature Model in memory.
NFEModelEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Root class of the Model Event hierarchy.
NFEModelEvent(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelEvent
Allocates a new model event object
NFEModelIOService - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
The model service provides methods to load, create and manage the model infrastructure.
NFEModelListener - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
The listener interface for receiving events from a first class model object such as NFEModel, NFENetwork or NFEFeatureLayer.
NFEModelMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
This class holds metadata for an NFE model.
NFEModelMetadata() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
NFEModelObject - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Base interface for any object contained directly or indirectly in an NFE Model
NFEModelObjectEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Represent a generic event related to an Object from the NFEModel.
NFEModelObjectEvent(Object, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectEvent
Allocates a new model object event object
NFEModelObjectFactory - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Implementations of this class are used to get new instances of most of the classes in the NFE API.
NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Event that contains information regarding to a changed property of a model object.
NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent(Object, Object, String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectPropertyChangedEvent
Allocates a new model object property change event
NFEModelObjectsEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
An event where one or more model objects are involved
NFEModelObjectsEvent(Object, Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelObjectsEvent
Allocates a new model objects event object
NFENearestNeighbors - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Provides the data to run a nearest neighbor analysis.
NFENearestNeighbors() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
NFENetElementSelectionTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Tool used to select network elements
NFENetElementSelectionTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFENetElementSelectionTool
Allocates a new network selection tool
NFENetwork - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
Memory representation of an SDO network.
NFENetwork() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
NFENetworkElement - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
This is the base class for nodes and links.
NFENetworkElement() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
NFENetworkElementGeoObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
A GeoObject representation of a network element.
NFENetworkElementGeoObject(NFENetworkElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFENetworkElementGeoObject
Allocates a new network element GeoObject
NFENetworkMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
This class holds metadata for an NFE Network.
NFENetworkMetadata() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
NFENetworkRenderer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
Layer used for rendering network elements (nodes and links).
NFENetworkRenderer(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Allocates a new network renderer
NFENode - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
Base class for representing a network node.
NFENode() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
NFEPathRenderer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
Layer used for rendering feature paths (nodes and links).
NFEPathRenderer(MapCanvas, NFEModel, long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
/** Allocates a new path layer renderer.
NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Describes the type of point and how it should be connected to a line when a line is created.
NFEProgressIndicatorLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
This layer displays a (indeterminate) progress indicator in the center of the map.
NFEProgressIndicatorLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
NFERenderer<V extends NFEGeoObject> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
Basic renderer for displaying NFE layers using the MapCanvas.
NFERenderer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Constructor called from a subclass constructor.
NFERenderer.Tier - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
NFERenderer.TierRenderingThread - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
NFEResources - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides some internal NFE constants.
NFERTreeSpatialModel - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
An implementation of NFESpatialModel that uses R-tree indices
NFERTreeSpatialModel(NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
Allocates a new spatial model associated to the given NFE model
NFERuleHandler - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
Common interface for rule handlers.
NFERuleHandlerContext - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
A rule handler context is a service used by a rule handler implementation.
NFERuleInstance - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Represents a materialization of a rule.
NFERuleInstance() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Allocates a new rule instance
NFERuleInstanceRelation - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Represents a relationship between a rule instance and a feature element to which the rule instance's rule was applied.
NFERuleInstanceRelation(NFERuleInstance, NFEFeatureElement) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstanceRelation
Allocates a new rule instance relation
NFERulesEngine - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
NFE component in charge of enforcing connectivity and cardinality rules.
NFERulesEngine(NFERulesModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Creates a new rules engine instance
NFERulesModel - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
NFE component used as a holder and manager of rules.
NFERulesModel(NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Creates a new instance of NFERulesModel
NFESearchParams - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Provides parameters to search features in the database.
NFESearchParams() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
NFESelectionTool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Base class for all the tools which perform selection.
NFESelectionTool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
NFEShortestPath - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Provides the data to run a shortest path analysis.
NFEShortestPath() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
NFESpatialModel - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
An NFE component that maintains spatial indexes for all the elements with geometry contained in an NFE model.
NFETool - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
The basic class every NFE tool should implement.
NFETool(MapCanvas, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
NFETsp - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Provides the data to run the traveling salesman tour analysis.
NFETsp() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
NFEUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides some utilities functions used by NFE.
NFEUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
NFEWithinCost - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Provides the data to run a within cost analysis.
NFEWithinCost() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
NFEWorkspace - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Describes a workspace used by the workspace manager for versioning.
NFEWorkspace() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
NFEWorkspaceInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Contains information related to the workspace.
NFEWorkspaceInfo() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
NFEWorkspaceIOService - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
This interface defines methods related to model workspace management.
nnSearch(double[][], ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
nnSearch(RTree, boolean, boolean, ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
nnSearch(RTree, boolean, boolean, ArrayList, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
NO_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Event types.
NO_SELECTABLE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
NO_UPDATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
Change types for update events.
NodataMapping(double, double, Double, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
NodataMapping(double, Double, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping
Node - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
Node - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a network node.
NODE_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
NODE_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
nodeAdded(NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the add node change.
NodeCostCalculator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a node cost calculator.
nodeCount - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
nodeDeleted(NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the delete node change.
NodeDescriptor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Describes a node.
NodeDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
nodeIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
nodeModified(NFENode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the modify node change.
NodeNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Thrown when a node(s) cannot be found.
NodeNotFoundException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.NodeNotFoundException
NodeNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.network.lod.NodeNotFoundException
nodeSize - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
nodesOverflowed - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
nodesReinserted - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
nodesReinsertedSame - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
nodesReturned - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
nodesSplit - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
nodesVisited - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
NOID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
nonComplexAttrs - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
NONE - oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.WorkerType
Not a worker thread
nonNullAttributes - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Names of non complex attributes that are not null (key attribute must be there).
nontargetAnimatedStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
nontargetAnimatedStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
normalize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Applies a normalization operation on the current working image.
normalize(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
normalize(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
normalize(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
normalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.
normalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.
normalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.
normalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.
normalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.
normalize(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, SdoGeoRaster, String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.
not(FeatureFilter) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureFilterOperator
Performs "not" operation on the specified feature filter, and returns the opposite feature filter.
not(LODGoalNode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GoalNodeOperator
Performs "not" operation on the specified goal node filter, and returns the opposite goal node filter.
not(LODNetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ConstraintOperator
Performs "not" operation on the specified constraint, and returns the opposite constraint.
not(TspConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
Performs "not" operation on the specified constraint, and returns the opposite constraint.
NOT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
NOT_EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
NOT EQUALS operator.
NOTIFICATION_WORKER - oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.WorkerType
A worker that will send wait for notifications from the database and queue them or process them with callbacks
NotificationMsg - Class in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
NotificationMsg() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
NotificationMsg(long, long, Timestamp, double, double, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
notifyModelObjectAdded(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectAdded(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
notifyModelObjectAdded(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectAdded(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
notifyModelObjectRemoved(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectRemoved(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
notifyModelObjectRemoved(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectRemoved(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
notifyModelObjectsAdded(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectsAdded(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
notifyModelObjectsAdded(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectsRemoved(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
notifyModelObjectsRemoved(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
notifyModelObjectsRemoved(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
notifyPropertyChanged(Object, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
notifyPropertyChanged(Object, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
notifyPropertyChanged(Object, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
notifyPropertyChanged(Object, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
notifyPropertyChanged(Object, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
notifies to the current class about a property changed.
notifyPropertyChanged(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
notifyPropertyChanged(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Notifies the container about a change made to a property
nRecords - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
nSubElement - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
NUMBER - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
NUMBER_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
numberGCP - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType
numberOfBits - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
numberOfStepsBetween(GeoHash, GeoHash) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
numberToFeatureElementType(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
This method maps the number used to represent feature element type in the database to the feature element type java object.
numberToFeatureLayerType(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
This method maps the number used to represent feature layer type in the database to the feature layer type java object.
numberToFeatureType(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
This method maps the number used to represent feature type in the database to the feature type java object.
NumericColumn(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.NumericColumn
numExpansions - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.Statistics
numFields() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
return the number of fields in each record
numHovered() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
numHovered() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverableLayer
Returns the number of geo-objects that are being hovered
numHovered() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
numRecords() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
return the number of records in the DBF file.
numRecords() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
return the number of shape records in the file.
numSelected() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
numSelected() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Returns the number of selected objects
numSelected() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer


OBJECT_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
ObjectInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
ObjectInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element ObjectInfo in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
ObjectInfo(JGeoRasterMeta) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
ObjectStoreGeometryReader - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ObjectStoreGeometryReader() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
offset - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
onDataException(DataProducer, Throwable) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
A call-back function to handle exceptions during data loading.
onDataReady(DataProducer, List<AbstractFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
A call-back function to handle data ready state.
OPACITY_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Identifies a change to the opacity used to render the shadow.
open() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
OPEN - oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
OPEN_FIXED_END - oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
OPEN_FIXED_START - oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
OPEN_FIXED_START_END - oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
openBlock() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Sets the block ready to listen for new actions performed in the NFE model.
openConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
openDBF(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
Given a DBF file's name, open the file and read the header info.
openPairwisePathResultIO() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FilePairwisePathResultIO
openShapefile(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
open a shapefile with the given name.
OPERATOR_ABSOLUTE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_ADD - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_ADDCONST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_DIVIDE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_DIVIDECONST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_EXP - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_INVERT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_LOG - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_MULTIPLYCONST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
OPERATOR_SUBTRACTCONST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Ops - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Utility class for a variety of geometry operations.
Ops() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Ops
OpsJGeometry - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Behavior is undefined if the underlying geometry is modified.
OpsJGeometry() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.OpsJGeometry
optimize(Matrix<double[]>, TSP.TourFlag, TspConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Tsp2Opt
optimize(Matrix<double[]>, TSP.TourFlag, TspConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOptimizer
or(FeatureFilter[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureFilterOperator
Performs "or" operation on an array of feature filters, and returns the combined feature filter.
or(LODGoalNode[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GoalNodeOperator
Performs "or" operation on an array of goal node filters, and returns the combined goal node filter.
or(LODNetworkConstraint[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ConstraintOperator
Performs "or" operation on an array of constraints, and returns the combined constraint.
or(TspConstraint[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
Performs "or" operation on an array of constraints, and returns the combined constraint.
OR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
OR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
OR operator.
OR_NOT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
OR NOT operator.
oracle.spatial.geometry - package oracle.spatial.geometry
oracle.spatial.georaster - package oracle.spatial.georaster
Provides interfaces and classes that support features available with the GeoRaster feature of Oracle Spatial.
oracle.spatial.georaster.image - package oracle.spatial.georaster.image
Provides support for generating Java images from a GeoRaster object or a subset of a GeoRaster object, and for processing the images.
oracle.spatial.georaster.sql - package oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
Provides support for wrapping some of the GeoRaster PL/SQL subprograms that do not have support included in the oracle.spatial.georaster package.
oracle.spatial.georaster.util - package oracle.spatial.georaster.util
Provides the definition of the parameters for JGeoRasterVm class.
oracle.spatial.network - package oracle.spatial.network
Provides support for the Oracle Spatial network data model, which is documented in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models.
oracle.spatial.network.lod - package oracle.spatial.network.lod
Provides support for the Load-On-Demand (LOD) approach of network analysis in the Oracle Spatial network data model, which is documented in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models.
oracle.spatial.network.lod.config - package oracle.spatial.network.lod.config
Provides support for the configuration of Load-On-Demand (LOD) network analysis in the Oracle Spatial network data model, which is documented in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe
Provides general NFE constants classes.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans
Provides classes to work with NFE services.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression
Provides support for the NFE expression analyzing that is used when applying NFE rules based on attributes conditions and when calculating customized cost in NFE Analysis.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io
Provides the base exceptions and datasource classes.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
Provides implementations of the DataSource and JDBC utilities.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
Provides the data access objects implementations; it is not recommended to use the data access objects methods, instead use the NFE services.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service
Provides default NFE services implementations.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service
Provides the NFE services to perform operations related to NFE model, feature layers, analysis and workspace management.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
Provides classes for representing and managing an NFE model in memory.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit
Provides classes that aid on the edition of an NFE model
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Provides classes used to perform undo/redo actions for NFE model events.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event
Contains event definitions and listeners used in an NFE model
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature
Provides memory representations of feature layers and elements contained in feature layers
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network
Provides memory representations of a network and network elements such as nodes and links
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule
Provides memory representations of NFE rules and contains classes used to manage and enforce such rules.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler
Contains the basic rule handlers definitions and implementations.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
Provides classes for finding and representing spatial relationships between elements in an NFE model
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
Provides classes for representing interactions between elements in an NFE model
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides classes that perform miscellaneous operations.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas
Provides classes used to visualize and interact with elements from an NFE model using a MapCanvas
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior
Contains definitions of behavior that an NFE renderer must implement in order to support certain interaction/manipulation
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate
Provides classes which describe the "manipulable" behavior for an NFE renderer.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render
Provides renderers for visualizing different type of data from an NFE model as layers over a MapCanvas.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool
Provides tools for interacting with visual representations of an NFE model content
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps
Contains components used for visualization and editing of geometries.
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Contains the core components for working with a mapcanvas
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject
Contains geo-object implementations
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics
Contains graphic utilities
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index
R-Tree index definition and implementations
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer
Basic layer definitions and implementations
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
Multiple layer implementations
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.icons - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.icons
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.resources.msgs
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools
Tool layer definition and other implementations
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace - package oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace
Provides classes to describe workspace conflicts.
oracle.spatial.objtrkr - package oracle.spatial.objtrkr
oracle.spatial.topo - package oracle.spatial.topo
oracle.spatial.util - package oracle.spatial.util
OraTst - Class in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines print methods for the network elements in Network Data Model.
OraTst() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
ord_offset - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
OrderedLongSet - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Ordered Long Set
OrderedLongSet() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
OrderedLongSet(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
ordinaryChar(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specifies that the character argument is "ordinary" in this tokenizer.
ordinaryChars(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specifies that all characters c in the range low <= c <= high are "ordinary" in this tokenizer.
ORDINATEDESCSTR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ordinates - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
ordinates - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
ordinatesDesc - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
orient_offset - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
orientation(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
The orientation of the the triangle.
original_etype - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
otherNode(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Returns the other node of the link, if the start node = node, the end node is returned.
outConnectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionManager
Tells whether the line feature element is an outgoing line connected to the point feature element
outConnectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
outConnectionExists(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Tells whether the line feature element is an outgoing connection of the point feature element
outputCoordinates(int, int, double[], int, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
outputCoordinates(int, int, double[], int, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
outputCoordinates(int, int, double[], int, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
outputNURBSCurve(int, double[], int, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
OUTSIDE - oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
over(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
over(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object by performing the over operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
over(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, long[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB by performing the over operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
over(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
over(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new raster stored in a BLOB by performing the over operation (explained in the Usage Notes).
over(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a new GeoRaster object by performing the over operation (explained in the Usage Notes).


packTree(double[][][], Object[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
Generates a highly ordered packed tree using the scan-tile-recursive method
padding - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
Visual design: Shape: rectangle Border thickness: hairline Border color: #9BA2B0 Background Gradient: #C1CCD7 to #FFFFFF Alpha: 90% Text: Font-family: Tahoma Font-size: 11px Font Weight: Normal Color: #383A47
paint(Graphics) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoFrame
paint(Graphics) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree.RTreePlot
paintClockFace(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
paintClockHands(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Paint the canvas.
Pair<P,​Q> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
A simple utility class for holding a pair of elements.
Pair(Pair<? extends P, ? extends Q>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
Creates an entry representing the same mapping as the specified entry.
Pair(P, Q) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
PairwiseCostCalculator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods to calculate the pairwise costs between two sets of points.
PairwisePathResultIO - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
PairwiseShortestPaths - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A PairwiseShortestPaths is an algorithm to calculate the the pair-wise shortest paths between a set of candidate start points and end points.
pan(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Moves the map display by 'tx' pixels on the X axis, and 'ty' pixels on the Y axis in the device coordinate system.
PAN_DELTA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths(SingleSourceShortestPaths) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths
Construct a ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths instance.
PARENT_ATTR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Hierarchy parent attribute name.
PARENT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.NFEConstants
Parent feature id attribute column (NFE_PARENT$).
PARENT_LAYER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.NFEConstants
Parent feature layer id attribute column (NFE_PARENT_LAYER$).
parseCachingPolicies(Element[], int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
parseGeometry(JGeometry.GeomParser) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Parse the geometry into meaningful pieces, calling the appropriate action on each piece.
parseJavaValue(String) - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
Gets the representation of the string parameter as the appropriate Java Class instance for the current type.
parseNumbers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specifies that numbers should be parsed by this tokenizer.
parseString(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
Given an attribute type name, it returns the actual NFEAttributeType for that name.
partBuffer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
partBufferLen - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
PartialLinkElement(long, long, long, long, long, double, double, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
PartitionBlob - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
An instance of the PartitionBlob represents a row in the partition BLOB table in the database.
PartitionBlob(int, Blob, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
PartitionBlobTranslator - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a partition blob translator.
PartitionBlobTranslator11g - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
The class to translate a network partition BLOB to a LogicalPartition object, or vice versa.
PartitionBlobTranslator11g() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11g
PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2 - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
The class translates a network partition BLOB to a LogicalPartition object, or vice versa.
PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2
partitionToBlob(LogicalPartition, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator
Translates the LogicalPartition object into a partition BLOB, and outputs it into the specified output stream.
partitionToBlob(LogicalPartition, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11g
partitionToBlob(LogicalPartition, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2
PartitionUpdate - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A PartitionUpdate object contains partition update information.
PartitionUpdate(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
password - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
path - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Path - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a network path.
PATH - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
PATH_COLOR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.PathConstants
Path color attribute.
PATH_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
PATH_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
PathConstants - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe
Utility class to obtain path attributes as constants.
PathConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.PathConstants
PathFeature - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A feature representing a path on a network.
PathFeatureImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of PathFeature.
PathFeatureImpl(long, FeatureElement[], double[], CategorizedUserData, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeatureImpl
Constructs a PathFeature instance.
PathFilter - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines the methods to check whether a given sub-path is a goal sub-path during network analysis.
PathToPoint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
PathToPoint(PointOnNet, LogicalLightSubPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathToPoint
PathUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides static methods related to the NFE paths.
PathUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.PathUtil
Pc2Dem - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Pc2Dem() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Pc2Dem
pc2las(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Pc2Las
Pc2Las - Class in oracle.spatial.util
Pc2Las() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Pc2Las
pcBlk2Pnts(Blob, long, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlk2Pnts
PcBlk2Pnts - Class in oracle.spatial.util
PcBlk2Pnts() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlk2Pnts
PcBlockSortByLrs - Class in oracle.spatial.util
PcBlockSortByLrs() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs
PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint - Class in oracle.spatial.util
PcDiff - Class in oracle.spatial.util
PcDiff() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.PcDiff
PCPyramidFilter - Class in oracle.spatial.util
PCPyramidFilter() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.PCPyramidFilter
PcSampleDataSet - Class in oracle.spatial.util
PcSampleDataSet() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.PcSampleDataSet
pctrclip(Struct, Struct, BLOB, NUMBER, NUMBER, BLOB, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
pctrclipJS(Struct, Struct, OracleBlob, NUMBER, NUMBER, OracleBlob, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
percolateDown(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
percolateUp(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
percolateUp(int, E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
Heapify up the tree.
persistCatalog(NFECatalog) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
persistCatalog(NFECatalog) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Persists a catalog.
persistFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
persistFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Persists a feature class.
persistFeatureLayerAttributes(NFEFeatureLayer, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
persistFeatureLayerAttributes(NFEFeatureLayer, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Persists the feature layer attributes.
persistRules(Collection<NFEConnectivityRule>, Collection<NFEConnectivityRule>, Collection<NFEConnectivityRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
persistRules(Collection<NFEConnectivityRule>, Collection<NFEConnectivityRule>, Collection<NFEConnectivityRule>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Persists the NFE rules.
pickElement(Collection<T>, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.CollectionUtils
Returns a single element from a collection using the specified position.
pickFirstMember(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Gets the first member found with the given geometry type
piecewiseLinearStretch() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Applies a piecewise linear stretch operation on the current working image.
piecewiseStretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, double[][], double[][], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
piecewiseStretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, double[][], double[][], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
piecewiseStretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, double[][], double[][], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
piecewiseStretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, double[][], double[][], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
PLUS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
PLUS operator.
point - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint
point - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PointOnNetWithLink
point(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.GeomParser
Point() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.Point
Point(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.Point
POINT - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of a single point.
POINT - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type POINT_ON_NODE, POINT_ON_LINK, or POINT.
POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
POINT_ON_LINK - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of a single point on link.
POINT_ON_LINK - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement.FeatureElementType
Point along a link
POINT_ON_LINK - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type POINT_ON_LINK.
POINT_ON_NODE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
For features that consist of a single point on node.
POINT_ON_NODE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement.FeatureElementType
Point on node
POINT_ON_NODE - oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
If all features in this feature layer are of type POINT_ON_NODE.
Point2DD - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
Point2DD() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
Point2DD(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
Point2DD(Point2DD) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
pointArrayToString(PointOnNet[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
PointClustering - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
PointData(int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
pointDesc - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
POINTDESCSTR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
PointerLocationLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
This layer displays helpful information related to the current mouse cursor, such as the ground coordinates.
PointerLocationLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
pointID - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
pointInMBR(double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Determines if a point is within the bounds of the specified rectangle.
pointInMBR(Point2DD, Point2DD[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.topo.CompGeom
Determines if a point is within the bounds of the specified rectangle.
pointInPolygon(J3D_Geometry, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
PointIntersectionMember<V> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction
An intersection member which geometry is a point
PointIntersectionMember(V, JGeometry) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.PointIntersectionMember
Allocates a new point intersection member
PointOnNet - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class defines the methods supported by a point on a network.
PointOnNet(long) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Constructs a PointOnNet for a node.
PointOnNet(long, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Constructs a PointOnNet for a point on link.
PointOnNet(long, double, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Constructs a PointOnNet for a point on link.
PointOnNet(long, double, UserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Constructs a PointOnNet for a point on link.
PointOnNet(long, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Constructs a PointOnNet for a node.
PointOnNet(long, UserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Constructs a PointOnNet for a node.
PointOnNetWithLink(PointOnNet, LogicalLink) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PointOnNetWithLink
points - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint
pointType - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
populateMetadata(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
populateMetadata(Node) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
POSITION_BACKGROUND_LAYERS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
POSITION_DATA_LAYERS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
POSITION_FEATURE_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Start position for feature layers
POSITION_OVERDATA_LAYERS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
POSITION_OVERHEAD_LAYERS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
positionStartMap - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
preferredHeight - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
preferredWidth - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
preparePathFeature(LogicalSubPath, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
prepareTableForData(Connection, int, double, ShapefileReaderJGeom) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeom
prepareTableForData(OracleConnection, DBFReaderJGeom, String, String, String, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
prepareTableForData(OracleConnection, DBFReaderJGeom, String, String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
prepend(long, double[], long, double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Prepend a link to this path.
prepend(long, double, long, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
use prepend(long prevLinkId, double[] prevLinkCosts, long prevNodeId, double[] connectorNodeCosts);
prepend(LogicalHeavyPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Appends a path before this path.
prepend(LogicalLink, LogicalNode, double[], double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Appends a link at the beginning of this path.
prepend(LogicalPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
Appends a path to the beginning of this path.
prepend(LogicalPath, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPath
use prepend(LogicalPath path);
PREPROCESS - oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.PPStatus
prev() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Finds the previous geohash
preview(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.BasicManipulationPreview
preview(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.FeatureLayerManipulationPreview
preview(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulationPreview
Renders the preview
print() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
nicely print out the general information of this shapefile.
print(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the message.
print(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(Link) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the link.
print(Link[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the link array.
print(Link[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the link array with detailed information.
print(Link, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the link with detailed information.
print(MBR) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the MBR.
print(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the network.
print(Network[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the network array.
print(NetworkCache) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the network cache.
print(NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the network metadata.
print(NetworkMetadata[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the network metadata array.
print(Network, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the network with detailed information.
print(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the node.
print(Node[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the node array.
print(Node[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the node array with detailed information.
print(Node, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the node with detailed information.
print(Path) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the path.
print(Path[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the path array.
print(Path, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Prints the path.
print(SubPath) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(SubPath[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(SubPath, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(Tree) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(TreeLink) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(TreeNode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
print(TreeNode[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
printDiscrepancies(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys
printHexBinary(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
printStackTrace() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
Prints the composite message to System.err.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
Prints the composite message and the embedded stack trace to the specified stream ps.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
Prints the composite message and the embedded stack trace to the specified print writer pw.
printUserData(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
printVerbose(Node) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
PriorityQueue<E extends java.lang.Comparable> - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines the methods supported by a priority queue.
process(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator
processValidateXML(String, Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator
PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
PROGRESS_STATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
PROGRESS_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
PROGRESS_VALUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
ProgressIndicatorLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
This layer displays a (indeterminate) progress indicator in the center of the map.
ProgressIndicatorLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
project(double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.LambertConformalConicSrid
project(double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
project(double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.TransverseMercatorSrid
projectArrayToGNM(double, double, int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Projects an array of vertices longitude/latitude/height to Gnomonic with a user-defined central longitude and latitude.
ProjectedSrid(long, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
projectFromGNM_longLat(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Projects a geometry vertex by vertex from Gnomonic to longitude/latitude with a user-defined central longitude and latitude.
projectFromLTP() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object by projecting the input from a Local Tangent Plane to geodetic long/lat.
projectG3D(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
projectPoint(LRSGeometryG3D, LRSGeometryG3D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
projectToGNM_longLat() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Projects a geometry vertex by vertex from longitude/latitude/height to Gnomonic with an internally computed central longitude and latitude.
projectToGNM_longLat(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Projects a geometry vertex by vertex from longitude/latitude to Gnomonic with a user-defined central longitude and latitude.
projectToGnomonicFromLongLat(J3D_Geometry, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
projectToLTP() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object by projecting the input to a Local Tangent Plane.
projectToLTP(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object by projecting the input to a Local Tangent Plane.
PROP_ACTIVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Active property
PROP_BIDIRECTED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Link bidirected property
PROP_COST - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Cost property
PROP_END_NODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Link's end node property
PROP_END_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_FEATURE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Geometry property
PROP_HIERARCHY_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
The hierarchy level property
PROP_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
ID property
PROP_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Link level property
PROP_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Name property
PROP_NETWORK_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_PARENT_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Feature's parent feature ID property
PROP_PARENT_FEATURE_LAYER_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Feature's feature layer ID property
PROP_PARENT_LINK_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Parent link id property
PROP_PARENT_NODE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
The parent node id property
PROP_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_START_NODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Link's start node property
PROP_START_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
PROP_Z_ORDER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Z order property
propagateEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
propagateEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
propChangeSupport - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
propChangeSupport - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
properties - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
properties - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
PROPERTY_ACTIVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
active property value
PROPERTY_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
PROPERTY_BASETABLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_BORDER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
PROPERTY_DATASOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_EDITABLE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
PROPERTY_EDITOR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_JSESSIONID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_KEYCOLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_KEYSEQUENCE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_LABELCOLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_LABELSTYLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_LIVESCALE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
PROPERTY_OPTIMIZE_GEOMOP - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_OWNER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_PROVIDERID - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
PROPERTY_QUERYCONDITION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_RENDER_MVNOTEDITING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_RENDER_ONZOOMIN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_RENDER_ONZOOMOUT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_RENDERSTYLE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_RENDERSTYLE_NONLIVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_SERVERURL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_SPATIALCOLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
PROPERTY_SRID - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
PROPERTY_VISIBLE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
PROPERTY_WORKSPACENAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.WSConstants
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
propertyChange(Object, String, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
PropertySupport - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
PropertySupportObject - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
PropertySupportObject(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
props - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Generic properties that can be assigned to this object for accessind data.
ptr1 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTreeJoinRes
ptr2 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTreeJoinRes
pushBack() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Causes the next call to the nextToken method of this tokenizer to return the current value in the ttype field, and not to modify the value in the nval or sval field.
put(long, V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
put(Long, V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
put(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Adds the feature to feature list, but no changes are recorded.
putAll(Map<? extends Long, ? extends V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
PYRAMID_BIDIRECTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating BIDIRECTION pyramid.
PYRAMID_DECREASE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating DECREASE pyramid.
PYRAMID_INCREASE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating INCREASE pyramid.
PYRAMID_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating NONE pyramid.


qualifiedSQLName(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Checks if the specified name is a qualified SQL name.
queryCondition - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Query condition to be added to final query for filtering
queue - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
quoteChar(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specifies that matching pairs of this character delimit string constants in this tokenizer.


RASTER_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
RasterImage - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.image
RasterImage is a Java class that generates a RenderedImage object from a Blob or a byte array.

There are two constructors which take data in byte[] or Blob:
public RasterImage( byte[] data, long height, long width, long nbands, String cellDepth, String interleaving) throws GeoRasterException;
public RasterImage( Blob blob, long height, long width, long nbands, String cellDepth, String interleaving) throws GeoRasterException, SQLException;

If nbands is 1 or 3 and nodataMapping has transparent=true this class will add an alpha band to apply nodataMapping transparent values.
If setHasAlpha(true) is invoked and nbands is 2 or 4, the last band will be interpreted has alpha band.
Example on how to use the class:
RasterImage(byte[], long, long, long, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Constructs a RasterImage object with image information and image data in byte[].
RasterImage(Blob, long, long, long, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Constructs a RasterImage object with image information and image data in Blob.
RasterInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
RasterInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element RasterInfo in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
RasterInfo(JGeoRasterMeta) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
rasterMathOp(String, double[], String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new raster stored in a BLOB from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(String, double[], String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(String, String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(String, JGeometry, String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new raster stored in BLOB from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(String, JGeometry, String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster[], double[], String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new raster stored in BLOB from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster[], double[], String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster[], String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster[], JGeometry, String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new raster stored in BLOB from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster[], JGeometry, String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, long[], String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new raster stored in a BLOB from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], boolean, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new raster stored in a BLOB from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String[], String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generate a new GeoRaster object from layers of one or more input GeoRaster objects based on the operation parameter specification.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, double[], Double, int, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Applies a mathematical operation on all corresponding cells of each layer of one or two input GeoRaster objects and generate a new raster stored in a BLOB.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, double[], Double, int, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Applies a mathematical operation on all corresponding cells of each layer of one or two input GeoRaster objects.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, Double, int, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Applies a mathematical operation on all corresponding cells of each layer of one or two input GeoRaster objects.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, Double, int, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], double[], boolean, Double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Applies a mathematical operation on all corresponding cells of each layer of one or two input GeoRaster objects and create a new raster stored in a BLOB.
rasterMathOp(SdoGeoRaster, SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, Double, int, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], boolean, Double, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Applies a mathematical operation on all corresponding cells of each layer of one or two input GeoRaster objects.
rasterUpdate(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, double[], String[], String[][], double[], boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Updates all cells for which the conditions specification is true, using values calculated from the vals specification.
rasterUpdate(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, String[], String[][], double[], boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Updates all cells for which the conditions specification is true, using values calculated from the vals specification.
rasterUpdate(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String[], String[][], double[], boolean, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Updates all cells for which the conditions specification is true, using values calculated from the vals specification.
reachingNetworkBuffer(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Computes network buffer within the given cost to the end point candidates.
read() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
read(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
READ_ONLY_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Access modes: read only or read write.
READ_ONLY_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Access modes: read only or read write.
READ_WRITE_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
READ_WRITE_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
readAdjacentPartitionIdsForLinks(long[], int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the relevant partition IDs for the specified node IDs.
readAdjacentPartitionIdsForNodes(long[], int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the adjacent partition IDs for the specified node IDs.
readArbitraryLogicalLink(int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns an arbitrary link from the specified link level.
readArbitraryLogicalLinks(int, int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns an array of arbitrary links from the specified link level.
readArbitraryLogicalNode(int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns an arbitrary node from the specified link level.
readArbitraryLogicalNodes(int, int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns an array of arbitrary nodes from the specified link level.
readArrayOfDoubleArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method simplify the process of reading a JSON value as a double[][].
readArrayOfStringArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method simplify the process of reading a JSON value as a String[][].
readByte() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readByte() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readByte() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readByte(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readByteOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readByteOrder() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readByteOrder() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readByteOrder(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readComponentId(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the component ID assigned to the specified node ID.
readComponentIds(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the component IDs stored in the connected component table.
readDouble(DataInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
readDouble(DataInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderBigEndian
readDouble(DataInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderLittleEndian
readDouble(ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readDouble(ByteOrder) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readDouble(ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readDouble(ByteOrder, WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readDoubleArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method simplify the process of reading a JSON value as a double[].
readEndList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readEndList() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readEndList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readEndList(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readEndListOrSeparator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readEndListOrSeparator() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readEndListOrSeparator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readEndListOrSeparator(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readFeatureData(LogicalPartition, int[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Adds feature data to the logical partition
readFeatures(int, long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Read features.
readFile(DataInputStream, int[], BufferedOutputStream) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
readFile(DataInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, BufferedOutputStream, PrintStream, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SegY2SqlLdr
readFile(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
readFile(String, int[], BufferedOutputStream) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr
readFile(String, BufferedOutputStream, BufferedOutputStream, PrintStream, long) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SegY2SqlLdr
readFromObjectStore(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
readFromShapeFileObjects(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ObjectStoreGeometryReader
readGeometryFromDB(Connection, String, String, String, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns Geometry from DB table in a HashaMap
readGlobalConfig(Properties) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Reads the propeties and sets global configuration accordingly.
readInnerLabel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readInnerLabel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readInnerLabel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readInnerLabel(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readInt() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Reads a signed 32-bit integer from this file.
readIntArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method simplify the process of reading a JSON value as int[].
readJavaObject(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Reads in the given Java object from the database to memory Explicit casting is required before use
readJavaObject(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Reads in the given Java object from the database to memory
readJSONArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method will advance the parser to the end of array and return the array value as string.
readJSONObject() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method will advance the parser to the end of JSON object and return the object value as string.
readLabel(ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readLabel(ByteOrder, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readLabel(ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readLabel(WKInputStream, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readLinkIds(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
readLinkPartitionIds(long[], int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the partition IDs for the specified links.
readLinkPartitionIds(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the partition IDs for the specified link.
readListLengths(WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer, int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readLogicalHeavyPath(LogicalPath, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical path.
readLogicalHeavyPath(LogicalPath, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical path.
readLogicalHeavyPaths(LogicalPath[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical paths.
readLogicalHeavyPaths(LogicalPath[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical paths.
readLogicalLink(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical link, i.e., the logical link without references to the start and end nodes, for the specified link ID.
readLogicalLink(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical link, i.e., the logical link without references to the start and end nodes, for the specified link ID.
readLogicalLinks(int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the links on the specified link level.
readLogicalLinks(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical links, i.e., the logical link without references to the start and end nodes, for the specified link ID.
readLogicalLinks(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical links, i.e., the logical link without references to the start and end nodes, for the specified link ID.
readLogicalNetwork(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network.
readLogicalNetwork(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network.
readLogicalNetwork(int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network.
readLogicalNetwork(int, int[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network.
readLogicalNetwork(int, int[], int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network.
readLogicalNode(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical node, i.e., the logical node without references to incoming and outgoing links, for the specified node ID.
readLogicalNode(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical node, i.e., the logical node without references to incoming and outgoing links, for the specified node ID.
readLogicalNodes(int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the nodes on the specified link level.
readLogicalNodes(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical nodes, i.e., the logical nodes without references to incoming and outgoing links, for the specified node IDs.
readLogicalNodes(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the standalone logical nodes, i.e., the logical nodes without references to incoming and outgoing links, for the specified node IDs.
readLogicalPartition(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network partition for the specified partition ID.
readLogicalPartition(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network partition for the specified partition ID.
readLogicalPartition(int, int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network partition for the specified partition ID.
readLogicalPartition(int, int, int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network partition for the specified partition ID.
readLogicalPartition(int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network partition for the specified partition ID.
readLogicalPartition(int, int, int[], int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical network partition for the specified partition ID.
readLogicalPartitions(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the logical network partitions in this network.
readLogicalPartitions(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the logical network partitions.
readLogicalPartitions(int, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the logical network partitions in this network.
readLogicalPartitions(int, int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the logical network partitions.
readLogicalPartitions(int, int[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the logical network partitions in this network.
readLogicalPartitions(int, int[], int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the logical network partitions.
readLogicalPath(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical path for the specified path ID.
readLogicalPath(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical path for the specified path ID.
readLogicalPaths(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical paths for the specified path IDs.
readLogicalPaths(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical paths for the specified path IDs.
readLogicalSubPath(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical subpath for the specified subpath ID.
readLogicalSubPath(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical subpath for the specified subpath ID.
readLogicalSubPaths(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical subpaths for the specified subpath IDs.
readLogicalSubPaths(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the logical subpaths for the specified subpath IDs.
readLongArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method simplify the process of reading a JSON value as a long[].
readMaximumIncomingLinkLevel(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the maximum link level of the incoming links connected to the specified node.
readMaximumLinkLevel() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the maximum link level of the network.
readMaximumLinkLevel(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the maximum link level of the links connected to the specified node.
readMaximumOutgoingLinkLevel(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the maximum link level of the outgoing links connected to the specified node.
readMetadata(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
readNetwork(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the read-only network from the database.
readNetwork(Connection, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network from the database.
readNetwork(Connection, String, boolean, UserDataIO, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network with regard to the given filters.
readNetwork(Connection, String, boolean, UserDataIO, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network with regard to the given filters.
readNetwork(Connection, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network with the specified link level.
readNetwork(Connection, String, int, boolean, UserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network with the specified link level.
readNetwork(Connection, String, MBR, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network that is inside the specified MBR.
readNetwork(Connection, String, MBR, boolean, UserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network that is inside the specified MBR.
readNetworkBuffer(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Reads the network buffer with the specified buffer ID.
readNetworkBuffer(long, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Reads the network buffer with the specified buffer ID.
readNetworkConstraint(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
Reads in the given network constraint from the database to memory
readNetworkConstraint(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Reads in the given network constraint from the database to memory
readNetworkConstraintObject(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Reads in the given network constraint from the database to memory
readNetworkConstraints(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Reads in the network constraints owned by the current schema from the database to memory
readNetworkMetadata(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all network metadata from the database.
readNetworkMetadata(Connection, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network metadata from the database by network ID.
readNetworkMetadata(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the network metadata from the database by network name.
readNetworkUpdate(int, long[], long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Constructs network update object according to the changed node and link IDs.
readNetworkUpdate(int, long[], long[], long[], long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Constructs network update object according to the changed node and link IDs.
readNetworkUpdate(int, Calendar, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
readNetworkUpdates(Calendar, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
readNodeIds(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the array of node IDs in the network.
readNodePartitionId(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the partition ID for the specified node ID.
readNodePartitionIds(long[], int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the partition IDs for the specified node IDs.
readNumberOfConnectedComponents(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the number of connected components stored in the component table.
readNumberOfLinkLevels() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the number of link levels.
readNumberOfLinks(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the number of links in the network.
readNumberOfNodes(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the number of nodes in the network.
readNumberOfPartitions(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the number of partitions in the network.
readPartitionId(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the partition ID for the specified node ID.
readPartitionIds(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves all the partition IDs in the network.
readPartitionIds(long[], int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the partition IDs for the specified node IDs.
readPoint(int, DataInputStream, PreparedStatement, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
readpts(BLOB, int, int, Adapters.Ptclass[], NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob and Adapters.readptsJS(OracleBlob, int, int, Ptclass[], NUMBER) instead.
readptsJS(OracleBlob, int, int, Adapters.Ptclass[], NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
readResolve() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
readSeparator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readSeparator() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readSeparator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readSeparator(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readSpatialHeavyPath(LogicalPath, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical paths.
readSpatialHeavyPath(LogicalPath, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical paths.
readSpatialHeavyPaths(LogicalPath[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical paths.
readSpatialHeavyPaths(LogicalPath[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves node and link information for the specified logical paths.
readSpatialLink(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial link for the specified link ID.
readSpatialLink(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial link for the specified link ID.
readSpatialLinks(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial links for the specified link IDs.
readSpatialLinks(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial links for the specified link IDs.
readSpatialNetwork(LogicalBasicNetwork) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves spatial information for the logical network, and returns the spatial network.
readSpatialNode(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial node for the specified node ID.
readSpatialNode(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial node for the specified node ID.
readSpatialNodes(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial nodes for the specified node IDs.
readSpatialNodes(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial nodes for the specified node IDs.
readSpatialPartition(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves spatial partition.
readSpatialPartition(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves spatial partition.
readSpatialPartition(int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves spatial partition.
readSpatialPartition(int, int, int[], int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves spatial partition.
readSpatialPartition(LogicalPartition) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves spatial information for the logical network partition, and returns the spatial network partition.
readSpatialPartitionMBR(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) encompassing all the nodes in the specified partition.
readSpatialPartitionMBRs(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Returns the minimum bounding rectangles (MBR) of all the partitions in this network.
readSpatialPath(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial path for the specified path ID.
readSpatialPath(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial path for the specified path ID.
readSpatialPath(LogicalPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial information for the specified logical path, and returns the spatial path.
readSpatialPaths(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial path for the specified path ID.
readSpatialPaths(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial path for the specified path ID.
readSpatialPaths(LogicalPath[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial information for the specified logical path, and returns the spatial path.
readSpatialSubPath(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial subpath information.
readSpatialSubPath(long, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial subpath information.
readSpatialSubPath(LogicalSubPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial information of the specified logical subpath, and returns the spatial subpath.
readSpatialSubPaths(long[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial subpath information.
readSpatialSubPaths(long[], int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial subpath information.
readSpatialSubPaths(LogicalSubPath[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Retrieves the spatial information of the specified logical subpaths, and returns the spatial subpath.
readStartList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readStartList() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readStartList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readStartList(ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readStartList(ByteOrder) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKInputStream
readStartList(ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
readStartList(ByteOrder, WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readStartList(WKInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
readStringArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
This method simplify the process of reading a JSON value as a String[].
readSubPathCost(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FilePairwisePathResultIO
readSubPathCost(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.InMemoryPairwisePathResultIO
readSubPathCost(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwisePathResultIO
readTextualFileHeader(DataInputStream, PrintStream, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SegY2SqlLdr.TextualFileHeader
readTxtFile(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.FileUtils
Reads a text file.
readTxtFile(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.FileUtils
Reads a text file and returns it in tokens split by the specified string.
readUInt32(DataInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
readUInt32(DataInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderBigEndian
readUInt32(DataInputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderLittleEndian
readUInt32(ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
readUserData(String, long[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
Reads user defined data from the database.
readUserData(String, long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
readUserData(String, long[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
readUserData(Connection, Network) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataIO
Reads user defined data from the database and associates it with the network.
readUserData(LogicalPartition) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
readUserData(LogicalPartition) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
readUserData(LogicalPartition, int[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Adds user data information to the logical partition
readyFeatures - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
readyStateCursor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
recBuffer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
RecordColumn(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
recordSize() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom
return the record size in the DBF file
recreateDMLTriggers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Re-creates the required standard GeoRaster data manipulation language (DML) triggers on all GeoRaster columns that the current user has privileges to access, so that the appropriate operations are performed when the triggers are fired.
RectangleDrawer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools
RectangleDrawer(ShapeDrawingLayer) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
RectangleDrawer(ShapeDrawingLayer, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
rectify(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, String, SdoGeoRaster, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, boolean, String, double[], String, JGeometry, String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Perform rectification on all or part of a georeferenced GeoRaster object.
rectify(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, String, SdoGeoRaster, Integer, Integer, JGeometry, boolean, String, double[], String, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Perform rectification on all or part of a georeferenced GeoRaster object.
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturePropertyChangedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceAddedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRelationAddedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRelationRemovedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRemovedUndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
redo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Restores the last edit operation.
redo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
redo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
redo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Restores the last edit operation.
reFormulateArc(double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
refresh() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Recalculate the extents and resolutions of the virtual mosaic based on the attributes provided in the constructor
refresh() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.BehavioralLayer
Refreshes the layer displayed area
refresh() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
refresh() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Refreshes the current data window
refresh(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Refreshes the data window at the given area
refreshAsync() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
refreshAsync(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
refreshGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEFeatureElementGeoObject
refreshGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
Updates the geoobject's geometry.
refreshGeometry() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFENetworkElementGeoObject
refreshIndex(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.IndexedSpatialSet
Rebuilds the index associated to an object identified by the given key
refreshIndex(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
refreshNetworkElementIndex(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
refreshNetworkElementIndex(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Refreshes the spatial index of the network element to reflect its actual geometry.
refreshRegionQueue - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
refreshWorkspace(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Applies to a workspace all changes made in its parent workspace.
registerFeatureLayerAttributes(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayerMetadata, Collection<NFEAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Registers the given attributes to the network and feature layer in xxx_sdo_network_data.
registerGeoRasterColumns() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Creates DML triggers for all GeoRaster columns defined in the current schema.
registerGeoRasterObjects() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Registers all GeoRaster objects defined in the current schema.
registerJavaObject(Connection, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Register the given Java object into user_sdo_network_java_objects
registerLambertConformalConicSrid(long, long, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.LambertConformalConicSrid
registerNetworkConstraint(Connection, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Register the given network constraint into user_sdo_network_constraints
registerPolygon(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.SdoPointInPolygon
registerRuleHandler(String, NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Saves the rule handler for the specified rule.
registerRuleHandler(String, NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
registerRuleHandler(String, NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Registers the rule handler for the specified rule.
registerTransverseMercatorSrid(long, long, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.TransverseMercatorSrid
relateFeatureTableWithTopology(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
relateNetworkToModel(long, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Relates a network with an NFE Model.
relax(VisitedNode, LogicalNetLink, LogicalNetNode, LogicalNetNode, HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[], LongHashMap<VisitedNode>, int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, double, LongHashMap<ArrayList<NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement>>, NetworkBuffer, LODNetworkConstraint, int, NetworkSearch.FeatureBundle, double[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
This processes one link from the node currently being expanded.
remove(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
remove(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present.
remove(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
remove_etype0(int[], double[], ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
REMOVE_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
removeAttributeContraint(NFEAttributeConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
removeAttributeContraint(NFEAttributeConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Removes an attribute constraint from the feature class
removeAttributeDescriptor(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
removeAttributeDescriptor(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Removes the attribute descriptor with the given attribute's name
removeCardinalityRule(NFECardinalityRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Removes a cardinality rule from the model
removeCatalogValue(NFECatalogValue) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
removeCatalogValue(NFECatalogValue) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Removes a value from the catalog
removeCentralPoint(PointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Removes a central point.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEEditionManager
Removes a change listener
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Removes the given listener from listening for queryWindow changes
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Removes the give change listener
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
Removes the given ChangeListener
removeConnectableEdge(NFEConnectableEdge<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Removes an edge from the connectable edges
removeConnectableEdges(Collection<NFEConnectableEdge<V>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Removes a group of edges from the connectable edges
removeConnectableHierarchies(int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.NFEInteractionEngine
Removes hierarchy levels for inter-hierarchy interactions
removeContextualMenuHandler(ContextualMenuHandler) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Remove a contextual menu handler
removed(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
The function called when the layer is removed from either a MapCanvas or an EditSession (typically both, MapCanvas first, EditSession later)
removed(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
removeDanglingFeatureElements(Connection, String, NFEModel) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Deletes feature elements that are not referencing existing features.
removeDanglingNetworkElements(Connection, String, NFENetworkMetadata, NFEEditionMode) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Deletes the network elements that are not referenced by any feature in any feature layer.
removeDanglingRulesElements(Connection, String, NFEModel) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Deletes rules elements that are not referencing existing features.
removedDanglingNetworkElements(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
removedDanglingNetworkElements(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Removes any dangling network element connected to the given network element (including the passed network element if it is itself a dangling element).
removeDefaultPointInitValue(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Removes an point feature's initialization attribute value
removeEdge(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Remove an edge, merging faces if there are different faces on each side of the edge.
removeEditChangeListener(EditChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
removeEditChangeListener(EditChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
removeEditChangeListener(EditChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
removeEditionFlag(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObject
removeEditionFlag(byte) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
Sets the given flags off
removeEditSession(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Removes an edit session from the server.
removeEditSession(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
removeEntry(double[][], Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
removeEntry removes an entry from the leaf level of the RTree and makes any other tree adjustments necessary, including possibly the orphaning and reinsertion of subtrees at any level if nodes become underfilled
removeEntry(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
Removes an entry from the index
removeEntry(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Removes an entry from the index
removeFeature(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
removeFeature(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Removes a feature identified by the given ID from the feature layer
removeFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Removes a feature from the data set if data set is read-write mode.
removeFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Registers that feature is removed.
removeFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
removeFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Removes a feature from the model along with its feature elements and network elements
removeFeature(AbstractFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Removes feature from index data set.
removeFeatureClass(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
removeFeatureClass(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Removes a feature class identified by the given ID from the feature layer
removeFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
removeFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Removes a feature element from its feature along with the network element where the feature element is placed.
removeFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
removeFeatureElement(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Removes the given feature element from the feature
removeFeatureElementRelation(NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Removes the relation with the feature element
removeFeatureElements(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
removeFeatureElements(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Removes from the feature all the feature elements in the collection
removeFeatureLayer(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
removeFeatureLayer(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Removes a feature layer with specified from the model
removeFeatureLayerRenderer(NFEFeatureLayerRenderer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Removes the association to a feature layer renderer
removeFirst() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes and returns the first layer from this list, or null if this list is empty.
removeFirst(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes and returns the first layer from the specified position in the list, or null if there are no layers at that position.
removeIf(Predicate<? super Mer>, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
removeIf(Predicate<? super Mer>, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Remove all nodes for which merFilter and filter are both true.
removeIf(Mer, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Remove all nodes touching targetMer for which filter is true.
removeInLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Removes the incoming link with the specified link ID.
removeInLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
removeLast() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes and returns the last layer from this list, or null if this list is empty.
removeLast(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes and returns the last layer from the specified position in the list, or null if there are no layers at that position.
removeLeafWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Discards all row versions associated with a workspace and its descendant workspaces, and deletes the affected workspaces.
removeLineLineRule(NFELineLineRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Removes the given line-line rule
removeLinePointRule(NFELinePointRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Removes the given line-point rule from the model
removeLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Removes a link from the network.
removeLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Removes the specified link from the network elements.
removeLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Removes the specified link and all associated intervals from the network buffer.
removeLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
removeLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Removes a link identified by the given ID from the network
removeLink(NFELink, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
removeLink(NFELink, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Removes the link from the node
removeListener(U) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventSupport
Removes a listener
removeLockedArea(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
Removes the geometry from the locked area.
removeMatchedEndPoints(HashMap<Long, HashSet<HeavyPointOnNet[]>>, VisitedNode, int[], LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
removeMember(IntersectionMember<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Removes an intersection member
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Removes the given model listener from this class
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Removes a listener from the model.
removeModelListener(NFEModelListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Removes a model listener
removeModelSequence(long, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Removes a sequence in database and the corresponding record in the model sequence table.
removeNetworkElementIndex(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFERTreeSpatialModel
removeNetworkElementIndex(NFENetworkElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFESpatialModel
Removes the index for the network element
removeNetworkFromCache(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Removes a network from the network cahce
removeNodataMapping(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This function will remove nodata(value) mapping from existing nodata setting, which should exactly match parameter nodata.
removeNodataMapping(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This function will remove nodata(range) mapping from existing nodata setting, which exactly matchs parameter nodataStart and nodataEnd.
removeNode(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Removes an isolated node or a node at the joining of two edges, merging the edges into one.
removeNode(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Removes a node from the network.
removeNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
removeNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.Elements
Removes the specified node from the network elements.
removeNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Removes the specified node from the network buffer.
removeNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.NetworkSearchTree
removeNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNetwork
removeNode(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Removes a node identified by the given ID from the network
removeNodeLink(NFENode, NFELink, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Removes a connected link from a node
removeObsoleteNodes() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Removes any nodes in the cache which are connected to two and only two distinct edges, are not assigned to point features, and do not serve as the demarcation between mismatched linear features.
removeOutLink(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Removes the outgoing link with the specified link ID.
removeOutLink(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
removePointCardRule(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Removes the point cardinality rule from the point cardinality rule table related to the specified feature class.
removePointCardRule(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Removes the point cardinality rule from the point cardinality rule table related to the specified feature layer.
removePredefinedConnectedPoint(NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
removePredefinedConnectedPoint(NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Removes the give predefined connected point descriptor from the feature class
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
removeRuleInstance(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Removes from the rules model the rule instance identified by the given id
removeSameLinkMatchedPoints(HeavyPointOnNet[], HashMap<Long, HashSet<HeavyPointOnNet[]>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Removes the given selection listener
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Removes the given SelectionListener
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
removeUserData() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Removes all user data associated to this object.
removeWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Discards all row versions associated with a workspace and deletes the workspace.
removeWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
removeWorkspace(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Removes the workspace and the related record in the model workspace relationship table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_WORKSPACE.
renameRDT(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Renames one or more existing registered raster data tables owned by the current user, and updates the GeoRaster system data and all affected GeoRaster objects to reflect the new names.
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEEditVertexTool
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
render(Graphics2D) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Renders the layer contents to the given Graphics.
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
render(Graphics2D, Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
renderFeature(Graphics2D, AbstractFeature, AffineTransform, Style) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
renderGeometryObject(Graphics2D, AffineTransform, GeometryFeature, Style) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.RenderUtils
Renders the feature.
renderGeoObject(V, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderGeoObject(V, Style, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderGeoObjects(NFERenderer.Tier, Area, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderGeoObjLabel(Graphics2D, AffineTransform, V, String, Font, Color) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderHoveredObject(V, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderHoveredObjects(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Renders the currently hovered GeoObjects
renderHoveredPoint(Point2D, Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderHoveredShape(V, Shape, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderHoverPoint(Point2D, Graphics2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
renderHoverShape(GeoObject, Shape, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
renderSelectedObjects(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
renderStyledPoint(Graphics2D, Style, Point2D, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.RenderUtils
Renders a point geometry.
renderTier(NFERenderer.Tier, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Renders the given tier
renderTiers(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Renders all the layer's tiers using the given graphics and affine transform
renderTipShadow() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
renderTipShapeAndText() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
RenderUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
Set of methods to render spatial features (geometry, annotation text, ...) Support simple styles that are used for editable vector data.
RenderUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.RenderUtils
reOrientCurves() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
repaint() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Tells the layer to repaint itself immediately.
repaint() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
replaceElement(long, E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
replaceElement(long, E) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiablePriorityQueue
Replace the old element of the specified id with a new element.
reproject(SdoGeoRaster, int, double[], String, String, String, int, JGeometry, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Reprojects all or part of a GeoRaster object to a different Oracle Spatial and Graph coordinate system (specified by the outSRID parameter).
reproject(SdoGeoRaster, int, double[], String, String, String, int, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Reprojects all or part of a GeoRaster object to a different Oracle Spatial and Graph coordinate system (specified by the outSRID parameter).
reproject(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, String, String, String, int, Blob[], JGeometry, double[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Reprojects all or part of a GeoRaster object to a different Oracle Spatial and Graph coordinate system (specified by the outSRID parameter).
reproject(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, String, String, String, int, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Reprojects all or part of a GeoRaster object to a different Oracle Spatial and Graph coordinate system (specified by the outSRID parameter).
reproject(SdoGeoRaster, String, String, int, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Reprojects a GeoRaster object to a different Oracle Spatial and Graph coordinate system (specified by the outSRID parameter).
requestDefaultPointFeatureElement(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
requestDefaultPointFeatureElement(JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a new standalone point feature element with the given point geometry.
requiresAnalysisInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
requiresAnalysisInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
requiresAnalysisInfo() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkLevelSelector
Whether analysis info is required.
requiresPathLinks() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkConstraint
Returns true if the constraint requires some or all path information.
requiresPathLinks() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Chceks if the constraint requires some or all path information.
RESAMPLING_AVERAGE16 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating AVERAGE16 resampling.
RESAMPLING_AVERAGE16 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
RESAMPLING_AVERAGE4 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating AVERAGE4 resampling.
RESAMPLING_AVERAGE4 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
RESAMPLING_BILINEAR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating BILINEAR resampling.
RESAMPLING_BILINEAR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
RESAMPLING_BIQUADRATIC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
RESAMPLING_CUBIC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating CUBIC resampling.
RESAMPLING_CUBIC - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
RESAMPLING_NN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A string indicating NN resampling.
RESAMPLING_NN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
reservedWords - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
reserveInConnection(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
reserveInConnection(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a virtual in connection between the point and line feature element.
reserveOutConnection(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
reserveOutConnection(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Creates a virtual out connection between the point and line feature element.
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain.AccurateSum
Reset the sum to zero
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
reset() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkConstraint
This method allows a stateful network constraint object to be reset to its original state and reused by network analysis functions.
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
reset() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraint
This method allows a stateful network constraint object to be reset to its original state and reused by network analysis functions.
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl.NetworkTspConstraint
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.NDMTimer
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEMemoryRuleHandlerContext
reset() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandlerContext
Resets the state of the context
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
Resets the internal task count to zero.
reset() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
Resets the internal task count to zero.
reset(HeavyPointOnNet[][]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
reset(HeavyPointOnNet[][]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
reset(HeavyPointOnNet[][]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkLevelSelector
Resets the attributes of this link level selector according to the input points of interest.
resetBufferPositions() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Discards the buffer data, by setting the internal pos and count from inherited from BufferedInputStream back to 0.
resetComponentNo(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Resets the node compomnent number to the specified number
resetCostCalculators() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Restores the default settings of link cost calculators and node cost calculators, which uses the DefaultLinkCostCalculator as the primary link cost calculator and the DefaultNodeCostCalculator as the primary node cost calculator.
resetLockedAreas() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
This function will empty the locked area.
resetPairwisePathResultIO() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FilePairwisePathResultIO
resetPairwisePathResultIO() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.InMemoryPairwisePathResultIO
resetPairwisePathResultIO() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwisePathResultIO
resetSyntax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Resets this tokenizer's syntax table so that all characters are "ordinary." See the ordinaryChar method for more information on a character being ordinary.
resolveConflicts(Connection, List<FeatureAttributeDescriptor>, String, String, String, NFEModel) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Resolves the specified workspace conflicts.
resolveConflicts(List<FeatureAttributeDescriptor>, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
resolveConflicts(List<FeatureAttributeDescriptor>, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
This function resolves workspace conflicts for the specified attributes by using the attributes values in the parent or child workspace as specified in the chosen workspace parameter.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.SchemaEntityResolver
resolver - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
resolveTableWorkspaceConflicts(String, String, String, Vector<FeatureConflictDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Resolves the edit session workspace conflicts with parent workspace.
resolveWSConflicts(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Resolves the conflicts with child workspace changes using SQL procedure dbms_wm.ResolveConflicts.
reSortPcBlock(Blob, int, String, Struct, int, int, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs
RESOURCES_BUNDLE_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEResources
RESOURCES_PATH - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEResources
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
ReturnValue - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression
Defines the return value of the expression analyzer.
ReturnValue() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
reverse() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Reverses node and link order of this path, and flip the isReverse flag of the path.
reverse() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Reverses the sub-path, and flip the isReverse flag of the reference path.
reverse() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalSubPathImpl
reverse() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Reverses the path and returns it.
reverseAxisOrder(int, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
reverseKShortestPaths(Feature[], Feature[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the top k shortest paths from the start feature candidates to the end feature candidates, using reverse search direction.
reverseKShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest loopless paths from the start point candidates to the end point candidates, using reverse search direction.
reverseKShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns reverse K shortest loopless paths from the start point candiates to the end point candidates, using reverse search direction.
reverseKShortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter, KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
reverseKShortestPathsBfs(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, double, long, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest loopless paths from the start point candidates to the end point candidates.
reverseKShortestPathsDijkstra(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, double, long, LODNetworkConstraint, PathFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns K shortest loopless paths from the start point candidates to the end point candidates.
reverseLineFeatureDirection(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
reverseLineFeatureDirection(NFEFeature) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Reverse the direction of all the links containing feature elements of the given feature
reverseLinkDirection(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
reverseLinkDirection(NFELink) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Changes the direction of a link by changing the order of its line ordinates
reverseProject(double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.LambertConformalConicSrid
reverseProject(double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
reverseProject(double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.TransverseMercatorSrid
reverseShortestPath(Feature[], Feature[], LODNetworkConstraint, ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path from the start feature candidates to the end feature candidates, using reverse search direction.
reverseShortestPath(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using the input algorithm, using reverse search direction.
ring(boolean, List<JGeometry.LineStringInfo>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.GeomParser
ringUnion(JGeometry, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
ringUnionApprox(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
RNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.geometry
Marks an object with a Mer.
rollback() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sends out rollback command to the database.
rollback(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
rollbackAndClose(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
rollbackDB() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Rolls back any updates to the database and clears any row locks.
root - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
rootReinserts - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
rootSplits - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
ROW_DIMENSION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A integer indicating row dimension.
RStarTree<T extends RNode> - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
TODO Must work for arbitrary dimension --- check that there's no 2D-specific stuff! An in-memory implementation of R*-tree.
RStarTree(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
RStarTree(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
RStarTree(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
RStarTree(int, Stream<? extends T>) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
RTree - Class in oracle.spatial.util
RTree(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
Constructs an empty RTree with specified parameters
RTree(int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
Constructs an empty RTree with specified parameters
RTREE_TOL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
RTree.ComparatorImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.util
RTree.RTreePlot - Class in oracle.spatial.util
RTreeIndex - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index
Defines an RTree spatial index for a 2 dimensional space.
RTreeIndex() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Creates a new instance
RTreeIndexedSpatialSet<V extends NFEGeoObject> - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial
An implementation of IndexedSpatialSet that uses an R-tree index and stores instances of NFEGeoObject.
RTreeIndexedSpatialSet() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
RTreeIndexedSpatialSet(int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
Creates an instance of RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
RTreeInterface<T extends RNode> - Interface in oracle.spatial.geometry
An RTree or RTree-like data structure, in which objects are stored by Mers in a nested hierarchy where the Mer of each internal (non-data) node covers the Mers of all its descendents.
RTreeInterface<T extends RNode> - Interface in oracle.spatial.util
Use @link{oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface} instead. This interface will be removed later.
RTreeJoinRes - Class in oracle.spatial.util
RuleDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
The RuleDAO data access object provides methods to load, create and manage the NFE rules.
RuleDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Creates a RuleDAO with the specified connection and model.
ruleInstanceAdded(NFERuleInstance) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the add rule instance change.
RuleInstanceAddedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more rule instances are added to the model
RuleInstanceAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFERuleInstance) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceAddedUndoableEdit
ruleInstanceRelAdded(NFERuleInstanceRelation) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the add rule instance relation change.
RuleInstanceRelationAddedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when a relation is added to a rule instance
RuleInstanceRelationAddedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFERuleInstanceRelation) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRelationAddedUndoableEdit
RuleInstanceRelationRemovedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when a relation is removed from a rule instance
RuleInstanceRelationRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFERuleInstanceRelation) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRelationRemovedUndoableEdit
ruleInstanceRelRemoved(NFERuleInstanceRelation) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the remove rule instance relation change.
ruleInstanceRemoved(NFERuleInstance) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEChangesKeeper
Register the remove rule instance change.
RuleInstanceRemovedUndoableEdit - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo
Atomic undoable edit implementation that performs the undo/redo actions when one or more rule instances are removed from the model
RuleInstanceRemovedUndoableEdit(NFEModel, NFERuleInstance) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRemovedUndoableEdit
run() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.TierRenderingThread
runLater(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
Queue a runnable to be run after all layers have been iterated over for the current input event being processed For example, to remove a layer from the canvas as a result from an input event in the layer
runNearestNeighbors(NFENearestNeighbors, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
runNearestNeighbors(NFENearestNeighbors, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEAnalysisIOService
Finds the nearest features from the start feature.
runShortestPath(NFEShortestPath, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
runShortestPath(NFEShortestPath, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEAnalysisIOService
Finds the shortest path from the start feature to the end feature.
runTSP(NFETsp, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
runTSP(NFETsp, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEAnalysisIOService
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input features.
runWithinCost(NFEWithinCost, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
runWithinCost(NFEWithinCost, boolean, NFEExpressionAnalyzer, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEAnalysisIOService
Finds features within the given cost from the start feature.


safeCastARRAY(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.ARRAY while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
safeCastARRAY(ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.ARRAY while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
safeCastBLOB(Blob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.BLOB while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
safeCastBLOB(ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.BLOB while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
safeCastCLOB(Clob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.CLOB while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
safeCastCLOB(ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.JDBCUtil
Returns oracle.sql.CLOB while running within WLS or any J2EE container such as OC4J, JBoss etc.
SameLinkMatchedPointPair(NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint, NetworkSearch.MatchedPoint) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.SameLinkMatchedPointPair
SampleShapefileToJGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.util
This sample program reads all geometries from a Shapefile and converts them to JGeometry geometries.
SampleShapefileToJGeom() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeom
SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature - Class in oracle.spatial.util
This sample program reads all attributes and geometries from a Shapefile, and converts them to spatial features.
SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature
save() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
save() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
save() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
save(AbstractDataAccessObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Commit data set changes.
saveCatalog(NFEModelMetadata, NFECatalog) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Persists the catalog in the tables FT_USR_DATA_CATLG_[model_id] and FT_USR_DATA_CVAL_[model_id].
saveConnectedComponents(OrderedLongSet[], int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores the connected components information in the component table.
saveDataModel(AbstractDataModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
saveDataSet(AbstractDataSet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
saveFeatureElements(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Saves the new feature elements in the feature element relationship table.
saveFeatures(Collection<NFEFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Saves the new features in the feature and hierarchy tables, also creates a record in the feature class relationship table.
saveLinks(Collection<NFELink>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Persists the new links in the link table.
saveModelContent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
saveModelContent() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Saves the feature layers network elements, feature elements, features and rules instances that were created, modified or deleted.
saveModelContent(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
saveModelContent(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Saves the feature layers network elements, feature elements, features and rules instances that were created, modified or deleted, the specified connection will NOT be closed, rollback or commited.
saveNodes(Collection<NFENode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Persists the new nodes in the node table.
savePaths(List<NFEFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAnalysisIOService
savePaths(List<NFEFeature>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEAnalysisIOService
Saves feature paths.
saveRuleInstances(Collection<NFERuleInstance>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Persists the new rule instances in the table RULE_INSTANCE_[model_id].
saveRuleInstancesRelations(Collection<NFERuleInstanceRelation>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Persists the new feature rule relations in the table FT_RULE_REL_[model_id].
saveRules(Collection<? extends NFEConnectivityRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Persists the new rules in the tables LINE_LINE_RULE_[model_id] and LINE_POINT_RULE_[model_id].
saveWorkspace(String, NFEWorkspace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
saveWorkspace(String, NFEWorkspace) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Saves the workspace and create a record in the model workspace relationship table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_WORKSPACE.
ScaleBarLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
A background layer that sits at the bottom of layer stack, and intercepts primarily mouse wheel zooming and mouse panning events.
ScaleBarLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
scaleCopy(SdoGeoRaster, String, int, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Scales a GeoRaster object by enlarging or reducing the image along row and column dimensions, and puts the result into a new object that reflects the scaling.
scaleCopy(SdoGeoRaster, String, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Scales a GeoRaster object by enlarging or reducing the image along row and column dimensions, and puts the result into a new object that reflects the scaling.
scbar - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
scbarRender - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
SchemaEntityResolver - Class in oracle.spatial.util
SchemaEntityResolver(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SchemaEntityResolver
schemaValidate(OracleClob, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
schemaValidate(CLOB, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2
SDO_GEOMETRY - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
SDO_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
SDO_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
SDODimArray - Class in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines a Java representation for Oracle Spatial SDO_DIM_ARRAY object.
SDODimArray(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Constructs an SDODimArray object with the default dimension names ("X","Y","Z","M") and the given lower bounds, upper bounds ,and tolerances.
SDODimArray(String[], double[], double[], double[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Constructs an SDODimArray object.
SDODimElement - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model
This class contains information regarding a spatial dimension such as boundaries and tolerance.
SDODimElement(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Allocates a new instance initialized with the given values.
SdoGeorAdminPKG - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorAdminPKG is a Java class which wraps PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR_ADMIN.
SdoGeorAdminPKG(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Constructs an SdoGeorAdminPKG object using the given connection.
SdoGeorAggrPKG - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorAggrPKG is a Java class which wraps PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR_AGGR.
SdoGeorAggrPKG(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Constructs an SdoGeorAggrPKG object using the given connection.
SdoGeoRaster - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeoRaster is a Java class which contains a pair of rasterID and rasterDataTable information.
SdoGeoRaster() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
SdoGeoRaster(String, NUMBER) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Constructs an SdoGeoRaster object using the given rasterDataTable and rasterID.
SdoGeoRaster(JGeoRaster) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Constructs an SdoGeoRaster object using the given JGeoRaster object.
SdoGeoRaster(STRUCT) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Constructs an SdoGeoRaster object using the given STRUCT.
SdoGeorGCP() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
SdoGeorGCPRefType() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType
SdoGeorIpPKG - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorIpPKG is a Java class which wraps PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR_IP.
SdoGeorIpPKG(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Constructs an SdoGeorIpPKG object using the given connection.
SdoGeorPKG - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorPKG is a Java class which wraps PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR.
SdoGeorPKG(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Constructs an SdoGeorPKG object using the given connection.
SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorRaPKG - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorRaPKG is a Java class which wraps PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR_RA.
SdoGeorRaPKG(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Constructs an SdoGeorRaPKG object using the given connection.
SdoGeorUtlPKG - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster.sql
SdoGeorUtlPKG is a Java class which wraps PL/SQL functions and procedures defined in the server-side package SDO_GEOR_UTL.
SdoGeorUtlPKG(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Constructs an SdoGeorUtlPKG object using the given connection.
SdoPointInPolygon - Class in oracle.spatial.util
SdoPointInPolygon() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SdoPointInPolygon
search(double[][], ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
Searches an RTree for all objects whose minimum bounding hypersolids intersect the input search hypersolid
search(Comparator<? super RNode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
search(Comparator<? super RNode>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Search the tree (Mers) in the order specified by the comparator.
search(ToDoubleFunction<? super RNode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
search(ToDoubleFunction<? super RNode>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Search the tree of Mers in the order specified by the metric computed on the Mers of the tree.
search(JGeometry, Class<T>, Function<? super T, JGeometry>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Assuming each node contains a JGeometry, this method returns the data in this tree ordered by proximity to a target JGeometry.
searchEdgeRTree(double[][], ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Return the list of edges from edgeRtree for the given query MBR.
searchEntries(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractSpatialIndex
Returns all the entry that interact with the giveb MBR
searchEntries(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.RTreeIndex
Returns all the entry that interact with the giveb MBR
searchFaceRTree(double[][], ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Return the list of faces from faceRtree for the given query MBR.
searchMer(Predicate<? super Mer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
searchMer(Predicate<? super Mer>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Return all the objects which satisfy the merFilter.
searchMer(Mer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Return all the objects which touch the search mer.
searchNearest(Comparator<? super RNode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
searchNearest(Comparator<? super RNode>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Return the first data element as specified by the comparator.
searchNearest(ToDoubleFunction<? super RNode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree
searchNearest(ToDoubleFunction<? super RNode>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Search the tree of Mers in the order specified by the metric computed on the Mers of the tree and return the single smallest item.
searchNearest(JGeometry, Class<T>, Function<? super T, JGeometry>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Assuming each node contains a JGeometry, this method returns the closest node to a target JGeometry
seek(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
Sets the file-pointer offset, measured from the beginning of this file, at which the next read or write occurs, and resets the internal buffer.
SEGMENT_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
Some start or end segment point in a line except the start and end line's point
SegY2SqlLdr - Class in oracle.spatial.util
SegY2SqlLdr() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SegY2SqlLdr
SegY2SqlLdr.TextualFileHeader - Class in oracle.spatial.util
select(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
select(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
select(List<GeoObject>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Adds the provided objects to the selection list
select(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
select(List<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Sets the objects in the list as selected without clearing the previous selections
select(GeoObject, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEFeatureSelectionTool
select(GeoObject, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Notifies the GeoObject's layer that the object is being selected
SelectableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
An interface for layers that have objects that can be selected They use a SelectionManager to handle selections
selectFeatures(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.FeatureSelectableLayer
Selects a group of features.
selectFeatures(Collection<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
selectFeatures(List<NFEFeatureElementGeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEBoxSelectionTool
selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionListener
This method is called when a selection event is fired.
SelectionEditableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior
Defines a layer which selection can be edited
SelectionEvent - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Represents a geo-object selection event.
SelectionEvent(Layer, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
Creates a new instance
SelectionListener - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core
Defines an interface for listening to selection changes.
selectionManager - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
selectionManager - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
sendLocations() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Send any queued locations to the server.
sequenceExists(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
sequenceName - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Database sequence name to allow retrieval of new keys.
serialize(Object) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
set(double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.Point
set(int, int, E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Matrix
Sets the element at the specified row and column.
set(int, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserData
Sets the user data at the specified index.
set(int, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserDataImpl
set_pPolynomial_nVars(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nVars of p polynomial.
set_pPolynomial_order(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the order of p polynomial.
set_pPolynomial_polynomial_nCoefficients(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nCoefficients of p polynomial.
set_pPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the coefficients of p polynomial.
set_pPolynomial_pType(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the pType of p polynomial.
set_qPolynomial_nVars(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nVars of q polynomial.
set_qPolynomial_order(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the order of q polynomial.
set_qPolynomial_polynomial_nCoefficients(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nCoefficients of q polynomial.
set_qPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the coefficients of q polynomial.
set_qPolynomial_pType(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the pType of q polynomial.
set_rPolynomial_nVars(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nVars of r polynomial.
set_rPolynomial_order(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the order of r polynomial.
set_rPolynomial_polynomial_nCoefficients(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nCoefficients of r polynomial.
set_rPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the coefficients of r polynomial.
set_rPolynomial_pType(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the pType of r polynomial.
set_sPolynomial_nVars(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nVars of s polynomial.
set_sPolynomial_order(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the order of s polynomial.
set_sPolynomial_polynomial_nCoefficients(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the nCoefficients of s polynomial.
set_sPolynomial_polynomialCoefficients(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the coefficients of s polynomial.
set_sPolynomial_pType(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the pType of s polynomial
setActive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Sets the network element as active or inactive
setActiveWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEAbstractDataSource
setActiveWorkspace(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEDataSource
Sets the active workspace that will be used by the connection.
setAfter(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
setAlpha(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Sets the band number mapped to the alpha channel.
setAlpha(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Sets the alpha value component.
setAnalysisCost(AnalysisCost) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Sets the analysis cost.
setAnalysisCost(AnalysisCost) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Sets the analysis cost.
setAnalysisCost(AnalysisCost) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
Sets the analysis cost.
setAnalysisCost(AnalysisCost) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Sets the analysis cost.
setAnalysisCustomizedCosts(List<AnalysisCustomizedCost>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Sets the analysis customized costs.
setAnalysisInfoForCurrNode(VisitedNode, LogicalNetLink, LogicalNetNode, LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setAnalysisInfoForNextNode(LogicalNetLink, LogicalNetNode, LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setAnalysisLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setAnalysisLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets a feature layer which contains paths from analysis.
setApplyResolutionFilter(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setArr(LocationMsgArr) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
setArray(LocationMsg[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
setArray(LocationMsg[], long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
setAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Sets the attribute in conflict.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Sets the value of the attribute with the given name
setAttribute(String, Field) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
setAttributeChildValue(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute value in the child workspace.
setAttributeDescriptor(NFEAttributeDescriptor) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Sets the attribute descriptor where the constraint is enforced
setAttributeDescriptor(NFEAttributeDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
setAttributeJavaType(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute name.
setAttributeParentValue(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute value in the parent workspace.
setAttributes(Field[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Sets the field attributes.
setAttributesJavaType(Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
setAttributeType(NFEAttributeType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
setAttributeType(NFEAttributeType) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Sets the catalog's type.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
Sets the background color
setBackwardFlag(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setBandStatistics(String, double, double, double, double, GeorHistogram) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Set band statistics for certain bands.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setBefore(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
setBeginDateTime(TIMESTAMP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Sets the begin date and time.
setBelongingGeometry(J3D_Geometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
setBidirected(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Makes the directed link bidirected
setBidirected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
setBidirected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Sets whether the link is bidirected or not
setBiDirectionalArrow(StyleMarker) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Sets the arrow marker style for a bidirectional arrow.
setBinFunctionTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the bin function table name.
setBinFunctionType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the bin function type.
setBitmapMask(int, JGeoRaster, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Attaches a bitmap mask to a GeoRaster object, or replaces or removes the current bitmap mask.
setBitmapMask(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets true if there is a bitmap mask associated with this layer.
setBitmapMask(SdoGeoRaster, int, SdoGeoRaster, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Attaches a bitmap mask to a GeoRaster object, or replaces or removes the current bitmap mask.
setBitmapMaskAsNODATA(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets true if NODATA is mask.
setBlank(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the current GeoRaster object blank.
setBlankCellValue(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the blank cell value for the current GeoRaster object.
setBlob(Blob) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setBlockingType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the blocking type.
setBlocksSize(int, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the block size of the specified dimension.
setBlue(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Sets the blue color component.
setBlue(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Sets the layer number mapped to blue.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
Sets the border color
setBorderless(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
setCachingHandler(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Sets the caching handler.
setCachingHandler(CachingHandler) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Sets the caching handler.
setCachingPolicies(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setCachingPolicies(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setCallback(Tracker.Callback<NotificationMsg>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Set a callback for all notifications that are not otherwise covered by a region or object callback.
setCanvas(MapCanvas) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
Sets the associated MapCanvas
setCanvas(MapCanvas) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Sets the map canvas on which this layer is displayed.
setCanvas(MapCanvas) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setCanvas(MapCanvas) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
setCanvas(MapCanvas) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
setCap(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setCatalog(NFECatalog) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Sets the catalog associated to this attribute
setCatalog(NFECatalog) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
setCategory(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets the network category.
setCategory(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the network category.
setCategory(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute category value
setCategory(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
setCategoryId(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
setCategoryId(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
setCBReference(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setCellDepth(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the cell depth of the current GeoRaster object.
setCellDimension(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point cell Dimension.
setCellRepresentation(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets cell representation of the current GeoRaster object.
setCellValue(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Sets the cell value.
setCellValue(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscaleEntry
Sets the cell value.
setChangedGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Sets the element's geometry after the manipulation
setChangeSupportSource(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
setChildRecordDeleted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Sets true if the child record is deleted, false otherwise.
setChildValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Sets the attribute child value.
setClientID(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Sets the client ID for a session.
setClockSize(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Sets the new width and height for the indicator.
setClusteringConstraint(ClusteringConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointClustering
setClusteringConstraint(ClusteringConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialBisectClustering
setClusteringConstraint(ClusteringConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialKMeansClustering
setCode(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
setColDenominator(Integer, Integer, Integer, Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Create an array with Column Denominator
setColDenominator(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the colDenominator vector.
setColNumerator(Integer, Integer, Integer, Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Create an array with Column Numerator
setColNumerator(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the colNumerator vector.
setColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Sets the color used by the renderer to generate shadows.
setColorBalance(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setColormap(GeorColormap) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Set Colormap
setColormap(GeorColormap) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the colormap information for the specific layer in the metadata based on data stored in the GeorColormap object.
setColormapEntries(double[], int[], int[], int[], Double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Sets the GeorColormapEntry array by specifying five individual component arrays.
setColormapEntries(GeorColormapEntry[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Sets the GeorColormapEntry array.
setColormapEntry(double, int, int, int, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Sets a GeorColormapEntry based on value.
setColormapEntry(int, double, int, int, int, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormap
Sets a GeorColormapEntry based on entryNo.
setColormapTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the color map table name.
setColormapVector(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the color map by specifying a vector which stores all (value,red,green,blue,alpha) in order.
setColumn(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point column.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Sets the geometry column name.
setColumnOff(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the columnOff value.
setColumnOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set column offset
setColumnRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the columnRMS value.
setColumnRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set column RMS
setColumnScale(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the columnScale value.
setColumnScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set column scale
setCommonPointRule(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setComponentNo(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node component number.
setComponentTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the component table name
setCompressionQuality(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the compression quality.
setCompressionType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the compression type.
setConfig(String, LODConfig) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
setConflictDescriptor(ConflictDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute conflict descriptor.
setConflictDescriptor(ConflictDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Sets the conflict descriptor.
setConflictDescriptor(ConflictDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Sets the conflict descriptor.
setConflictDescriptor(ConflictDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Sets the conflict descriptor.
setConnectableIntersectionLocation(IntersectionLocation) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Sets the location (as a fixed value) of edge where the connection will be performed.
setConnectableSpatialPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Sets the edge's point that will be connected
setConnectableVertex(U) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Sets the vertex instance to be connected
setConnectingLineLineRuleId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Sets the line line rule ID which allows the connections described
setConnectingLinePointRuleId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Sets the line point rule ID that will connect the edge
setConnectingLinePointRuleId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Sets the line point rule ID which allows the connections described
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Sets the connection object associated with current GeoRaster object.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Set a current valid connection to the JGeoRasterVM object to be used in subsequent getRasterSubset requests.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Sets the connection which points to the target database.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Sets the connection which points to the target database.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Sets the connection which points to the target database.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Sets the connection which points to the target database.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Sets the connection which points to the target database.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Sets the connection which points to the target database.
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Sets the JDBC connection to the database.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
use setDataSource instead
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ExtendedKML2
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
setConnection(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
setConnectionData(DbConnectionData) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
setConnectionData(DbConnectionData) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEConnectionDataSource
Sets the connection data.
setConnectionSpatilPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Sets the point in the space where the connecting vertex will be placed after the connection is performed.
setContext(NFERuleHandlerContext) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLineLineRuleHandler
setContext(NFERuleHandlerContext) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFEBasicLinePointRuleHandler
setContext(NFERuleHandlerContext) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.handler.NFERuleHandler
Sets the handler's context
setCoreLoop(CoreLoop) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Sets the Core Loop instance to be used by this canvas.
setCost(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link cost.
setCost(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
use setCosts(double[] costs);
setCost(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Sets the cost of this link.
setCost(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Sets the cost of this node.
setCost(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Sets the cost of the network element
setCost(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node cost.
setCostOption(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Sets the cost option.
setCostRange(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Sets the cost range.
setCosts(double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Sets the costs of this path.
setCosts(double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightPath
Sets the costs of the path.
setCosts(double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Sets the costs of the subpath.
setCosts(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeatureImpl
Sets the path costs.
setCount(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogramEntry
Sets the count value.
setCreatePoint(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Sets whether the rule creates a point automatically if it does not exist
setCurrentAnalysisInfo(LogicalPartition, LogicalNetNode, LongHashMap<VisitedNode>, LODAnalysisInfo, LODNetworkConstraint, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setCurrentCost(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
setCurrentCosts(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the current costs.
setCurrentDepth(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the current depth.
setCurrentLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the current link.
setCurrentNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the current node.
setCurrentUserObjects(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the user objects that have been accumulated so far.
setCurrLinkNodeAnalysisInfo(LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, LogicalNetNode, VisitedNode, LogicalPartition, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
setDash(float[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setDataModel(AbstractDataModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setDataSetLayer(AbstractDataSetLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
setDataSource(IDataSource) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
setDataSource(IDataSource) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
setDataSource(IDataSource) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sets the data source.
setDataSource(NFEDataSource) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
setDataSource(NFEDataSource) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
setDataSource(NFEDataSource) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOService
Sets the NFE data source.
setDataSource(NFEDataSource) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Sets NFE data source.
setDataSource(AbstractDataSource) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setDataWindow(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sets the data window rectangle
setDataWindow(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sets the data window rectangle and zoom level
setDataWindowByScale(double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sets the data window size using the given scale
setDataWindowSrid(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sets the data window srid
setDate(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Sets the saved point date
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Sets the date format to be used
setDateGlobalizationSupport(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Sets true if date globalization is supported
setDatetimestamWithZone(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Sets true if timestamp contains time zone flag
setDefaultBlue(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the default blue layer number for the current GeoRaster object.
setDefaultGreen(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the default green layer number for the current GeoRaster object.
setDefaultPointSize(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Sets the default point size
setDefaultProperties(Properties) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
setDefaultProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
setDefaultRed(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the default red layer number for the current GeoRaster object.
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Sets the value the attribute must contain when it is created
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the georeference description.
setDescription(String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the description for the current GeoRaster object.
setDescription(String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Sets the georeference description.
setDescription(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the description.
setDetails(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.MDSException
setDimensions(List<SDODimElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Sets the model dimensions.
setDimensionSize(int, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the dimension size of the specified dimension.
setDimName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Sets the dimension's name
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets true if the network is directed, false otherwise.
setDirection(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the direction the network is being explored.
setDirection(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
setDistToInterCommonPoint(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Sets the distance from the element's intersected point to the point considered as the origin of the intersection
setDraggable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
Sets the flag to indicate if this map tip can be dragged around the map.
setDuration(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link duration
setDuration(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node duration
setEdge(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectableEdge
Sets an edge to be connected
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setEditionFlags(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObject
setEditionFlags(byte) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObject
Sets the given flags on
setEditionManager(NFEEditionManager) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setEditionManager(NFEEditionManager) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the edition managaer to be used by the current model to track changes made to the model's content.
setEditionMode(NFEEditionMode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets edition mode.
setEditSessionNames(Vector<String>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
setElement(int, FeatureElement) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature
Sets the ith feature element.
setElement(int, FeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
setElement(LocationMsg, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
setElement(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Sets the intersection's element
setElement(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Sets the manipulated element
setElementAtIndex(int, E) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
setElementType(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Sets the feature element type.
setElevationParam(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Set elevation Parameters
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Sets whether the tool is enabled or not
setEnd(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TimeWindow
setEndDateTime(TIMESTAMP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Sets the end date and time.
setEndLinkIndex(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Sets the end link index.
setEndLinkIndex(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setEndNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Sets the reference to the end node of this link.
setEndNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
setEndNode(LogicalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
user setEndPoints
setEndNode(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link end node.
setEndNodeId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Sets the end node ID.
setEndNodeIdChild(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Sets the end node identifier of the child workspace.
setEndNodeIdParent(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Sets the end node identifier of the parent workspace.
setEndPercentage(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Sets the location of the end point of the subpath as a percentage of the last link of the containing path.
setEndPercentage(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
setEndPercentage(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Sets the line feature element's end point relative to its link's length.
setEndPercentage(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setEndPoint(HeavyPointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
user setEndPoints
setEndPoints(HeavyPointOnNet[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the end point.
setErrorCode(int) - Method in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Sets the error code.
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Sets the error message.
setEventDispatcher(NFEEventDispatcher<NFEModelListener>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setEventDispatcher(NFEEventDispatcher<NFEModelListener>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the event dispatcher.
setEventDispatcher(NFEEventDispatcher<NFEModelListener>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Sets the event dispatcher that will be used to fire new events.
setEventDispatcher(NFEEventDispatcher<NFEModelListener>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setEventDispatcher(NFEEventDispatcher<NFEModelListener>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the event dispatcher used by the model to fire model events.
setEventDispatcher(NFEEventDispatcher<NFEModelListener>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
setEventManager(EventManager) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Sets the Event Manager instance to be used by this canvas.
setExecutionOrder(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Sets the rule execution order
setExpandedNode(VisitedNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the node currently being expanded.
setExpression(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
Sets the cost expression
setExpression(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
setExpression(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.NFEExpressionAnalyzer
Sets the expression to analyze.
setExpressionAnalyzer(NFEExpressionAnalyzer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesEngine
Sets the expression analyzer implementation to be used
setFeatClassAttributesConstraintsTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the feature class attributes constraints table.
setFeatClassDefaultConnectedPointTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the default connected points table.
setFeatClassRelationTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the feature class relation table.
setFeatClassTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets feature class table.
setFeatRulesRelTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the table that keeps the relationship between features and rules.
setFeature(Feature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Sets the feature of interest.
setFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
setFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Sets the feature which contains the feature element
setFeatureActive(NFEFeature, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
setFeatureActive(NFEFeature, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Sets the feature's active property
setFeatureAttributeDescriptorList(List<FeatureAttributeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Sets the feature attributes descriptors.
setFeatureBidirected(NFEFeature, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
setFeatureBidirected(NFEFeature, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Sets whether a feature is bidirected or not
setFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
setFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Sets the feature class of the feature
setFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Sets the feature class used for creating new features in case a target feature has not been specified
setFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureTool
Sets the feature class for the new features
setFeatureClassDescriptor(FeatureClassDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Sets the feature class descriptor.
setFeatureClassDescriptorList(List<FeatureClassDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Sets the feature class descriptors.
setFeatureClassId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Sets the feature class id for which the rule is applicable
setFeatureClassId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Sets the feature class id parameter.
setFeatureClassId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Sets the feature class identifier.
setFeatureClassName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Sets the feature class name.
setFeatureData(FeatureData) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
Sets the feature data associated to this network.
setFeatureDescriptor(FeatureDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureAttributeDescriptor
Sets the feature descriptor.
setFeatureDescriptorList(List<FeatureDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Sets the list of features involved in a conflict.
setFeatureElementDescriptorList(List<FeatureElementDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Sets the feature elements descriptors.
setFeatureId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Sets the feature id parameter.
setFeatureId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
Sets the feature identifier.
setFeatureLayer(int, FeatureLayer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureData
Sets the feature data for the input feature layer.
setFeatureLayer(int, FeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureDataImpl
setFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
setFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Sets the feature's feature layer
setFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the feature class' feature layer
setFeatureLayerDescriptor(FeatureLayerDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
Sets the feature layer descriptor.
setFeatureLayerDescriptorList(List<FeatureLayerDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NFEConflictsDescriptor
Sets the feature layers descriptors.
setFeatureLayerId(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the ID of the feature layer.
setFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
Sets the feature layer identifier.
setFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the feature layer id.
setFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Sets the feature layer id for which the rule is applicable
setFeatureLayerId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Sets the feature layer id parameter.
setFeatureLayerId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Sets the feature layer identifier.
setFeatureLayerName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the name of the feature layer.
setFeatureLayerName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the feature layer name
setFeatureLayerType(FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the type of the feature layer.
setFeatureLayerType(FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the feature layer type.
setFeatureList(List<NFEFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
Sets the features to visit on the tour.
setFeatures(Hashtable<String, AbstractFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Set the current feature set.
setFeatureSelection(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.FeatureSelectableLayer
Sets the given features as selected.
setFeatureSelection(Collection<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
setFeatureTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the feature table.
setFeatureTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the name of the feature table.
setFeatUserDataCatalogTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the catalog table.
setFeatUserDataCatalogValueTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the catalogs values table.
setFeatUserDataTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the feature user data table.
setFillGap(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setFlags(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the flags (an OR'ed integer of all desired flags)
setFlow(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the flow on the link for flow analysis
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
setFunctionFittingModel(GeorFunctionalFittingModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Initiates attribute values based on a given GeorFunctionFittingModel object.
setGcpFFMethod(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the GCP FFMethod.
setGcpPoints(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the GCP points.
setGCPPointType(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point type.
setGcpTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the GCP table name.
setGeoDataProducer(AbstractDataSetProducer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Sets a AbstractDataSetProducer on this layer.
setGeodetic(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the geodetic geometry to flag
setGeodeticSRID(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
setGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link geometry (JGeometry).
setGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Sets the network element's geometry
setGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Sets the geometry of the intersection's element
setGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
Sets the GeoObject's geometry.
setGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node geometry (JGeometry).
setGeometry(JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Sets the path geometry (JGeometry).
setGeometryDescriptor(NFEGeometryDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the geometry descriptor.
setGeometryTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setGeometryType(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the geometry type of the network
setGeometryType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the network geometry type.
setGeomID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the LRS geometry ID of this link.
setGeomID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the LRS geometry ID.
setGlobalFlags(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the global logging flags.
setGlobalFlags(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the global logging flags for the named loggers only.
setGlobalIPOperation(int, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
This method will set global image processing operations, which includes: automatical linear stretch manual linear stretch piecewise linear stretch normalization equalization Not like image processing methods defined in the class GeoRasterImageProcessUtil, this method will use statistics data(for whole GeoRaster object) stored in the GeoRaster metadata to do image processing for each getRasterImage call, instead of using "local" statistics data calculated based on returning image from getRasterImage call.
setGlobalLevel(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the global logging level.
setGlobalLevel(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the global logging level for the named loggers.
setGlobalNetworkName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sets the global network name, i.e., the network name that is globally unique, and is used as the cache key for the network.
setGlobalOutputStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the global log outputsream.
setGlobalOutputStream(PrintStream, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the global log outputsream for the named hiearchy.
setGmlVersion(GML3.GMLVersion) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Set the version of GML to generate.
setGoalNodeFilters(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setGray(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscaleEntry
Sets the gray value.
setGrayscale(double[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Sets the GeorColormapEntry array by specifying two individual component arrays.
setGrayscale(double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Sets a GeorGrayscaleEntry based on value.
setGrayscale(int, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Sets a GeorColormapEntry based on entryNo.
setGrayscale(GeorGrayscale) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Set Grayscale
setGrayscale(GeorGrayscale) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the gray scale by specifying a GeorGrayscale object.
setGrayscale(GeorGrayscaleEntry[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorGrayscale
Sets the GeorGrayscaleEntry array.
setGrayscaleTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the gray scale table name.
setGrayscaleVector(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the gray scale by specifying a vector which stores all value and gray pairs.
setGreen(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Sets the green color component.
setGreen(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Sets the layer number mapped to green.
setHandler(NFERuleHandler) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Sets the rule handler instance associated to the rule
setHandlerClass(Class<? extends NFERuleHandler>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
setHandlerClassName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Sets the name of the rule habdler's class associated to the rule
setHandlerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Sets the id of the rule handler associated to the rule
setHasAlpha(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Indicate if last band provided in the constructor of this class contains alpha data.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Sets whether the layer is hidden or not
setHierarchyLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
Sets the hierarchy level.
setHierarchyLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setHierarchyLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the Hierarchy Level of the feature layer
setHierarchyLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
setHierarchyLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Sets the node's hierarchy level
setHierarchyLevel(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node hierarchy level.
setHierarchyTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the hierarchy table.
setHierarchyTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the name of the hierarchy table.
setHigh(int, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Sets the specified ordinate of the high point.
setHigh(MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Sets the high point.
setHighliteGeometries(JGeometry[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setHistogram(GeorHistogram) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the histogram by specifying a GeorHistogram object.
setHistogramTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the histogram table name.
setHistogramVector(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the histogram by a specifying vector which stores all value and count pairs.
setHoldLayerUpdate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setHoldLayerUpdate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
setHost(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the host.
setHourHandSpeed(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Sets the clock´s hour hand speed
setHover(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
setHover(List<GeoObject>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverableLayer
A list of geo-objects being hovered
setHover(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setHover(GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
setHoverLayer(HoverableLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Sets the layer that is hovered when adding feature elements.
setId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Sets the constraint ID
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
setId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Sets the catalog ID
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalogValue
Sets the value ID
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Sets the feature's ID
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the feature class' ID
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the ID of the feature layer
setId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Sets the descriptor ID
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Sets the ID for the network
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Sets the ID of the network element
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the network id.
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets model identifier.
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Sets the cardinality rule id
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule
Sets the rule id
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Sets the rule instance id
setID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Sets the path ID.
setID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setID(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point ID.
setIdBufferSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdGenerator
setIdBufferSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
setIdBufferSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdGenerator
Sets the size of the ID buffer size used by this generator.
setIdBufferSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Sets the ID buffer size used by all the ID generators managed
setIdGenerator(String, NFEIdGenerator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
setIdGenerator(String, NFEIdGenerator) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Associates an NFEIdGenerator instance to the given entity.
setIdManager(NFEIdManager) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setIdManager(NFEIdManager) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
setIdManager(NFEIdManager) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the id manager used by the current model to assign ids to newly created objects
setIdManager(NFEIdManager) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Sets an instance of NFEIdManager which is used to assign ID's to newly created instances.
setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
setImage(RenderedImage) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImageProcessUtil
Sets the current working image.
setImageOpacityAlpha(float) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Sets the opacity for the layer's rendered images
setImageProcessing(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Set the image processing operator.
setImpactedLinkDescriptorList(List<LinkDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Sets the links that belongs to the same conflict in case of a conflict group.
setImpactedNodeDescriptorList(List<NodeDescriptor>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Sets the nodes that belongs to the same conflict in case of a conflict group.
setIncludeNODATA(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setIndex(E, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap.IndexKeeper
setIndex(E, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
setIndexedDataSet(AbstractIndexedDataSet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setIndexedSet(AbstractIndexedDataSet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setInitialAnalysisInfo(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
setInitialAnalysisInfo(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
setInitialAnalysisInfo(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setInitialAnalysisInfo(LODAnalysisInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Sets the initial analysis info.
setInteraction(BinaryInteraction) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Sets the binary interaction which triggers this rule
setInterleaving(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the interleaving type.
setIntersectionLocation(IntersectionLocation) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionMember
Sets the element's location where the intersection takes place
setIntersectionPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Sets the spatial point where the intersection occurred
setIntersectionSegmentPoint(JGeometrySegmentPoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.LineIntersectionMember
Sets the line's segment point where the intersection is taking place
setInterval(NetworkBuffer.DoubleInterval) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval
setIsActive(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Sets whether the link is active.
setIsActive(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Sets whether this node is active.
setIsBidirected(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Sets whether the link is bidirected or not.
setIsNetworkPartitioned(boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setIsUserDataIncluded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setIsUserDataLoaded(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalBasicNetwork
use addUserDataCategory
setJdbcDriverMode(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the driver mode (thin or oci).
setJoin(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setKeepValues(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
If keepValues is true and change cellDepth is requested the values won't be changed, to display a 1,2,4 bit raster with 3 band cellDepth need to be changed to 8BIT_U, default values is false.
setKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
setKey(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Sets a new key on the object.
setKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
setKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
Sets a new key on the object.
setKeyList(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Sets key list.
setKShortestPathsAlgorithm(KShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the default k-shortest paths algorithm.
setKspAlgorithm(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setLayer(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
setLayer(Layer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DataProducer
Sets the layer that should be notified when data is ready.
setLayer(Layer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Sets the layer to be associated with this object.
setLayer(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
setLayer(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
Sets the layer to be associated with this object.
setLayer(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
setLayer(AbstractDataSetLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
setLayerDimensionOrdinate(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the layer dimension ordinate.
setLayerID(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the layer ID.
setLayerManager(LayerManager) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Sets a LayerManager on this canvas.
setLayerNumber(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the layer number.
setLeftHandSideLinePointRule(NFELinePointRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Sets the line-point rule that corresponds to the left hand side operand of the line-line rule
setLength(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Sets the maximum length the attribute can be if it is a VARCHAR type
setLength(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
setLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
setLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Sets the link's level
setLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the logging level of this instance.
setLineAttrCondition(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the rule's line attribute condition.
setLineFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
setLineFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Sets the descriptor's owner line feature class
setLineFeatureClassId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the rule's line feature class id
setLineFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the rule's line feature layer id
setLineLineRuleTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the line-line rules table.
setLinePointRuleTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the line-point rules table.
setLinkCostCalculator(LinkCostCalculator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the primary link cost calculator, and removes all secondary link cost calculators.
setLinkCostCalculator(LinkCostCalculator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Sets the link cost calculator.
setLinkCostCalculators(LinkCostCalculator[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
setLinkCostCalculators(LinkCostCalculator[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the link cost calculators.
setLinkCostCalculators(LinkCostCalculator[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setLinkCostCalculators(LinkCostCalculator[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Sets the link cost calculators.
setLinkCostCalculators(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setLinkCostColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets link cost column
setLinkCostColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the link table cost column.
setLinkCostFunction(LinkCostFunction) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets up user defined link cost function
setLinkDescriptor(LinkDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Sets the link descriptor.
setLinkDirection(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets link diretion (Network.UNDIRECTED_LINK or Network.DIRECTED_LINK)
setLinkDirection(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the link direction.
setLinkDurationColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
setLinkDurationColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets link duration column name
setLinkGeomColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the link table geometry column.
setLinkGeomMetadata(GeometryMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets Link Geometry Metadata
setLinkId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Sets the link identifier.
setLinkLevel(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link level.
setLinkLevelSelector(LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
setLinkLevelSelector(LinkLevelSelector) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPaths
Sets link level selector.
setLinkLevelSelector(LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setLinkLevelSelector(LinkLevelSelector) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Sets the link level selector.
setLinkLevelSelector(LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
setLinkLevelSelector(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setLinkNode(NFELink, NFENode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Sets a link's start or end node.
setLinkPartitionColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
setLinkPartitionColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
setLinkTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the link table name.
setLockedArea(Area) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
Sets the locked area.
setLockInd(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets true if the work area is locked, false otherwise.
setLoggingLevel(int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkWrapper
Sets java global logging level.
setLow(int, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Sets the specified ordinate of the low point.
setLow(MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Sets the low point.
setLowerBound(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Sets the dimension's lower boundary
setLowerX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets the workspace work area lowest X.
setLowerY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets the workspace work area lower Y.
setLRMDimension(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Sets the dimension index for LRS measure.
setLRSGeomMetadata(GeometryMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets LRS Geometry Metadata
setMajorVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the major version for the current GeoRaster object.
setMapCanvas(MapCanvas) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
setMapRegion(MapRegion) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Sets the MapRegion
setMapSrid(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sets the current map SRID
setMax(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the statistics maximum value.
setMaxCost(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Sets the maximum cost constraint.
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Sets the maximum depth constraint.
setMaxDistance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Sets the maximum distance constraint.
setMaxDuration(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
setMaxInConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setMaxInConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the maximum number of in connections when the feature class' shape type is point
setMaxInConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Sets the maximum number of incoming connections defined by this rule
setMaxInConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the maximum number of incoming lines of the rule's line type allowed for the rule's point maxInConn the maximum number of in connections
setMaxLinkID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets the max link ID to maxID
setMaxLinkLevel(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Sets the maximum link level of the links incident to this node.
setMaxMBR(MBR) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Sets the maximum MBR constraint.
setMaxMemSize(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Sets the upper limit size of the memory that can be used for managing memory using the GeoRaster buffer system.
setMaxNodeID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets the max node ID to maxID
setMaxNumberOfNodes(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.CachingPolicy
Sets the maximum number of nodes allowed in the cache for this network level.
setMaxOutConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setMaxOutConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Gets the maximum number of out connections when the feature class' shape type is point
setMaxOutConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFECardinalityRule
Sets the maximum number of outgoing connections defined by this rule
setMaxOutConnections(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Gets the maximum number of outgoing lines of the rule's line type allowed for the rule's point maxOutConn the maximum number of out connections
setMaxPathID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets the max path ID to maxID
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterSizeConstraint
setMaxStretchValue(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setMaxSubPathID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets the max subpath ID to maxID
setMbrInd(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise.
setMDPoint(MDPoint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node location (MDPoint).
setMean(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setMean(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the statistics mean value.
setMeasure(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the LRS measure.
setMeasure(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
setMeasure(double, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the LRS start and end measures.
setMedian(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the statistics median value.
setMetadata(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setMetadata(NFEFeatureLayerMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the feature layer's metadata
setMetadata(NFENetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Sets the metadata of the network
setMetadata(NFEModelMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setMetadata(NFEModelMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the metadata of the model.
setMin(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the statistics minimum value.
setMinorVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the minor version for the current GeoRaster object.
setMinSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterSizeConstraint
setMinSpectralResolution(String, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the spectral resolution of the specified dimension.
setMinStretchValue(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setMinuteHandSpeed(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Sets the clock´s minute hand speed
setMiterLimit(float) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setMode(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
sets the animation mode to either MODE_ONEWAY (the default) or MODE_TWOWAY.
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCAbstractIOService
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCIOServiceProvider
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOService
Sets the NFE model.
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEIOServiceProvider
Sets the NFE model.
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModelObjectFactory
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEDBSequenceIdManager
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEIdManager
Sets the current NFEModel instance.
setModel(NFEModel) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelObjectFactory
Sets an instance of NFEModel.
setModelCoordinateLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set model coordinate location
setModelCoordinateLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the model coordinate location.
setModelCoordLocation(SdoGeoRaster, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Sets the model coordinate location value for a GeoRaster object, or deletes the current model coordinate location value (if any) if the modelCoordLoc parameter is specified as null.
setModelDimension(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point model Dimension.
setModelDimensionDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the model dimension description.
setModelId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets the model id to which the workspace is related.
setModelObjectFactory(NFEModelObjectFactory) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setModelObjectFactory(NFEModelObjectFactory) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the model object factory which will be used by the model to create new instances of model objects such as nodes, links, features and all the elements that are associated to the model.
setModelSRID(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set model SRID
setModelSRID(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the SRID.
setModelTotalRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set model total RMS
setModelType(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the model type.
setModeValue(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the statistics mode value.
setMosaicParameters(MosaicParameters) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Set the parameters for virtual mosaiac
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFESelectionTool
Sets whether the tool allows multiple selection or not
setMustAvoidLinks(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Sets the must-avoid links.
setMustAvoidNodes(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Sets the must-avoid nodes.
setMVBaseMaps(Vector<String>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
setMVPredefinedThemeMetadata(Vector<MVThemeMetadata>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
setMVTileLayerMetadata(Vector<MVTileLayerMetadata>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
setMyCursor(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link name.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute name
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalog
Sets the catalog's name
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the feature class' name
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the name of the feature layer
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetwork
Sets the name of the network
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Sets the name of the network element
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the network name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Sets the name for this layer.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Sets the current workspace name
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
Sets the name for this layer.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Sets the model name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Sets the data set name.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node name.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Sets the path name.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setNetElementId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Sets the network element identifier.
setNetwork(NFENetwork) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setNetwork(NFENetwork) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the feature layer's network
setNetwork(NFENetwork) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkElement
Sets the network to which the network element belongs
setNetwork(NFENetwork) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setNetwork(NFENetwork) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets a network to the current model.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseCostCalculator
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyLinkLevelSelector
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.GeodeticPairwiseCostCalculator
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.KShortestPaths
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this k shortest paths algorithm implementation, so that the algorithm can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LinkLevelSelector
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this link level selector, so that the link level selector can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODGoalNode
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this goal node filter, so that the goal node filter can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkConstraint
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this constraint, so that the constraint can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxCostConstraint
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.MaxDepthConstraint
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseCostCalculator
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this cost calculator implementation, so that the algorithm can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseShortestPaths
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this pairwise shortest paths implementation, so that the algorithm can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this shortest path algorithm implementation, so that the algorithm can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SingleSourceShortestPaths
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this shortest path algorithm implementation, so that the algorithm can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this TSP algorithm implementation, so that the algorithm can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraint
This method allows caller to pass the network analyst object to this constraint, so that the constraint can call the analysis functions provided by the network analyst, or access the network explorer associated with the network analyst.
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl.NetworkTspConstraint
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspNearestNeighbor
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
setNetworkAnalyst(NetworkAnalyst) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
setNetworkCache(int, NetworkCache) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setNetworkCache(LeveledNetworkCache) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachedNetworkIO
Sets the network cache.
setNetworkCategory(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the network category.
setNetworkConstraints(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setNetworkDataSource(String, DataSource) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
setNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
setNetworkElement(NFENetworkElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Sets the network element where the feature element resides
setNetworkElementGeometry(NFENetworkElement, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
Sets a new geometry to the specified network element.
setNetworkElementGeometry(NFENetworkElement, JGeometry) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Sets a new geometry to the specified network element.
setNetworkElementsGeometries(NFENetworkElement[], JGeometry[], boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
setNetworkElementsGeometries(NFENetworkElement[], JGeometry[], boolean, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Changes geometries to a group of network elements.
setNetworkExplorer(NetworkExplorer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
setNetworkExplorer(NetworkExplorer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setNetworkMetadata(String, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODNetworkManager
setNetworkMetadata(NetworkMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
setNetworkMetadata(NetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
setNetworkMetadata(NetworkMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sets network metadata
setNetworkMetadata(NFENetworkMetadata) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the network metadata.
setNetworkName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the network name for the feature layer.
setNetworkName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets network name.
setNetworkName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets network name.
setNetworkUpdate(int, NetworkUpdate) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Sets the network update object and initialize the dynamic cache.
setNetworkUpdate(HashMap<Integer, NetworkUpdate>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the network update objects.
setNetworkUpdates(HashMap<Integer, NetworkUpdate>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the network update objects.
setNetworkUpdates(HashMap<Integer, NetworkUpdate>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Sets the network update objects and re-initialize the dynamic cache.
setNeverShrink(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
setNext(Drawable) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Sets the next Drawable instance for a collection of Drawable instances
setNextLink(LogicalNetLink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the next link.
setNextNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the next node.
setNextUserObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the next user object to be accumulated.
setNFEEndFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Sets the end feature.
setNFEFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
Sets the feature class.
setNfeFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureLayerDescriptor
Sets the NFE feature layer.
setNFEFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCustomizedCost
Sets the feature layer.
setNFEFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Sets the feature layer to search for neighbors.
setNFEFeatureLayer(NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Sets the feature layer to search in the analysis.
setNFEStartFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Sets the start feature.
setNFEStartFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Sets the start feature.
setNFEStartFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWithinCost
Sets the start feature.
setNODATA(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the NODATA value of the current GeoRaster object.
setNodataMappings(Vector<GeoRasterImage.NodataMapping>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.RasterImage
Set nodatamapping.
setNode(NFENode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Sets a node as start or end node, depending on the value of the setStatNode parameter
setNodeCostCalculator(NodeCostCalculator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the primary node cost calculator, and removes all secondary node cost calculators.
setNodeCostCalculator(NodeCostCalculator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.AnalysisCost
Sets the node cost calculator.
setNodeCostCalculators(NodeCostCalculator[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
setNodeCostCalculators(NodeCostCalculator[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the node cost calculators.
setNodeCostCalculators(NodeCostCalculator[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch
setNodeCostCalculators(NodeCostCalculator[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Sets the node cost calculators.
setNodeCostCalculators(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setNodeCostColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets node cost column
setNodeCostColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the node table cost column.
setNodeDescriptor(NodeDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Sets the node descriptor.
setNodeDurationColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
setNodeDurationColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets node duration column name
setNodeGeomColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the node table geometry column
setNodeGeomMetadata(GeometryMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets Node Geometry Metadata
setNodeId(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NodeDescriptor
Sets the node identifier.
setNodeLevelTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the node level table name
setNodePartitionColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
setNodePartitionColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
setNodePartitionId(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartition
Sets the partition the node belongs to.
setNodePartitionId(long, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
setNodePartitionId(long, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setNodeTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the node table name.
setNonNullAttributes(Vector<String>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
setNoOfDims(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Sets the number of dimensions
setNoOfHierarchyLevels(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
setNoOfHierarchyLevels(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the number of hierarchy levels.
setNoOfHierarchyLevels(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the network number of hierarchy levels.
setNoOfPartitions(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
setNotification(long, long, Tracker.NotificationType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Subscribe to notifications about a particular object/region pair
setNotification(TrackerMsg) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Add a single subscription to the database
setNotificationQueueSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
The number of notifications without callbacks to store before discarding the oldest
setNotifications(List<TrackerMsg>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Set multiple subscriptions on the server.
setNumberFormat(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
setNumberOfBoundaryLinks(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setNumberOfExternalNodes(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setNumberOfIncomingLinks(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setNumberOfInternalLinks(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setNumberOfInternalNodes(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setNumberOfLinkLevels(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setNumberOfLinks(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setNumberOfNeighbors(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFENearestNeighbors
Sets the number of neighbors to be returned.
setNumberOfNodes(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setNumberOfOutgoingLinks(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setNumLocationQueues(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Set the number of location queues we should use when creating a new tracking set on the database.
setNumThreads(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.EngineConfig
setNumTicks(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
setNumTrackingQueues(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Set the number of tracking queues we should use when creating a new tracking set on the database.
setObjectCallback(long, Tracker.Callback<NotificationMsg>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
When a notification occurs for the given objectId, forward the notification to the specified callback method.
setObjectId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
setObjectId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
setObjectId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
setOpacity(float) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Sets the opacity used by the renderer to generate shadows.
setOperation(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
setOrd(int, double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Sets the specified ordinate.
setOrthoRectified(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set true if spatial orthorectified is referenced, false if is not
setOrthoRectified(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets true if the current GeoRaster object is orthorectified.
setOutputStream(PrintStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Sets the logging output stream.
setP(P) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
setPairwiseCostCalculator(PairwiseCostCalculator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the default pairwise cost calculator.
setPairwiseCostCalculator(PairwiseCostCalculator) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
setPairwiseShortestPathsAlgorithm(PairwiseShortestPaths) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the default pairwise shortest paths algorithm.
setParentFeatureId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
setParentFeatureId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Sets the feature's parent feature ID
setParentFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeature
setParentFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeature
Sets the feature layer ID of the feature's parent feature.
setParentLink(Link) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the parent link.
setParentLinkId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicLink
setParentLinkId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFELink
Sets the link's parent link ID
setParentNode(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the parent node.
setParentNodeId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
setParentNodeId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Sets the node's parent node id
setParentRecordDeleted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Sets true if the parent record is deleted, false otherwise.
setParentValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.ConflictDescriptor
Sets the attribute parent value.
setPartition(int, LogicalPartition, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Adds or replaces a network partition in the cache.
setPartitionBlobTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets the partition BLOB table name
setPartitionBlobTranslator(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setPartitionBlobTranslator(PartitionBlobTranslator) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sets the partition blob translator.
setPartitionBlobTranslator(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setPartitionId(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Sets the ID of the partition that owns the link.
setPartitionId(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
setPartitionId(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Sets the partition ID.
setPartitionId(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
setPartitionId(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionBlob
setPartitionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFEBasicNode
setPartitionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENode
Sets the node's partition id
setPartitionID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link partition ID
setPartitionID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node partition ID.
setPartitionIds(int[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
setPartitionTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
setPartitionTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets partition table name
setPartitionUpdate(int, PartitionUpdate) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Sets the update information for the specified partition.
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the password.
setPath(PathFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
Sets the path feature.
setPathColors(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.PathUtil
Sets the possible path colors and the XML style representation.
setPathGeomColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the path table geometry column.
setPathGeomMetadata(GeometryMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets Path Geometry Metadata
setPathLinkTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Set the path link table name
setPathLinkTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the path link table name.
setPathTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
Sets the network path table name.
setPixels(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Writes a rectangular area of pixels in the destination BufferedImage.
setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
setPointAttrCondition(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the rule's point attribute condition.
setPointAttrDefTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the default point attributes table.
setPointCardRuleTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the cardinality rules table.
setPointFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
setPointFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Sets the feature class of the default connected point described
setPointFeatureClassId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the rule's point feature class id
setPointFeatureLayerId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets the rule's point feature layer id
setPolynomialColumnOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial column offset.
setPolynomialColumnRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial column RMS.
setPolynomialColumnScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial column scale.
setPolynomialRowOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial row offset.
setPolynomialRowRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial row RMS.
setPolynomialRowScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial row scale.
setPolynomialTotalRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial total RMS.
setPolynomialXOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial x offset.
setPolynomialXScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial x scale.
setPolynomialYOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial y offset.
setPolynomialYScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial y scale.
setPolynomialZOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial z offset.
setPolynomialZScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the polynomial z scale.
setPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Sets a pop up menu to the canvas
setPort(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the port.
setPosition(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicPredefinedConnectedPoint
setPosition(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint
Sets the position where the default connected point must be placed over a line.
setPositionFirst(Layer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
setPositionLast(Layer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
setPreprocess(TopoPreprocess) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Sets the preprocessing listener for addXXXX methods
setPrevLinkId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer.LinkInterval
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupport
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
setProviderID(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Sets the provider ID
setProviderID(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
setPwcc(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setPwspAlgorithm(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setPyramidMaxLevel(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the maximum pyramid level.
setPyramidResampling(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the pyramid resampling.
setPyramidType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the pyramid type.
setQ(Q) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
setQueryCondition(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setRadiometricResolutionDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the radiometric resolution description.
setRasterDataTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Sets the raster data table of the current GeoRaster object.
setRasterID(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeoRaster
Sets the raster ID of the current GeoRaster object.
setRasterType(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Sets the rasterType.
setRasterType(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the raster type for the current GeoRaster object.
setReadBlockMemSize(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Sets the size of the GeoRaster internal data block for read-only operations.
setReader(NetworkIO) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkExplorer
Sets the network reader and the maximum link level.
setReadFromBlob(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setReadFromBlob(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sets whether to read partitions from BLOBs.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Sets whether the attribute is writable or read-only
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
setRectified(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set true if spatial reference is referenced, false if is not
setRectified(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets true if the current GeoRaster object is rectified.
setRed(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorColormapEntry
Sets the red color component.
setRed(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.image.GeoRasterImage
Sets the Layer number mapped to red.
setReferenced(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets true if the current GeoRaster object is georeferenced.
setReferenced(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set true if spatial reference is referenced, false if is not
setReferenced(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets true if the current GeoRaster object is georeferenced.
setReferenced(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Sets true if the current GeoRaster object is georeferenced.
setReferenceHistograms(GeorHistogram[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Set reference histogram
setReferenceImage(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
setReferenceLightPath(LogicalLightPath) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Sets the path containing the subpath.
setReferencePath(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setReferenceValue1(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setReferenceValue1(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Set reference value 1
setReferenceValue2(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setReferenceValue2(double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterVM
Set reference value 2
setRegionCallback(long, Tracker.Callback<NotificationMsg>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
When a notification occurs for the given regionId, forward the notification to the specified callback method.
setRegionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
setRegionId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
setRelationTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the relation table
setRelationTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata
Sets the name of the relation table.
setRenderOnZoomIn(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setRenderOnZoomOut(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setResamplingMode(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setResamplingTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setResFilter(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setReturnType(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
Sets return type.
setReturnValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
Sets return value.
setReverseDirection(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEShortestPath
Sets true to use reverse search direction, false otherwise.
setRightHandSideLinePointRule(NFELinePointRule) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELineLineRule
Sets the line-point rule that corresponds to the right hand side operand of the line-line rule
setRounded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
setRow(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point row.
setRowDenominator(Integer, Integer, Integer, Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Create an array with Row Denominator
setRowDenominator(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the rowDenominator vector.
setRowNumerator(Integer, Integer, Integer, Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Create an array with Row Numerator
setRowNumerator(Vector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the rowNumerator vector.
setRowOff(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the rowOff value.
setRowOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set row offset
setRowRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the rowRMS value.
setRowRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set row RMS
setRowScale(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the rowScale value.
setRowScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set row scale
setRuleDecHandlerTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the rule decision handlers table.
setRuleId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Sets the rule instance's rule id
setRuleInstanceTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the rule instance table.
setRulesModel(NFERulesModel) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Sets the current rules model instance
setRuleType(NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERuleInstance
Sets the rule instance's rule type
setSamplingFactor(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the sampling factor.
setSamplingWindowColumnWidth(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the sampling window column width.
setSamplingWindowOrigin(int, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the sampling window origin point for the specified dimension.
setSamplingWindowRowHeight(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the sampling window row height.
setSavedPoint(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
Sets the saved point name
setScalingFunction(double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the scaling function coefficient a0,a1,b0,b1.
setSelection(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
setSelection(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
setSelection(List<GeoObject>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Clears selection before setting the provided objects as selected
setSelection(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setSelection(List<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Sets all the objects in the list as selected.
setSeqID(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Sets the sequence ID for a session.
setSeqRegistryTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the table that keep the sequences names related to the model.
setSequence(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
setSequence(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Sets the feature element's sequence number
setSequence(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureElementDescriptor
Sets the feature element sequence.
setSequenceName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setSequences(Vector<Sequence>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
setServiceName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the service name.
setServiceProvider(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setServiceProvider(NFEIOServiceProvider) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the service provider to the current model.
setShadow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
setShape(Shape) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
setShape(Shape) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ShapeDrawingLayer
Sets the shape to be drawn
setShape(Shape, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Sets the shape for this drawable.
setShape(NFEFeatureShape) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setShape(NFEFeatureShape) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the feature class' feature shape type
setShortestPathAlgorithm(ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the default shortest path algorithm.
setShortestPathAlgorithm(ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
setShowFlow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Sets whether the line features flow should be shown
setShowFlow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Sets whether flow indicators are displayed for links
setShowFlow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
Sets whether the line features flow should be shown.
setSid(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the SID.
setSimpleArrow(StyleMarker) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEFeatureUtils
Sets the arrow marker style for an unidirectional arrow.
setSize(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Sets the size, in pixels, used by the renderer to generate shadows.
setSliderEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
setSource(NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule
Sets a value indicating where the rule was created
setSourceInfo(String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
set sourceInfo by a given array of string
setSpAlgorithm(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setSpatialAttribute(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
Sets the spatial attribute object
setSpatialAttribute(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
Sets the spatial attribute object
setSpatialColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
setSpatialExtent(JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Sets the spatial extent.
setSpatialIndex(AbstractSpatialIndex) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
setSpatialInfo(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Sets the basic spatial information for this data set.
setSpatialResolution(String, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the spatial resolution of the specified dimension.
setSpatialResolutions(Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set Spatial X, Y, T (time) and Z (hight) Resolutions
setSpatialTableMetadata(Vector<SpatialTableMetadata>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.DataSourceMetadata
setSpatialTolerance(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set spatial tolerance
setSpatialTolerance(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the spatial tolerance.
setSpectralExtent_Max(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the maximum spectral extent.
setSpectralExtent_Min(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the minimum spectral extent.
setSpectralResolution(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the spectral resolution of the specified dimension.
setSpectralResolutionDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the spectral resolution description.
setSpectralTolerance(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the spectral tolerance.
setSpectralUnit(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.BandReferenceInfo
Sets the spectral unit.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
Sets the speed for this stroke animation.
setSqlCondition(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFESearchParams
Sets the SQL that will be added to the where clause of the search query on the feature table.
setSrid(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Sets the SRID
setSrid(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Sets the SRID.
setSrid(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Sets SRID.
setSRID(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Sets the srid for this geometry.
setSRID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Sets the SRID of the Layer
setSRID(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
setSRID(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
setSrs(SRS) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
Sets SRS
setSRS(SRS) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sets the map region SRS information.
setsrsAlias(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
setsrsAlias(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
setsrsAlias(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
setsrsNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
setsrsNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
setsrsNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
setsrsNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
setsrsNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
setsrsNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
setStandardDeviation(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
setStart(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TimeWindow
setStartLinkIndex(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Sets the start link index.
setStartLinkIndex(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setStartNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Sets the reference to the start node of this link.
setStartNode(LogicalNetNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
setStartNode(LogicalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
use setStartPoints
setStartNode(Node) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link start node.
setStartNodeId(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Sets the start node ID.
setStartNodeIdChild(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Sets the start node identifier of the child workspace.
setStartNodeIdParent(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.LinkDescriptor
Sets the start node identifier of the parent workspace.
setStartPercentage(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLightSubPath
Sets the location of the starting point of the subpath as a percentage of the first link of the containing path.
setStartPercentage(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
setStartPercentage(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Sets the feature element's position relative to its link's length.
setStartPercentage(double) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setStartPoint(HeavyPointOnNet) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
user setStartPoints
setStartPoints(HeavyPointOnNet[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODAnalysisInfo
Sets the start point.
setState(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the active flag.
setState(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the active flag.
setState(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point status.
setSTD(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the statistics STD value.
setStopDispatchingAtFirstError(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEBasicEventDispatcher
setStopDispatchingAtFirstError(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEEventDispatcher
Sets the dispatcher to stop firing events if there is an error.
setStringIDIndex() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets String ID indexes for nodes, links ,and paths.
setStringIDIndex(NDMStringID, NDMStringID, NDMStringID) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets String ID indexes for nodes,links ,and paths.
setStringIDIndex(NDMStringID, NDMStringID, NDMStringID, NDMStringID) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets String ID indexes for nodes,links ,and paths.
setStyle(Style) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setStyle(Style) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the SDO style instance assigned to the feature class.
setStyleName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureClass
setStyleName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureClass
Sets the name of the style associated to this style.
setSubPathGeomMetadata(GeometryMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets SubPath Geometry Metadata
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
Sets the table name
setTablePrimaryKey(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Sets the primaty key column for a table.
setTableSequence(String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEMetadata
Associates a sequence name to a given table name
setTabRegistryTable(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets the table that keeps the model table names.
setTargetFeature(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEAddFeatureElementTool
Sets the feature to which the new feature elements will be added.
setTargetSRID(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoDataProducer
Sets the data SRID.
setTargetSRID(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.producer.AbstractDataSetProducer
Sets the data SRID.
setTemporalResolutionDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
Sets the temporal resolution description.
setTemporaryCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Enable/Disable Temporatory Element caching.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.MapTip
setThreadId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
Sets the id of the execution thread for the block.
setThreadId(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelEvent
Sets the id of the thread where the event was fired
setTime(Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
setTime(Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
setTimeCostIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.event.NFEModelEvent
Sets the time when the event was fired
setTimeStamp(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEAtomicUndoableEdit
Sets the time when this object was created.
setTimeWindows(TimeWindow[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
setTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Tsp2Opt
setTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEConnectionDescriptor
Sets the tolerance that was used to determine the interaction between the elements in the connection descriptor
setTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Sets the dimension's tolerance value
setTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.Intersection
Sets the tolerance used to detect the intersection
setTopLeftCorner(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Sets the top left corner position for this spinning clock.
setTotalBlockNumber(int, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the total number of blocks of the specified dimension.
setTotalDimensions(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the total number of dimensions of the current GeoRaster object.
setTotalRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the totalRMS value.
setTotalRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set total RMS
setToUpdate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
setTourFlag(TSP.TourFlag) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFETsp
Sets a flag indicating whether the tour should be open or closed, and if the tour is open, whether the tour should have fixed start or end point.
setTrackingRegion(long, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Set a tracking region on the server.
setTransformFlags(byte) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Overwrites the manipulation transform flags
setTspAlgorithm(TSP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Sets the default TSP algorithm.
setTspAlgorithm(Element) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setTspCosts(int, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspAnalysisInfo
Sets the costs to reach the input tsp point.
setTspOptimizer(TspOptimizer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
setTspOrder(int[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspAnalysisInfo
Sets TSP points in order
setType(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Sets the geometry type for this geometry.
setType(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
Sets the type of selection event
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the link type.
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets network type
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets the node type.
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Sets the path type.
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setType(FeatureElement.FeatureElementType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureElement
setType(FeatureElement.FeatureElementType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
Sets the type of the feature element.
setType(FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setType(FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the feature layer type
setType(NFEAttributeType) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeDescriptor
Sets the attribute type identifier
setType(NFEAttributeType) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeDescriptor
setULTCoordinate(int, Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
Sets the ULT value of the specified dimension.
setUndoManager(MapUndoManager) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Sets an UndoManager on this canvas.
setUpperBound(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
Sets the dimension's upper boundary
setUpperX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets the workspace work area upper X.
setUpperY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets the workspace work area upper Y.
setUserData(int, UserData) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserData
Sets the user data for the specified category.
setUserData(int, UserData) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.CategorizedUserDataImpl
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets the user defined data.
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets user defined data.
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets user defined data.
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets user defined data.
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Sets user defined data.
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Link
Sets user data
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
Sets user data
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
Sets user data
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Node
Sets user data
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Sets user data
setUserData(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.SubPath
setUserData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
setUserData(PointOnNet, NetworkExplorer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DummyCostFunction
setUserData(PointOnNet, NetworkExplorer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.HeuristicCostFunction
Sets the user data needed by the heuristic cost function for the input point.
setUserData(UserData) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
Sets user data.
setUserDataIOs(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setUserDataIOs(LODUserDataIO[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Sets the user data IO implementations.
setUserDataIOs(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
setUserID(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
Sets the user ID for the current GeoRaster object.
setUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.DbConnectionData
Sets the user name.
setUserSrid(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Sometimes when a map is displayed in a projected coordinate system, the coordinates do not make much sense to a user, who expects to see coordinates such as those displayed when moving mouse around the map to be in longitude/latitude.
setValue(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogramEntry
Sets the cell value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFECatalogValue
Sets the actual value
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable.LongEntry
setValueAndCount(double[], long[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Sets the GeorHistogramEntry array by specifying two individual component arrays.
setValueAndCount(double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Sets a GeorHistogramEntry based on value.
setValueAndCount(int, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Sets a GeorHistogramEntry based on entryNo.
setValueAndCount(GeorHistogramEntry[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorHistogram
Sets the GeorHistogramEntry array.
setVATName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
Sets the VAT table name.
setVersionable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Sets true if the model is versionable, false otherwise.
setVertical(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point vertical.
setVerticalSRID(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Sets the vertical SRID.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeConstraint
Sets whether the attribute is visible or not.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicAttributeConstraint
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Sets the visibility of this layer.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ScaleBarLayer
setVmElevationParam(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
Set elevation paramters.
setWidth(float) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
setWithinCostPolygonTolerance(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
setWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.beans.NFEWorkspace
Sets the workspace name.
setWorkspace(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
setWorkspaceInfo(NFEWorkspaceInfo) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEBasicModel
setWorkspaceInfo(NFEWorkspaceInfo) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModel
Sets the workspace manager configuration used by the model for IO operations
setWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEWorkspaceInfo
Sets the workspace name
setWorldFile(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
Initiates attribute values based on given parameters in a world file.
setWriteBlockMemSize(Long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorUtlPKG
Sets the size of the GeoRaster internal data block for read/write operations.
setX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
setX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point x.
setX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
setX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
setX(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
setXMLString(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Initializes the current GeoRasterMatedata object with the given XML string.
setXOff(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the xOff value.
setXOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set z offset
setXRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point xRMS.
setXRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set x RMS
setXScale(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the xScale value.
setXScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set x scale
setY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
setY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point y.
setY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
setY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
setY(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
setYOff(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the yOff value.
setYOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set y offset
setYRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point yRMS.
setYRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set y RMS
setYScale(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the yScale value.
setYScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set y scale
setZ(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point z.
setZOff(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the zOff value.
setZOff(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set z offset
setzOrder(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO.ModelFeatLayerRelation
Sets the feature layer Z-order.
setzOrder(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
setZOrder(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicFeatureLayer
setZOrder(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayer
Sets the Z order for the feature layer.
setZRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPPoint
Sets the GCP point zRMS.
setZRMS(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Set z RMS
setZScale(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorFunctionalFittingModel
Sets the zScale value.
setZScale(Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
St z scale
ShadowRenderer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics
A shadow renderer generates a drop shadow for any given picture, respecting the transparency channel if present.
ShadowRenderer() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Creates a default good looking shadow generator.
ShadowRenderer(int, float, Color) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
A shadow renderer needs three properties to generate shadows.
SHAPE_ATTR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil
Shape attribute name.
shapeCompleted(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
shapeCompleted(MouseEvent) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ShapeDrawingLayer
To be called when the shape is completely drawn
ShapeDrawingLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
An interface for layers that use a tool to create a shape and draw it For example, rectangle selection, rectangle zoom box and rectangular polygon creation layers can use the same RectangleTool if they implement this interface
ShapefileFeatureJGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.util
This class helps to create features from a shapefile.
ShapefileFeatureJGeom() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
ShapefileHdr - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ShapefileHdr() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
ShapefileReaderJGeom - Class in oracle.spatial.util
ShapefileReaderJGeom(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
construct an object out of the specified shapefile name.
shapeType - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
shareNetworkDataSource() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
shareNetworkDataSource() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
shortestPath(Feature[], Feature[], LODNetworkConstraint, ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path from the start feature candidates to the end feature candidates.
shortestPath(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BidirectionalBfs
shortestPath(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
shortestPath(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ShortestPath
Returns the shortest path between a set of candidate start points and a set of end points.
shortestPath(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using the input algorithm.
shortestPath(Network, int, double, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path as a sub path
shortestPath(Network, int, double, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path as a sub path
shortestPath(Network, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPath(Network, int, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path as a sub path
shortestPath(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPath(Path, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
ShortestPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a shortest path algorithm.
shortestPathAStar(Feature[], Feature[], LODNetworkConstraint, HeuristicCostFunction, LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path from the start feature candidates to the end feature candidates.
shortestPathAStar(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, HeuristicCostFunction, LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using A* algorithm.
shortestPathAStar(PointOnNet, PointOnNet, int, LODNetworkConstraint, HeuristicCostFunction, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using A* algorithm with dynamic link level selector.
shortestPathAStar(PointOnNet, PointOnNet, LODNetworkConstraint, HeuristicCostFunction, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using A* algorithm using dynamic link level selector.
shortestPathAStar(PointOnNet, PointOnNet, LODNetworkConstraint, HeuristicCostFunction, LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using A* algorithm.
shortestPathAStar(Network, int, double, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path as a sub path using A* algorithm
shortestPathAStar(Network, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the A* search algorithm.
shortestPathAStar(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the A* search algorithm.
shortestPathAStar(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint, AStarCostFunction, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the A* search algorithm.
shortestPathCosts(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPathCosts(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseShortestPaths
Returns the pair-wise shortest path cost between a set of candidate start points and end points.
shortestPathCosts(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPathDijkstra(Feature[], Feature[], LODNetworkConstraint, LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path from the start feature candidates to the end feature candidates.
shortestPathDijkstra(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm where the long-haul path is computed on the given link level.
shortestPathDijkstra(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm where the long-haul path is computed on the given link level.
shortestPathDijkstra(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, LinkLevelSelector) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm with the given link level selector.
shortestPathDijkstra(PointOnNet, PointOnNet, int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm where the long-haul path is computed on the given link level.
shortestPathDijkstra(PointOnNet, PointOnNet, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path on the minimum link level using Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPathDijkstra(Network, int, double, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path as a sub path using Dijkstra algorithm
shortestPathDijkstra(Network, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPathDijkstra(Network, int, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPathDijkstra(Path, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest path based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPathDijkstraMaxLevel(PointOnNet, PointOnNet, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm where the long-haul path is computed on the maximum link level.
shortestPathHierarchical(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[], int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, ShortestPath) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the shortest path from the start point candidates to the end point candidates.
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseShortestPaths
Returns the pair-wise shortest paths between a set of candidate start points and end points.
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, TSP.TourFlag) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspNearestNeighbor
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths
shortestPaths(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SingleSourceShortestPaths
Returns the shortest paths from the start point (one of the start point candidates) to each set of end points (one of the end point candidates).
shortestPaths(Network, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all shortest paths from the given start node based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPaths(Network, int, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths from the specified source node to any other nodes based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseShortestPaths
Returns the pair-wise light weight shortest paths between a set of candidate start points and end points.
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int, PairwisePathResultIO) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int, PairwisePathResultIO) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwiseShortestPaths
Computes the pair-wise light weight shortest paths between a set of candidate start points and end points, and outputs the light weight paths via PairwisePathResultIO.
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[][], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, Matrix<Integer>, int, PairwisePathResultIO) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.ParallelPairwiseShortestPaths
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultSingleSourceShortestPaths
shortestPathsLight(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SingleSourceShortestPaths
Returns the light weight shortest paths from the start point (one of the start point candidates) to each set of end points (one of the end point candidates).
showRTreePlot() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
showRTreePlot(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.RTree
shpMval - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine
SilhouetteClusterEvaluator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This implementation uses the Silhouette method to measure cluster quality.
SilhouetteClusterEvaluator(NetworkExplorer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SilhouetteClusterEvaluator
SimpleBGLayer - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui
A background layer that sits at the bottom of layer stack, and intercepts primarily mouse wheel zooming and mouse panning events.
SimpleBGLayer(MapCanvas) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
simpleStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
simpleStroke - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
simplify(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Generates a new JGeometry object which is the simplified version of the input geometry.
simplify(double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method generates a new JGeometry object which is the simplified version of the input geometry.
simplifyVW(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Simplified interface to the Visvalingam-Whyatt (1993) line simplification algorithm, which uses area to decide which vertices to delete.
simplifyVW(double, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method is a new line simplification based on the enhanced version of Visvalingam-Whyatt (1993) line simplification algorithm using weighted effecive area concept (Ref: Zhou, Jones SDH'04: Shape Aware Line Generalization with Weighted Effective Area) on projected space.
simplifyVW(Struct, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
simplifyVW(JGeometry, double, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Legacy method for calling simplifyVW.
simplifyVW(JGeometry, double, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This method is a new line simplification based on the enhanced version of Visvalingam-Whyatt (1993) line simplification algorithm using weighted effecive area concept (Ref: Zhou, Jones SDH'04: Shape Aware Line Generalization with Weighted Effective Area) on geodetic space.
SinglePoint() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint
SingleSourceShortestPaths - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
size - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
size - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.RStarTree
size() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.geometry.RTreeInterface
Gives the size of the tree.
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
size() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.Cluster
size() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.ClusterResult
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
size() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PriorityQueue
Returns the size of the queue.
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Returns the number of selected objects
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.HoverManager
Returns the number of GeoObject in hover.
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
size() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Returns the number of links in the path
size() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Tree
Returns number of tree nodes
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
size() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
SIZE_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.ShadowRenderer
Identifies a change to the size used to render the shadow.
skip(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.BufferedRandomAccessFile
slashSlashComments(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Determines whether or not the tokenizer recognizes C++-style comments.
slashStarComments(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Determines whether or not the tokenizer recognizes C-style comments.
SMALLER_OR_EQUALS_THAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
SMALLER_THAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ExpressionLexicalAnalyzer
SMALLER THAN operator.
smax() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
snapToGrid(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Snaps a single double precision value to the instance grid
snapToGrid(Point2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Snaps the coordinate pair of the argument Point2DD to the instance grid.
snapToGrid(Point2DD[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Snaps all the coordinate pairs of the array of Point2DD to the instance grid.
solutionAccuracy - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCPRefType
sortByID(Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.OraTst
Sorts the network elements by IDs.
sortTiers() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
Sorts tiers by its z order in an ascending way
SOURCE_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
spAlgorithm - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DefaultPairwiseShortestPaths
SpanningTree - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A spanning tree on the network.
SpanningTree() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpanningTree
SPATIAL_NETWORK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
SPATIAL_UPDATE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
spatialAttr - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.AbstractFeature
SpatialBasicNetwork - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialNetwork is a LogicalNetwork with geometry information.
SpatialBisectClustering - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
SpatialBisectClustering(int, NetworkExplorer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialBisectClustering
SpatialDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
The SpatialDAO data access object provides methods to load, create and manage spatial related data.
SpatialDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Creates a SpatialDAO with the specified connection and model.
SpatialHeavyPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialHeavyPath is a LogicalHeavyPath with geometry information.
spatialIndex - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
SpatialKMeansClustering - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
SpatialKMeansClustering(int, int, int, NetworkExplorer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialKMeansClustering
SpatialKMeansClustering(int, NetworkExplorer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialKMeansClustering
SpatialLink - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialLink is a LogicalLink with geometry information.
SpatialNetLink - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialNetLink is a LogicalNetLink with geometry information.
SpatialNetNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialNetNode is a LogicalNetNode with geometry information.
SpatialNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialNode is a LogicalNode with geometry information.
SpatialPartition - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialPartition is a LogicalPartition with geometry information.
SpatialPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialPath is a LogicalPath with geometry information.
SPATIALREFERENCE_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
SpatialReferenceInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
SpatialReferenceInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element SpatialReferenceInfo in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
SpatialReferenceInfo(JGeoRasterMeta) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
SpatialSubNetwork - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialSubNetwork is a LogicalSubNetwork with geometry information.
SpatialSubPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A SpatialSubPath is a LogicalSubPath with geometry information.
SpatialSubPathImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of SpatialSubPath.
SpatialSubPathImpl(SpatialPath, int, double, int, double, double[], JGeometry, CategorizedUserData) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialSubPathImpl
SpatialUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
This class provides multiple static methods for performing different spatial-related tasks
SpatialUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
SpinningClock - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics
Provides a utility to display an animated clock with spinning hour and minute hands.
SpinningClock() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
splitBy(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Util
gets an array list of strings that are separated by delimiters such as commas
sptIndex - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Spatial index object that contains the data set features, and is based on the feature MBR's.
SQL_BLOCK_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.StringUtils
SQL_BLOCK_SEPARATOR_SEMICOLON_INCLUSIVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.StringUtils
SqlLdrStreamWrapper - Class in oracle.spatial.util
SqlLdrStreamWrapper() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SqlLdrStreamWrapper
sqlName - oracle.spatial.util.Util.CheckType
SQLType - oracle.spatial.util.Util.CheckType
SQLValidator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc
General validator for standard sql naming conventions.
srid - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
srid() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.CoordSysInfo
Srid(long, JGeometry) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
sridCSI - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
stack(SdoGeoRaster[], double[], int[], String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a single-layer raster stored in a BLOB whose cell values are a local statistics value of a list of layers of the input GeoRaster array.The input layers are specified by the layerList parameter, and the statistics method is specified by the method parameter.
stack(SdoGeoRaster[], double[], int[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a single-layer GeoRaster object whose cell values are a local statistics value of a list of layers of the input GeoRaster array.The input layers are specified by the layerList parameter, and the statistics method is specified by the method parameter.
stack(SdoGeoRaster[], JGeometry, int[], String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[], boolean, Double, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a single-layer raster stored in a BLOB whose cell values are a local statistics value of a list of layers of the input GeoRaster array.The input layers are specified by the layerList parameter, and the statistics method is specified by the method parameter.
stack(SdoGeoRaster[], JGeometry, int[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster, boolean, Double, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorRaPKG
Generates a single-layer GeoRaster object whose cell values are a local statistics value of a list of layers of the input GeoRaster array.The input layers are specified by the layerList parameter, and the statistics method is specified by the method parameter.
start - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
start() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.CoreLoop
START_ARRAY - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
START_OBJECT - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
startChangeBlock() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Starts a block of changes, that can ve undone at once.
startEditingSession(String, JGeometry) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Start the editing session on the server side
startManipulation(GeoObject, Collection<GeoObject>, JGeometrySegmentPoint, int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
Starts a manipulation session.
startManipulation(GeoObject, Collection<GeoObject>, JGeometrySegmentPoint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEManipulableFeatureLayerRenderer
startManipulation(GeoObject, Collection<GeoObject>, JGeometrySegmentPoint, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
startPercentage - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.PartialLinkElement
startTrackingSet(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Connect to an existing tracking set on the database; optionally create if it doesn't already exist.
startup() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.AnalysisEngine
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EventManager
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
Statistics(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.Statistics
status - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG.SdoGeorGCP
StAXCityGML - Class in oracle.spatial.util
StAXCityGML() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.StAXCityGML
StAXGML - Class in oracle.spatial.util
StAXGML() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.StAXGML
stop() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.CoreLoop
stopDrop() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Stop (if running) and drop the tracker on the database, cleaning up all database resources.
stopTrackingSet() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Stop the tracker on the database.
store(Connection, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
store(Connection, JGeometry, StructDescriptor) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts a JGeometry instance to an Oracle JDBC STRUCT object using the SdoPickler.
store(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts a JGeometry instance to an Oracle pickler image of the SDO_GEOMETRY type.
store(JGeometry, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
store(JGeometry, Connection, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
store(JGeometry, Connection, Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
store(JGeometry, Connection, Object[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
storeJS(Connection, JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts a JGeometry instance to an Oracle JDBC Struct object using the SdoPickler.
storeJS(JGeometry, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts the given geometry object into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
storeJS(JGeometry, Connection, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts the given geometry object into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
storeJS(JGeometry, Connection, Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts the given geometry object into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
storeJS(JGeometry, Connection, Object[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Converts the given geometry object into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
storeRasterBlock(byte[], Blob) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Stores data from byte array into a BLOB.
storeRasterBlock(ImageInputStream, Blob) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Stores data from an ImageInputStream into blob.
storeToDB() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Updates the GeoRaster object in the Oracle Database server, which is associated with current JGeoRaster object by RDT and RID.
storeToDB() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
storeToDBJS() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Updates server-side metadata by the XML string generated from this class.
stretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a min-max linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
stretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, BigDecimal[], String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a min-max linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
stretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, Blob[], JGeometry[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a min-max linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
stretch(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, JGeometry, String, double[], double[], String, SdoGeoRaster, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorIpPKG
Performs a min-max linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values.
StringUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides some internal NFE functions.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.StringUtils
structToWkb(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkb(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkb2(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkb2JS(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkbJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkbJS(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkt(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkt(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkt2(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWkt2JS(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWktJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWktJS(Struct, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWktString(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
structToWktString2(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
StyleModelUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
This set of methods return a style model based on the style name.
StyleModelUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.StyleModelUtils
SubLayerInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
SubLayerInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element subLayer or objectLayer in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
SubLayerInfo(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
SubPath - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a sub path with the following properties: A reference path, a start percentage and a start link index in the reference path link list, an end percentage and an end link index in the reference path link list, The partial link cost is assumed to be linearly propotional to the given percentage.
SUBPATH_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
SUBPATH_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
subset(SdoGeoRaster, double[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.
subset(SdoGeoRaster, int, double[], String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.
subset(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.
subset(SdoGeoRaster, int, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.
subset(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.
subset(SdoGeoRaster, JGeometry, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.
subSet(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkBuffer
Computes the subset of the network buffer.
subSet(Integer, boolean, Integer, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
subSet(Integer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
substract(List<? extends GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.NFEGeoObject
substract(List<? extends GeoObject>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.GeoObject
Returns a set of GeoObjects that represent the substraction of the provided GeoObjects from this GeoObject
substract(List<? extends GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.GeometryFeature
substract(List<? extends GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.ImageObject
subtract(ArrayList) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Subtracts a list of paths from the path.
subtract(Path) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Subtracts a given from the path.
subtractPointWithLowestHilbert(Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData
swapBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
switchXYOrdinates(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
synchronizeWithModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEFeatureLayerRenderer
Updates the state to reflect the feature layer's state and refreshes the view
synchronizeWithModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFENetworkRenderer
Refreshes the current state to refresh the state of the model's network
synchronizeWithModel() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEPathRenderer
Updates the state to reflect the feature layer's state and refreshes the view.
SystemConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines the common network constraints for network analysis.
SystemConstraint(Network) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Constructs an empty system constraint.
SystemConstraint(Network, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Constructs a network constraint with the maximum cost.
SystemConstraint(Network, int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Constructs a system constraint containing the must-avoid nodes .
SystemConstraint(Network, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Constructs a network constraint with the following constraints: the must-avoid nodes, and the must-avoid links.
SystemConstraint(Network, Vector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Constructs a network constraint with the must-avoid nodes.
SystemConstraint(Network, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
Constructs a network constraint with the following constraint items: the must-avoid nodes and the must-avoid links.


table - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Table already exists error code.
TableAttributesMetadata - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
TableAttributesMetadata(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TableAttributesMetadata
tableExists(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JDBCUtils
Returns true if a table with the specified name already exists, false otherwise.
tableHasAttributeWithValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns if table has an attribute with the specified value.
tableSequenceMap - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEMetadata
tag(Layer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Adds a a tag to the given layer
tag(Layer, String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Adds tags to the given layer
TAG_BACKGROUND_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_CONTROL_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_DATA_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_FEATURE_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Tag for feature Layers
TAG_FEATURETIP_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_MANIPULABLE_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Tag for manipulable layers
TAG_MAPNAVIGATION_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_MBR_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Tag for MBR layers
TAG_NETWORK_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Tag for network layers
TAG_PATH_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Tag for path layers
TAG_POINTERLOCATION_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_PROGRESS_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_PULLABLE_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFEManipulateTool
TAG_SCALEBAR_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_SELECTION_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_TARGET_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_TOOL_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.MapConstants
TAG_VERTEXEDITABLE_LAYER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.NFEMapCanvasConstants
Tag for vertex editable layers
tailSet(Integer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
tailSet(Integer, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
targetLayer - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools.RectangleDrawer
taskCompleted() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
Call this method when the task is completed or aborted.
taskCompleted() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
This method should be called when a task has either completed or aborted.
taskStarted() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
Call this method to display a progress indicator on the map.
taskStarted() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
Call this method to display a progress indicator on the map.
TEMPORAL_DIMENSION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A integer indicating temporal dimension.
TEMPORALREFERENCE_INFO - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
TemporalReferenceInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.georaster
TemporalReferenceInfo is a Java class mapped to the XML element TemporalReferenceInfo in the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster metadata.
TemporalReferenceInfo(JGeoRasterMeta) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.TemporalReferenceInfo
testConnection() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.JdbcDataSource
testConnection() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.NFEConnectionDataSource
Tests a connection to the database.
text - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
textDefaultColor - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
textDefaultFont - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
TextualFileHeader() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.SegY2SqlLdr.TextualFileHeader
tfm_8307_to_PopularMercator(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
tfm_8307_to_PopularMercator(int[], double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
tfm_PopularMercator_to_8307(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
tfm_PopularMercator_to_8307(int[], double[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
thetaInArc(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Helper method to determine if the theta angle is inside or on the boundary of this arc
threshold - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
Tier(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.Tier
TierRenderingThread(NFERenderer<V>, NFERenderer.Tier, Area, Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer.TierRenderingThread
tiers - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
TIMESTAMP - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
TIMESTAMP_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
TimeWindow - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TimeWindow(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TimeWindow
TIN2Contours - Class in oracle.spatial.util
TIN2Contours() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.TIN2Contours
tipper - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
TmpSearchData(LongHashMap<VisitedNode>, int[], HeavyPointOnNet[], HeavyPointOnNet[], HashMap<Long, HashSet<HeavyPointOnNet[]>>, LODAnalysisInfo, LODAnalysisInfo, NetworkSearch.Statistics) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkSearch.TmpSearchData
to_GML3_2Geometry(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GML3_2Geometry(Struct, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3_2Geometry(Struct, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3_2Geometry(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2Geometry(STRUCT, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2Geometry(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2Geometry(STRUCT, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOB(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOB(STRUCT, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOB(STRUCT, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOBJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GML3_2GeometryCLOBJS(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML3.2.1 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with coordOrder.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, String, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(Struct, String, String, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for JGeometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 String object for JGeometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, String, GML3.GMLVersion) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(JGeometry, GML3.GMLVersion) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, String, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3Geometry(STRUCT, String, String, String, int, GML3.GMLVersion, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(STRUCT, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOB(STRUCT, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
to_GML3GeometryCLOBJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GML3GeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GML3GeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GML3GeometryCLOBJS(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
Returns GML311 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with coordOrder.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(Struct, String, String, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(JGeometry, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(JGeometry, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(JGeometry, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 String object for JGeometry Object by checking srsname in URN form.
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, String, String, int, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(STRUCT, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOB(STRUCT, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
to_GMLGeometryCLOBJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_GMLGeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GMLGeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_GMLGeometryCLOBJS(Struct, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
Returns GML2 OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_KML(ArrayList, String[], String[], int, String[], String[], boolean[], String[], int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ExtendedKML2
Returns the full KML representation of 3D geometry (i.e., building) Each BBOX is divided into 4 subsequent BBOXes.
to_KML(JGeometry, String[], String[], int, String[], String[], boolean[], String[], int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ExtendedKML2
to_KMLGeometry(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
Returns KML String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_KMLGeometry(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
Returns KML String object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
to_KMLGeometry(JGeometry) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
Returns KML String object for the JGeometry Object.
to_KMLGeometry(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
to_KMLGeometry(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
to_KMLGeometryCLOB(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
to_KMLGeometryCLOB(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
to_KMLGeometryCLOB(STRUCT) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
to_KMLGeometryCLOB(STRUCT, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
to_KMLGeometryCLOBJS(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
Returns KML OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Geometry Object.
to_KMLGeometryCLOBJS(Struct, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
Returns KML OracleClob object for the java.sql.Struct Object with srsNameSpace and srsAlias.
toArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashSet
Returns an array of the elements in this set.
toArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.OrderedLongSet
toArray() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns the ordinates in an array.
toArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
toArray() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
toArray(T[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.RTreeIndexedSpatialSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
toAttributeType(String, NFEAttributeDescriptor) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.NFEUtil
Returns the string value in the type of the specified attribute.
toBinaryString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Computes an equivalent bit string representation of the geohash
toCharset() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Maps this platform's Code Page to a JVM's Charset instance, making an exhaustive search using all known aliases.
toCompatibleImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.GraphicsUtilities
Return a new compatible image that contains a copy of the specified image.
toDataCRS(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Converts a point in screen's coordinate system to model's coordinate system
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
toGeo3DLRSInfo(Struct) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
This method accepts a Struct SDO_GEOMETRY which is 4D/3D LRS (point, line string or multi-line) geometry and disintegrates the Measure information and outputs an Object array with J3D_Geometry object and double array of measures.
toGeo3DLRSStruct(Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
This method accepts an Object array with J3D_Geometry object and double array of measures and integrates them into Struct SDO_GEOMETRY which is 4D/3D LRS (point, line string or multi-line) geometry.
toGeoJson() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
toGeoJsonCollection(JGeometry[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
For a given array of JGeoemtry, returns a GeoJSON string of a geometry collection.
toGeometry() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Returns a point geometry (JGeometry).
toGeometry(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Return a JGeometry.
toggle() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.CoreLoop
toGML(int, JGeometry, StringBuilder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
toGML(int, JGeometry, StringBuilder, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
toGML(int, JGeometry, StringBuilder, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
toGML(int, JGeometry, StringBuilder, String, int, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
toGML(int, JGeometry, StringBuilder, String, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
toGML(JGeometry, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
toGML(JGeometry, StringBuffer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
toGML(JGeometry, StringBuffer, String, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
toGML(JGeometry, StringBuffer, String, int, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
toGML(JGeometry, StringBuffer, String, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
toJGeometry(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKAdapter
This transforms a WKB/WKT geometry to a JGeometry.
toJGeometry(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_CIRCULARSTRING(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_COLLECTION(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_COMPOUNDCURVE(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_CURVEPOLYGON(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_LINESTRING(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTICURVE(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTILINESTRING(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTIPOINT(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTIPOLYGON(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTISURFACE(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTIXXXPOLYGON(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_MULTIXXXSTRING(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_NURBSCURVE(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_POINT(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, boolean, ByteOrder, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_POLYGON(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
toJGeometry_WKB_XXXSTRING(WKInputStream, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, WKBasis.VectorOfInt, WKBasis.VectorOfDouble, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
tokenizeWKT(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
toKML(int, JGeometry, StringBuffer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
toLogicalNetLink(LogicalPartition) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Converts the standalone link to a partition link
toLogicalPath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalHeavyPath
Converts the heavy-weight path to a light-weight path.
Tool - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.tools
A map tool defines what actions to be taken upon user input events.
top_etype - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.ElementIterator
topLeftCorner - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.PointerLocationLayer
TOPO_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
TopoDataException - Exception in oracle.spatial.topo
TopoDataException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.TopoDataException
TopoDataException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.TopoDataException
topoEdgesHaveMismatchOfFeatures(String, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns if topology edges have mismatch in topology features.
TopoEntityNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.spatial.topo
TopoEntityNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.TopoEntityNotFoundException
TopoEntityNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.TopoEntityNotFoundException
topoFacesHaveMismatchOfFeatures(String, long, long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns if topology faces have mismatch in topology features.
TopoFrame - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
TopoFrame(TopoMap) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoFrame
TOPOLOGY_FEATURE_SET - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
TOPOLOGY_MODEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
TopoMap - Class in oracle.spatial.topo
A TopoMap object serves as a smart cache for a database topology.
TopoMap(Connection, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Constructs a TopoMap object with a database Connection object and topology name.
TopoMap(Connection, String, int, int, int, TopoPreprocess) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Constructs a TopoMap object with a database Connection object and topology name, and an object which implements the TopoPreprocess interface for preprocessing on invocation of addXXXX methods
TopoPreprocess - Interface in oracle.spatial.topo
TopoValidationException - Exception in oracle.spatial.topo
TopoValidationException() - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.TopoValidationException
TopoValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.spatial.topo.TopoValidationException
toScreenCRS(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.tool.NFETool
Converts a point in model's coordinate system to screen's coordinate system
toSDOGeometry(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Retunrs a String for constructing an SDO_GEOMETRY in the database.
toSDOGeometry(int) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MDPoint
Retunrs a String for constructing a point SDO_GEOMETRY in the database.
toSpatialPath() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.SpatialHeavyPath
Returns the SpatialPath object.
toSQLString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
Returns a SQL string for constructing a database SDO_DIM_ARRAY object
toStandAloneLink() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLink
Returns a new instance of a standalone link, which has the same properties as this link.
toStandAloneLink() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetLinkImpl
toStandAloneNode() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNode
Returns a new instance of a standalone node, which has the same properties as this node.
toStandAloneNode() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNetNodeImpl
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.DoubleRNode
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.PairDebug
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain.CenterPoint
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain
toString() - Method in exception oracle.spatial.geometry.DataException
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint3DD
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Mer
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Pair
Returns a String representation of this map entry.
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.JsonLocation
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.GeometryMetadata
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.HistoryMetadata
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.LODConfig
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElementImpl
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureImpl
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeaturePath
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.IdentifiableBinaryHeap
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PathFeatureImpl
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PointOnNet
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TimeWindow
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPathFeature
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.expression.ReturnValue
toString() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEBasicCatalog
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureLayerMetadata
toString() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.network.NFENetworkMetadata
toString() - Method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEGeometryDescriptor
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.SDODimElement
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
For debugging purposes
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureClassDescriptor
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.FeatureDescriptor
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.workspace.NFEConflictsDescriptor
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SDODimArray
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.SystemConstraint
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Edge
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Node
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
toString() - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Returns the string representation of the current stream token and the line number it occurs on.
toStringFull() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
toStringFull(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
This is similar to the toStringFull method of Java String class.
toStrings() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.MosaicParameters
toStruct(byte[], Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
Convert the given WKB/WKT geometry into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
toStruct(String, Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
Convert the given WKB/WKT geometry into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
toSTRUCT(byte[], Connection) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.util.WKAdapter
Convert the given WKB/WKT geometry into an Oracle JDBC STRUCT object.
toSTRUCT(byte[], Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
Convert the given WKB/WKT geometry into an Oracle JDBC STRUCT object.
toSTRUCT(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GCPGeoreference
Converts the GCPGeoreference into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
toSTRUCT(Connection) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.GeorSpatialReference
Converts the Spatial Reference information into an Oracle JDBC Struct object.
TOUCH - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
One element touching any point of another element
TOUCH_END_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
One element touching one end point of a line
TOUCH_MID_POINT - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
One element touching some mid point of a line
toXMLElement() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
Returns an XML representation of the layer
toXMLElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
toXMLElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
toXMLElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
toXMLElement(Properties) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.PropertySupportObject
traceIn(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost to the end point candidates.
traceIn(PointOnNet, double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost to the end point.
traceIn(PointOnNet, double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost to the end point.
traceIn(PointOnNet, double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost to the end point.
traceIn(Network, int, double, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns trace in results in an array of SubPath
traceIn(Network, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns trace in results in an array of SubPath
traceInLight(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost to the end point candidates.
traceOut(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost from the start point candidates.
traceOut(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
traceOut(PointOnNet, double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost from the start point.
traceOut(PointOnNet, double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost from the start point.
traceOut(PointOnNet, double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost from the start point.
traceOut(Network, int, double, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns trace out results in an array of SubPath
traceOut(Network, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns trace out results in an array of SubPath
traceOutInternal(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
traceOutInternalNoReversePath(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost from/to the start/end point candidates.
traceOutLight(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes and partial links within the given cost from the start points.
Tracker - Class in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
Provides an interface to a database location tracking set.
Tracker(String, String, OracleDataSource) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Create a Tracker for accessing the tracking set owner.name on the database.
Tracker.Callback<T> - Interface in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
Equivalent to consumer lambda, but allows SQLException and JMSException.
Tracker.NotificationType - Enum in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
The type of notifications that can be subscribed to
Tracker.WorkerType - Enum in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
Types of worker threads that can be created
TrackerMsg - Class in oracle.spatial.objtrkr
TrackerMsg() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
TrackerMsg(long, long, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
trackingsetExists() - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker
Indicates whether a tracking set of the given name has been created on the server, whether by us or from a previously existing tracker.
TRANS_MOVE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Flag indicating the element was moved
TRANS_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
No transformation
TRANS_PULL - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
TRANS_PULL_LINE_END - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Flag indicating the element was pulled from its end point
TRANS_PULL_LINE_MID - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Flag indicating the element was pulled from one of its middle points
TRANS_PULL_LINE_START - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.Manipulation
Flag indicating the element was pulled from its start point
TRANS_TRANSLATE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior.manipulate.ManipulableLayer
transferRuleInstances(NFEFeatureElement, NFEFeatureElement) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFERulesModel
Associates to dstFeatElem all the rule instances associated to srcFeatElem.
transform(double[], int, int[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CS8307_54004
transform(double[], int, int[], double[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSTransformer
Transforms a set of points from one Oracle Spatial SRID to another.
transform(double[], int, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
transform(double[], int, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
transform(double[], int, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
transform(double[], int, CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid
transform(double[], int, CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid
transform(double[], int, CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
transform(Rectangle2D, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSTransformer
transform(JGeometry, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.cs.CSTransformer
transform(JGeometry, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
transform(JGeometry, CoordRefSys.ProjectedSrid) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.Srid
transformFeatures(GeoObject[], AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
transformMagnitude(double, AffineTransform) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TransformUtils
TransformUtils - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util
TransformUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.util.TransformUtils
TRANSITION - oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
translate(JGeometry, double, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.SpatialUtils
Translates a geometry
TransverseMercatorSrid(long, CoordRefSys.GeodeticSrid, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.CoordRefSys.TransverseMercatorSrid
Tree - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a tree for trace-out.
TreeLink - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a tree link for trace-out.
TreeNode - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines a tree node for trace-out.
trimEdits(UndoableEdit, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
trimEdits(UndoableEdit, boolean, UndoableEdit, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
Removes edits in the specified range.
trimEdits(UndoableEdit, UndoableEdit) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
Removes edits in the specified range.
trimFirstAndLastLetter(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.LASImportExport.Las10Header
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super Pair<T, Q>>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.JoinWalker
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.TreeWalker
trySplit() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.JoinWalker
Try to split the remaining items in half.
trySplit() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.AbstractRTree.TreeWalker
Try to split the remaining items in half.
tsp(Feature[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TSP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input features.
tsp(Feature[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint, TSP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input features.
tsp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, int, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the given points.
tsp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, int, LODNetworkConstraint, TSP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input points.
tsp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input points.
tsp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TSP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input points.
tsp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input points.
tsp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint, TSP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the traveling salesman tour covering the input points.
TSP - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by traveling salesman problem algorithm.
TSP.TourFlag - Enum in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Enumeration whose values indicate whether a tsp tour is open or closed, and if open, whether the tour have fixed start and/or end point.
Tsp2Opt - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Tsp2Opt(double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.Tsp2Opt
TspAnalysisInfo - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class contains the TSP points in order, besides other info in LODAnalysisInfo.
TspAnalysisInfo(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspAnalysisInfo
Creates an TspAnalysisInfo object.
TspConstraint - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TspConstraintOperator - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TspConstraintOperator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspConstraintOperator
TspConstraintOperator.CombinedConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TspImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
The default two step TSP implementation, which first computes the pairwise costs between the TSP stops, and then optimizes the order the stops to be visited.
TspImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
TspImpl(PairwiseCostCalculator, TspOptimizer, ShortestPath, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
TspImpl.NetworkTspConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TspNearestNeighbor - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This is a simple heuristic TSP algorithm, which always picks the closest point as the next one to visit.
TspNearestNeighbor(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], ShortestPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspNearestNeighbor
TspOp2 - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements the 2-opt heuristic algorithm for the Traveling-Salesman-Problem.
TspOp2() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOp2
Default constructor.
TspOp2(LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], ShortestPath, PairwiseCostCalculator) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOp2
TspOp2(PairwiseCostCalculator, ShortestPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOp2
TspOp2(PairwiseCostCalculator, ShortestPath, int, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOp2
TspOptimizer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TspOrderConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TSP ordering constraint implementation.
TspOrderConstraint(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspOrderConstraint
Creates a tsp order constraint.
tspPath(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP
Returns the traveling salesman tour with the optimal or suboptimal cost.
tspPath(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspImpl
tspPath(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspNearestNeighbor
tspPath(Network, int[], boolean, boolean, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns a TSP tour.
tspPath(Network, int[], NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns a TSP tour.
tspPath(Node[], boolean, boolean, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns a TSP tour.
TspPath - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A TspPath consists of an array of LogicalSubPath and the order of the points on the TSP tour.
TspPath(LogicalSubPath[], int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPath
Constructs a TspPath instance.
TspPathFeature - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
A TspPathFeature object contains information about the tsp order and a sequence of path features from the first point until the last point.
TspPathFeature(PathFeature[], int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspPathFeature
Constructs a TspPathFeature instance.
TspTimeWindowConstraint - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
TspTimeWindowConstraint(TimeWindow[], int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.TspTimeWindowConstraint
TT_EOF - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that the end of the stream has been read.
TT_EOL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that the end of the line has been read.
TT_NUMBER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that a number token has been read.
TT_WORD - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that a word token has been read.
ttype - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
After a call to the nextToken method, this field contains the type of the token just read.
TTYPE_FEAT_CLASS - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_CLASS contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FEAT_CLASS_ATTR_CON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_CLASS_ATTR_CSTR contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FEAT_CLASS_DEF_CON_PT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_CLASS_DEF_CON_PT contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FEAT_CLASS_REL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_CLASS_REL contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FEAT_USER_DATA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_USR_DATA contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FEAT_USER_DATA_CAT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_USR_DATA_CATLG contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FEAT_USER_DATA_CVALUE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_USR_DATA_CVAL contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_FT_RULE_REL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type FT_RULE_REL contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_LINE_LINE_RULE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type LINE_LINE_RULE contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_LINE_POINT_RULE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type LINE_POINT_RULE contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_POINT_ATTR_DEF - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type POINT_ATTR_DEF contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_POINT_CARD_RULE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type POINT_CARD_RULE contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_RULE_DEC_HANDLER - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type RULE_DEC_HANDLER contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
TTYPE_RULE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEModelMetadata
Table type RULE_INSTANCE contained in table TABLE_REGISTRY_{modelId}.
type - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Spatial model type
type - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Data set type
type - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
TYPE_AREA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
polygon or multi-polygon
TYPE_IMAGE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
TYPE_LINESTRING - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
linestring or multi-linestring
TYPE_ORIENTED_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
Oriented point
TYPE_PAN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
TYPE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Drawable
point or multi-point
TYPE_SELECTION_ADDED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
TYPE_SELECTION_CLEARED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
TYPE_SELECTION_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectionEvent
TYPE_ZOOMIN - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
TYPE_ZOOMOUT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegionEvent
typification(String, String, Connection, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GroupingLOD1Generalization
Groups the LOD1 geometries.


u1 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
u2 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
u3 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
u4 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
u5 - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
UNDIRECTED_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.Network
UNDIRECTED_LINK - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.NetworkMetadata
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsAddedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeatureElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturePropertyChangedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesAddedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.FeaturesRemovedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementPropertyChangedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsAddedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NetworkElementsRemovedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.NFEBlockUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceAddedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRelationAddedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRelationRemovedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.undo.RuleInstanceRemovedUndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
undo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataModel
Restores the last edit operation.
undo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Removes the last edit operation.
undo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Performs and undo operation.
undo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Restores the last edit operation.
undo(EditChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Restores the last edit operation.
undoORredoPerfomed() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapUndoManager
Returns true if an undo or redo action was performed
union(JGeometry, JGeometry[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the union between source geometry and other geometries.
union(AbstractFeature, AbstractFeature[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Returns the union between source geometry and other geometries.
Union - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Union(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
Constructor: Initialize an empty Union data struct with K Sets/Components indexed 0 to K-1.
unionSets(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Union
This method merges the Set/Component containing Site/Element "s" with the Set/Component containing the Site/Element "r".
unite(MBR) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.MBR
Creates a new MBR by uniting with the specified MBR.
UnitSphere - Class in oracle.spatial.geometry
Immutable 3D representation of a point on a sphere with conversions to and from long/lat.
UnitSphere(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Create this UnitSphere equivalent to the given long/lat point.
UnitSphere(double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Creates a normalized (x, y, z) (unless they are all zero, in which case creates (0, 0, 0)).
UnitSphere(JPoint2DD) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Create this UnitSphere equivalent to the given long/lat point.
UnitSphere(JPoint3DD) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.geometry.UnitSphere
Creates a 3D vector on the unit sphere as a normalized copy of the passed 3D point.
UNIVERSE_FACE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
UNKNOWN_KEY_VAL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureElement
UNKNOWN_LINK_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.DynamicLinkLevelSelector
unlockTopologyRows(String, String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Unlocks the topology rows withing specified area.
unselect(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
unselect(List<GeoObject>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.SelectableLayer
Removes the provided objects from the selection list
unselect(List<GeoObject>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
unselect(List<V>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.DefaultSelectionManager
Marks the given objects as not selected
untag(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes the given tag from all the layers
untag(Layer, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes the tag from the given layer
untag(Layer, String[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.LayerManager
Removes tags from the given layer
update(int, NetworkUpdate) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LeveledNetworkCache
Updates the network cache.
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFEProgressIndicatorLayer
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.render.NFERenderer
update(long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.Layer
updates the contents data model or structure.
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Update all graphics contents as necessary before repainting the next frame.
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.AnimatedStroke
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.graphics.SpinningClock
Refreshes the clock hands
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.BasicLayer
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.ProgressIndicatorLayer
update(long) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.SimpleBGLayer
update(LogicalLink) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalLink
Copies the attributes of the input link to this link.
update(LogicalNode) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalNode
Copies the attributes of the input node to this node.
update(PartitionUpdate) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartition
Updates this network partition with the input partition update information.
update(PartitionUpdate) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LogicalPartitionImpl
UPDATE_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeEvent
updateAnnotationTextMetadata(String, String, Double, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
updateAttributeConstraints(Long, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
updateAttributeConstraints(Long, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Updates the attribute default value for the specified feature class.
updateAttributeConstraints(NFEModelMetadata, Long, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Updates the attribute default value.
updateAttributeForFeatures(NFEFeatureLayer, Long, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCFeatureIOService
updateAttributeForFeatures(NFEFeatureLayer, Long, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEFeatureIOService
Updates the features attributes from the old value to the new value.
updateAttributeForFeatures(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayer, Long, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Updates the attributes for the features having the value oldValue and belonging to the specified feature class to newValue.
updateCatalog(NFECatalog) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
updateCatalog(NFECatalog) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Updates the catalog values of the specified catalog.
updateCatalogValues(NFEModelMetadata, long, Collection<NFECatalogValue>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Updates the catalog values of the specified catalog.
updateDataSetSpatialInfo() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
updateDB(JGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Updates the metadata of the specified JGeoRaster object in the server side.
updateFeature(String, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.EditChangeManager
Registers an update in the feature.
updateFeatureAttribute(String, Field) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Updates the feature attribute defined in input value if data set is read-write mode.
updateFeatureAttributes(String, Field[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Update feature attributes if data set is in read-write mode.
updateFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
updateFeatureClass(NFEFeatureClass) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Updates the feature class.
updateFeatureClass(NFEModel, NFEFeatureClass, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Updates the feature class.
updateFeatureElements(Collection<NFEFeatureElement>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Updates the feature elements in the feature element relationship table.
updateFeatureGeometry(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Update feature geometry if data set is in read-write mode.
updateFeatureHierarchy(NFEFeature) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Updates the feature hierarchy in the feature and hierarchy tables.
updateFeatureLayersZOrder(Collection<NFEFeatureLayer>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCModelIOService
updateFeatureLayersZOrder(Collection<NFEFeatureLayer>) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEModelIOService
Updates the feature layers Z-order.
updateFeatureLayerZOrder(NFEModelMetadata, NFEFeatureLayer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.ModelDAO
Updates the feature layers Z-order.
updateFeatures(Collection<NFEFeature>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.FeatureDAO
Updates the features attributes and parents information.
updateLink(LogicalLink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
updateLink(LogicalLink, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Adds or updates a link in the network
updateLinkCostAsLenght(NFENetworkMetadata, List<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Updates the link cost of the specified links to be equals to the links lengths.
updateLinkGeometry(NFELink) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEBasicModelManipulator
Updates the link's geometry so reflect the position of its start and end points.
updateLinkGeometry(NFELink) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.edit.NFEManipulator
Updates the link's geometry to reflect the position of its start and end points.
updateLinks(Connection, Network, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Updates in-memory links from database
updateLinks(Collection<NFELink>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Updates the links information in the link table.
updateLinksGeometry(NFENetworkMetadata, List<Long>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Updates the geometry of the specified links.
updateMBR(Las2SqlLdr.PointData.SinglePoint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdr.PointData.MBR
updateModelWorkspaceRel(NFEWorkspace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Updates the table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_WORKSPACE with the data in the nfeWorkspace object.
updateNetworkAnalysisElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkAnalysisConfig
Update the networkIO element to reflect the current status of this object.
updateNetworkCache(int, NetworkUpdate) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachedNetworkIO
Update network cache.
updateNetworkCacheForWorkspaceChange(int, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachedNetworkIOWM
Update network cache after switching workspace.
updateNetworkIOElement() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.NetworkIOConfig
Update the networkIO element to reflect the current status of this object.
updateNetworkLinkCost(Connection, Network, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Updates the cost of all network links with the value of the given cost column in the given table.
updateNetworkNodeCost(Connection, Network, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Updates the cost of all network node with the value of the given cost column in the given table.
updateNode(LogicalNode, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.PartitionUpdate
updateNode(LogicalNode, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkUpdate
Adds or updates a node in the network.
updateNodes(Connection, Network, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Updates in-memory nodes from database
updateNodes(Collection<NFENode>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.NetworkDAO
Updates the nodes information in the node table.
updateObject(Object, GeoObject) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.EditableLayer
Updates an existing GeoObject with the specified change.
updateObject(Object, GeoObject) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Updates an existing GeoObject with the specified change.
updateObjectAttributes(String, Field[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
Updates one or more object attributes.
updatePartitionBlobInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Updates the partition BLOB info in the partition BLOB table.
updatePaths(Connection, Network, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
updateRank(LogicalPartition) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.CachingHandler
Updates the rank of the partition in the cache.
updateRank(LogicalPartition) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LRUCachingHandler
updateRaster(SdoGeoRaster, int, String, long[], SdoGeoRaster, int, String, boolean, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Updates a specified pyramid of a specified area or the overlapping parts of one GeoRaster object with selected pyramid and selected bands or layers of another GeoRaster object.
updateRaster(SdoGeoRaster, int, String, JGeometry, SdoGeoRaster, int, String, boolean, double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Updates a specified pyramid of a specified area or the overlapping parts of one GeoRaster object with selected pyramid and selected bands or layers of another GeoRaster object.
updateRules(Collection<? extends NFEConnectivityRule>) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.RuleDAO
Updates the specified rules in the tables LINE_LINE_RULE_[model_id] and LINE_POINT_RULE_[model_id].
updateSpatialAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.index.AbstractIndexedDataSet
Updates feature of index data set.
updateStyle(Style, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.SpatialDAO
Updates the style record of the specified style in the view user_sdo_styles.
updateSubPaths(Connection, Network, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
updateTopology() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Updates to the database topological changes in the instance.
updateVersiongForProject(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Updates the column USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_METADATA.VERSIONABLE_IND with the value isVersionable.
updateVersioning(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
updateVersioning(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Updates the column USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_METADATA.VERSIONABLE_IND with the value isVersionable.
updateWorkspace(NFEWorkspace) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.service.JDBCWorkspaceIOService
updateWorkspace(NFEWorkspace) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.service.NFEWorkspaceIOService
Updates the workspace related record in the table USER_SDO_NFE_MODEL_WORKSPACE with the data in the object NFEWorkspace.
upgradeGeoRaster() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAdminPKG
Checks the GeoRaster system data entries and GeoRaster data for the current schema, and performs any corrective action as appropriate.
URL - oracle.spatial.util.Util.CheckType
user - Variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters
USER - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource
The rule was created by a user
UserData - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods supported by a user data set.
UserDataImpl - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
Default implementation of UserData.
UserDataImpl(Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.UserDataImpl
UserDataIO - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This interface defines methods for users to read and write user defined data from and to the database.
UserDataMetadata - Interface in oracle.spatial.network
This class defines the metadata for user data.
userSrid - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Util - Class in oracle.spatial.util
some useful utility routines used by SDOVIS.
Util() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.Util
Util.CheckType - Enum in oracle.spatial.util


V_FEAT_TYPE_FEAT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_FEATCOLL_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_LINE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_MULTILINE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
V_GEOM_TYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeomToGeoJson
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster
Validates the current JGeoRaster object.
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRasterMeta
Validates GeoRaster metadata represented by current instance
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.LayerInfo
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SpatialReferenceInfo
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.SubLayerInfo
validate() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BinaryHeap
validate() - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.Path
Validates the path.
validate(boolean, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns whether a 3-D (Cartesian) geometry is valid or not.
validate(boolean, double, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns whether a 3-D geometry is valid or not.
validate_layer_with_context_3D(String, String, String, NUMBER, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateBlockMBR() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.JRaster
Checks the blockMBR attribute in each row of the raster data table associated with the specified GeoRaster object to see if its geometry is the actual minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of that block.
validateBlockMBR(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Validates the blockMBR attribute of each block of a GeoRaster object.
validateCache() - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Wrapper for validateCache(int level).
validateCache(int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.topo.TopoMap
Performs a topological validation of the cache, checking the consistency of all pointer relationships in the edge/node/face graph.
validateConfigXml(Source, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
Validate the input configuration xml against the LOD configuration schema.
validateContent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.ObjectInfo
validateContent() - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
validateFeatureGeometries(String, AbstractFeature[], double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataAccessObject
Validates the feature geometries, and returns pairs of feature key/validation code.
validateForMosaicSubset(String, Integer, double[], String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Checks if it is feasible to do mosaicking or subset query operations over a virtual mosaic or a large collection of GeoRaster objects.
validateForMosaicSubset(String, String, Integer, double[], String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorAggrPKG
Checks if it is feasible to do mosaicking or subset query operations over a virtual mosaic or a large collection of GeoRaster objects.
validateGeom(Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateGeoRaster(SdoGeoRaster) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Validates a GeoRaster object, checking its raster data and metadata.
validateMvalue(ShapefileReaderJGeom, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileFeatureJGeom
validateNetwork(Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Validates the reference relationship of the given network return the validation result as a String
validateNetworkSchema(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Validates the network tables and reports any errors if exist.
validateWkb(OracleBlob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateWkb(OracleBlob, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateWkb(BLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob and Adapters.validateWkb(OracleBlob) instead.
validateWkb(BLOB, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob and Adapters.validateWkb(OracleBlob, Connection) instead.
validateWkt(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateWkt(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateWkt(OracleClob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateWkt(OracleClob, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
validateWkt(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.validateWkt(OracleClob) instead.
validateWkt(CLOB, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.validateWkt(OracleClob, Connection) instead.
validateXMLRecord(OracleClob, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
This method validateXSDXML is used to validate (schema XSD and its) XML instance.
validateXMLRecord(CLOB, String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
This method validateXSDXML is used to validate (schema XSD and its) XML instance.
validateXSDXMLLayer(String, String, String, String, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
This method validateXSDXMLLayer is used to validate (schema XSD and its) all XML instances from a table such as CSW 202 User Table.
validDataType(String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
Checks if the given data type is supported
validMeasure(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.LRSGeometryG3D
VALUE_FALSE - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
VALUE_NULL - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
VALUE_NUMBER - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
VALUE_STRING - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
VALUE_TRUE - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
Gets a shape type based on a numeric type.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
Gets an enum value corresponding to the given ordinal
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.FastOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.PPStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.ConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement.FeatureElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.WorkerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.GML3.GMLVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.Util.CheckType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.DBFReaderJGeom.RecordColumn
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.FastOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.geometry.FastJGeometry.PPStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.ConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.Feature.FeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureElement.FeatureElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.FeatureLayerMetadata.FeatureLayerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.lod.TSP.TourFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEFeatureShape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.NFEEditionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFEConnectivityRule.ConnectivityRuleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.rule.NFELinePointRule.LPRuleSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.BinaryInteraction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.spatial.interaction.IntersectionLocation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.LongHashTable
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.NotificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.objtrkr.Tracker.WorkerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.DBFFileCodePage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.GML3.GMLVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.spatial.util.Util.CheckType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valuesIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongHashMap
valuesIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
valuesReverseIterator() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LongLinkedHashMap
VARCHAR2 - oracle.spatial.network.nfe.model.feature.NFEAttributeType
VARCHAR2_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataMetadata
VectorOfDouble() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
VectorOfDouble(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfDouble
VectorOfInt() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
VectorOfInt(int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis.VectorOfInt
version - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
VERSION_11 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
VERSION_12_1 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
VERSION_12_2 - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.config.ConfigManager
versionEnabled - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.AbstractDataSetLayer
VertexEditableLayer - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.mapcanvas.behavior
Defines a layer which line elements' vertices can be edited or added
VERTICAL_DIMENSION - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.georaster.RasterInfo
A integer indicating vertical dimension.
VisitedNode - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class represents a node visited while exploring a network.
VisitedNode() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VisitedNode
volume(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the volume of a 3-D (Cartesian) geometry.
volume(double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
Compute the volume of the geometry.
volume(double, String, double, double, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.J3D_Geometry
Returns the volume of a 3-D geometry.
volume(Struct, String, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
vrp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, int, PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.VRP
vrp(PointOnNet[][], TSP.TourFlag, int, PointOnNet[][], LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VrpClusterAndRoute
VRP - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
VrpClusterAndRoute - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
VrpClusterAndRoute(PointClustering, TSP) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VrpClusterAndRoute
vrpNoDepot(PointOnNet[][], int, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
vrpNoDepot(PointOnNet[][], int, LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint, VRP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
VrpPath - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
VrpPath(TspPath[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.VrpPath
vrpSingleDepot(PointOnNet[][], int, PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
vrpSingleDepot(PointOnNet[][], int, PointOnNet[], LODNetworkConstraint, TspConstraint, VRP) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst


WALLET - oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.ConnectionType
WalletConnection(String, char[], String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
WalletConnection(String, char[], String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.ConnectionParameters.WalletConnection
warn(Exception) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a warning exception
warn(String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a warning
warn(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.Logger
Logs a warning
warp(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, GeorSpatialReference, JGeometry, double[], String, String, String, String, Blob[], JGeometry[], long[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Perform geometric transformation on the input GeoRaster object to produce an output GeoRaster object with the specified output spatial reference system.
warp(SdoGeoRaster, Integer, GeorSpatialReference, JGeometry, double[], String, String, String, String, SdoGeoRaster, double[], int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.sql.SdoGeorPKG
Perform geometric transformation on the input GeoRaster object to produce an output GeoRaster object with the specified output spatial reference system.
whitespaceChars(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specifies that all characters c in the range low <= c <= high are white space characters.
within(JPoint2DD) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Checks whether the given point is inside the mer of this.
within(GeoHash) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.GeoHash
Checks whether the mer of the given geohash is inside the mer of this
withinCost(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost from the start point candidates.
withinCost(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
withinCost(PointOnNet, double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost from the start point.
withinCost(PointOnNet, double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost from the start point.
withinCost(PointOnNet, double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost from the start point.
withinCost(Network, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns the shortest paths of the nodes that are within the specified cost from the given node.
withinCost(Network, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all paths that are within the specified cost.
withinCostFeatures(Feature[], double, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds features within the given cost from the start features.
withinCostFeatures(PointOnNet[], double, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds features within the given cost from the start features.
withinCostFeatures(PointOnNet[], double, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
Returns the features and the paths to/from them within the given cost.
withinCostInternal(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostInternalNoReverse(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost from/to the input points.
withinCostLight(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost from the start point candidates.
withinCostNodesAndBoundaryPoints(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
Returns all the nodes and boundary points on links within the given cost.
withinCostOnLinkLevel(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPoints(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], double, LODNetworkConstraint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPoints(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], double, LODNetworkConstraint, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.BreadthFirstSearch
withinCostPolygon(Feature[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost from the start feature candidates.
withinCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost from the start point candidates.
withinCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost from the start point candidates.
withinCostPolygonInternal(PointOnNet[], double, boolean, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPolygonInternal(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPolygonInternal(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPolygonUsingTraceOutPoints(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPolygonUsingWithinCostNodes(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinCostPolygonUsingWithinCostPoints(PointOnNet[], double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinReachingCost(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost to the end point candidates.
withinReachingCost(PointOnNet, double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost to the end point.
withinReachingCost(PointOnNet, double, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost to the end point.
withinReachingCost(PointOnNet, double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost to the end point.
withinReachingCost(Network, int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all reaching paths that are within the specified cost.
withinReachingCost(Network, int, double, NetworkConstraint) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Returns all reaching paths that are within the specified cost.
withinReachingCostFeatures(Feature[], double, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds features within the given cost to the end features.
withinReachingCostFeatures(PointOnNet[], double, int[], LODNetworkConstraint, FeatureFilter) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds features within the given cost to the end features.
withinReachingCostLight(PointOnNet[], double, int, int, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Finds the nodes within the given cost to the end points.
withinReachingCostPoints(PointOnNet[], PointOnNet[][], double, LODNetworkConstraint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
withinReachingCostPolygon(Feature[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost to the end feature candidates.
withinReachingCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost to the end point candidates.
withinReachingCostPolygon(PointOnNet[], double, LODNetworkConstraint, LODGoalNode, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkAnalyst
Returns the polygon covering the nodes, links or partial links that are within the given cost to the end point candidates.
WKAdapter - Interface in oracle.spatial.util
WKB - Class in oracle.spatial.util
WKB() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
WKB(ByteOrder) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
WKB.WKBInputStream - Class in oracle.spatial.util
WKBasis - Class in oracle.spatial.util
This class provides some implementations common to WKB and WKT, particularly the translation between WKB/WKT and STRUCT.
WKBasis() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
WKBasis(ByteOrder) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
WKBasis.VectorOfDouble - Class in oracle.spatial.util
WKBasis.VectorOfInt - Class in oracle.spatial.util
WKBInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKB.WKBInputStream
wkbToSTRUCT(OracleBlob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wkbToSTRUCT(OracleBlob, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wkbToSTRUCT(BLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.wkbToSTRUCT(OracleBlob) instead.
wkbToSTRUCT(BLOB, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.wkbToSTRUCT(OracleBlob, Connection) instead.
wkbToSTRUCT2(OracleBlob, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wkbToSTRUCT2(BLOB, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.wkbToSTRUCT2(OracleBlob, Connection) instead.
WKInputStream - Interface in oracle.spatial.util
WKT - Class in oracle.spatial.util
WKT() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
WKT() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain
Debugging only
WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer - Class in oracle.spatial.util
this class is used only to discover dimensions and number of coordinates, it does not parse number or build strings.
WKT.WKTInputStream - Class in oracle.spatial.util
WKTInputStream(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.WKTInputStream
WKTList() - Method in class oracle.spatial.geometry.Chain
Debugging only
wktToSTRUCT(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wktToSTRUCT(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wktToSTRUCT(OracleClob) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wktToSTRUCT(OracleClob, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wktToSTRUCT(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.wktToSTRUCT(OracleClob) instead.
wktToSTRUCT(CLOB, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.wktToSTRUCT(OracleClob, Connection) instead.
wktToSTRUCT2(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wktToSTRUCT2(OracleClob, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
wktToSTRUCT2(CLOB, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleClob and Adapters.wktToSTRUCT2(OracleClob, Connection) instead.
wordChars(int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT.CustomStreamTokenizer
Specifies that all characters c in the range low <= c <= high are word constituents.
workingArea - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
Data set loaded area.
workspace - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.model.AbstractDataSet
WorkSpace - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject
Contains WorkSpace information
WorkSpace() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
WorkSpace(String) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.geoobject.WorkSpace
WorkspaceDAO - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao
The WorkspaceDAO data access object provides methods related to the model workspace management.
WorkspaceDAO(Connection, NFEModel) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.jdbc.dao.WorkspaceDAO
Creates a WorkspaceDAO with the specified connection and model.
write(DataOutputStream, String) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeBeginningOfList(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeBeginningOfList(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeBeginningOfList(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeBeginningOfList(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeBeginningOfList(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeBeginningOfList(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeByte(DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeByte(DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeByte(DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeByteOrder(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeByteOrder(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeByteOrder(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeCoordPairSeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeCoordPairSeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeCoordPairSeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeDouble(DataOutputStream, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
writeDouble(DataOutputStream, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderBigEndian
writeDouble(DataOutputStream, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderLittleEndian
writeDouble(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeDouble(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeDouble(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeDoubleToByteArray(byte[], int, double) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Las2SqlLdrIndep
writeDoubleToDim(int, double) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlockSortByLrs.BlockedPoint
writeEndOfList(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeEndOfList(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeEndOfList(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeFloatLittleEndian(DataOutputStream, float) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlk2Pnts
writeGeometrySeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeGeometrySeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeGeometrySeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeInnerLabel(DataOutputStream, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeInnerLabel(DataOutputStream, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeInnerLabel(DataOutputStream, int, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeIntLittleEndian(DataOutputStream, int) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.PcBlk2Pnts
writeLabel(DataOutputStream, int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeLabel(DataOutputStream, int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeLabel(DataOutputStream, int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
writeNetwork(Connection, Network) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Writes the network to the database.
writeNetwork(Connection, Network, UserDataIO) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Writes the network to the database.
writeNetworkBuffer(NetworkBuffer) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores the network buffer into the database.
writeNetworkBuffer(NetworkBuffer, long) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores the network buffer into the database.
writeNetworkBuffer(NetworkBuffer, long, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores the network buffer into the database.
writeNetworkBuffer(NetworkBuffer, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores the network buffer into the database.
writeNetworkMetadata(Connection, NetworkMetadata) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.network.NetworkManager
Writes the network metadata to the database.
writePath(LogicalPath, long, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores a path in the database.
writePath(LogicalPath, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores a path in the database.
writepts(BLOB, int, int, Adapters.Ptclass[], NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob and Adapters.writeptsJS(OracleBlob, int, int, Ptclass[], NUMBER) instead.
writeptsJS(OracleBlob, int, int, Adapters.Ptclass[], NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.util.Adapters
writeSubPath(LogicalSubPath, long, long, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores a sub-path in the database.
writeSubPath(LogicalSubPath, long, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.NetworkIO
Stores a sub-path in the database.
writeSubPathCosts(int[], int[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.FilePairwisePathResultIO
writeSubPathCosts(int[], int[], double[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.InMemoryPairwisePathResultIO
writeSubPathCosts(int[], int[], double[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.PairwisePathResultIO
writeUInt32(DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrder
writeUInt32(DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderBigEndian
writeUInt32(DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.ByteOrderLittleEndian
writeUInt32(ByteOrder, DataOutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeUserData(String, long[], UserData[]) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
Writes user defined data to the database.
writeUserData(String, long[], UserData[]) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
Since the user data are stored in the node/link/path tables, you can only update the entry in the table.
writeUserData(Connection, Network) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.UserDataIO
Writes the user defined data to the database.
writeUserData(LogicalPartition) - Method in interface oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIO
writeUserData(LogicalPartition) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.lod.LODUserDataIOSDO
writeValueAsIndentedString(String) - Static method in class oracle.spatial.georaster.util.JsonParser
Receive a JSON String and return a new indented JSON String.
writeXYSeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKB
writeXYSeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKBasis
writeXYSeparator(DataOutputStream) - Method in class oracle.spatial.util.WKT
WRONG_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Wrong table name error code.
WS_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Workspace already exists error code.
WS_NOT_LEAF - Static variable in exception oracle.spatial.network.nfe.io.NFEIOException
Not leaf workspace error code.
WSConstants - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps
WSConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.WSConstants
WSUtil - Class in oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util
Provides static methods related to the workspace management.
WSUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.util.WSUtil


x - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
x - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
x - Variable in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
xfm - Variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
xMax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
Xmax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
xMin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
Xmin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
XMLConfigurable - Interface in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This interface defines methods that make a customized XML configuration implementation.
XMLValidator - Class in oracle.spatial.util
XMLValidator() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator
XMLValidator2 - Class in oracle.spatial.util
XMLValidator2(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.util.XMLValidator2


y - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
y - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JPoint2DD
y - Variable in class oracle.spatial.topo.Point2DD
YenDeviation - Class in oracle.spatial.network.lod
This class implements Yen's Deviation Algorithm for finding the k shortest loopless paths.
YenDeviation() - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
Default constructor.
YenDeviation(NetworkExplorer, LinkCostCalculator[], NodeCostCalculator[], ShortestPath) - Constructor for class oracle.spatial.network.lod.YenDeviation
yMax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
Ymax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
yMin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
Ymin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr


z - Variable in class oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry
zMax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
Zmax - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
zMin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileReaderJGeom
Zmin - Variable in class oracle.spatial.util.ShapefileHdr
zoom(Point2D, double, int) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
zoomBox(Rectangle2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Zooms to the provided box
ZOOMBOX_BKGND_ALPHA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
ZOOMBOX_BORDER_ALPHA - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.layer.ui.MapNavLayer
zoomIn() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Performs a zoom in
zoomIn(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Performs a zoom in at the given point
zoomOut() - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Performs a zoom out
zoomOut(Point2D) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapRegion
Performs a zoom out at the given pont
zoomToLayer(Layer) - Method in class oracle.spatial.network.nfe.vis.maps.core.MapCanvas
Zoom the map to the bounding box of the specified layer's contents.


_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
_conn - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
_factory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_factory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_factory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_factory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
_init_struct(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_init_struct(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_init_struct(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_init_struct(boolean) - Method in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
_LocationMsgFactory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_LocationMsgPkdFactory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_NotificationMsgFactory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_SQL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_SQL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
_SQL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_SQL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_SQL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
_SQL_TYPECODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_SQL_TYPECODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgArr
_SQL_TYPECODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_SQL_TYPECODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_SQL_TYPECODE - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
_sqlType - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_sqlType - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_sqlType - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_sqlType - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
_srsAlias - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
_srsAlias - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
_srsAlias - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
_srsNameSpace - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML
_srsNameSpace - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML2
_srsNameSpace - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3
_srsNameSpace - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.GML3g
_srsNameSpace - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.KML
_srsNameSpace - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.util.KML2
_struct - Variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsg
_struct - Variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.LocationMsgPkd
_struct - Variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.NotificationMsg
_struct - Variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
_TrackerMsgFactory - Static variable in class oracle.spatial.objtrkr.TrackerMsg
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