Class NFEWorkspace

  • public class NFEWorkspace
    extends java.lang.Object
    Describes a workspace used by the workspace manager for versioning. The workspaces are related to models. A minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) work area can be defined for a workspace and the work area can be locked to any other workspace. The locking is checked in memory during features manipulations (see functions NFEManipulator.isAllowedPoint and NFEManipulator.isAllowedRectangle).
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
      double getLowerX()
      Returns the workspace work area lowest X.
      double getLowerY()
      Returns the workspace work area lower Y.
      long getModelId()
      Returns the model id to which the workspace is related.
      double getUpperX()
      Returns the workspace work area upper X.
      double getUpperY()
      Returns the workspace work area upper Y.
      java.lang.String getWorkspace()
      Returns the workspace name.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isLockInd()
      Returns true if the work area is locked, false otherwise.
      boolean isMbrInd()
      Returns true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise.
      void setLockInd​(boolean lockInd)
      Sets true if the work area is locked, false otherwise.
      void setLowerX​(double lowerX)
      Sets the workspace work area lowest X.
      void setLowerY​(double lowerY)
      Sets the workspace work area lower Y.
      void setMbrInd​(boolean mbrInd)
      Sets true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise.
      void setModelId​(long modelId)
      Sets the model id to which the workspace is related.
      void setUpperX​(double upperX)
      Sets the workspace work area upper X.
      void setUpperY​(double upperY)
      Sets the workspace work area upper Y.
      void setWorkspace​(java.lang.String workspace)
      Sets the workspace name.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • NFEWorkspace

        public NFEWorkspace()
    • Method Detail

      • getModelId

        public long getModelId()
        Returns the model id to which the workspace is related.
        model id
      • setModelId

        public void setModelId​(long modelId)
        Sets the model id to which the workspace is related.
        modelId - model id
      • getWorkspace

        public java.lang.String getWorkspace()
        Returns the workspace name.
        workspace name
      • setWorkspace

        public void setWorkspace​(java.lang.String workspace)
        Sets the workspace name.
        workspace - workspace name
      • getLowerX

        public double getLowerX()
        Returns the workspace work area lowest X.
        workspace work area lowest X
      • setLowerX

        public void setLowerX​(double lowerX)
        Sets the workspace work area lowest X.
        lowerX - workspace work area lowest X
      • getUpperX

        public double getUpperX()
        Returns the workspace work area upper X.
        workspace work area upper X
      • setUpperX

        public void setUpperX​(double upperX)
        Sets the workspace work area upper X.
        upperX - workspace work area upper X
      • getLowerY

        public double getLowerY()
        Returns the workspace work area lower Y.
        workspace work area lower Y
      • setLowerY

        public void setLowerY​(double lowerY)
        Sets the workspace work area lower Y.
        lowerY - workspace work area lower Y
      • getUpperY

        public double getUpperY()
        Returns the workspace work area upper Y.
        workspace work area upper Y
      • setUpperY

        public void setUpperY​(double upperY)
        Sets the workspace work area upper Y.
        upperY - workspace work area upper Y
      • isMbrInd

        public boolean isMbrInd()
        Returns true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise.
        true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise
      • setMbrInd

        public void setMbrInd​(boolean mbrInd)
        Sets true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise.
        mbrInd - true if a work area is defined for the workspace, false otherwise
      • isLockInd

        public boolean isLockInd()
        Returns true if the work area is locked, false otherwise.
        true if the work area is locked, false otherwise
      • setLockInd

        public void setLockInd​(boolean lockInd)
        Sets true if the work area is locked, false otherwise.
        lockInd - true if the work area is locked, false otherwise
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object