Interface LogicalLightSubPath

    • Method Detail

      • getReferenceLightPath

        LogicalLightPath getReferenceLightPath()
        Returns the path containing the subpath.
        the light weight logical path that contains the subpath
      • getStartPercentage

        double getStartPercentage()
        Returns the location of the starting point of the subpath as a percentage of the first link of the containing path.
        location of the starting point on the start link
      • getEndPercentage

        double getEndPercentage()
        Returns the location of the end point of the subpath as a percentage of the last link of the containing path.
        location of the end point on the end link
      • getStartLinkIndex

        int getStartLinkIndex()
        Returns the start link index.
        the start link index
      • getEndLinkIndex

        int getEndLinkIndex()
        Returns the end link index.
        the end link index
      • getCost

        double getCost()
        use getCosts();
        Returns the cost of the subpath.
        cost of the subpath
      • getCosts

        double[] getCosts()
        Returns the costs of the subpath.
        costs of the subpath
      • setReferenceLightPath

        void setReferenceLightPath​(LogicalLightPath refPath)
        Sets the path containing the subpath.
      • setStartPercentage

        void setStartPercentage​(double startPercentage)
        Sets the location of the starting point of the subpath as a percentage of the first link of the containing path.
      • setEndPercentage

        void setEndPercentage​(double endPercentage)
        Sets the location of the end point of the subpath as a percentage of the last link of the containing path.
      • setStartLinkIndex

        void setStartLinkIndex​(int startLinkIndex)
        Sets the start link index.
      • setEndLinkIndex

        void setEndLinkIndex​(int endLinkIndex)
        Sets the end link index.
      • setCosts

        void setCosts​(double[] costs)
        Sets the costs of the subpath.
      • isFullPath

        boolean isFullPath()
        Returns true if the subpath covers the entire reference path.
        true if the subpath covers the entire reference path, false otherwise.
      • reverse

        void reverse()
        Reverses the sub-path, and flip the isReverse flag of the reference path. Similar to a path, a sub-path can be represented in the traveling direction, or in the reverse direction. When represented in reverse direction, the isReverse flag of its reference path is set to true.
      • getCategorizedUserData

        CategorizedUserData getCategorizedUserData()
        Returns categorized user data.
      • setCategorizedUserData

        void setCategorizedUserData​(CategorizedUserData userData)
        Sets categorized user data.
        userData -
      • getUserData

        UserData getUserData​(int category)
        Returns user data for the specified category.
      • setUserData

        void setUserData​(int category,
                         UserData userData)
        Sets user data for the specified category.
        userData -
      • clone

        java.lang.Object clone()
                        throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        Support cloneable
        cloned object