Interface NFEIdGenerator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NFEIdGenerator
    Implementations of this interface must provide ID's for a given entity. For example, an instance of NFEIdGenerator my be used to retrieve new IDs for NFEFeatureClass instances. This interfaces hides the complexities of how new IDs are generated. It does not matter if a database sequence is used or if the ID is based on a counter in memory.
    • Method Detail

      • getNextId

        long getNextId()
        Gets the next ID
        a new ID
      • setIdBufferSize

        void setIdBufferSize​(int size)
        Sets the size of the ID buffer size used by this generator. There is not guaranteed that the implementation actually uses a buffer.
        size - the number of IDs that can contain the buffer
      • getIdBufferSize

        int getIdBufferSize()
        Returns the size of the ID buffer. The size is the number of IDs that the buffer can hold or that are reserved.
        the size of the ID buffer