Class Mer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, RNode

    public final class Mer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements, RNode
    Provides helper methods for mers stored as bare arrays, as well as an encapsulated type. A mer provides lower bounds and upper bounds for an arbitrary number of dimensions (but usually 2 or 3). A non-empty Mer has its upper bound >= lower bound for each dimension.

    A standard empty Mer as created by the Mer(int) constructor have POSITIVE_INFINITY for its lower bounds and NEGATIVE_INFINITY for its upper bounds (inverted relationship). All Mers used or output by this code are either non-empty or the standard empty Mer.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Mer​(double[] arrayMer)
      Create a Mer from a bare array.
      Mer​(double[] arrayMer, boolean deepCopy)
      Create a Mer from a bare array.
      Mer​(int dim)
      Create a mer that contains nothing; it can be extended into a real mer.
      Mer​(Mer m)
      Copy constructor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean covers​(double[] firstMer, double[] queryMer)
      Test if the query mer is completely covered by the first mer
      boolean covers​(Mer query)
      Return true if this Mer completely covers the query mer.
      int dim()
      Return the dimension of this mer.
      static double distance​(double[] merA, double[] merB)
      Return the Euclidean distance between two mers.
      double distance​(Mer targetMer)
      Return the Euclidean distance from this mer to targetMer.
      static double distance2​(double[] merA, double[] merB)
      Return square of the Euclidean distance between two mers.
      double distance2​(Mer targetMer)
      Return square of the Euclidean distance from this mer to targetMer.
      static double[] emptyMer​(int dim)
      Create a new, standard empty mer of dimension dim.
      void extend​(double[] pt)
      Extend this mer to include pt.
      static double[] extend​(double[] target, double[] ptMer)
      Extend a target MER to include a new MER or a new point.
      static double[] extend​(double[] target, JPoint2DD pt)
      Extend a 2D target MER to include a new MER or a new point.
      void extend​(JPoint2DD pt)
      Extend this mer to include pt.
      void extend​(Mer m)
      Extend this mer to include m.
      double[] getArray()
      Returns the mer as array - changing the returned array results in undefined behavior.
      Mer getMer()
      Returns the bounding box of this spatial object.
      double[][] getRanges()
      Create and return a copy of the mer is an array of ranges, { {min x, max x}, {min y, max y}, etc.
      static double[] infiniteMer​(int dim)
      Create a new mer that covers the universe (infinite extent).
      boolean interacts​(double[] pt)
      Return true if pt touches or is inside this mer.
      static boolean interacts​(double[] target, double[] ptOrMer)
      Test if the point or mer touches the target mer.
      static boolean interacts​(double[] target, double[] ptMer, double tol)
      Test if the point or mer touches the target mer + tolerance.
      static boolean interacts​(double[] target, JPoint2DD pt)
      Test if the 2D MER contains the given point.
      boolean interacts​(JPoint2DD pt)
      Return true if pt touches or is inside this mer.
      boolean interacts​(Mer target)
      Return true if target touches or is inside this mer.
      boolean interacts​(Mer target, double tol)
      Return true if target touches or is inside this mer.
      static boolean interactsTile​(double[] tileMer, JPoint2DD pt)
      Test if the 2D MER contains the given point, excluding the right and bottom edges of the mer.
      boolean interactsTile​(JPoint2DD pt)
      Return true if pt is inside this mer, or touches the top or left edge.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Test whether this Mer is empty.
      static boolean isEmpty​(double[] mer)
      Test whether a Mer is empty.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Mer

        public Mer​(int dim)
        Create a mer that contains nothing; it can be extended into a real mer.
        dim -
      • Mer

        public Mer​(double[] arrayMer)
        Create a Mer from a bare array. The new Mer is a deep copy of the given array. Mer(double[], boolean)
        arrayMer -
      • Mer

        public Mer​(double[] arrayMer,
                   boolean deepCopy)
        Create a Mer from a bare array. The caller can specify whether a deep copy of the array is desired. Note that if deepCopy == false, behavior is undefined if arrayMer is later changed.
        arrayMer -
        deepCopy -
      • Mer

        public Mer​(Mer m)
        Copy constructor. Makes a deep copy of the specified Mer.
        m -
    • Method Detail

      • extend

        public static final double[] extend​(double[] target,
                                            double[] ptMer)
        Extend a target MER to include a new MER or a new point. Returns the extended target MER. Both must have same dimension dim.
        target - the mer to extend (modified by this call).
        ptMer - the pt/mer to be included (if size dim, is a point; if size dim*2, is a MER).
        the input target mer, extended to include pt
      • extend

        public static final double[] extend​(double[] target,
                                            JPoint2DD pt)
        Extend a 2D target MER to include a new MER or a new point. Returns the extended target MER. Both must have same dimension dim.
        target - the 2D mer to extend (modified by this call).
        pt - the pt/mer to be included (if size dim, is a point; if size dim*2, is a MER).
        the input target mer, extended to include pt
      • interacts

        public static final boolean interacts​(double[] target,
                                              double[] ptOrMer)
        Test if the point or mer touches the target mer.
        target -
        ptOrMer - point if size = dim, mer if size = 2*dim
        true iff ptOrMer touches the target Mer.
      • covers

        public static final boolean covers​(double[] firstMer,
                                           double[] queryMer)
        Test if the query mer is completely covered by the first mer
        firstMer -
        queryMer -
        true iff firstMer covers queryMer
      • interacts

        public static final boolean interacts​(double[] target,
                                              double[] ptMer,
                                              double tol)
        Test if the point or mer touches the target mer + tolerance.
        target -
        ptMer -
        tol - effectively expands (shrinks, if negative) the mer in all dimensions by this tolerance
        true iff
      • interacts

        public static final boolean interacts​(double[] target,
                                              JPoint2DD pt)
        Test if the 2D MER contains the given point.
        target -
        pt -
        true iff
      • interactsTile

        public static final boolean interactsTile​(double[] tileMer,
                                                  JPoint2DD pt)
        Test if the 2D MER contains the given point, excluding the right and bottom edges of the mer. If a set of Mers tiles a region without overlapping, then a point in the region will test true for exactly one of those Mers.
        tileMer -
        pt -
      • isEmpty

        public static final boolean isEmpty​(double[] mer)
        Test whether a Mer is empty. A mer is empty if it has a lower bound larger than an upper bound for any dimension. For example, the Mer(int) constructor constructs an empty Mer with lower bounds of positibve infinity and upper bounds of negative infinity.
        true if the Mer is empty.
      • emptyMer

        public static final double[] emptyMer​(int dim)
        Create a new, standard empty mer of dimension dim.
        dim - the dimension to create
        the new, empty mer in standard form.
      • infiniteMer

        public static final double[] infiniteMer​(int dim)
        Create a new mer that covers the universe (infinite extent).

        To create a correspoinding Mer object, use new Mer(Mer.infiniteMer(dim))

        dim - the dimension to create
        the new, empty mer in standard form.
      • distance2

        public static final double distance2​(double[] merA,
                                             double[] merB)
        Return square of the Euclidean distance between two mers. Mers which touch are distance zero. An empty Mer as created by Mer(int) is infinite distance from any other Mer; other non-standard empty Mers will provide unexpected results.
        merA - first Mer
        merB - second Mer
        the distance between the two Mers
      • distance

        public static final double distance​(double[] merA,
                                            double[] merB)
        Return the Euclidean distance between two mers. Mers which touch are distance zero. An empty Mer as created by Mer(int) is infinite distance from any other Mer; other non-standard empty Mers will provide unexpected results.
        merA - first Mer
        merB - second Mer
        the distance between the two Mers
      • getArray

        public double[] getArray()
        Returns the mer as array - changing the returned array results in undefined behavior.
        the array we store the Mer in
      • getRanges

        public double[][] getRanges()
        Create and return a copy of the mer is an array of ranges, { {min x, max x}, {min y, max y}, etc. }
      • extend

        public final void extend​(Mer m)
        Extend this mer to include m.
        m -
      • extend

        public final void extend​(JPoint2DD pt)
        Extend this mer to include pt.
        pt -
      • extend

        public final void extend​(double[] pt)
        Extend this mer to include pt.
        pt -
      • interacts

        public final boolean interacts​(double[] pt)
        Return true if pt touches or is inside this mer.
        pt -
      • interacts

        public final boolean interacts​(JPoint2DD pt)
        Return true if pt touches or is inside this mer.
        pt -
      • interacts

        public final boolean interacts​(Mer target)
        Return true if target touches or is inside this mer.
        target -
      • interacts

        public final boolean interacts​(Mer target,
                                       double tol)
        Return true if target touches or is inside this mer.
        target -
        tol - effectively expands (shrinks, if negative) this mer in all dimensions by this tolerance
      • interactsTile

        public final boolean interactsTile​(JPoint2DD pt)
        Return true if pt is inside this mer, or touches the top or left edge. Useful for a set of MERs that tile the plane.
        pt -
      • isEmpty

        public final boolean isEmpty()
        Test whether this Mer is empty. A mer is empty if it has a lower bound larger than an upper bound for any dimension. For example, the Mer(int) constructor constructs an empty Mer with lower bounds of positibve infinity and upper bounds of negative infinity.
        true if the Mer is empty.
      • dim

        public final int dim()
        Return the dimension of this mer.
      • covers

        public final boolean covers​(Mer query)
        Return true if this Mer completely covers the query mer.
        query - mer to test
        true if no part of query is beyond this mer.
      • distance2

        public final double distance2​(Mer targetMer)
        Return square of the Euclidean distance from this mer to targetMer. Mers which touch are distance zero. An empty Mer as created by Mer(int) is infinite distance from any other Mer; other non-standard empty Mers will provide unexpected results.
        targetMer - the other Mer
        the distance between the two Mers
      • distance

        public final double distance​(Mer targetMer)
        Return the Euclidean distance from this mer to targetMer. Mers which touch are distance zero. An empty Mer as created by Mer(int) is infinite distance from any other Mer; other non-standard empty Mers will provide unexpected results.
        targetMer - the other mer
        the distance between the two Mers
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getMer

        public Mer getMer()
        Description copied from interface: RNode
        Returns the bounding box of this spatial object.
        Specified by:
        getMer in interface RNode
        a Mer that contains this object, preferably the minimal Mer. The caller must not modify the returned Mer.