Class PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PartitionBlobTranslator11gR2
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements PartitionBlobTranslator
    The class translates a network partition BLOB to a LogicalPartition object, or vice versa.

    Structure of a BLOB:

    A partition BLOB consists of 4 sections:

  • version info: "TRANSLATOR"+translator name
  • header: summary info about the partition
  • nodes (internal and external): number of nodes and list of nodes
    Each node consists of the following fields: node id, node cost, is_active, node partition id, max_link_level, userdata
  • links: number of links and list of links
    Each link consists of the following fields: link id, link level, start node id, end node id, link cost, is_bidirected, is_active, userdata