Class NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool

    • Constructor Detail

      • NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool

        public NFEFeatureElementSelectionTool​(MapCanvas canvas,
                                              NFEModel model)
        Allocates a new feature element selection tool
        canvas - the current MapCanvas
        model - the current NFE model
    • Method Detail

      • getSelectableGeoObjectPriority

        protected int getSelectableGeoObjectPriority​(GeoObject geoObj,
                                                     java.awt.geom.Point2D srsMousePoint)
        Description copied from class: NFESelectionTool
        Gets the GeoObject priority to be selected. Selection priority is needed as more than one element may be interacting with the mouse point when selecting.
        Specified by:
        getSelectableGeoObjectPriority in class NFESelectionTool
        geoObj - a selectable GeoObject
        srsMousePoint - the mouse point in model's coordinate system
      • getSelectableLayers

        protected java.util.Collection<Layer> getSelectableLayers()
        Description copied from class: NFESelectionTool
        Gets all the layers containing GeoObjects that may be selected by the tool
        Specified by:
        getSelectableLayers in class NFESelectionTool
        a collection of layers
      • isPoint

        protected boolean isPoint​(GeoObject geoObj)
        Tells whether the GeoObject's shape is a point
        geoObj - a GeoObject
        true if the GeoObject is a point