Class NFEFeatureClass

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class NFEFeatureClass
    extends java.lang.Object
    Base class for representing a feature class. A feature class contains information about the shape and visual style of a feature. It constraints the type of feature elements and the value of the attributes of a feature. A feature class can be seen as a template for creating features. A feature layer must contain at least one feature class definition before any feature is added to this feature layer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NFEFeatureClass

        public NFEFeatureClass()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public abstract long getId()
        Gets the feature class' ID
        a feature class ID
      • setId

        public abstract void setId​(long id)
        Sets the feature class' ID
        id - a feature class ID
      • getFeatureLayer

        public abstract NFEFeatureLayer getFeatureLayer()
        Gets the feature class' feature layer
        a feature layer instance
      • setFeatureLayer

        public abstract void setFeatureLayer​(NFEFeatureLayer featureLayer)
        Sets the feature class' feature layer
        featureLayer - a feature layer instance
      • getName

        public abstract java.lang.String getName()
        Gets the feature class' name
        the feature class' name
      • setName

        public abstract void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the feature class' name
        name - the feature class' name
      • getShape

        public abstract NFEFeatureShape getShape()
        Gets the feature class' feature shape type
        a feature shape type
      • setShape

        public abstract void setShape​(NFEFeatureShape shape)
        Sets the feature class' feature shape type
        shape - a feature shape type
      • getMaxInConnections

        public abstract int getMaxInConnections()
        Gets the maximum number of in connections when the feature class' shape type is point
        the maximum number of in connections
      • setMaxInConnections

        public abstract void setMaxInConnections​(int maxInConnections)
        Sets the maximum number of in connections when the feature class' shape type is point
        maxInConnections - the maximum number of in connections
      • getMaxOutConnections

        public abstract int getMaxOutConnections()
        Gets the maximum number of out connections when the feature class' shape type is point
        the maximum number of out connections
      • setMaxOutConnections

        public abstract void setMaxOutConnections​(int maxOutConnections)
        Gets the maximum number of out connections when the feature class' shape type is point
        maxOutConnections - the maximum number of out connections
      • getStyleName

        public abstract java.lang.String getStyleName()
        Gets the name of the style associated to this style
        a style name
      • setStyleName

        public abstract void setStyleName​(java.lang.String styleName)
        Sets the name of the style associated to this style. This name is used to reference the style in the database.
        styleName - a style name
      • getStyle

        public abstract getStyle()
        Gets the SDO style instance assigned to the feature class
        an SDO style instance
      • setStyle

        public abstract void setStyle​( style)
        Sets the SDO style instance assigned to the feature class. More information about how to define styles is available in the in the User's Guide for Oracle MapViewer.
        style - an SDO style instance
      • getAttributeConstraints

        public abstract java.util.Collection<NFEAttributeConstraint> getAttributeConstraints()
        Gets all the attribute constraint contained by the feature class
        a collection of attribute constraint instances
      • addAttributeConstraint

        public abstract void addAttributeConstraint​(NFEAttributeConstraint attrConstraint)
        Adds an attribute constraint to the feature class
        attrConstraint - an attribute constraint instance
      • removeAttributeContraint

        public abstract boolean removeAttributeContraint​(NFEAttributeConstraint attrConstraint)
        Removes an attribute constraint from the feature class
        attrConstraint - an attribute constraint instance
        true if the attribute was removed
      • getPredefinedConnectedPoints

        public abstract java.util.List<NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint> getPredefinedConnectedPoints()
        Gets the predefined connected points set to the feature class when the shape type is LINE or COMPLEX_LINE
        a list of predefined feature point descriptors
      • addPredefinedConnectedPoint

        public abstract void addPredefinedConnectedPoint​(NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint predefConnPoint)
        Adds a predefined connected point descriptor to the feature class
        predefConnPoint - a predefined connected point descriptor
      • removePredefinedConnectedPoint

        public abstract boolean removePredefinedConnectedPoint​(NFEPredefinedConnectedPoint predefConnPoint)
        Removes the give predefined connected point descriptor from the feature class
        predefConnPoint - a predefined connected point descriptor
        true if the element was removed
      • createCopy

        public abstract NFEFeatureClass createCopy()
        Returns object copy.
        object copy