
     geometry  IN SDO_GEOMETRY 


Converts a Spatial geometry object to a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) document.



Geometry for which to return the KML document.

Usage Notes


SDO_UTIL.TO_KMLGEOMETRY function is not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless deployments.

This function does not convert circles, geometries containing any circular arcs, LRS geometries, or geometries with an SDO_ETYPE value of 0 (type 0 elements); it returns an empty CLOB in these cases.

Polygons must be defined using the conventions for Oracle9i and later releases of Spatial. That is, the outer boundary is stored first (with ETYPE=1003) followed by zero or more inner boundary elements (ETYPE=2003). For a polygon with holes, the outer boundary must be stored first in the SDO_ORDINATES definition, followed by coordinates of the inner boundaries.

LRS geometries must be converted to standard geometries (using the SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_STD_GEOM or SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_STD_LAYER function) before being passed to the TO_KMLGEOMETRY function.

Any circular arcs or circles must be densified (using the SDO_GEOM.SDO_ARC_DENSIFY function) or represented as polygons (using the SDO_GEOM.SDO_BUFFER function) before being passed to the TO_KMLGEOMETRY function.

Label points are discarded. That is, if a geometry has a value for the SDO_POINT field and values in SDO_ELEM_INFO and SDO_ORDINATES, the SDO_POINT is not output in the KML document.

Solid geometries are converted to KML MultiGeometry objects, because KML 2.1 does not support solids. If you then use the SDO_UTIL.FROM_KMLGEOMETRY function on the MultiGeometry, the result is not an Oracle Spatial solid geometry (that is, its SDO_GTYPE value does not reflect a geometry type of SOLID or MULTISOLID).

The KML output is not formatted; there are no line breaks or indentation of tags. To see the contents of the returned CLOB in SQL*Plus, use the TO_CHAR() function or set the SQL*Plus parameter LONG to a suitable value (for example, SET LONG 2000). To get formatted GML output or to use the return value of TO_KMLGEOMETRY in SQLX or Oracle XML DB functions such as XMLELEMENT, use the XMLTYPE(clobval CLOB) constructor.


The following example shows conversion to and from KML format. (The example uses the definitions and data from Simple Example: Inserting_ Indexing_ and Querying Spatial Data, specifically the cola_c geometry from the COLA_MARKETS table.)

-- Convert cola_c geometry to a KML document; convert that result to
-- a spatial geometry.
set long 2000;
  kmlgeom CLOB;
  val_result VARCHAR2(5);
  geom_result SDO_GEOMETRY;
SELECT c.shape INTO geom FROM cola_markets c WHERE c.name = 'cola_c';
-- To KML geometry
kmlgeom := SDO_UTIL.TO_KMLGEOMETRY(geom);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('To KML geometry result = ' || TO_CHAR(kmlgeom));
-- From KML geometry
geom_result := SDO_UTIL.FROM_KMLGEOMETRY(kmlgeom);
-- Validate the returned geometry.
val_result := SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT(geom_result, 0.005);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Validation result = ' || val_result);
To KML geometry result =
round</altitudeMode><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>3.0,3.0 6.0,3.0
6.0,5.0 4.0,5.0 3.0,3.0 </coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon>
Validation result = TRUE

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