1.9 Spatial Operators, Procedures, and Functions

The Spatial PL/SQL application programming interface (API) includes several operators and many procedures and functions.

Spatial operators, such as SDO_FILTER and SDO_RELATE, provide optimum performance when they use a spatial index. (Spatial operators perform most efficiently when the geometry column in the first parameter has a spatial index defined on it.) Spatial operators must be used in the WHERE clause of a query. The first parameter of any operator specifies the geometry column to be searched, and the second parameter specifies a query window. If the query window does not have the same coordinate system as the geometry column, Spatial performs an implicit coordinate system transformation. For detailed information about the spatial operators, see Spatial Operators .

Spatial procedures and functions are provided as subprograms in PL/SQL packages, such as SDO_GEOM, SDO_CS, and SDO_LRS. These subprograms do not require that a spatial index be defined, and they do not use a spatial index if it is defined. These subprograms can be used in the WHERE clause or in a subquery. If two geometries are input parameters to a spatial procedure or function, both must have the same coordinate system.


For any numbers in string (VARCHAR2) parameters to Spatial operators and subprograms, the period (.) must be used for any decimal points regardless of the locale. Example: 'distance=3.7'

The following performance-related guidelines apply to the use of spatial operators, procedures, and functions:

  • If an operator and a procedure or function perform comparable operations, and if the operator satisfies your requirements, use the operator. For example, unless you need to do otherwise, use SDO_RELATE instead of SDO_GEOM.RELATE, and use SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE instead of SDO_GEOM.WITHIN_DISTANCE.

  • With operators, always specify TRUE in uppercase. That is, specify = 'TRUE', and do not specify <> 'FALSE' or = 'true'.

  • With operators, use the /*+ ORDERED */ optimizer hint if the query window comes from a table. (You must use this hint if multiple windows come from a table.) See the Usage Notes and Examples for specific operators for more information.

For information about using operators with topologies, see Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Model Developer's Guide.