20 Spatial Operators

This chapter describes the operators that you can use when working with the spatial object data type.

For an overview of spatial operators, including how they differ from spatial procedures and functions, see Spatial Operators_ Procedures_ and Functions. Table 20-1 lists the main operators.

Table 20-1 Main Spatial Operators

Operator Description


Specifies which geometries may interact with a given geometry.


Returns the minimum bounding rectangle of a geometry object.


Performs a spatial join based on one or more topological relationships.


Determines the nearest neighbor geometries to a geometry.


Returns the distance of an object returned by the SDO_NN operator.


Takes a set of rows whose first column is a point's x-coordinate value and the second column is a point's y-coordinate value, and returns those rows that are within a specified polygon geometry.


Determines whether or not two geometries interact in a specified way. (See also Table 20-2 for convenient alternative operators for performing specific mask value operations.)


Determines if two geometries are within a specified distance from one another.

Table 20-2 lists operators, provided for convenience, that perform an SDO_RELATE operation of a specific mask type.

Table 20-2 Convenience Operators for SDO_RELATE Operations

Operator Description


Checks if any geometries in a table have the ANYINTERACT topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the CONTAINS topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the COVEREDBY topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the COVERS topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the EQUAL topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the INSIDE topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the ON topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the OVERLAPBDYDISJOINT topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT topological relationship with a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table overlap (that is, have the OVERLAPBDYDISJOINT or OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT topological relationship with) a specified geometry.


Checks if any geometries in a table have the TOUCH topological relationship with a specified geometry.


For any numbers in string (VARCHAR2) parameters to Spatial operators and subprograms, the period (.) must be used for any decimal points regardless of the locale. Example: 'distance=3.7'

The rest of this chapter provides reference information on the operators, listed in alphabetical order.

For information about using operators with topologies, see Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Model Developer's Guide.