Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Schedule

After the filter options are specified for the SQL tuning set, you can schedule and submit a job to collect the SQL statements and load them into the SQL tuning set.

To schedule and submit a job to create a SQL tuning set:

  1. Create a SQL Tuning Set and specify the initial options, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Options".

  2. Select the load method, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Load Methods".

  3. Specify the filter options, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Filter Options".

  4. On the Create SQL Tuning Set: Schedule page, under Job Parameters, enter a name in the Job Name field if you do not want to use the system-generated job name.

  5. In the Description field, enter a description of the job.

  6. Under Schedule, do one of the following:

    • Immediately to run the job immediately after it has been submitted

    • Later to run the job at a later time as specified using the Time Zone, Date, and Time fields

  7. Click Next.

    The Create SQL Tuning Set: Review page appears.

  8. Review the SQL Tuning Set options that you have selected.

    To view the SQL statements used by the job, expand Show SQL.

  9. Click Submit.

    The SQL Tuning Sets page appears.

    If the job was scheduled to run immediately, then a message is displayed to inform you that the job and the SQL tuning set were created successfully. If the job was scheduled to run at a later time, a message is displayed to inform you that the job was created successfully.

  10. To view details about the job, such as operation status, click View Job Details.

    The View Job page appears to display details about the job.