Deleting a Baseline

To conserve storage space, you may want to periodically delete unused baselines stored in the database.

Removing a source from AWR dashboard presents two options:

  1. Hard Delete: Remove source from AWR Warehouse and purge all collected AWR data
    • All the extract/transfer jobs scheduled for the source are removed.
    • The source databases are removed from AWR dashboard
    • Already collected AWR data for the source from the warehouse is purged.
  2. Soft Delete: Stop all upload on source but retain collected data in AWR Warehouse
    • Source database remain in the dashboard, but in a disabled (greyed out) state.
    • The extract/transfer jobs scheduled for the source are removed.
    • Diagnosis,edit,enable/disable snapshots user actions are disabled.
    • Retention period for the collected snapshots is still applicable. For example , all snapshots older than the retention period are deleted.
    • AWR data collected in the Warehouse are not purged, and AWR reports can be generated from the data.

To delete a baseline:

  1. Access the AWR Baselines page, as explained in "Creating a Single Baseline".
  2. Select a baseline and click Delete.

    The Confirmation page appears.

  3. Select whether to purge the underlying data associated with the baseline.

    The underlying data includes the individual snapshots preserved in the baseline and any statistics that are computed for the baseline. Do one of the following:

    • To delete the underlying data, select Purge the underlying data associated with the baseline.

    • To preserve the underlying data, select Do not purge the underlying data associated with the baseline.

  4. Click Yes.

    The AWR Baselines page reappears. A message informs you that the baseline was deleted successfully.