Monitoring Session Attributes

The Average Active Sessions by drop-down contains a Sessions Attributes fly-out with the following common views:

  • Consumer Group
  • Module
  • Action
  • Client
  • Client Host Name
  • Client Host Port
  • Transaction ID
  • Execution Context ID
  • Database Operation

A client can be a web browser or any client process that initiates a request for the database to perform an operation. If a single client is using the majority of the wait time, then you should investigate it.

Modules represent the applications that set the service name as part of the workload definition. For example, the DBMS_SCHEDULER module may assign jobs that run within the SYS$BACKGROUND service. If a single module is using the majority of the wait time, then it should be investigated.

To monitor session attributes:

  1. Access the Performance Hub page, as explained in "Monitoring User Activity".

  2. Click on the drop-down in Average Active Sessions by, mouse onto Sessions Attributes, and select the desired view from the fly-out.

    • Consumer Group
    • Module
    • Action
    • Client
    • Client Host Name
    • Client Host Port
    • Transaction ID
    • Execution Context ID
    • Database Operation

    Graphs, tables, and information on the page are updated to reflect the selected criteria.