Other Changes

The following are additional changes in the release:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

    In previous releases of Oracle Database, you used Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) to manage database performance tuning from a graphical user interface. In this release, you can use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) graphical user interface. Cloud Control provides more functionality than Database Control. The procedures in this guide use Cloud Control.

    You must install Cloud Control separately from Oracle Database.

  • ASH Analytics page

    Cloud Control has the ASH Analytics page, which graphically displays recent Active Session History information.

    See "Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity" for more information.

  • Real-Time ADDM

    Cloud Control has the Real-Time ADDM page, from which you can run automatic database diagnostic monitoring in real time to diagnose problems with a slow or hung database.

    See "Diagnosing Serious Performance Problems in Real Time" for more information.