12 Troubleshooting XStream In

You can diagnose and correct problems with an XStream In configuration.

Diagnosing Problems with XStream In

You can diagnose problems with XStream In by using several different techniques.

Viewing Alerts

An alert is a warning about a potential problem or an indication that a critical threshold has been crossed.

There are two types of alerts:

  • Stateless: Alerts that indicate single events that are not necessarily tied to the system state. For example, an alert that indicates that a capture aborted with a specific error is a stateless alert.

  • Stateful: Alerts that are associated with a specific system state. Stateful alerts are usually based on a numeric value, with thresholds defined at warning and critical levels. For example, an alert on the current Streams pool memory usage percentage, with the warning level at 85% and the critical level at 95%, is a stateful alert.

An Oracle database generates a stateless alert when an inbound server aborts.

An Oracle database generates a stateful XStream alert when the Streams pool memory usage exceeds the percentage specified by the STREAMS_POOL_USED_PCT metric. You can manage this metric with the SET_THRESHOLD procedure in the DBMS_SERVER_ALERT package.

You can view alerts in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, or you can query the following data dictionary views:

  • The DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS view records current stateful alerts. The DBA_ALERT_HISTORY view records stateless alerts and stateful alerts that have been cleared. For example, if the memory usage in the Streams pool exceeds the specified threshold, then a stateful alert is recorded in the DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS view.

  • The DBA_ALERT_HISTORY data dictionary view shows alerts that have been cleared from the DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS view. For example, if the memory usage in the Streams pool falls below the specified threshold, then the alert recorded in the DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS view is cleared and moved to the DBA_ALERT_HISTORY view.

For example, to list the current stateful alerts, run the following query on the DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS view:


To list the stateless alerts and cleared XStream stateful alerts, run the following query on the DBA_ALERT_HISTORY view:


See Also:

Checking the Trace File and Alert Log for Problems

Messages about inbound server are recorded in trace files for the database in which the process is running.

These trace file messages can help you to identify and resolve problems in an XStream In configuration.

All trace files for background processes are written to the Automatic Diagnostic Repository. The names of trace files are operating system specific, but each file usually includes the name of the process writing the file.

For example, on some operating systems, the trace file name for a process is sid_xxxx_iiiii.trc, where:

  • sid is the system identifier for the database

  • xxxx is the name of the process

  • iiiii is the operating system process number

Also, you can set the write_alert_log parameter to y for both a capture process and an outbound server. When this parameter is set to y, which is the default setting, the alert log for the database contains messages about why the capture process or outbound server stopped.

You can control the information in the trace files by setting the trace_level inbound server apply parameter using the SET_PARAMETER procedure in the DBMS_XSTREAM_ADM package.

An inbound server is an Oracle background process named APnn, where nn can include letters and numbers. For example, on some operating systems, if the system identifier for a database running an inbound server is hqdb and the inbound server number is 01, then the trace file for the inbound server starts with hqdb_AP01.

An inbound server also uses other processes. Information about an inbound server might be recorded in the trace file for one or more of these processes. The process name of the reader server and apply servers is ASnn, where nn can include letters and numbers. So, on some operating systems, if the system identifier for a database running an inbound server is hqdb and the process number is 01, then the trace file that contains information about a process used by an inbound server starts with hqdb_AS01.

See Also:

Problems and Solutions for XStream In

You can implement solutions for common problems with XStream In.

In general, you can troubleshoot XStream inbound servers in the same way that you troubleshoot Oracle Apply processes.

XStream In Cannot Identify an Inbound Server

When an XStream In configuration cannot identify an inbound server, then there might be multiple subscribers to the inbound server’s queue.

If an XStream In configuration cannot identify an inbound server, then an error is returned.

The following sections describe the possible problem and its solution.

Problem: Multiple Subscribers to the Inbound Server's Queue

The ORA-26840 error indicates that there are multiple subscribers to the queue used by the inbound server. Subscribers can include inbound servers, outbound servers, apply processes, and propagations.

To determine whether there are multiple subscribers to the inbound server's queue:

  1. Connect to the inbound server database as the XStream administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. Run the following query:


    You can add a WHERE clause to the query to limit the output to the inbound server's queue.


To correct the problem:

  • If the query returns multiple subscribers to the inbound server's queue, then reconfigure the subscribers so that the inbound server is the only subscriber.

Inbound Server Encounters an ORA-03135 Error

If the connection is broken between the inbound server and the XStream client application, restart the client application.

An inbound server encounters the following error:

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

Problem: Connection Broken Between the Inbound Server and the Client Application

The ORA-03135 error indicates that the connection between the inbound server and the XStream client application was broken.


To correct the problem:

  • Restart the XStream client application.

Changes Are Failing to Reach the Client Application in XStream In

In an XStream In configuration, database changes that should be streamed to apply handlers or to the XStream client application are not reaching the apply handler or client application.

The following sections describe possible problems and their solutions.

Problem: LCRs Blocked in the Stream

LCRs might be blocked after reaching the inbound server. For example, the inbound server might be encountering errors and moving transactions to the error queue, or there might be another problem.

You can track an LCR through a stream using one of the following methods:

  • Setting the message_tracking_frequency apply parameter to 1 or another relatively low value

    To disable LCR tracking when you use this method, set the message_tracking_frequency apply parameter to NULL or exit the session.

  • Running the SET_MESSAGE_TRACKING procedure in the DBMS_XSTREAM_ADM package

    To disable LCR tracking when you use this method, set the tracking_label parameter to NULL in the SET_MESSAGE_TRACKING procedure or exit the session.

After using one of these methods, use the V$XSTREAM_MESSAGE_TRACKING view to monitor the progress of LCRs through a stream. If you are using Oracle GoldenGate to process the LCR, then you can use the V$GOLDENGATE_MESSAGE_TRACKING view to monitor the progress of LCRs through Oracle GoldenGate components. By tracking an LCR through the stream, you can determine where the LCR is blocked.


To correct problem:

  • Take the appropriate action based on the reason that the LCR is blocked. For example, the following actions might correct the problem:

    • If an inbound server is encountering errors, then correct the problem that is causing the errors.

    • If an apply handler is not processing LCRs correctly, then correct the apply handler.

    • If an Oracle GoldenGate component is not processing LCRs correctly, then correct the Oracle GoldenGate component.

See Also:

How to Get More Help with XStream In

Oracle Support can provide more help with XStream In.

You can check My Oracle Support at http://support.oracle.com for more solutions to your problem.

You can visit http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html for more information about Oracle Support.