Changes in This Release for Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide

Changes in Oracle REST Data Services Release 19.2

The following are changes in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide Release 19.2.

New Features

The following features are new in this release:

Changes in Oracle REST Data Services Release 19.1

The following are changes in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide Release 19.1.

New Features

The following features are new in this release:

Other Changes

The following are the additional changes made in this release:

  • DBMS_SCHEDULER job, CLEAN_OLD_ORDS_SESSIONS has been deprecated and replaced by ORDS_HOUSEKEEPING_JOB which will perform the same action of deleting expired sessions that are older than one day.

    During upgrade, the CLEAN_OLD_ORDS_SESSIONS job will be replaced by ORDS_HOUSEKEEPING_JOB, if the old job already exists. Otherwise, the new job is created when the first schema is enabled.

Desupported Feature

The following feature is no longer supported by Oracle:

  • Glassfish is desupported and unavailable starting this release. Use of Oracle WebLogic, ORDS Standalone Mode or Apache Tomcat is recommended instead.

Changes in Oracle REST Data Services Release 18.4

The following are changes in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide Release 18.4.

New Features

The following feature is new in this release:

Changes in Oracle REST Data Services Release 18.3

The following are changes in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide Release 18.3.

New Features

The following features are new in this release:

Other Changes

The following are the additional changes made in this release:

  • Updated security.requestValidationFunction and security.maxEntries parameters.

    See Understanding Configurable Parameters.

  • The information about consolidated list of implicit parameters used in REST service handlers is provided in this release. See Implicit Parameters.

  • Starting with this release, the information about the following SQL*Plus statements are not available as they are restricted:

  • Starting with this release, following list of possible values for system_variable are not supported:




      See Set System Variables.

Changes in Oracle REST Data Services Release 18.2

The following are changes in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide Release 18.2.

New Features

The following feature is new in this release

Desupported Feature

The following feature is no longer supported by Oracle:
  • Oracle NoSQL Database feature is desupported and unavailable in this release

Other Changes

The following is an additional change in this release:

Changes in Oracle REST Data Services Release 18.1

The following are changes in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide Release 18.1.

New Features

The following feature is new in this release