Annotation Type Priority

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface Priority

    Annotates types with a priority value. The priority is split into two components:

    • ring()- A zero based numeric value where 0 is the highest priority ring, Integer.MAX_VALUE is the lowest priority ring.
    • value()- A zero based numeric value where Integer.MAX_VALUE is the highest priority value, 0 is the lowest priority value.

    The Priority value of a type is used to choose which type to use when multiples types provide (via the Provides annotation) the same service.



     class Foo {...}

    Redundant annotation, gives the type the default ring() and value() values. A log message should be produced at the WARNING level if a default Priority annotation is encountered as it likely indicates a coding error.

    Default Ring, different priority

     class Foo {...}
     class Bar {...}

    Type Bar will be chosen over type Foo because they belong to the same ring and Bar has a higher priority value than Foo.

    Different Ring, default priority

     class Foo {...}
     class Bar {...}

    Type Foo will be chosen over type Bar because Foo belongs to a higher priority ring than Bar.

    Different Ring, different priority

     class Foo {...}
     class Bar {...}

    Type Bar will be chosen over type Foo because Bar belongs to a higher priority ring than Foo.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      int ring
      Identifies the 'ring' that this priority is classified into.
      int value
      Orders types within a single ring() classification.
    • Element Detail

      • ring

        int ring
        Identifies the 'ring' that this priority is classified into. Ring 0 is the highest priority ring.
        A positive integer value representing the 'ring' that this Priority belongs to.
      • value

        int value
        Orders types within a single ring() classification. Priority Integer.MAX_VALUE is the highest priority
        A positive integer representing the position within this ring()