1 Introduction to Oracle REST Data Services
This chapter provides an overview of Oracle REST Data Services and its features.
- About Oracle REST Data Services
- Features of Oracle REST Data Services
This section lists the features of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS).
1.1 About Oracle REST Data Services
Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) is the HTTPS Web Gateway for your Oracle Database,
which includes features such as Oracle Database Actions, Oracle
APEX access, REST APIs for your data and databases, Oracle
Database API for MongoDB, and much more. Oracle REST Data
Services is a Java EE-based alternative for Oracle HTTP Server
and mod_plsql
. The Java EE implementation
offers increased functionality including a command-line based
configuration, enhanced security, file caching, and RESTful web
services. Oracle REST Data Services also provides increased
flexibility by supporting deployments using Oracle WebLogic
Server, Apache Tomcat, and a standalone mode.
The Oracle APEX architecture requires a web server to proxy requests between a web browser and the Oracle APEX engine. Oracle REST Data Services Meets the requirement but its use goes beyond that of Oracle APEX configurations. Oracle REST Data Services simplifies the deployment process because there is no Oracle home required, as connectivity is provided using an embedded JDBC driver.
Starting with release 23.2, ORDS provides a default landing page. The landing page displays the main tools and also lets you know whether a particular tool is enabled or disabled. If a tool is disabled, then you can click the help button (?) to navigate to the corresponding documentation and get help to install or enable the tool.
Parent topic: Introduction to Oracle REST Data Services
1.2 Features of Oracle REST Data Services
This section lists the features of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS).
Database Actions
Database Actions, is a web-based interface that provides development, data tools, administration, and monitoring features for Oracle Database. Additionally, ORDS is provided as a managed feature of the Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Services.
See Also:
Database Actions Home PageREST-Enabled SQL
REST-Enabled SQL is a REST API that allows for ad-hoc SQL and SQL Scripts to be executed. You can POST one or more SQL statements to the service. The service then runs the SQL statements against Oracle Database and returns the results and output to the client in a JSON format.
Database REST APIs
ORDS includes a collection of more than 500 REST APIs for performing operations such as monitoring and maintaining your Oracle Database, including PDB lifecycle management, performance, security, data dictionary, data pump.
See Also:
Enabling ORDS Database APIREST APIs
Provides the ability to define the REST APIs with SQL and PL/SQL. ORDS marshals SQL and PL/SQL types to and from JSON, auto-paginates the results of your SQL queries, supports GeoJSON for spatial, handles common database errors with appropriate HTTPS responses and much more. Users can also choose to REST enable tables, views, and stored procedures to take advantage of the AutoREST feature.
See Also:
Oracle REST Data Services is a Java EE-based alternative for Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql. An Oracle HTTP Server mod_plsql application can be migrated to ORDS by defining the new ORDS configuration files. The mod_plsql database resources such as before procedures, after procedures, request validation functions, owa_custom packages, document upload procedures and document tables require no change when you are migrating to ORDS. PL/SQL gateway enables you to access your APEX applications from an application server such as WebLogic or Tomcat.