Pypgx API

Public API for the PGX client.

class pypgx.api.AllPaths(graph, java_all_paths)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

The paths from one source vertex to all other vertices.


Destroy this object.


Get the path.


destination – The destination node


The path result to the destination node

class pypgx.api.Analyst(session, java_analyst)

Bases: object

The Analyst gives access to all built-in algorithms of PGX.

Unlike some of the other classes inside this package, the Analyst is not stateless. It creates session-bound transient data to hold the result of algorithms and keeps track of them.

adamic_adar_counting(graph, aa='adamic_adar')

Adamic-adar counting compares the amount of neighbors shared between vertices, this measure can be used with communities.

  • graph – Input graph

  • dc – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Vertex property holding the computed scores

approximate_vertex_betweenness_centrality(graph, seeds, bc='approx_betweenness')
  • graph – Input graph

  • seeds – The (unique) chosen nodes to be used to compute the approximated betweenness centrality coeficients

  • bc – Vertex property holding the betweenness centrality value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

center(graph, center=None)

Periphery/center gives an overview of the extreme distances and the corresponding vertices in a graph.

The center is comprised by the set of vertices with eccentricity equal to the radius of the graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • center – (Out argument) vertex set holding the vertices from the periphery or center of the graph

closeness_centrality(graph, cc='closeness')
  • graph – Input graph

  • cc – Vertex property holding the closeness centrality

communities_conductance_minimization(graph, max_iter=100, label='conductance_minimization')

Soman and Narang can find communities in a graph taking weighted edges into account.

  • graph – Input graph

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the communities found by the algorithm


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the communities found by the algorithm

communities_infomap(graph, rank, weight, tau=0.15, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, label='infomap')

Infomap can find high quality communities in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • rank – Vertex property holding the normalized PageRank value for each vertex

  • weight – Ridge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • tau – Damping factor

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • max_iter – Maximum iteration number

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the communities found by the algorithm

communities_label_propagation(graph, max_iter=100, label='label_propagation')

Label propagation can find communities in a graph relatively fast.

  • graph – Input graph

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the communities found by the algorithm


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the communities found by the algorithm

conductance(graph, partition, partition_idx)

Conductance assesses the quality of a partition in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • partition – Partition of the graph with the corresponding node collections

  • partition_idx – Number of the component to be used for computing its conductance

count_triangles(graph, sort_vertices_by_degree)

Triangle counting gives an overview of the amount of connections between vertices in neighborhoods.

  • graph – Input graph

  • sort_vertices_by_degree – Boolean flag for sorting the nodes by their degree as preprocessing step


The total number of triangles found

deepwalk_builder(min_word_frequency=1, batch_size=128, num_epochs=2, layer_size=200, learning_rate=0.025, min_learning_rate=0.0001, window_size=5, walk_length=5, walks_per_vertex=4, sample_rate=1e-05, negative_sample=10, validation_fraction=0.05, seed=None)

Build a Deepwalk model and return it.

  • min_word_frequency – Minimum word frequency to consider before pruning

  • batch_size – Batch size for training the model

  • num_epochs – Number of epochs to train the model

  • layer_size – Number of dimensions for the output vectors

  • learning_rate – Initial learning rate

  • min_learning_rate – Minimum learning rate

  • window_size – Window size to consider while training the model

  • walk_length – Length of the walks

  • walks_per_vertex – Number of walks to consider per vertex

  • sample_rate – Sample rate

  • negative_sample – Number of negative samples

  • validation_fraction – Fraction of training data on which to compute final loss

  • seed – Random seed for training the model


Built deepwalk model

degree_centrality(graph, dc='degree')
Measure the centrality of the vertices based on its degree, letting

you see how a vertex influences its neighborhood.

  • graph – Input graph

  • dc – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Vertex property holding the computed scores

diameter(graph, eccentricity='eccentricity')

Diameter/radius gives an overview of the distances in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • eccentricity – (Out argument) vertex property holding the eccentricity value for each vertex


Pair holding the diameter of the graph and a node property with eccentricity value for each node

eigenvector_centrality(graph, tol=0.001, max_iter=100, l2_norm=False, in_edges=False, ec='eigenvector')

Eigenvector centrality gets the centrality of the vertices in an intrincated way using neighbors, allowing to find well-connected vertices.

  • graph – Input graph

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • max_iter – Maximum iteration number

  • l2_norm – Boolean flag to determine whether the algorithm will use the l2 norm (Euclidean norm) or the l1 norm (absolute value) to normalize the centrality scores

  • in_edges – Boolean flag to determine whether the algorithm will use the incoming or the outgoing edges in the graph for the computations

  • ec – Vertex property holding the resulting score for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

fattest_path(graph, root, capacity, distance='fattest_path_distance', parent='fattest_path_parent', parent_edge='fattest_path_parent_edge')

Fattest path is a fast algorithm for finding a shortest path adding constraints for flowing related matters.

  • graph – Input graph

  • root – Fattest path is a fast algorithm for finding a shortest path adding constraints for flowing related matters

  • capacity – Edge property holding the capacity of each edge in the graph

  • distance – Vertex property holding the capacity value of the fattest path up to the current vertex

  • parent – Vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the fattest path

  • parent_edge – Vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path


AllPaths object holding the information of the possible fattest paths from the source node

filtered_bfs(graph, root, filter, navigator, init_with_inf=True, max_depth=2147483647, distance='distance', parent='parent')

Breadth-first search with an option to filter edges during the traversal of the graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • root – The source vertex from the graph for the path.

  • filter – GraphFilter object used to filter non desired nodes

  • navigator – Navigator expression to be evaluated on the vertices during the graph traversal

  • init_with_inf – Boolean flag to set the initial distance values of the vertices. If set to true, it will initialize the distances as INF, and -1 otherwise.

  • max_depth – Maximum depth limit for the BFS traversal

  • distance – Vertex property holding the hop distance for each reachable vertex in the graph

  • parent – Vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each reachable vertex in the path


Distance and parent vertex properties

filtered_dfs(graph, root, filter, navigator, init_with_inf=True, max_depth=2147483647, distance='distance', parent='parent')

Depth-first search with an option to filter edges during the traversal of the graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • root – The source vertex from the graph for the path

  • filter – GraphFilter object used to filter non desired nodes

  • navigator – Navigator expression to be evaluated on the vertices during the graph traversal

  • init_with_inf – Boolean flag to set the initial distance values of the vertices. If set to true, it will initialize the distances as INF, and -1 otherwise.

  • max_depth – Maximum search depth

  • distance – Vertex property holding the hop distance for each reachable vertex in the graph

  • parent – Vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each reachable vertex in the path


Distance and parent vertex properties

find_cycle(graph, src=None, vertex_seq=None, edge_seq=None)

Find cycle looks for any loop in the graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source vertex for the search

  • vertex_seq – (Out argument) vertex sequence holding the vertices in the cycle

  • edge_seq – (Out argument) edge sequence holding the edges in the cycle


PgxPath representing the cycle as path, if exists.


Return a ModelLoader that can be used for loading a DeepWalkModel.




Return a ModelLoader that can be used for loading a Pg2vecModel.




Return a ModelLoader that can be used for loading a SupervisedGraphWiseModel.




Return a ModelLoader that can be used for loading a UnsupervisedGraphWiseModel.



graphwise_conv_layer_config(num_sampled_neighbors=10, neighbor_weight_property_name=None, activation_fn='ReLU', weight_init_scheme='XAVIER_UNIFORM')

Build a GraphWise conv layer configuration and return it.

  • num_sampled_neighbors – Number of neighbors to sample

  • neighbor_weight_property_name – Neighbor weight property name.

  • activation_fn – Activation function. Supported functions: RELU, LEAKY_RELU, TANH, LINEAR. If this is the last layer, this setting will be ignored and replaced by the activation function of the loss function, e.g softmax or sigmoid.

  • weight_init_scheme – Initilization scheme for the weights in the layer. Supportes schemes: XAVIER, XAVIER_UNIFORM, ONES, ZEROS. Note that biases are always initialized with zeros.


Build GraphWiseConvLayerConfig

graphwise_pred_layer_config(hidden_dim=None, activation_fn='ReLU', weight_init_scheme='XAVIER_UNIFORM')

Build a GraphWise prediction layer configuration and return it.

  • hidden_dim – Hidden dimension. If this is the last layer, this setting will be ignored and replaced by the number of classes.

  • activation_fn – Activation function. Supported functions: RELU, LEAKY_RELU, TANH, LINEAR. If this is the last layer, this setting will be ignored and replaced by the activation function of the loss function, e.g softmax or sigmoid.

  • weight_init_scheme – Initilization scheme for the weights in the layer. Supportes schemes: XAVIER, XAVIER_UNIFORM, ONES, ZEROS. Note that biases are always initialized with zeros.


Build GraphWisePredictionLayerConfig

hits(graph, max_iter=100, auth='authorities', hubs='hubs')

Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) assigns ranking scores to the vertices, aimed to assess the quality of information and references in linked structures.

  • graph – Input graph

  • max_iter – Number of iterations that will be performed

  • auth – Vertex property holding the authority score for each vertex

  • hubs – Vertex property holding the hub score for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

in_degree_centrality(graph, dc='in_degree')
Measure the in-degree centrality of the vertices based on its degree, letting

you see how a vertex influences its neighborhood.

  • graph – Input graph

  • dc – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Vertex property holding the computed scores

in_degree_distribution(graph, dist_map=None)
  • graph – Input graph

  • dist_map – (Out argument) map holding a histogram of the vertex degrees in the graph


Map holding a histogram of the vertex degrees in the graph

k_core(graph, min_core=0, max_core=2147483647, kcore='kcore')

k-core decomposes a graph into layers revealing subgraphs with particular properties.

  • graph – Input graph

  • min_core – Minimum k-core value

  • max_core – Maximum k-core value

  • kcore – Vertex property holding the result value


Pair holding the maximum core found and a node property with the largest k-core value for each node.

load_deepwalk_model(path, key)

Load an encrypted DeepWalk model.

  • path – Path to model

  • key – The decryption key, or null if no encryption was used


Loaded model

load_pg2vec_model(path, key)

Load an encrypted pg2vec model.

  • path – Path to model

  • key – The decryption key, or null if no encryption was used


Loaded model

load_supervised_graphwise_model(path, key)

Load an encrypted SupervisedGraphWise model.

  • path – Path to model

  • key – The decryption key, or null if no encryption was used


Loaded model

load_unsupervised_graphwise_model(path, key)

Load an encrypted UnsupervisedGraphWise model.

  • path – Path to model

  • key – The decryption key, or null if no encryption was used


Loaded model

local_clustering_coefficient(graph, lcc='lcc')

LCC gives information about potential clustering options in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • lcc – Vertex property holding the lcc value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the lcc value for each vertex

matrix_factorization_gradient_descent(bipartite_graph, weight, learning_rate=0.001, change_per_step=1.0, lbd=0.15, max_iter=100, vector_length=10, features='features')
  • bipartite_graph – Input graph between 1 and 5, the result will become inaccurate.

  • learning_rate – Learning rate for the optimization process

  • change_per_step – Parameter used to modulate the learning rate during the optimization process

  • lbd – Penalization parameter to avoid over-fitting during optimization process

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • vector_length – Size of the feature vectors to be generated for the factorization

  • features – Vertex property holding the generated feature vectors for each vertex. This function accepts names and VertexProperty objects.


Matrix factorization model holding the feature vectors found by the algorithm

out_degree_centrality(graph, dc='out_degree')

Measure the out-degree centrality of the vertices based on its degree, letting you see how a vertex influences its neighborhood.

  • graph – Input graph

  • dc – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Vertex property holding the computed scores

out_degree_distribution(graph, dist_map=None)
  • graph – Input graph

  • dist_map – (Out argument) map holding a histogram of the vertex degrees in the graph


Map holding a histogram of the vertex degrees in the graph

pagerank(graph, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, norm=False, rank='pagerank')
  • graph – Input graph

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • norm – Determine whether the algorithm will take into account dangling vertices for the ranking scores.

  • rank – Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex, or name for a new property


Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex

pagerank_approximate(graph, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, rank='approx_pagerank')
  • graph – Input graph

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • rank – Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex

partition_conductance(graph, partition)

Partition conductance assesses the quality of many partitions in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • partition – Partition of the graph with the corresponding node collections

partition_modularity(graph, partition)

Modularity summarizes information about the quality of components in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • partition – Partition of the graph with the corresponding node collections


Scalar (double) to store the conductance value of the given cut

periphery(graph, periphery=None)

Periphery/center gives an overview of the extreme distances and the corresponding vertices in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • periphery – (Out argument) vertex set holding the vertices from the periphery or center of the graph


Vertex set holding the vertices from the periphery or center of the graph

personalized_pagerank(graph, v, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, norm=False, rank='personalized_pagerank')

Personalized PageRank for a vertex of interest.

Compares and spots out important vertices in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • v – The chosen vertex from the graph for personalization

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • norm – Boolean flag to determine whether the algorithm will take into account dangling vertices for the ranking scores.

  • rank – Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

personalized_salsa(bipartite_graph, v, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, rank='personalized_salsa')

Personalized SALSA for a vertex of interest.

Assesses the quality of information and references in linked structures.

  • bipartite_graph – Bipartite graph

  • v – The chosen vertex from the graph for personalization

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor to modulate the degree of personalization of the scores by the algorithm

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • rank – (Out argument) vertex property holding the normalized authority/hub ranking score for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

personalized_weighted_pagerank(graph, v, weight, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, norm=False, rank='personalized_weighted_pagerank')
  • graph – Input graph

  • v – The chosen vertex from the graph for personalization

  • weight – Edge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • norm – Boolean flag to determine whether the algorithm will take into account dangling vertices for the ranking scores

  • rank – Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex

pg2vec_builder(graphlet_id_property_name, vertex_property_names, min_word_frequency=1, batch_size=128, num_epochs=5, layer_size=200, learning_rate=0.04, min_learning_rate=0.0001, window_size=4, walk_length=8, walks_per_vertex=5, graphlet_size_property_name='graphletSize-Pg2vec', use_graphlet_size=True, validation_fraction=0.05, seed=None)

Build a pg2Vec model and return it.

  • graphlet_id_property_name – Property name of the graphlet-id in the input graph

  • vertex_property_names – Property names to consider for pg2vec model training

  • min_word_frequency – Minimum word frequency to consider before pruning

  • batch_size – Batch size for training the model

  • num_epochs – Number of epochs to train the model

  • layer_size – Number of dimensions for the output vectors

  • learning_rate – Initial learning rate

  • min_learning_rate – Minimum learning rate

  • window_size – Window size to consider while training the model

  • walk_length – Length of the walks

  • walks_per_vertex – Number of walks to consider per vertex

  • graphlet_size_property_name – Property name for graphlet size

  • use_graphlet_size – Whether to use or not the graphlet size

  • validation_fraction – Fraction of training data on which to compute final loss

  • seed – Seed


Build Pg2Vec Model

prim(graph, weight, mst='mst')

Prim reveals tree structures with shortest paths in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • weight – Edge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • mst – Edge property holding the edges belonging to the minimum spanning tree of the graph


Edge property holding the edges belonging to the minimum spanning tree of the graph (i.e. all the edges with in_mst=true)

radius(graph, eccentricity='eccentricity')

Radius gives an overview of the distances in a graph. it is computed as the minimum graph eccentricity.

  • graph – Input graph

  • eccentricity – (Out argument) vertex property holding the eccentricity value for each vertex


Pair holding the radius of the graph and a node property with eccentricity value for each node

reachability(graph, src, dst, max_hops, ignore_edge_direction)

Reachability is a fast way to check if two vertices are reachable from each other.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source vertex for the search

  • dst – Destination vertex for the search

  • max_hops – Maximum hop distance between the source and destination vertices

  • ignore_edge_direction – Boolean flag for ignoring the direction of the edges during the search


The number of hops between the vertices. It will return -1 if the vertices are not connected or are not reachable given the condition of the maximum hop distance allowed.

salsa(bipartite_graph, tol=0.001, max_iter=100, rank='salsa')

Stochastic Approach for Link-Structure Analysis (SALSA) computes ranking scores.

It assesses the quality of information and references in linked structures.

  • bipartite_graph – Bipartite graph

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • rank – Vertex property holding the value for each vertex in the graph


Vertex property holding the computed scores

scc_kosaraju(graph, label='scc_kosaraju')

Kosaraju finds strongly connected components in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the components found by the algorithm

scc_tarjan(graph, label='scc_tarjan')

Tarjan finds strongly connected components in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • label – Vertex property holding the degree centrality value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the components found by the algorithm

shortest_path_bellman_ford(graph, src, weight, distance='bellman_ford_distance', parent='bellman_ford_parent', parent_edge='bellman_ford_parent_edge')

Bellman-Ford finds multiple shortest paths at the same time.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • distance – (Out argument) vertex property holding the distance to the source vertex for each vertex in the graph

  • weight – Edge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path


AllPaths holding the information of the possible shortest paths from the source node

shortest_path_bellman_ford_reversed(graph, src, weight, distance='bellman_ford_distance', parent='bellman_ford_parent', parent_edge='bellman_ford_parent_edge')

Reversed Bellman-Ford finds multiple shortest paths at the same time.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • distance – (Out argument) vertex property holding the distance to the source vertex for each vertex in the graph

  • weight – Edge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path.

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path.


AllPaths holding the information of the possible shortest paths from the source node.

shortest_path_bidirectional_dijkstra(graph, src, dst, weight, parent='bidirectional_dijkstra_parent', parent_edge='bidirectional_dijkstra_parent_edge')

Bidirectional dijkstra is a fast algorithm for finding a shortest path in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • dst – Destination node

  • weight – Edge property holding the (positive) weight of each edge in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path


PgxPath holding the information of the shortest path, if it exists

shortest_path_dijkstra(graph, src, dst, weight, parent='dijkstra_parent', parent_edge='dijkstra_parent_edge')
  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • dst – Destination node

  • weight – Edge property holding the (positive) weight of each edge in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path


PgxPath holding the information of the shortest path, if it exists

shortest_path_filtered_bidirectional_dijkstra(graph, src, dst, weight, filter_expression, parent='bidirectional_dijkstra_parent', parent_edge='bidirectional_dijkstra_parent_edge')
  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • dst – Destination node

  • weight – Edge property holding the (positive) weight of each edge in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path

  • filter_expression – graphFilter object for filtering


PgxPath holding the information of the shortest path, if it exists

shortest_path_filtered_dijkstra(graph, src, dst, weight, filter_expression, parent='dijkstra_parent', parent_edge='dijkstra_parent_edge')
  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • dst – Destination node

  • weight – Edge property holding the (positive) weight of each edge in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path

  • filter_expression – GraphFilter object for filtering


PgxPath holding the information of the shortest path, if it exists

shortest_path_hop_distance(graph, src, distance='hop_dist_distance', parent='hop_dist_parent', parent_edge='hop_dist_edge')

Hop distance can give a relatively fast insight on the distances in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • distance – Out argument) vertex property holding the distance to the source vertex for each vertex in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path


AllPaths holding the information of the possible shortest paths from the source node

shortest_path_hop_distance_reversed(graph, src, distance='hop_dist_distance', parent='hop_dist_parent', parent_edge='hop_dist_edge')

Backwards hop distance can give a relatively fast insight on the distances in a graph.

  • graph – Input graph

  • src – Source node

  • distance – Out argument) vertex property holding the distance to the source vertex for each vertex in the graph

  • parent – (Out argument) vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the shortest path

  • parent_edge – (Out argument) vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path


AllPaths holding the information of the possible shortest paths from the source node

supervised_graphwise_builder(vertex_target_property_name, vertex_input_property_names=[], edge_input_property_names=[], loss_fn='SOFTMAX_CROSS_ENTROPY', pred_layer_config=None, conv_layer_config=None, batch_size=128, num_epochs=3, learning_rate=0.01, layer_size=128, class_weights=None, seed=None)

Build a SupervisedGraphWise model and return it.

  • vertex_target_property_name – Target property name

  • vertex_input_property_names – Vertices Input feature names

  • edge_input_property_names – Edges Input feature names

  • loss_fn – Loss function. Supported: SOFTMAX_CROSS_ENTROPY, SIGMOID_CROSS_ENTROPY

  • pred_layer_config – Prediction layer configuration as list of PredLayerConfig, or default if None

  • conv_layer_config – Conv layer configuration as list of ConvLayerConfig, or default if None

  • batch_size – Batch size for training the model

  • num_epochs – Number of epochs to train the model

  • learning_rate – Learning rate

  • layer_size – Number of dimensions for the output vectors

  • class_weights – Class weights to be used in the loss function. The loss for the corresponding class will be multiplied by the factor given in this map. If null, uniform class weights will be used.

  • seed – Seed


Build SupervisedGraphWise Model

topological_schedule(graph, vs, topo_sched='topo_sched')

Topological schedule gives an order of visit for the reachable vertices from the source.

  • graph – Input graph

  • vs – Set of vertices to be used as the starting points for the scheduling order

  • topo_sched – (Out argument) vertex property holding the scheduled order of each vertex


Vertex property holding the scheduled order of each vertex.

topological_sort(graph, topo_sort='topo_sort')

Topological sort gives an order of visit for vertices in directed acyclic graphs.

  • graph – Input graph

  • topo_sort – (Out argument) vertex property holding the topological order of each vertex

unsupervised_graphwise_builder(vertex_input_property_names=[], edge_input_property_names=[], loss_fn='SIGMOID_CROSS_ENTROPY', conv_layer_config=None, batch_size=128, num_epochs=3, learning_rate=0.001, layer_size=128, class_weights=None, seed=None)

Build a UnsupervisedGraphWise model and return it.

  • vertex_input_property_names – Vertieces Input feature names

  • edge_input_property_names – Edges Input feature names

  • loss_fn – Loss function. Supported: SIGMOID_CROSS_ENTROPY

  • dgi_layer_config – Dgi layer configuration as DgiLayerConfig object, or default if None

  • conv_layer_config – Conv layer configuration as list of ConvLayerConfig, or default if None

  • batch_size – Batch size for training the model

  • num_epochs – Number of epochs to train the model

  • learning_rate – Learning rate

  • layer_size – Number of dimensions for the output vectors

  • seed – Seed


Build UnsupervisedGraphWise Model

vertex_betweenness_centrality(graph, bc='betweenness')
  • graph – Input graph

  • bc – Vertex property holding the betweenness centrality value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

wcc(graph, label='wcc')

Identify weakly connected components.

This can be useful for clustering graph data.

  • graph – Input graph

  • label – Vertex property holding the value for each vertex in the graph. Can be a string or a VertexProperty object.


Partition holding the node collections corresponding to the components found by the algorithm.

weighted_closeness_centrality(graph, weight, cc='weighted_closeness')

Measure the centrality of the vertices based on weighted distances, allowing to find well-connected vertices.

  • graph – Input graph

  • weight – Edge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • cc – (Out argument) vertex property holding the closeness centrality value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed scores

weighted_pagerank(graph, weight, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, norm=False, rank='weighted_pagerank')
  • graph – Input graph

  • weight – Edge property holding the weight of each edge in the graph

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed

  • rank – Vertex property holding the PageRank value for each vertex


Vertex property holding the computed the peageRank value

whom_to_follow(graph, v, top_k=100, size_circle_of_trust=500, tol=0.001, damping=0.85, max_iter=100, salsa_tol=0.001, salsa_max_iter=100, hubs=None, auth=None)

Whom-to-follow (WTF) is a recommendation algorithm.

It returns two vertex sequences: one of similar users (hubs) and a second one with users to follow (auth).

  • graph – Input graph

  • v – The chosen vertex from the graph for personalization of the recommendations

  • top_k – The maximum number of recommendations that will be returned

  • size_circle_of_trust – The maximum size of the circle of trust

  • tol – Maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value.

  • damping – Damping factor for the Pagerank stage

  • max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed for the Pagerank stage

  • salsa_tol – Maximum tolerated error value for the SALSA stage

  • salsa_max_iter – Maximum number of iterations that will be performed for the SALSA stage

  • hubs – (Out argument) vertex sequence holding the top rated hub vertices (similar users) for the recommendations

  • auth – (Out argument) vertex sequence holding the top rated authority vertices (users to follow) for the recommendations


Vertex properties holding hubs and auth

class pypgx.api.BipartiteGraph(session, java_graph)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_graph.PgxGraph

A bipartite PgxGraph.


Get the ‘is Left’ vertex property of the graph.

class pypgx.api.CompiledProgram(session, java_program)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

A compiled Green-Marl program.

Constructor arguments: :param session: Pgx Session :param java_program: Java compiledProgram


Free resources on the server taken up by this Program.


Run the compiled program with the given parameters.

If the Green-Marl procedure of this compiled program looks like this: procedure pagerank(G: Graph, e double, max int, nodePorp){…}


argv – All the arguments required by specified procedure


Result of analysis as an AnalysisResult as a dict

class pypgx.api.EdgeCollection(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_collection.PgxCollection

A collection of edges.


Add one or multiple edges to the collection.


e – Edge or edge id. Can also be an iterable of edge/edge ids.


Add multiple vertices to the collection.


edges – Iterable of edges/edges ids


Check if the collection contains edge e.


e – PgxEdge object or id:




Remove one or multiple edges from the collection.


e – Edges or edges id. Can also be an iterable of edges/edges ids.


Remove multiple edges from the collection.


edges – Iterable of edges/edges ids

class pypgx.api.EdgeLabel(graph, java_labels)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_labels.PgxLabels


key – Key of the label value to get

class pypgx.api.EdgeSequence(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_collection.EdgeCollection

class pypgx.api.EdgeSet(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_collection.EdgeCollection

class pypgx.api.GraphBuilder(session, java_graph_builder, id_type)

Bases: object

add_edge(src, dst, edge_id=None)
  • src – Source vertexBuilder or id

  • dst – Destination VertexBuilder or ID

  • edge_id – the ID of the new edge


Add the vertex with the given id to the graph builder.

If the vertex doesn’t exist it is added, if it exists a builder for that vertex is returned Throws an UnsupportedOperationException if vertex ID generation strategy is set to IdGenerationStrategy.AUTO_GENERATED.


vertex – The ID of the new vertex


A vertexBuilder instance


name – The new name of the graph. If None, a name is generated.


PgxGraph object


Reset any change for the given edge.


edge – The id or the EdgeBuilder object to reset




Reset any change for the given vertex.


vertex – The id or the vertexBuilder object to reset



class pypgx.api.MatrixFactorizationModel(graph, java_mfm, features)

Bases: object

Object that holds the state for repeatedly returning estimated ratings.


Return estimated ratings for a specific vertex.


v – The vertex to get estimated ratings for.


The VertexProperty containing the estimated ratings.

class pypgx.api.Namespace(java_namespace)

Bases: object

Represents a namespace for objects (e.g. graphs, properties) in PGX

class pypgx.api.PgqlResultSet(graph, java_pgql_result_set)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

Result set of a pattern matching query.

Note: retrieving results from the server is not thread-safe.


Get row from result_set.


row – Row index

get_slice(start, stop, step=1)

Get slice from result_set.

  • start – Start index

  • stop – Stop index

  • step – Step size

print(file=None, num_results=1000, start=0)

Print the result set.

  • file – File to which results are printed (default is sys.stdout)

  • num_results – Number of results to be printed

  • start – Index of the first result to be printed


Copy the content of this result set into a new PgxFrames


a new PgxFrame containing the content of the result set


Convert to pandas DataFrame.

This method requires pandas and numpy.

class pypgx.api.Pgx(java_pgx_class)

Bases: object

Main entry point for PGX applications.

create_session(source=None, base_url=None)

Create and return a session.

  • source – The session source string. Default value is “pgx_python”.

  • base_url – The base URL in the format host [ : port][ /path] of the PGX server REST end-point. If base_url is None, the default will be used which points to embedded PGX instance.

get_instance(base_url=None, token=None)

Get a handle to a PGX instance.

  • base_url – The base URL in the format host [ : port][ /path] of the PGX server REST end-point. If base_url is None, the default will be used which points to embedded PGX instance.

  • token – The access token


Set the default base URL used by invocations of get_instance().

The new default URL affects sub-sequent calls of getInstance().


url – New URL

class pypgx.api.PgxCollection(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

Superclass for Pgx collections.


Clone and rename existing collection.


name – New name of the collection. If none, the old name is not changed.

property size

Get the number of elements in this collection.


Create a mutable copy of an existing collection.


name – New name of the collection. If none, the old name is not changed.

class pypgx.api.PgxEdge(graph, java_edge)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_entity.PgxEntity

property label

Return the edge label.

property vertices

Return the source and the destination vertex.

class pypgx.api.PgxEntity(graph, java_entity)

Bases: object

An abstraction of vertex and edge.


Get a property by name.


property_name – Property name

set_property(property_name, value)

Set an entity property.

  • property_name – Property name

  • value – New value

class pypgx.api.PgxFrame(java_pgx_frame)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager


Count number of elements in the frame.


Free resources on the server taken up by this frame.


Create a new PgxFrame with all the specified columns and vector columns flattened into multiple columns.


columns – Column names




Create a new PgxFrame with all nested columns and vector columns flattened into multiple columns.




Return a PgxFrameColumn.


name – Column name


Return a list containing the description of the different columns of the frames.

print(file=None, num_results=1000, start=0)

Print the frame.

  • file – File to which results are printed (default is sys.stdout)

  • num_results – Number of results to be printed

  • start – Index of the first result to be printed


Select multiple columns.


columns – Column names


New PgxFrame with the selected columns

store(path, file_format='csv', overwrite=True)

Store the frame in a file.

  • path – Path where to store the frame

  • file_format – Storage format

  • overwrite – Overwrite current file


Convert to pandas DataFrame.

This method requires pandas and numpy.


Create a new PgqlResultSet having the same content as this frame.




Get Pgx Frame storer



class pypgx.api.PgxFrameColumn(java_pgx_frame_column)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager


Free resources on the server taken up by this column.


Return a description of the column.

class pypgx.api.PgxGraph(session, java_graph)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

A reference to a graph on the server side.

Operations on instances of this class are executed on the server side onto the referenced graph. Note that a session can have multiple objects referencing the same graph: the result of any operation mutating the graph on any of those references will be visible on all of them.

bipartite_sub_graph_from_in_degree(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, name=None, is_left_name=None, in_place=False)

Create a bipartite version of this graph with all vertices of in-degree = 0 being the left set.

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • name – New graph name

  • is_left_name – Name of the boolean isLeft vertex property of the new graph. If None, a name will be generated.

  • in_place – Whether to create a new copy (False) or overwrite this graph (True)

bipartite_sub_graph_from_left_set(vset, vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, name=None, is_left_name=None)

Create a bipartite version of this graph with the given vertex set being the left set.

  • vset – Vertex set representing the left side

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • name – name of the new graph. If None, a name will be generated.

  • is_left_name – Name of the boolean isLeft vertex property of the new graph. If None, a name will be generated.

clone(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, name=None)

Return a copy of this graph.

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be cloned as well

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be cloned as well

  • name – Name of the new graph


Create a deep copy of the graph, and execute on it the pgql query.


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


A cloned PgxGraph with the pgql query executed

throws InterruptedException if the caller thread gets interrupted while waiting for


throws ExecutionException if any exception occurred during asynchronous execution.

The actual exception will be nested.


Destroy without waiting for completion.

combine_edge_properties_into_vector_property(properties, name=None)

Take a list of scalar edge properties of same type and create a new edge vector property by combining them.

The dimension of the vector property will be equals to the number of properties.

  • properties – List of scalar edge properties

  • name – Name for the vector property. If not null, vector property will be named. If that results in a name conflict, the returned future will complete exceptionally.

combine_vertex_properties_into_vector_property(properties, name=None)

Take a list of scalar vertex properties of same type and create a new vertex vector property by combining them.

The dimension of the vector property will be equals to the number of properties.

  • properties – List of scalar vertex properties

  • name – Name for the vector property. If not null, vector property will be named. If that results in a name conflict, the returned future will complete exceptionally.

property config

Get the GraphConfig object.

create_components(components, num_components)

Create a Partition object holding a collection of vertex sets, one for each component.

  • components – Vertex property mapping each vertex to its component ID. Note that only component IDs in the range of [0..numComponents-1] are allowed. The returned future will complete exceptionally with an IllegalArgumentException if an invalid component ID is encountered. Gaps are supported: certain IDs not being associated with any vertices will yield to empty components.

  • num_components – How many different components the components property contains


The Partition object

create_edge_property(data_type, name=None)

Create a session-bound edge property.

  • data_type – Type of the vector property to create

  • name – Name of vector property to be created


Create a new edge sequence.


name – Sequence name


Create a new edge set.


name – Edge set name

create_edge_vector_property(data_type, dim, name=None)

Create a session-bound vector property.

  • data_type – Type of the vector property to create

  • dim – Dimension of vector property to be created

  • name – Name of vector property to be created

create_map(key_type, val_type, name=None)

Create a session-bound map.

Possible types are: [‘integer’,’long’,’double’,’boolean’,’string’,’vertex’,’edge’, ‘local_date’,’time’,’timestamp’,’time_with_timezone’,’timestamp_with_timezone’]

  • key_type – Property type of the keys that are going to be stored inside the map

  • val_type – Property type of the values that are going to be stored inside the map

  • name – Map name

create_path(src, dst, cost, parent, parent_edge)
  • src – Source vertex of the path

  • dst – Destination vertex of the path

  • cost – Property holding the edge costs. If null, the resulting cost will equal the hop distance.

  • parent – Property holding the parent vertices for each vertex of the shortest path. For example, if the shortest path is A -> B -> C, then parent[C] -> B and parent[B] -> A.

  • parent_edge – Property holding the parent edges for each vertex of the shortest path


The PgxPath object

create_scalar(data_type, name=None)

Create a new Scalar.

  • data_type – Scalar type

  • name – Name of the scalar to be created

create_vector_scalar(data_type, name=None)

Create a new vertex property.

  • data_type – Property type

  • name – Name of the scalar to be created

create_vertex_property(data_type, name=None)

Create a new vertex property.

  • data_type – Property type

  • name – Name of the property to be created


Create a new vertex sequence.


name – Sequence name


Create a new vertex set.


name – Set name

create_vertex_vector_property(data_type, dim, name=None)

Create a session-bound vertex vector property.

  • data_type – Type of the vector property to create

  • dim – Dimension of vector property to be created

  • name – Name of vector property to be created


Destroy a specific edge property if it exists.


name – Property name


Destroy a specific vertex property if it exists.


name – Property name


(BETA) Blocking version of cloneAndExecutePgqlAsync(String).

Calls cloneAndExecutePgqlAsync(String) and waits for the returned PgxFuture to complete.

throws InterruptedException if the caller thread gets interrupted while waiting for completion.

throws ExecutionException if any exception occurred during asynchronous execution. The actual exception will be nested.


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


The query result set as PgqlResultSet object


Explain the execution plan of a pattern matching query.

Note: Different PGX versions may return different execution plans.


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


The query plan

filter(graph_filter, vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, name=None)

Create a subgraph of this graph.

To create the subgraph, a given filter expression is used to determine which parts of the graph will be part of the subgraph.

  • graph_filter – Object representing a filter expression that is applied to create the subgraph

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • name – Filtered graph name


Retrieve all currently allocated collections associated with the graph.


Get an edge with a specified id.


eid – edge id


Get the edge labels belonging to this graph.


Get the set of edge properties belonging to this graph.

This list might contain transient, private and published properties.


Get an edge property by name.


name – Property name

get_edges(filter_expr=None, name=None)

Create a new edge set containing vertices according to the given filter expression.

  • filter_expr – EdgeFilter object with the filter expression. If None all the vertices are returned.

  • name – the name of the collection to be created. If None, a name will be generated.


Get the Graph id.


A string representation of the id of this graph.


Get the GraphMetaData object.


A ‘GraphMetaData’ object of this graph.

get_or_create_edge_property(name, data_type=None, dim=0)

Get or create an edge property.

  • name – Property name

  • data_type – Property type

  • dim – Dimension of vector property to be created

get_or_create_edge_vector_property(data_type, dim, name=None)

Get or create a session-bound edge property.

  • data_type – Type of the vector property to create

  • dim – Dimension of vector property to be created

  • name – Name of vector property to be created

get_or_create_vertex_property(name, data_type=None, dim=0)

Get or create a vertex property.

  • name – Property name

  • data_type – Property type

  • dim – Dimension of vector property to be created

get_or_create_vertex_vector_property(data_type, dim, name=None)

Get or create a session-bound vertex vector property.

  • data_type – Type of the vector property to create

  • dim – Dimension of vector property to be created

  • name – Name of vector property to be created


Get a edge vertex from the graph.


Get a random vertex from the graph.


Get a vertex with a specified id.


vid – Vertex id


pgxVertex object


Get the vertex labels belonging to this graph.


Get the set of vertex properties belonging to this graph.

This list might contain transient, private and published properties.


Get a vertex property by name.


name – Property name

get_vertices(filter_expr=None, name=None)

Create a new vertex set containing vertices according to the given filter expression.

  • filter_expr – VertexFilter object with the filter expression if None all the vertices are returned

  • name – The name of the collection to be created. If None, a name will be generated.


Check if the edge with id vid is in the graph.


eid – Edge id


Return True if the graph has edge labels, False if not.


Check if the vertex with id vid is in the graph.


vid – vertex id


Return True if the graph has vertex labels, False if not.


Check whether a given graph is a bipartite graph.

A graph is considered a bipartite graph if all nodes can be divided in a ‘left’ and a ‘right’ side where edges only go from nodes on the ‘left’ side to nodes on the ‘right’ side.


is_left – Boolean vertex property that - if the method returns true - will contain for each node whether it is on the ‘left’ side of the bipartite graph. If the method returns False, the content is undefined.

property is_fresh

Check whether an in-memory representation of a graph is fresh.

property is_published

Check if this graph is published with snapshots.


Check if this graph is published with snapshots.


True if this graph is published, false otherwise

property pgx_instance

Get the server instance.


Select a random vertex from the graph.


The PgxVertex object


Prepare a PGQL query.


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


A prepared statement object

publish(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True)

Publish the graph so it can be shared between sessions.

This moves the graph name from the private into the public namespace.

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be published as well

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified by graph to be published as well


Publish the graph and all its snapshots so they can be shared between sessions.


Submit a pattern matching select only query.


query – Query string in PGQL


PgqlResultSet with the result


Rename this graph.


name – New name

simplify(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, keep_multi_edges=False, keep_self_edges=False, keep_trivial_vertices=False, in_place=False, name=None)

Create a simplified version of a graph.

Note that the returned graph and properties are transient and therefore session bound. They can be explicitly destroyed and get automatically freed once the session dies.

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • keep_multi_edges – Defines if multi-edges should be kept in the result

  • keep_self_edges – Defines if self-edges should be kept in the result

  • keep_trivial_vertices – Defines if isolated nodes should be kept in the result

  • in_place – If the operation should be done in place of if a new graph has to be created

  • name – New graph name

sort_by_degree(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, ascending=True, in_degree=True, in_place=False, name=None)

Create a sorted version of a graph and all its properties.

The returned graph is sorted such that the node numbering is ordered by the degree of the nodes. Note that the returned graph and properties are transient.

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • ascending – Sorting order

  • in_degree – If in_degree should be used for sorting. Otherwise use out degree.

  • in_place – If the sorting should be done in place or a new graph should be created

  • name – New graph name

sparsify(sparsification, vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, name=None)

Sparsify the given graph and returns a new graph with less edges.

  • sparsification – The sparsification coefficient. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0..

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • name – Filtered graph name

store(format, path, num_partitions=None, vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, overwrite=False)

Store graph in a file.

  • format – One of [‘pgb’, ‘edge_list’, ‘two_tables’, ‘adj_list’, ‘flat_file’, ‘graphml’, ‘pg’, ‘rdf’, ‘csv’]

  • path – Path to which graph will be stored

  • num_partitions – The number of partitions that should be created, when exporting to multiple files

  • vertex_properties – The collection of vertex properties to store together with the graph data. If not specified all the vertex properties are stored

  • edge_properties – The collection of edge properties to store together with the graph data. If not specified all the vertex properties are stored

  • overwrite – Overwrite if existing

transpose(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, edge_label_mapping=None, in_place=False, name=None)

Create a transpose of this graph.

A transpose of a directed graph is another directed graph on the same set of vertices with all of the edges reversed. If this graph contains an edge (u,v) then the return graph will contain an edge (v,u) and vice versa. If this graph is undirected (isDirected() returns false), this operation has no effect and will either return a copy or act as identity function depending on the mode parameter.

  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_label_mapping – Can be used to rename edge labels. For example, an edge (John,Mary) labeled “fatherOf” can be transformed to be labeled “hasFather” on the transpose graph’s edge (Mary,John) by passing in a dict like object {“fatherOf”:”hasFather”}.

  • in_place – If the transpose should be done in place or a new graph should be created

  • name – New graph name

undirect(vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, keep_multi_edges=True, keep_self_edges=True, keep_trivial_vertices=True, in_place=False, name=None)
  • vertex_properties – List of vertex properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • edge_properties – List of edge properties belonging to graph specified to be kept in the new graph

  • keep_multi_edges – Defines if multi-edges should be kept in the result

  • keep_self_edges – Defines if self-edges should be kept in the result

  • keep_trivial_vertices – Defines if isolated nodes should be kept in the result

  • in_place – If the operation should be done in place of if a new graph has to be created

  • name – New graph name

class pypgx.api.PgxLabels(graph, java_labels)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

class pypgx.api.PgxMap(graph, java_map)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

A map is a collection of key-value pairs.


key – Key of the entry


Return an entry set.


Get the entry with the specified key.


key – Key of the entry




Return a key set.

put(key, value)

Set the value for a key in the map specified by the given name.

Returns the old value for the given key or null if there was no entry for this key before.

  • key – Key of the entry

  • value – New value


Old value for the key or null if there was no entry before


Remove the entry specified by the given key from the map with the given name.

Returns true if the map did contain an entry with the given key, false otherwise.


key – Key of the entry


True if the map contained the key

property size

Map size.

class pypgx.api.PgxPartition(graph, java_partition, property)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager


Get a partition by index.


idx – The index. Must be between 0 and size() - 1.


The set of vertices representing the partition


Get the partition a particular vertex belongs to.


v – The vertex


The set of vertices representing the partition the given vertex belongs to


Get a partition by index.


v – The index. Must be between 0 and size() - 1.


The set of vertices representing the partition

class pypgx.api.PgxPath(graph, java_path)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

property edges

Return a list of edges in the path.

property path

Return path as a list of (vertex,edge) tuples.

property vertices

Return a list of vertices in the path.

class pypgx.api.PgxProperty(graph, java_prop)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager


name – New name


Free resources on the server taken up by this Property.


If this is a vector property, expands this property into a list of scalar properties of same type.

The first property will contain the first element of the vector, the second property the second element and so on.


Fill this property with a given value.


value – The value


Get the bottom k vertex/edge value pairs according to their value.


k – How many top values to retrieve, must be in the range between 0 and number of nodes/edges (inclusive)


Get the top k vertex/edge value pairs according to their value.


k – How many top values to retrieve, must be in the range between 0 and number of nodes/edges (inclusive)

property is_published

Check if this property is published.


Publish the property into a shared graph so it can be shared between sessions.


Rename this property.


name – New name

class pypgx.api.PgxSession(java_session)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

A PGX session represents an active user connected to a ServerInstance.

Every session gets a workspace assigned on the server, which can be used to read graph data, create transient data or custom algorithms for the sake of graph analysis. Once a session gets destroyed, all data in the session workspace is freed.

compile_program(path, overwrite=False)

Compile a Green-Marl program for parallel execution with all optimizations enabled.

  • path – Path to program

  • overwrite – If the procedure in the given code already exists, overwrite if true, throw an exception otherwise

compile_program_code(code, overwrite=False)

Compile a Green-Marl program.

  • code – The Green-Marl code to compile

  • overwrite – If the procedure in the given code already exists, overwrite if true, throw an exception otherwise


Create and return a new analyst.


An analyst object

create_graph_builder(id_type='integer', vertex_id_generation_strategy='user_ids', edge_id_generation_strategy='auto_generated')

Create a graph builder with integer vertex IDs.

  • id_type – The type of the vertex ID

  • vertex_id_generation_strategy – The vertices Id generation strategy to be used

  • edge_id_generation_strategy – The edges Id generation strategy to be used


Describe the graph contained in the file at the given path.


file_path – Graph file path


The configuration which can be used to load the graph


Describe the graph contained in the files at the given paths.


files_path – Paths to the files


The configuration which can be used to load the graph


Destroy this session object.


Explain the execution plan of a pattern matching query.

Note: Different PGX versions may return different execution plans.


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


The query plan


Get the set of available compiled program IDs.


Return a list of all available snapshots of the given input graph.


snapshot – A ‘PgxGraph’ object for which the available snapshots shall be retrieved


A list of ‘GraphMetaData’ objects, each corresponding to a snapshot of the input graph


Get a compiled program by ID.


id – The id of the compiled program

get_graph(name, namespace=None)

Find and return a graph with name name within the given namespace loaded inside PGX.

The search for the snapshot to return is done according to the following rules:

  • if namespace is private, than the search occurs on already referenced snapshots of the graph with name name and the most recent snapshot is returned

  • if namespace is public, then the search occurs on published graphs and the most recent snapshot of the published graph with name name is returned

  • if namespace is null, then the private namespace is searched first and, if no snapshot is found, the public namespace is then searched

Multiple calls of this method with the same parameters will return different PgxGraph objects referencing the same graph, with the server keeping track of how many references a session has to each graph.

Therefore, a graph is released within the server either if:

  • all the references are moved to another graph (e.g. via setSnapshot(PgxGraph, long))

  • the Destroyable.destroy() method is called on one reference: note that

this invalidates all references

  • name – The name of the graph

  • namespace – The namespace where to look up the graph


The graph with the given name


Return a collection of graph names accessible under the given namespace.


namespace – The namespace where to look up the graphs


Get the idle timeout of this session


the idle timeout in seconds


Get the identifier of the current session.


identifier of this session


The current pattern matching semantic. If the return value is None, the current session respects the pattern matching configuration of the engine.


Get a PGQL result set by ID.


id – The PGQL result set ID


The requested PGQL result set or None if no such result set exists for this session


Get the current session source


session source


Get the task timeout of this session


the task timeout in seconds


Prepare a pattern matching query with a ON-clause.

The ON-clause indicates the graph on which the query will be executed. The graph name in the ON-clause is evaluated with the same semantics as getGraph(String).


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


A prepared statement object


Submit a pattern matching query with a ON-clause.

The ON-clause indicates the graph on which the query will be executed. The graph name in the ON-clause is evaluated with the same semantics as PgxSession.getGraph(String).


pgql_query – Query string in PGQL


The query result set

throws InterruptedException if the caller thread gets interrupted while waiting for completion. throws ExecutionException if any exception occurred during asynchronous execution. The actual exception will be nested.


Create a new frame reader with which it is possible to parameterize the loading of the row frame.


A frame reader object with which it is possible to parameterize the loading

read_graph_as_of(config, meta_data=None, creation_timestamp=None, new_graph_name=None)

Read a graph and its properties of a specific version (metaData or creationTimestamp) into memory.

The creationTimestamp must be a valid version of the graph.

  • config – The graph config

  • meta_data – The metaData object returned by get_available_snapshots(GraphConfig) identifying the version

  • creation_timestamp – The creation timestamp (milliseconds since jan 1st 1970) identifying the version to be checked out

  • new_graph_name – How the graph should be named. If None, a name will be generated.


The PgxGraph object

read_graph_file(file_path, file_format=None, graph_name=None)
  • file_path – File path

  • file_format – File format of graph

  • graph_name – Name of graph

read_graph_files(file_paths, edge_file_paths=None, file_format=None, graph_name=None)

Load the graph contained in the files at the given paths.

  • file_paths – Paths to the vertex files

  • edge_file_paths – Path to the edge file

  • file_format – File format

  • graph_name – Loaded graph name

read_graph_with_properties(config, max_age=9223372036854775807, max_age_time_unit='days', block_if_full=False, update_if_not_fresh=True, graph_name=None)

Read a graph and its properties, specified in the graph config, into memory.

  • config – The graph config

  • max_age – If another snapshot of the given graph already exists, the age of the latest existing snapshot will be compared to the given maxAge. If the latest snapshot is in the given range, it will be returned, otherwise a new snapshot will be created.

  • max_age_time_unit – The time unit of the maxAge parameter

  • block_if_full – If true and a new snapshot needs to be created but no more snapshots are allowed by the server configuration, the returned future will not complete until space becomes available. Iterable full and this flage is false, the returned future will complete exceptionally instead.

  • update_if_not_fresh – If a newer data version exists in the backing data source (see PgxGraph.is_fresh()), this flag tells whether to read it and create another snapshot inside PGX. If the “snapshots_source” field of config is SnapshotsSource.REFRESH, the returned graph may have multiple snapshots, depending on whether previous reads with the same config occurred; otherwise, if the “snapshots_source” field is SnapshotsSource.CHANGE_SET, only the most recent snapshot (either pre-existing or freshly read) will be visible.

  • graph_name – How the graph should be named. If null, a name will be generated. If a graph with that name already exists, the returned future will complete exceptionally.

register_keystore(keystore_path, keystore_password)

Register a keystore.

  • keystore_path – The path to the keystore which shall be registered

  • keystore_password – The password of the provided keystore

property server_instance

Get the server instance.


The server instance


Set the pattern matching semantic of the session.


pattern_matching_semantic – Pattern matching semantic. If None is passed, the session respects the pattern matching semantic of the engine. Should be either ‘HOMOMORPHISM’ or ‘ISOMORPHISM’.

set_snapshot(graph, meta_data=None, creation_timestamp=None, force_delete_properties=False)

Set a graph to a specific snapshot.

You can use this method to jump back and forth in time between various snapshots of the same graph. If successful, the given graph will point to the requested snapshot after the returned future completes.

  • graph – Input graph

  • meta_data – A GraphMetaData object used to identify the snapshot

  • creation_timestamp – The metaData object returned by (GraphConfig) identifying the version to be checked out

  • force_delete_properties – Graphs with transient properties cannot be checked out to a different version. If this flag is set to true, the checked out graph will no longer contain any transient properties. If false, the returned future will complete exceptionally with an UnsupportedOperationException as its cause.

class pypgx.api.Scalar(graph, java_scalar)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_context_manager.PgxContextManager

A scalar value.


Free resources on the server taken up by this Scalar.


Get scalar value.


Set the scalar value.


value – Value to be assigned

class pypgx.api.ServerInstance(java_server_instance)

Bases: object

A PGX server instance.

create_session(source, idle_timeout=None, task_timeout=None, time_unit='milliseconds')
  • source – A descriptive string identifying the client

  • idle_timeout – If not null, tries to overwrite server default idle timeout

  • task_timeout – If not null, tries to overwrite server default task timeout

  • time_unit – Time unit of idleTimeout and taskTimeout (‘days’, ‘hours’, ‘microseconds’, ‘milliseconds’, ‘minutes’, ‘nanoseconds’, ‘seconds’)




Get the PGX config.


Dict containing current config


Server state as a dict


Get a session by ID.


session_id – Id of the session




Get the PGX extended version of this instance.


VersionInfo object


Kill a session.


session_id – Session id

class pypgx.api.VertexCollection(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_collection.PgxCollection

A collection of vertices.


Add one or multiple vertices to the collection.


v – Vertex or vertex id. Can also be an iterable of vertices/Vetrices ids


Add multiple vertices to the collection.


vertices – Iterable of vertices/Vetrices ids


Check if the collection contains vertex v.


v – PgxVertex object or id


Remove one or multiple vertices from the collection.


v – Vertex or vertex id. Can also be an iterable of vertices/Vetrices ids.


Remove multiple vertices from the collection.


vertices – Iterable of vertices/Vetrices ids

class pypgx.api.VertexLabels(graph, java_labels)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_labels.PgxLabels


key – Key of the label value to get

class pypgx.api.VertexProperty(graph, java_prop)

Bases: pypgx.api._property.PgxProperty


key – The key (vertex/edge) whose property to get

set(key, value)

Set a property value.

  • key – The key (vertex/edge) whose property to set

  • value – The property value

class pypgx.api.VertexSequence(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_collection.VertexCollection

class pypgx.api.VertexSet(graph, java_collection)

Bases: pypgx.api._pgx_collection.VertexCollection