Pypgx Common

Python PGX client.

class pypgx.EdgeFilter(filter_expr)

Bases: pypgx.common.graph_filter.GraphFilter

A class that wraps a filter expression supposed to be evaluated on each edge of the graph.

class pypgx.GraphFilter(java_filter)

Bases: object

An abstract class representing any GraphFilters.


Check if this GraphFilter object has an expression associated with it.


Intersect this filter with another graph-filter object.


other – the other graph-filter


a class representing the filter intersection.


Union this filter with another graph-filter object.


other – the other graph-filter


a class representing the filter union.

class pypgx.VertexFilter(filter_expr)

Bases: pypgx.common.graph_filter.GraphFilter

A class that wraps a filter expression supposed to be evaluated on each vertex of the graph.

pypgx.get_session(base_url=None, session_name=None, token=None, redirect_stdout=None, redirect_stderr=None)

Connect to a PGX server and return a PgxSession instance.

  • base_url – The URL of the running session. if None a session is created.

  • session_name – Session name. If None “python_pgx_client” is the default value.

  • token – The access token

pypgx.setloglevel(loggername: str = '', loglevel: str = 'DEBUG')

Set loglevel for PGX. :param loggername: Name of the PGX logger. If empty, ROOT logger’s level is updated. :param loglevel: Level specification - one of OFF / FATAL / ERROR / WARN / INFO / DEBUG / TRACE / ALL :return: None