4.2.9 Examples of Custom Authorization Rules

You can define custom authorization rules for developers.

Example 4-1 Allowing Developers to Publish Graphs

Sharing of graphs with other users should be done in Oracle Database where possible. Use GRANT statements on the database tables so that other users can create graphs from the tables. If the graph is in the Property Graph schema use the OPG_APIS.GRANT_ACCESS API to share the graph.

In the in-memory graph server you can use the following permissions to share a graph that is already in memory, with other users connected to the graph server.

Table 4-4 Allowed Permissions

Permission Actions Enabled by this Permission
  • READ the graph via the PGX API or in PGQL queries in PGX, create a subgraph, or clone the graph
  • Publish the graph or snapshot
  • Includes READ and EXPORT
  • Grant or revoke READ and EXPORT permissions on the graph
  • Export the graph to a file.
  • Includes READ permission.

The creator of the graph automatically gets the MANAGE permission granted on the graph. If you have the MANAGE permission, you can grant other roles or users READ or EXPORT permission on the graph. You cannot grant MANAGE on a graph. The following example of a user named userA shows how:

import oracle.pgx.api.*
import oracle.pgx.common.auth.*
PgxSession session = GraphServer.getInstance("<base-url>", "<userA>", "<password-of-userA").createSession("userA")
PgxGraph g = session.readGraphWithProperties("examples/sample-graph.json", "sample-graph")
g.grantPermission(new PgxRole("GRAPH_DEVELOPER"), PgxResourcePermission.READ)
Now other users with the GRAPH_DEVELOPER role can access this graph and have READ access on it, as shown in the following example of userB:
PgxSession session = GraphServer.getInstance("<base-url>", "<userB>", "<password-of-userB").createSession("userB")
PgxGraph g = session.getGraph("sample-graph")
g.queryPgql("select count(*) from match (v)").print().close()

Similarly, graphs can be shared with individual users instead of roles, as shown in the following example:

g.grantPermission(new PgxUser("OTHER_USER"), PgxResourcePermission.EXPORT)

where OTHER_USER is the user name of the user that will receive the EXPORT permission on graph g.

Example 4-2 Allowing Developers to Access Preloaded Graphs

To allow developers to access preloaded graphs (graphs loaded during graph server startup), grant the read permission on the preloaded graph in the pgx.conf file. For example:

"preload_graphs": [{
  "path": "/data/my-graph.json",
  "name": "global_graph"
"authorization": [{
  "pgx_role": "GRAPH_DEVELOPER",
  "pgx_permissions": [{
    "preloaded_graph": "global_graph"
    "grant": "read"

You can grant READ, EXPORT, or MANAGE permission.

Example 4-3 Allowing Developers Access to the Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) or the Local File System

To allow developers to read files from HDFS, you must first declare the HDFS directory and then map it to a read or write permission. For example:

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY pgx_file_location AS 'hdfs:/data/graphs'

Similarly, you can add another permission with GRANT WRITE to allow write access. Such a write access is required in order to export graphs.

Access to the local file system (where the graph server runs) can be granted the same way. The only difference is that location would be an absolute file path without the hdfs: prefix. For example:

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY pgx_file_location AS '/opt/oracle/graph/data'

Note that in addition to the preceding configuration, the operating system user that runs the graph server process must have the corresponding directory privileges to actually read or write into those directories.