Loading Datetime Data

You must first load a graph to work with datetime data. See Loading a Graph Into the Graph Server (PGX) for more information on graph loading.

The following example shows how to load a graph that has three vertices representing persons and zero edges.

Example 14-4 Loading Datetime Data

  1. Create an EDGE_LIST file persons.edge_list as shown:

    1*Judy,1989-01-15,1989-01-15 10:15-08:00
    2*Klara,2001-01-29,2001-01-29 21:30-08:00
    3*Pete,1995-08-01,1995-08-01 03:00-08:00
  2. Create a corresponding graph configuration file persons.edge_list.json as shown:

                "format":["yyyy-MM-dd H[H]:m[m][:s[s]][XXX]"]
  3. You can now load the data as shown in the following code:

    Loading the graph data Using JShell
    opg4j> var graph = session.readGraphWithProperties("persons.edge_list.json", "people_graph")
    Loading the graph data Using Java
    import oracle.pgx.api.*;
    PgxGraph graph = session.readGraphWithProperties("persons.edge_list.json","people_graph");
    Loading the graph data Using Python
    graph = session.read_graph_with_properties("persons.edge_list.json",graph_name="people_graph")