14.2.2 Using Datetime Data Types

This section explains in detail working of datetime data types such as date, time and timestamp.

Overview of Datetime Data Types in In-Memory Graph Server (PGX)

Table 14-3 presents the overview of the five datetime data types supported by PGX along with example values.


PGX also supports custom format specification when loading data into PGX.

Table 14-3 Overview of Datetime Data Types in PGX

Data Type Loading and Storing PGX Java API PGQL and Filter Expression Example Value-1 Example Value-1
date local_date LocalDate DATE 2001-01-29 2018-10-08
time time LocalTime TIME 10:15 10:30:01.000
timestamp timestamp LocalDateTime TIMESTAMP 2001-01-29 10:15 2018-10-08 10:30:01.000
time with time zone time_with_timezone OffsetTime TIME WITH TIME ZONE 10:15+01:00 10:30:01.000-08:00
timestamp with time zone timestamp_with_timezone OffsetDateTime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 2001-01-29 10:15+01:00 2018-10-08 10:30:01.000-08:00