PGQL Features Supported in Property Graph Views

The following PGQL features are supported in property graph views:

  • Recursive queries are supported for the following variable-length path finding goals:
    • Reachability
    • ANY
  • Recursive queries are supported for the following horizontal aggregations:
      SELECT LISTAGG(src.first_name || ' ' || src.last_name, ',')
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) ((src)-[e:knows]->)* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • SUM
      SELECT SUM(e.weight + 3)
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) -[e:knows]->* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • COUNT
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) -[e:knows]->* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • AVG
      SELECT AVG(dst.age)
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) (-[e:knows]->(dst))* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • MIN (Only for property value or CAST expressions)
      SELECT MIN(CAST(dst.age + 5 AS INTEGER))
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) (-[e:knows]->(dst))* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
    • MAX (Only for property value or CAST expressions)
      SELECT MAX(dst.birthday)
      FROM MATCH TOP 2 SHORTEST ( (n:Person) (-[e:knows]->(dst))* (m:Person) )
      WHERE n.id = 1234
  • The following quantifiers are supported in recursive queries:

    Table 6-7 Supported Quantifiers in PGQL SELECT Queries

    Syntax Description
    * zero or more
    + one or more
    ? zero or one
    {n} exactly n
    {n,} n or more
    {n,m} between n and m (inclusive)
    {,m} between zero and m (inclusive)
  • Data type casting with precision and scale is supported:
    SELECT CAST(v.id AS VARCHAR2(10)) || '→' || CAST(w.id AS VARCHAR2(10)) AS friendOf
    FROM MATCH (v) -[:friendOf]->(w)
    SELECT CAST(e.mval AS NUMBER(5,2)) AS mval
    FROM MATCH () -[e:knows]->()
    WHERE e.mval = '342.5'
  • Both built-in Oracle Database functions and user defined functions (UDFs) are supported.

    For example:

    • Assuming a table has a JSON column with values such as, {"name":"John", "age": 43}:
      SELECT JSON_VALUE(p.attributes, '$.name') AS name
      FROM MATCH (p:Person)
      WHERE JSON_VALUE(p.attributes, '$.age') > 35
    • Assuming an Oracle Text index exists on a text column in a table:
      SELECT n.text
      FROM MATCH (n)
      WHERE CONTAINS(n.text, 'cat', 1) > 0
    • Assuming a UDF updated_id is registered with the graph server (PGX):
      SELECT my.updated_id(n.ID) FROM MATCH(n) LIMIT 10
  • Selecting all properties of vertices or edges is supported through SELECT v.* clause, where v is the variable whose properties are selected. The following example retrieves all the edge properties of a graph:
    SELECT label(e), e.* FROM MATCH (n)-[e]->(m) ON bank_graph_view LIMIT 3

    On execution, the preceding query retrieves all the properties that are bound to the variable e as shown:

    | TRANSFERS | 1000   | transfer    | 178          | 921        |
    | TRANSFERS | 1000   | transfer    | 178          | 462        |
    | TRANSFERS | 1000   | transfer    | 179          | 688        |

    A PREFIX can be specified to avoid duplicate column names in cases where you select all properties using multiple variables. For example:

    SELECT n.* PREFIX 'n_', e.* PREFIX 'e_', m.* PREFIX 'm_' 
    FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) -[e:transfers]-> (m:Accounts) 
    ON bank_graph_view LIMIT 3

    The query output is as follows:

    | n_ID | n_NAME  | e_AMOUNT | e_DESCRIPTION | e_FROM_ACCT_ID | e_TO_ACCT_ID | m_ID | m_NAME  |
    | 178  | Account | 1000     | transfer      | 178            | 921          | 921  | Account |
    | 178  | Account | 1000     | transfer      | 178            | 462          | 462  | Account |
    | 179  | Account | 1000     | transfer      | 179            | 688          | 688  | Account |

    Label expressions can be used such that only properties that belong to the specified vertex or edge labels are selected:

    SELECT LABEL(n), n.* FROM MATCH (n:Accounts) ON bank_graph_view LIMIT 3

    The preceding query output is as shown:

    | LABEL(n) | ID | NAME  |
    | ACCOUNTS | 1  | User1 |
    | ACCOUNTS | 2  | User2 |
    | ACCOUNTS | 3  | User3 |
The following are a few PGQL features which are not supported:
  • PGQL UPDATE queries are not supported for property graph views.
  • The following PGQL SELECT features are not supported:
    • Use of bind variables in path expressions.

      If you attempt to use a bind variable, it will result in an error as shown:

      opg4j> String s = "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST (a) -[e]->* (b) WHERE id(a) = ?";
      s ==> "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST (a) -[e]->* (b) WHERE id(a) = ?"
      opg4j> PgqlPreparedStatement ps = pgqlConn.prepareStatement(s);
      ps ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlExecution@7806db3f
      opg4j> ps.setString(1, "PERSON(3)");
      opg4j> ps.executeQuery();
      |  Exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Use of bind variables for path queries is not supported
    • Using subqueries.
    • in_degree and out_degree functions.
