5.4.5 Adding and Removing Attributes of a Property Graph Subgraph

Oracle Spatial and Graph supports updating attributes (key/value pairs) to a subgraph of vertices and/or edges by using a user-customized operation callback. An operation callback defines a set of conditions that a vertex (or an edge) must meet in order to update it (either add or remove the given attribute and value).

You can define your own attribute operations by implementing the VertexOpCallback and EdgeOpCallback API interfaces. You must override the needOp method, which defines the conditions to be satisfied by the vertices (or edges) to be included in the update operation, as well as the getAttributeKeyName and getAttributeKeyValue methods, which return the key name and value, respectively, to be used when updating the elements.

The following code fragment implements a VertexOpCallback that operates over the smithCollaborator attribute associated only with Robert Smith collaborators. The value of this property is specified based on the role of the collaborators.

private static class CollaboratorsVertexOpCallback 
implements VertexOpCallback
private OracleVertexBase m_smith;
private List<Vertex> m_smithCollaborators;

public CollaboratorsVertexOpCallback(OraclePropertyGraph opg)
// Get a list of Robert Smith'sCollaborators
m_smith = (OracleVertexBase) opg.getVertices("name", 
 "Robert Smith")

Iterable<Vertex> iter = m_smith.getVertices(Direction.BOTH, 
m_smithCollaborators = OraclePropertyGraphUtils.listify(iter);

public static CollaboratorsVertexOpCallback 
getInstance(OraclePropertyGraph opg)
return new CollaboratorsVertexOpCallback(opg);

 * Add attribute if and only if the vertex is a collaborator of Robert 
 * Smith
public boolean needOp(OracleVertexBase v)
return m_smithCollaborators != null && 

public String getAttributeKeyName(OracleVertexBase v)
return "smithCollaborator";

 * Define the property's value based on the vertex role
public Object getAttributeKeyValue(OracleVertexBase v)
String role = v.getProperty("role");
role = role.toLowerCase();
if (role.contains("political")) {
return "political";
else if (role.contains("actor") || role.contains("singer") ||
 role.contains("actress") || role.contains("writer") ||
 role.contains("producer") || role.contains("director")) {
return "arts";
else if (role.contains("player")) {
return "sports";
else if (role.contains("journalist")) {
return "journalism";
else if (role.contains("business") || role.contains("economist")) {
return "business";
else if (role.contains("philanthropist")) {
return "philanthropy";
return " ";

The following code fragment implements an EdgeOpCallback that operates over the smithFeud attribute associated only with Robert Smith feuds. The value of this property is specified based on the role of the collaborators.

private static class FeudsEdgeOpCallback 
implements EdgeOpCallback
private OracleVertexBase m_smith;
private List<Edge> m_smithFeuds;

public FeudsEdgeOpCallback(OraclePropertyGraph opg)
// Get a list of Robert Smith's feuds
m_smith = (OracleVertexBase) opg.getVertices("name", 
 "Robert Smith")

Iterable<Vertex> iter = m_smith.getVertices(Direction.BOTH, 
m_smithFeuds = OraclePropertyGraphUtils.listify(iter);

public static FeudsEdgeOpCallback getInstance(OraclePropertyGraph opg)
return new FeudsEdgeOpCallback(opg);

 * Add attribute if and only if the edge is in the list of Robert Smith's 
 * feuds
public boolean needOp(OracleEdgeBase e)
return m_smithFeuds != null && m_smithFeuds.contains(e);

public String getAttributeKeyName(OracleEdgeBase e)
return "smithFeud";

 * Define the property's value based on the in/out vertex role
public Object getAttributeKeyValue(OracleEdgeBase e)
OracleVertexBase v = (OracleVertexBase) e.getVertex(Direction.IN);
if (m_smith.equals(v)) {
v = (OracleVertexBase) e.getVertex(Direction.OUT);
String role = v.getProperty("role");
role = role.toLowerCase();

if (role.contains("political")) {
return "political";
else if (role.contains("actor") || role.contains("singer") ||
 role.contains("actress") || role.contains("writer") ||
 role.contains("producer") || role.contains("director")) {
return "arts";
else if (role.contains("journalist")) {
return "journalism";
else if (role.contains("player")) {
return "sports";
else if (role.contains("business") || role.contains("economist")) {
return "business";
else if (role.contains("philanthropist")) {
return "philanthropy";
return " ";

Using the operations callbacks defined previously, the following code fragment loads a property graph, creates an instance of the operation callbacks, and later adds the attributes into the pertinent vertices and edges using the addAttributeToAllVertices and addAttributeToAllEdges methods in OraclePropertyGraph.

OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(
 args, szGraphName);

// Clear existing vertices/edges in the property graph 

String szOPVFile = "../../data/connections.opv";
String szOPEFile = "../../data/connections.ope";

// This object will handle parallel data loading
OraclePropertyGraphDataLoader opgdl = OraclePropertyGraphDataLoader.getInstance();
opgdl.loadData(opg, szOPVFile, szOPEFile, dop); 

// Create the vertex operation callback
CollaboratorsVertexOpCallback cvoc = CollaboratorsVertexOpCallback.getInstance(opg);

// Add attribute to all people collaborating with Smith based on their role
opg.addAttributeToAllVertices(cvoc, true /** Skip store to Cache */, dop);

// Look up for all collaborators of Smith
Iterable<Vertex> collaborators = opg.getVertices("smithCollaborator", "political");
System.out.println("Political collaborators of Robert Smith " + getVerticesAsString(collaborators));

collaborators = opg.getVertices("smithCollaborator", "business");
System.out.println("Business collaborators of Robert Smith " + 

// Add an attribute to all people having a feud with Robert Smith to set
// the type of relation they have
FeudsEdgeOpCallback feoc = FeudsEdgeOpCallback.getInstance(opg);
opg.addAttributeToAllEdges(feoc, true /** Skip store to Cache */, dop);

// Look up for all feuds of Smith
Iterable<Edge> feuds = opg.getEdges("smithFeud", "political");
System.out.println("\n\nPolitical feuds of Robert Smith " + getEdgesAsString(feuds));

feuds = opg.getEdges("smithFeud", "business");
System.out.println("Business feuds of Robert Smith " + 

The following code fragment defines an implementation of VertexOpCallback that can be used to remove vertices having value philanthropy for attribute smithCollaborator, then call the API removeAttributeFromAllVertices; It also defines an implementation of EdgeOpCallback that can be used to remove edges having value business for attribute smithFeud, then call the API removeAttributeFromAllEdges.

System.out.println("\n\nRemove 'smithCollaborator' property from all the" + 
 "philanthropy collaborators");
PhilanthropyCollaboratorsVertexOpCallback pvoc = PhilanthropyCollaboratorsVertexOpCallback.getInstance();


System.out.println("\n\nRemove 'smithFeud' property from all the" + "business feuds");
BusinessFeudsEdgeOpCallback beoc = BusinessFeudsEdgeOpCallback.getInstance();


 * Implementation of a EdgeOpCallback to remove the "smithCollaborators" 
 * property from all people collaborating with Robert Smith that have a 
 * philanthropy role
private static class PhilanthropyCollaboratorsVertexOpCallback implements VertexOpCallback
  public static PhilanthropyCollaboratorsVertexOpCallback getInstance()
     return new PhilanthropyCollaboratorsVertexOpCallback();
   * Remove attribute if and only if the property value for   
   * smithCollaborator is Philanthropy
  public boolean needOp(OracleVertexBase v)
    String type = v.getProperty("smithCollaborator");
    return type != null && type.equals("philanthropy");

  public String getAttributeKeyName(OracleVertexBase v)
    return "smithCollaborator";

   * Define the property's value. In this case can be empty
  public Object getAttributeKeyValue(OracleVertexBase v)
    return " ";

 * Implementation of a EdgeOpCallback to remove the "smithFeud" property
 * from all connections in a feud with Robert Smith that have a business role
private static class BusinessFeudsEdgeOpCallback implements EdgeOpCallback
  public static BusinessFeudsEdgeOpCallback getInstance()
    return new BusinessFeudsEdgeOpCallback();

   * Remove attribute if and only if the property value for smithFeud is       
   * business
  public boolean needOp(OracleEdgeBase e)
    String type = e.getProperty("smithFeud");
    return type != null && type.equals("business");

 public String getAttributeKeyName(OracleEdgeBase e)
   return "smithFeud";

  * Define the property's value. In this case can be empty
  public Object getAttributeKeyValue(OracleEdgeBase e)
    return " ";