5.4.6 Getting Property Graph Metadata

You can get graph metadata and statistics, such as all graph names in the database; for each graph, getting the minimum/maximum vertex ID, the minimum/maximum edge ID, vertex property names, edge property names, number of splits in graph vertex, and the edge table that supports parallel table scans.

The following code fragment gets the metadata and statistics of the existing property graphs stored in an Oracle database.

// Get all graph names in the database
List<String> graphNames = OraclePropertyGraphUtils.getGraphNames(dbArgs);

for (String graphName : graphNames) {
OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(args, 

System.err.println("\n Graph name: " + graphName);
System.err.println(" Total vertices: " + 
System.err.println(" Minimum Vertex ID: " + 
System.err.println(" Maximum Vertex ID: " + 

Set<String> propertyNamesV = new HashSet<String>();
opg.getVertexPropertyNames(dop, 0 /* timeout,0 no timeout */,

System.err.println(" Vertices property names: " + 

System.err.println("\n\n Total edges: " + opg.countEdges(dop));
System.err.println(" Minimum Edge ID: " + opg.getMinEdgeID(dop));
System.err.println(" Maximum Edge ID: " + opg.getMaxEdgeID(dop));

Set<String> propertyNamesE = new HashSet<String>();
opg.getEdgePropertyNames(dop, 0 /* timeout,0 no timeout */, 

System.err.println(" Edge property names: " +

System.err.println("\n\n Table Information: ");
System.err.println("Vertex table number of splits: " + 
System.err.println("Edge table number of splits: " + 