5.5.1 Configuring a Text Index for Property Graph Data

The configuration of a text index is defined using an OracleIndexParameters object. This object includes information about the index such as search engine, location, number of directories (or shards), and degree of parallelism.

By default, text indexes are configured based on the OracleIndexParameters associated with the property graph using the method opg.setDefaultIndexParameters(indexParams). The initial creation of the automatic index delimits the configuration and text search engine for future indexed keys.

Indexes can also be created by specifying a different set of parameters. The following code fragment creates an automatic text index over an existing property graph using a Lucene engine with a physical directory.

// Create an OracleIndexParameters object to get Index configuration (search engine, etc).
OracleIndexParameters indexParams = OracleIndexParameters.buildFS(args)  
// Create auto indexing on above properties for all vertices
opg.createKeyIndex("name", Vertex.class, indexParams.getParameters());

Any index configuration operations cause updates to be made to the IT$ table, which is explained in Property Graph Tables (Detailed Information).