5.5 Managing Text Indexing for Property Graph Data

Indexes in Oracle Spatial and Graph property graph support allow fast retrieval of elements by a particular key/value or key/text pair. These indexes are created based on an element type (vertices or edges), a set of keys (and values), and an index type.

Oracle Spatial and Graph supports the use of the Oracle Text indexing technology, which is a feature of Oracle Database.

Two types of indexing structures are supported.

  • Automatic text indexes provide automatic indexing of vertices or edges by a set of property keys. Their main purpose is to enhance query performance on vertices and edges based on particular key/value pairs.

  • Manual text indexes enable you to define multiple indexes over a designated set of vertices and edges of a property graph. You must specify what graph elements go into the index.

Oracle Spatial and Graph provides APIs to create manual and automatic text indexes over property graphs stored in Oracle Database. Indexes are managed using Oracle Text, a proprietary search and analysis engine. The rest of this section focuses on how to create text indexes using the property graph capabilities of the Data Access Layer.