GraphChangeSet with Partitioned IDs

You can use the GraphChangeSet API with graph with partitioned IDs. Ensure to set both the vertex ID generation strategy as well as the edge ID generation strategy to IdGenerationStrategy.USER_IDS. Furthermore, make sure to set the vertex ID type to String. An edge ID type does not need to be specified.

You can add, update and remove vertices and edges as shown in the following examples:

GraphChangeSet<String> changeSet = g.createChangeSet(IdGenerationStrategy.USER_IDS, IdGenerationStrategy.USER_IDS);
changeSet.addEdge("Transfers(5002)", "Accounts(5)", "Accounts(6)").setProperty("AMOUNT", 12.50);
changeSet.updateEdge("Transfers(5)").setProperty("DESCRIPTION", 'Transfer from User');
PgxGraph g1 = changeSet.build();
change_set = graph.create_change_set(vertex_id_generation_strategy = 'user_ids', edge_id_generation_strategy = 'user_ids')
change_set.add_vertex("Accounts(1002)").set_property("NAME", "User1002")
change_set.update_vertex("Accounts(4)").set_property("NAME", "User4")
PgxGraph g1 = change_set.build()


You cannot use the setLabel() API when IDs are partitioned. The vertex or edge will be labelled automatically based on the label attached to the provider (for which the name is provided as part of the ID). Similarly, you cannot set the vertex or edge key properties through the setProperty() API as the value is already extracted from the vertex or edge ID.