Parallel Text Search Using Oracle Text

You can use parallel text query using Oracle Text by calling the method getPartitioned in OracleTextAutoIndex, specifying an array of connections to Oracle Text (Connection objects), the key/value pair to search, and the starting partition ID.

The following code fragment generates an automatic text index using Oracle Text and executes a parallel text query. The number of calls to the getPartitioned method in the OracleTextAutoIndex class is controlled by the total number of partitions in the VT$ (or GE$ tables) and the number of connections used.

OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(…);
String prefOwner = "scott";
String datastore = (String) null;
String filter = (String) null;
String storage = (String) null;
String wordlist = (String) null;
String stoplist = (String) null;
String lexer = "OPG_AUTO_LEXER";
String options = (String) null;

OracleIndexParameters params 
                  = OracleTextIndexParameters.buildOracleText(prefOwner,               


// Create auto indexing on all existing properties, use wildcard for all
opg.createKeyIndex(("*", Vertex.class); 

// Create the text query object for Oracle Text
OracleTextQueryObject otqo 
               = OracleTextQueryObject.getInstance("Smith" /* query body */, 
                                                   1 /* score */, 
                                                   ScoreRange.POSITIVE /* Score range */,   
                                                   Direction.ASC /* order by direction*/);

// Get the Connection object 
Connection[] conns = new Connection[dop];
for (int idx = 0; idx < conns.length; idx++) {
conns[idx] = opg.getOracle().clone().getConnection();

// Get the auto index object
OracleIndex<Vertex> index = ((OracleIndex<Vertex>) opg.getAutoIndex(Vertex.class);

// Iterate to cover all the partitions in the index
long lCount = 0;
for (int split = 0; split < index.getTotalShards(); 
 split += conns.length) {
  // Gets elements from split to split + conns.length
Iterable<Vertex>[] iterAr = index.getPartitioned(conns /* connections */, 
 "name"/* key */, 
 true /* wildcards */, 
 split /* start split ID */);

lCount = countFromIterables(iterAr); /* Consume iterables in parallel */

// Close the connections
for (int idx = 0; idx < conns.length; idx++) {

// Count results
System.out.println("Vertices found using parallel query: " + lCount);