1.1.2 About the Property Graph Feature of Oracle Database

The Property Graph feature delivers advanced graph query and analytics capabilities in Oracle Database.

This feature supports graph operations, indexing, queries, search, and in-memory analytics.

Graphs manage networks of linked data as vertices, edges, and properties of the vertices and edges. Graphs are commonly used to model, store, and analyze relationships found in social networks, cybersecurity, utilities and telecommunications, life sciences and clinical data, and knowledge networks.

Typical graph analyses encompass graph traversal, recommendations, finding communities and influencers, and pattern matching. Industries including telecommunications, life sciences and healthcare, security, media, and publishing can benefit from graphs.

The property graph features of Oracle Special and Graph support those use cases with the following capabilities:

  • A scalable graph database

  • Developer-based APIs based upon PGQL and Java graph APIs

  • Text search and query through integration with Oracle Text

  • A parallel, in-memory graph server (PGX) for running graph queries and graph analytics

    See Graph Server (PGX) for more information.

  • A fast, scalable suite of social network analysis functions that include ranking, centrality, recommender, community detection, and path finding

  • Parallel bulk load and export of property graph data in Oracle-defined flat files format

  • A powerful Graph Visualization (GraphViz) application

  • Notebook support through integration with Apache Zeppelin and Jupyter