14.10.4 Subgraph Filters

Edge Filters

An edge filter expression is evaluated for each edge in the graph. The edge filter has access to the source and destination vertex of each edge and all of its properties.

If the filter expression evaluates to true, the edge and both the source and destination vertex will appear in the subgraph.

Vertex Filters

A vertex filter expression is evaluated for every vertex in the graph.

Every vertex for which the filter expression evaluates to true will appear in the subgraph.

Every edge connecting two vertices for which the expression evaluates to true will also appear in the subgraph.

Result Set Filters

Result set edge and vertex filters allow the creation of edge and vertex sets out of a given PGQL result set.

Vertex and Edge Collection Filters

Vertex and edge collection filters allow the creation of edge and vertex filters out of a given vertex and edge collection.