7.3.5 Using URL Parameters to Control the Graph Visualization Application

You can provide the Graph Visualization application input data through URL parameters instead of using the form fields of the user interface.

If you supply the parameters in the URL, the Graph Visualization application automatically executes the specified query and hides the input form fields from the screen, so only the resulting visualization output is visible. This feature is useful if you want to embed the resulting graph visualization into an existing application, such as through an iframe. However, it is important to note that the application must run on the same domain as the graph visualization application.

The following table specifies the available URL parameters:

Table 7-1 Available URL Parameters

Parameter Name Value (must be URL encoded) Type Optional?
graph Graph name string No
parallelism Degree of parallelism desired number Yes (defaults to server-side default parallelism)
query PQL query string No

The following URL shows an example of visualizing the PGQL query SELECT v, e MATCH (v) -[e]-> () LIMIT 10 on graph myGraph with parallelism 4:
