7.3 Using the Graph Visualization Application

The principal points of entry for the Graph Visualization application are the query editor and the graph lists.

When you start the graph visualization application, the graph list will be populated with the graphs loaded in PGX. To run queries against a graph, select that graph. The query lets you write PGQL queries that can be visualized. (PGQL is the SQL-like query language supported by the Graph Visualization application.)


Graph Visualization application supports only PGQL SELECT queries. Modifying a graph using a PGQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query is not supported.

Once the query is ready and the desired graph is selected, click the Run icon to execute the query. The following figure shows a query visualization identifying all edges that are directed edges from any vertex in the graph to any other vertex.

When a query is successful, the graph visualization is displayed, including nodes and their connections. You can right-click a node or connection to display tooltip information, and you can drag the nodes around.