7.3.1 Graph Visualization Modes

The buttons on the right let you switch between two modes: Graph Manipulation and Zoom/Move.

  • Graph Manipulation mode lets you execute actions that modify the visualization. These actions include:
    • Drop removes selected vertices from visualization. Can also be executed from the tooltip.
    • Group selects multiple vertices and collapses them into a single one.
    • Ungroup selects a group of collapsed vertices and ungroups them.
    • Expand retrieves a configurable number of neighbors (hops) of selected vertices. Can also be executed from the tooltip.
    • Focus, like Expand, retrieves a configurable number of neighbors, but also drops all other vertices. Can also be executed from the tooltip.
    • Undo undoes the last action.
    • Redo redoes the last action.
    • Reset resets the visualization to the original state after the query.
  • Zoom/Move mode lets you zoom in and out, as well as to move to another part of the visualization. The Pan to Center button resets the zoom and returns the view to the original one.

An additional mode, called Sticky mode, lets you cancel the action of dragging the nodes around.