About Property Graph Support in SQL Developer

Starting from SQL Developer Release 22.2 onwards, property graph support is available in SQL Developer. Therefore, you can run PGQL queries on property graphs using SQL Developer.

You can access the Property Graph node in the Connections navigator to work with property graphs.

Figure 6-4 Property Graph Support in SQL Developer

Description of Figure 6-4 follows
Description of "Figure 6-4 Property Graph Support in SQL Developer"

Using SQL Developer, you can perform the following PGQL operations in the PGQL Worksheet:

  • Create a property graph view or a property graph object against the graph data in the database.
  • Apply a filter on the PG Views or PG Objects node to list graphs based on the specified filter criteria.
  • Execute a PGQL INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, or DELETE query against the graph.
  • Drop the property graph view or the property graph object.