23.2 Data Types and Collections in the Graph Server (PGX)

This guide provides you the list of the supported data types and collections in the graph server (PGX).

Primitive Data Types

The following section explains the primitive data types supported by the graph server (PGX) and their limitations.

PGX supports the following primitive data types.:

  • Numeric Types: integer, long, float, and double. These types have the same size, range and precision of the corresponding Java primitive data type.
  • Boolean Type: The boolean data type has only two possible values, true and false. As with Java and C++, its size is not precisely defined.
  • String: String is a primitive data type in PGX. PGX follows the Java conventions for String representation.
  • Datetime Types: date, time, timestamp, time with time zone, and timestamp with time zone. These types correspond to the Java types shown in Table 23-2 from the standard library package java.util.time.
  • Vertex and Edge: The type vertex or edge of the graph itself is a proper type in PGX.


  • vertex and edge is itself a valid primitive data type. For instance, in a path-finding algorithm, each vertex can have a temporary property predecessor that stores which incoming neighbor is the predecessor vertex in the path. Such a property would have the type vertex.
  • local_date must be used instead of date in the graph configuration file. See Using Datetime Data Types for more examples on usage of datetime data types.

All properties and scalar variables must be one of the above preceding data types. See Managing Transient Data for more information on handling transient properties and scalar variables.

The following table presents the overview of the supported data types, their integration in different languages and APIs and their minimum and maximum value limitations.


  • For float and double types, the smallest absolute value is included in the table, the minimum value is the negative of maximum value for these types.
  • For string values, PGX supports arbitrary long strings.

Table 23-2 Overview of Data types

Data Type Loading & Storing PGX Java API PGQL and Filter Expression Minimum Value Limitation Maximum Value Limitation
string string String STRING - -
int/integer int/integer int INT/INTEGER -2147483648 2147483647
long long long LONG -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775807
float float float FLOAT 1.4E-45 3.4028235e+38
double double double DOUBLE 4.9E-324 1.7976931348623157E308
boolean boolean boolean BOOLEAN - -
date local_date LocalDate DATE -5877641-06-23 5881580-07-11
time time LocalTime TIME 00:00:00.000 23:59:59.999
timestamp timestamp LocalDateTime TIMESTAMP -292275055-05-17 00:00:00.000 292278994-08-17 07:12:55.807
time with time zone time_with_timezone OffsetTime TIME WITH TIME ZONE 00:00:00.000+18:00 23:59:59.999-18:00
timestamp with time zone timestamp_with_timezone OffsetDateTime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE -292275055-05-17 00:00:00.000+18:00 292278994-08-17 07:12:55.807-18:00
vertex - PgxVertex - - -
edge - PgxEdge - - -


The graph server (PGX) supports three different collection types: sequence, set and order. All of these collections can contain values of the vertex type, but each has different semantics regarding uniqueness and preserving the order of its elements:

  • Sequence: a sequence works basically like a list. It preserves the order of the elements added to it, and the same element can appear multiple times.
  • Set: a set can contain the same value once at the most. Adding a value that is already in the set will have no effect. set does not preserve the order of the elements it contains.
  • Order: just like the set, the order collection will contain each element once at the most. But the order preserves the order of the elements inserted into it (that is, it is a FIFO data structure).

See Collection Data Types for examples on creation and usage of the different collections.

Immutable Collections

Some operations, like PgxGraph.getVertices() and PgxGraph.getEdges() return immutable collections. These collections behave like normal collections, but cannot be modified by operations like addAll or removeAll and clear.

An immutable collection can be transformed into a mutable collection by using the toMutable method, which returns a mutable copy of the collection. If toMutable is called on a collection that is already mutable, the method has the same result as the method clone.

To check if a collection is mutable, use the isMutable method.


PGX provides the following two kinds of maps:

  • Graph-bound maps can hold mappings between types in PropertyType. This is the kind of maps to use if the key or value types are graph-related like VERTEX and EDGE otherwise using session-bound maps is recommended.
  • Session-bound maps can map between non graph-related types and are directly bound to the session.

See Map Data Types for examples on creation and usage of maps.