Deploying the Graph Visualization Application to Apache Tomcat

The following are the steps to deploy the Graph Visualization application to Apache Tomcat.
  1. Download the Oracle Graph Webapps zip file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. This file contains ready-to-deploy Java web application archives (.war files). The file name will be similar to this: oracle-graph-webapps-<version>.zip.
  2. Configure Tomcat specific settings, like the correct use of TLS/encryption.
  3. Ensure that port 8080 is not already in use.
  4. Start Tomcat:

    The Graph Visualization application is now listening on localhost:8080/ui

  5. Navigate to the Graph Visualization Application using the URL, localhost:8080/ui in your browser.
    The Graph Visualization login page appears as shown in Figure 12-1.
  6. Enter your database credentials and configure the required PGQL driver.
  7. Click Submit.
    You are now signed into the Graph Visualization application.

    The title bar on the query visualization page displays the connection mode along with the relevant URL.