Downloading Oracle Graph Server and Client

You can download Oracle Graph Server and Client from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud or from Oracle Technology Network.

Table 12-2 summarizes all the files contained in the Oracle Graph Server and Client deployment.

<ver> denoted in the file name in the Table 12-2 reflects the downloaded Oracle Graph Server and Client version.

Table 12-2 Components in the Oracle Graph Server and Client Deployment

File Component Description
oracle-graph-<ver>.rpm Oracle Graph Server An rpm file to deploy Oracle Graph Server.
oracle-graph-client-<ver>.zip Oracle Graph Client A zip file containing Oracle Graph Client.
oracle-graph-hdfs-connector-<ver>.zip Oracle Graph HDFS Connector A zip file containing libraries to connect Oracle Graph Server with the Apache Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS).
oracle-graph-sqlcl-plugin-<ver>.zip Oracle Graph PGQL Plugin for SQLcl A plugin for SQLcl to run PGQL queries in SQLcl.
oracle-graph-webapps-<ver>.zip Oracle Graph Web Applications A zip file containing .war files for deploying graph servers in an application server.
oracle-graph-plsql-<ver>.zip Oracle Graph PL/SQL Patch A zip file containing PL/SQL packages. It is recommended to update the PL/SQL Graph packages in your database with these packages. Instructions are in the README file.
oracle-graph-visualization-library-<ver>.zip Oracle Graph Visualization Library A zip file containing a Java Script library for the Graph Visualization application.