A.12.6 Performance Considerations for PGQL Queries

Many factors affect the performance of PGQL queries in Oracle Database. The following are some recommended practices for query performance.

Query Optimizer Statistics

Good, up-to-date query optimizer statistics are critical for query performance. Ensure that you run OPG_APIS.ANALYZE_PG after any significant updates to your property graph data.

Parallel Query Execution

Use parallel query execution to take advantage of Oracle’s parallel SQL engine. Parallel execution often gives a significant speedup versus serial execution. Parallel execution is especially critical for path queries evaluated using the recursive WITH strategy.

See also the Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide for more information about parallel query execution.

Optimizer Dynamic Sampling

Due to the inherent flexibility of the graph data model, static information may not always produce optimal query plans. In such cases, dynamic sampling can be used by the query optimizer to sample data at run time for better query plans. The amount of data sampled is controlled by the dynamic sampling level used. Dynamic sampling levels range from 0 to 11. The best level to use depends on a particular dataset and workload, but levels of 2 (default), 6, or 11 often give good results.

See also Supplemental Dynamic Statistics in the Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide.

Bind Variables

Use bind variables for constants whenever possible. The use of bind variables gives a very large reduction in query compilation time, which dramatically increases throughput for query workloads with queries that differ only in the constant values used. In addition, queries with bind variables are less vulnerable to injection attacks.

Path Queries

Path queries in PGQL that use the + (plus sign) or * (asterisk) operator to search for arbitrary length paths require special consideration because of their high computational complexity. You should use parallel execution and use the DISTINCT option for Recursive WITH (USE_DIST_RW=T) for the best performance. Also, for large, highly connected graphs, it is a good idea to use MAX_PATH_LEN=n to limit the number of repetitions of the recursive step to a reasonable number. A good strategy can be to start with a small repetition limit, and iteratively increase the limit to find more and more results.