Deprecated Features

Review the deprecated features in Oracle Graph Server and Client.

  • Oracle JDK 8 Support

    Oracle Graph Server and Client Release 23.4 is the last release that is supported on Oracle JDK 8. All future releases will support JDK 11 or JDK 17.

  • Oracle Graph HDFS Connector

    Oracle Graph HDFS connector is deprecated.

  • PgxSession.getGraphs() function

    The PgxSession.getGraphs() method is deprecated. Instead, use getGraphs(Namespace namespace).

  • PyPGX
    • The following function signatures are deprecated for PgxGraph:
      • get_or_create_edge_property(name, data_type=None, dim=0)

        Instead, use get_or_create_edge_property(type, /, name).

      • get_or_create_edge_vector_property(data_type, dim, name=None)

        Instead, use get_or_create_edge_vector_property(type, dimension, /, name).

      • get_or_create_vertex_property(name, data_type=None, dim=0)

        Instead, use get_or_create_vertex_property(type, /, name).

      • get_or_create_vertex_vector_property(data_type, dim, name=None)

        Instead, use get_or_create_vertex_vector_property(type, dimension, /, name).

      Note the following changes that apply for the new signatures:

      • name is no longer optional
      • type is the first argument followed by dimension, and name is the final argument
      • data_type and dim are deprecated
    • DeepWalkModel.validation_fraction, Pg2vecModel.validation_fraction, and the validation_fraction argument of Analyst.pg2vec_builder() are deprecated.

      The loss is computed on all samples.

    • The following attributes on Operation are now deprecated: graph_id, operation_type, cost_estimate, total_cost_estimate, cardinality_estimate, pattern_info, and children. Instead, use the corresponding getter methods, such as get_graph_id(), get_operation_type(), and so on.
    • The pgx_version attribute in ServerInstance class is deprecated. Instead, use get_version().
    • The attribute pg_view_name in PartitionedGraphConfig is deprecated. Instead, use source_name and source_type (set to pg_view).
    • set_standarize in GraphWiseModelConfig is deprecated. Instead, use set_standardize.
    • The return value of PgqlResultSet.get_vertex_labels may or may not be a list.
  • PgxML
    • The methods setValidationFraction and getValidationFraction are deprecated for DeepWalk and Pg2vec, the loss is now computed on all samples.
    • GraphWiseModel.inferAndGetExplanation() is deprecated. Instead, use GraphWiseModel.gnnExplainer() to obtain a GnnExplainer object for the model and use GnnExplainer.inferAndExplain().
    • Pg2vecModelBuilder.setUseGraphletSize(java.lang.Boolean useGraphletSize) method in oracle.pgx.api.mllib API is deprecated. Instead, use the Pg2vecModelBuilder.setUseGraphletSize(boolean useGraphletSize) method.
    • SupervisedGraphWiseModelBuilder.setLossFunction(SupervisedGraphWiseModelConfig.LossFunction ...) is deprecated. Instead, use SupervisedGraphWiseModelBuilder.setLossFunction(LossFunction ...) function.
  • GraphServer#getInstance API

    The following GraphServer#getInstance APIs are deprecated:

    • GraphServer.getInstance(ClientConfig clientConfig, String username, char[] password, int refreshTimeBeforeTokenExpiry)
    • GraphServer.getInstance(String baseUrl, String username, char[] password, int refreshTimeBeforeTokenExpiry)
    • GraphServer.getInstance(String baseUrl, String kerberosTicketPath, int refreshTimeBeforeTokenExpiry)

    Instead, configure the refresh_time_before_token_expiry_seconds parameter in the pgx.conf file.

  • Methods deprecated for PgqlViewGraphExpander

    PgqlViewGraphExpander.schema(String) and PgqlViewGraphExpander.owner(String) are deprecated. Instead, use PgqlViewGraphExpander.fromPgView(String, String).

  • Graph Server (PGX) Configuration Fields

    The graph server configuration fields, server_cert and server_private_key are deprecated. Instead, use server_keystore.

  • Subgraph Loading

    Creating Subgraphs using filter expressions is deprecated. Instead, use Loading a Subgraph from a PGQL Property Graph.