Desupported Features

Review the desupported features in Oracle Graph Server and Client.

  • Creating a property graph in the Oracle database using the property graph schema objects is desupported. The related OPG_APIS and OPG_GRAPHOP PL/SQL packages for working with property graph schema objects are also desupported.

    Instead, you can create SQL Property Graphs or PGQL Property Graphs.

  • Desupported the edge pattern syntax --, -->, and <-- from PGQL 0.9 and PGQL 1.0.

    Instead, use -, -> and <- respectively.

  • The WHERE clause syntax WHERE n -> m in PGQL 0.9 is desupported.

    Instead, use WHERE (n) -> (m).

  • pypgx.api.FlashbackSynchronizer is desupported. Instead, use pypgx.api.Synchronizer.
  • The connection parameter in PgxGraph.create_synchronizer() is desupported. Instead, use jdbc_url, username, and password.

    Also, note that the synchronizer_class and invalid_change_policy parameters are now keyword-only parameters.

  • The following classes are desupported in pypgx package. Instead, use pypgx.api.filters subpackage to access these classes:
    • EdgeFilter
    • GraphFilter
    • VertexFilter
    • PathFindingFilter
  • Analyst.deepwalk_builder(): the parameter validation_fraction has been removed. The loss is computed on all samples.
  • set_standarize in GraphWiseModelConfig is desupported. Instead, use set_standardize.
  • The parameters redirect_stdout and redirect_stderr in pypgx.get_session() are desupported.
  • Apache HDFS on Cloudera CDH6 is desupported.
  • Groovy support for using the Java API in Apache Zeppelin client is desupported.
  • Oracle Linux 6 is desupported.
  • Apache HBase is desupported.
  • Support for mixed case string arguments in PyPGX for cases where there are a fixed, enumerated list of possible values (such as, ['linear', 'tanh', 'relu']) are desupported. Only lower case arguments are now supported.
  • The two-table format is desupported.
  • The following Java API classes are desupported:
  • The following Java API methods, objects and fields in oracle.pgx.api are no longer supported:

    Desupported Methods:

    • PgxCollection methods:
      • addAllAsync(Collection<E> source)
      • removeAllAsync(Collection<E> source)
      • addAll(ID...ids)
      • removeAll(ID...ids)
    • PgqlResultSet methods:
      • getResults(): instead, use PgqlResultSet to directly iterate the result set
      • destroy()
    • User-defined pattern matching semantic methods:
      • PgxGraph#queryPgql(String, PatternMatchingSemantic): instead, use PgxGraph#queryPgql(String)
      • PgxSession.setPatternMatchingSemantic(..)
    • GraphMetaData constructors and related methods:
      • GraphMetaData()
      • GraphMetaData(GraphMetaData other, baseUri)
      • GraphMetaData(IdType vertexIdType)
      • GraphMetaData.setVertexIdType()
      • GraphMetaData.setEdgeIdType()
    • PgxSession#getAvailableSnapshots(GraphConfig): instead, use PgxSession#getAvailableSnapshots(PgxGraph)
    • All Analyst#filteredBfs and Analyst#filteredDfs methods that accepts filter parameter: instead, use the navigator parameter

    Desupported Objects

    • PgqlResult(a result of resultSet.getResults().iterator().next(): instead, use PgxResult as returned from resultSet.iterator().next()

    Desupported Fields

    • pattern_matching_semantic configuration field
  • The Java API method AbstractGraphConfigBuilder#setNodeIdType in oracle.pgx.config is desupported. Instead, use AbstractGraphConfigBuilder#setVertexIdType().
  • The following PyPGX classes are desupported in pypgx.api package. Instead, use pypgx.api.frames subpackage to access these classes:

    • PgxCsvFrameReader
    • PgxCsvFrameStorer
    • PgxDbFrameReader
    • PgxDbFrameStorer
    • PgxFrame
    • PgxFrameBuilder
    • PgxFrameColumn
    • PgxGenericFrameReader
    • PgxGenericFrameStorer
    • PgxPgbFrameReader
    • PgxPgbFrameStorer
  • The following Python API packages are no longer supported:
    • common: This internal package is desupported. Few of the classes from this package are moved to the public package pypgx.api.
    • utils: This internal package is renamed to _utils.
  • Graph property text search based on Apache Solr/Lucene is desupported. Instead, use PGQL query expressions.
  • The PGX property type DATE is desupported. Instead, use LOCAL_DATE or TIMESTAMP.
  • Property Graph support for data stored in Oracle NoSQL Database is desupported.
  • Support for Gremlin Groovy shell is desupported.
  • Apache Tinkerpop API support for Oracle Database is desupported.
  • Support for the Apache Groovy-based shell was deprecated in 19c and is now desupported.
  • Support for Apache HBase and Apache HDFS on Cloudera CDH5 is desupported.