11.1 Using Sample Data for Graph Analysis

The rpm installation of the graph server provides you with sample graph data which can be used for graph analysis. You can access this sample graph data either in /opt/oracle/graph/data or <client_dir>/data directory.

The bank_graph folder contains data that represent the vertices and edges of a graph in bank_nodes.csv and bank_edges_amt.csv files respectively. You can import the graph data from these .csv files into the database. You can then create a graph for querying and analyses.

11.1.1 Importing Data from CSV Files

You can import data from CSV files into the database through Oracle SQL Developer or by using Oracle Database utilities (such as SQL*Loader or External Tables).

The following instructions enable you to load data into the database tables using Oracle SQL Loader.

As a prerequisite requirement, you must execute the following SQL statements to create the vertex (bank_accounts) and edge (bank_txns) tables in the database:
CREATE TABLE bank_accounts(id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(10));
CREATE TABLE bank_txns(from_acct_id NUMBER, to_acct_id NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(10), amount NUMBER);

You can then perform the following steps to load the data:

  1. Create a SQL*Loader control file to load the vertices from bank_nodes.csv as shown:
    load data
    infile '<path_to_bank_nodes.csv>'
    into table bank_accounts
    fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
    ( id, name )
  2. Invoke SQL*Loader from the command line to load the vertices in bank_accounts table, using the preceding configuration file as shown:
    sqlldr <dbuser>/<password> CONTROL=<path_to_vertex_loader.ctl>

    The bank_accounts table gets successfully loaded with 1000 rows.

  3. Create a SQL*Loader control file to load the edge from bank_edges_amt.csv as shown:
    load data
    infile '<path_to_bank_edges_amt.csv>'
    into table bank_txns
    fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
  4. Invoke SQL*Loader from the command line to load the edges in bank_txns table, using the preceding configuration file as shown:
    sqlldr <dbuser>/<password> CONTROL=<path_to_edge_loader.ctl>

    The bank_txns table gets successfully loaded with 4996 rows.

  5. Execute the following SQL statement to add the primary key constraint in the bank_accounts table:
    ALTER TABLE bank_accounts ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
  6. Execute the following SQL statements to add a primary key column to the bank_txns table, populate it with ROWNUM values and then define the primary key constraint:
    ALTER TABLE bank_txns ADD txn_id NUMBER;
    UPDATE bank_txns SET txn_id = ROWNUM;
    ALTER TABLE bank_txns ADD PRIMARY KEY (txn_id);
  7. Execute the following SQL statements to add the foreign key constraints to the bank_txns table:
    ALTER TABLE bank_txns MODIFY from_acct_id REFERENCES bank_accounts(id);
    ALTER TABLE bank_txns MODIFY to_acct_id REFERENCES bank_accounts(id);
The sample bank graph data is now available in the database tables.