Class AbstractPgGraphConfigBuilder<T extends AbstractPgGraphConfigBuilder<T,​GC>,​GC extends AbstractPgGraphConfig>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPgGraphConfigBuilder

        public AbstractPgGraphConfigBuilder()
        Instantiates a new AbstractPgGraphConfigBuilder builder.
    • Method Detail

      • copyFrom

        public T copyFrom​(GC graphConfig)
        Description copied from class: AbstractGraphConfigBuilder
        Sets this builder with all the values of the given graph config. If a format was already specified it will remain unchanged, however any other values copied from the given graph config will overwrite the corresponding values of this builder.
        copyFrom in class AbstractGraphConfigBuilder<T extends AbstractPgGraphConfigBuilder<T,​GC>,​GC extends AbstractPgGraphConfig>
        graphConfig - the graph configuration from which to copy the values
        this builder
      • setName

        public T setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the Property Graph (PG) name. See the graph configuration documentation for details about the effects and default of this flag
        name - the name
        this builder
      • setMaxNumConnections

        public T setMaxNumConnections​(int c)
        Sets the maximum number of connections. See the graph configuration documentation for details about the effects and default of this flag
        c - the number of connections
        this builder