Class RuntimeConfig

  • @Generated("")
    public class RuntimeConfig
    extends AbstractRuntimeConfig
    PGX Runtime Config
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static RuntimeConfig parse​( is,
                                          boolean strict,
                                          java.lang.String parentPath)
        Parses an input stream.
        is - the input stream
        strict - if true, parses in strict mode
        parentPath - if not null, resolves relative paths against this parentPath
        the parsed graph config
        Throws: - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
      • parse

        public static RuntimeConfig parse​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> raw,
                                          boolean strict,
                                          java.lang.String parentPath)
        Parses a raw key/value mapping.
        raw - the raw key/value mapping to parse
        strict - if true, parses in strict mode
        parentPath - if not null, resolves relative paths against this parentPath
        the parsed graph config
      • parse

        public static RuntimeConfig parse​(java.util.Properties props,
                                          boolean strict)
        Parses a properties file.
        props - the properties to parse
        strict - if true, parses in strict mode
        the parsed graph config
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if it's empty.
        true, if the Map 'values' is empty.
      • hasDefaultValue

        public boolean hasDefaultValue​(RuntimeConfig.Field field)
        Checks for default value.
        field - the field
        true, if value for given field is the default value
      • getLeftoverValues

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getLeftoverValues()
        Gets the values that do not belong to any field.
        the values that do not belong to any field
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean hideSensitiveData)
      • getNumSpinLocks

        public java.lang.Integer getNumSpinLocks()
        how many spin locks each generated app will create at instantiation. Trade-off: small number implies less memory consumption. Big number implies faster execution (if algorithm uses spin locks)
      • isExplicitSpinLocks

        public java.lang.Boolean isExplicitSpinLocks()
        true means spin explicitly in a loop until lock becomes available. false means using JDK locks which rely on the JVM to decide whether to context switch or spin. Our experiments showed that setting this value to true results in better performance.
      • getScheduler

        public SchedulerStrategy getScheduler()
        which scheduler to use.
        basic_scheduler = use scheduler with basic features.
        enterprise_scheduler = use scheduler with advanced, enterprise features for running multiple tasks concurrently and increased performance.
        low_latency_scheduler = use scheduler that privileges latency of tasks over throughput or fairness across multiple sessions. The low_latency_scheduler is only available in embedded mode
        Specified by:
        getScheduler in class AbstractRuntimeConfig
      • getTaskLength

        public java.lang.Integer getTaskLength()
        default task length (only relevant for task-stealing strategies). F/J pool documentation says this value should be between 100 and 10000. Trade-off: small number implies more fine-grained tasks are generated, higher stealing throughput. High number implies less memory consumption and GC activity
      • getSmallTaskLength

        public java.lang.Integer getSmallTaskLength()
        task length if total amount of work is small than default task length (only relevant for task-stealing strategies)
      • getMsBfsFrontierTypeStrategy

        public FrontierTypeStrategy getMsBfsFrontierTypeStrategy()
        the type strategy to use for MS-BFS frontiers
      • getBfsThresholdSingleThreaded

        public java.lang.Integer getBfsThresholdSingleThreaded()
        until what number of BFS traversal level items vertices are visited single-threaded
      • getBfsThresholdReadBased

        public java.lang.Integer getBfsThresholdReadBased()
        threshold of BFS traversal level items above which to switch to read-based visiting strategy
      • getBfsIterateQueTaskSize

        public java.lang.Integer getBfsIterateQueTaskSize()
        task size for BFS iterate QUE phase
      • getBfsThresholdParentReadBased

        public java.lang.Double getBfsThresholdParentReadBased()
        threshold of BFS traversal level items above which to switch to parent-read-based visiting strategy
      • getDfsThresholdLarge

        public java.lang.Integer getDfsThresholdLarge()
        value that determines at which number of visited vertices the DFS implementation will switch to data-structures that are more optimized for larger numbers of vertices.
      • getCniStopRecursionDefault

        public java.lang.Integer getCniStopRecursionDefault()
        default value used in the common neighbor iterator implementations, to indicate the minimum size where the binary search approach is applied.
      • getCniSmallDefault

        public java.lang.Integer getCniSmallDefault()
        default value used in the common neighbor iterator implementations, to indicate below which threshold a subarray is considered small.
      • getCniDiffFactorDefault

        public java.lang.Integer getCniDiffFactorDefault()
        default diff factor value used in the common neighbor iterator implementations.
      • getLargeArrayThreshold

        public java.lang.Integer getLargeArrayThreshold()
        threshold when the size of an array is too big to use a normal Java array. This depends on the used JVM. (defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE - 3)
      • getMaxOffHeapSize

        public java.lang.Integer getMaxOffHeapSize()
        maximum amount of off-heap memory PGX is allowed to allocate in megabytes, before an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown. Note: this limit is not guaranteed to never be exceeded because of rounding and synchronization trade-offs. It only serves as threshold when PGX starts to reject new memory allocation requests.
      • getMaxOnHeapMemoryUsageRatio

        public java.lang.Double getMaxOnHeapMemoryUsageRatio()
        maximum ratio of on-heap memory that PGX is allowed to use, between 0 and 1.
      • getCharacterSet

        public java.lang.String getCharacterSet()
        standard charset to use throughout PGX, UTF-8 will be used as default. Note: Some formats may not be compatible.
      • getParallelism

        public java.lang.Integer getParallelism()
        number of worker threads to be used in thread pool. Note: if caller thread is part of another thread-pool, this value is ignored and parallelism of parent pool is used.
      • getRandomGeneratorStrategy

        public RandomGeneratorStrategy getRandomGeneratorStrategy()
        method of generating random numbers in pgx
      • getRandomSeed

        public java.lang.Long getRandomSeed()
        [relevant for deterministic random number generator only] seed for the deterministic random number generator used in pgx. The default is -24466691093057031
      • getPatternMatchingSupernodeCacheThreshold

        public java.lang.Integer getPatternMatchingSupernodeCacheThreshold()
        minimum number of a node's neighbor to be a supernode. This is for pattern matching engine.
      • getUseIndexForReachabilityQueries

        public ReachabilityIndexCreationMode getUseIndexForReachabilityQueries()
        create index for reachability queries
      • getRevisitThreshold

        public java.lang.Integer getRevisitThreshold()
        maximum number of matched results from a node to be cached
      • getEnterpriseSchedulerFlags

        public EnterpriseSchedulerFlagsConfig getEnterpriseSchedulerFlags()
        [relevant for enterprise_scheduler] enterprise scheduler specific settings.
      • getMaxDistinctStringsPerPool

        public java.lang.Integer getMaxDistinctStringsPerPool()
        [only relevant if string_pooling_strategy is indexed] amount of distinct strings per property after which to stop pooling. If the limit is reached an exception is thrown
      • useMemoryMapperForStoringPgb

        public java.lang.Boolean useMemoryMapperForStoringPgb()
        if true, use memory mapped files for storing in PGB format if possible; if false always use a stream based implementation
      • useMemoryMapperForReadingPgb

        public java.lang.Boolean useMemoryMapperForReadingPgb()
        if true, use memory mapped files for reading graphs in PGB format if possible; false always use s stream based implementation
      • getPoolingFactor

        public java.lang.Double getPoolingFactor()
        [only relevant if string_pooling_strategy is on_heap] this value prevents the string pool to grow as big as the property size which could render the pooling ineffective
      • getGraphValidationLevel

        public GraphValidationLevel getGraphValidationLevel()
        level of validation performed on newly loaded or created graphs
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object