5.1 About Graph Pattern

The GRAPH_TABLE operator in a SQL graph query contains a graph pattern.

A graph pattern is expressed between the input graph name and the COLUMNS clause inside the GRAPH_TABLE operator.

A graph pattern contains one or more comma-separated path patterns, which are composed of vertex and edge patterns. For example, the following path pattern has two vertex patterns and one edge pattern:

(v1) -[e]-> (v2)

A vertex pattern is enclosed in parentheses and specifies how to match a single vertex. An edge pattern is enclosed by a square bracket with delimiters on the left and right side of the edge pattern and specifies how to match a single edge.

Also, the available arrow tokens for edge patterns are summarized in the following table:

Table 5-1 Arrow Tokens for Edge Patterns

Directionality Bracketed Syntax Abbreviated SyntaxFoot 1
Directed to the right -[ ]-> ->
Directed to the left <-[ ]- ->
Any directed edge (right or left) <-[ ]-> or -[ ]- -

Footnote 1

  • There are no brackets for the arrows in the “abbreviated syntax” column.
  • All edge labels will be considered as no edge label is specified. Hence, filtering on a specific edge is not supported.

A graph element pattern (which can either be a vertex or an edge pattern) may in turn optionally include:
  • An element variable.
  • A label expression which is that part in an element pattern that starts with the keyword IS and is followed by a list of one or more label names. If there is more than one label name, then these are separated by vertical bars.
  • An element pattern WHERE clause which expresses a search condition on the element variable declared by the element pattern.

See Also:

Graph Pattern in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference

The following sections explain the graph pattern concepts more in detail:

5.1.1 Graph Element Variables

Vertex and edge pattern variables ranges over vertices and edges respectively.

For example, consider the following graph pattern which contains three graph element variables.


In the preceding graph pattern, v1 and v2 are two vertex pattern variables and e is an edge pattern variable.

Ensure that you apply the following rules for the graph pattern variables:

  • You cannot use the same variable name for both a vertex and an edge.
  • You can use the same variable name in two different vertex patterns as shown:

    MATCH (a IS person) -> (a IS person)

    In the preceding example, the vertex variable a is used in two vertex patterns - (a IS person) and (a IS person). This implies that the two vertex patterns that declare the same vertex variable must bind to the same vertex. Thus the vertex variable binds to a unique vertex but the vertex pattern can appear multiple times in the same graph pattern.

  • You can use the same variable name in two different edge patterns.
  • Anonymous (that is, omitted) vertex and edge variables are supported. See Example 5-8.

5.1.2 Label Expressions

A label expression in a vertex or an edge element pattern is introduced by the keyword IS.

For example, in the following graph pattern, the vertex pattern associated with the graph element variable v1 has the label person. Also, the edge pattern associated with the graph element variable e contains the label friendOf:

(v1 IS person) –[e IS friendOf]-> (v2)

If the label is omitted in a graph element pattern, then depending on the type of the element variable, either all vertex properties or all edge properties in the graph can be referenced. Otherwise, if a label expression is specified, then the set of properties that can be referenced is the union of the properties of labels belonging to vertex (or edge) tables that have at least one label that satisfies the label expression.

A label expression can also include an optional in-line SQL search condition that can access any matched variable. When accessing a property, you must specify a graph pattern variable.

The supported vertex and edge label expressions are described in the following table:

Table 5-2 Supported Vertex and Edge Label Expressions

Vertex Label Expression Edge Label Expression Description
(a) [e]
  • The vertex graph pattern variable a may match a vertex with any label.
  • The edge graph pattern variable e may match an edge with any label.
() []
  • The vertex pattern has no label and can match any vertex.
  • The edge pattern has no label and can match any edge.

When a graph pattern variable is not specified, a unique vertex or edge variable name is internally generated by the system. Therefore, you cannot reference the vertex or edge elsewhere in the query, as it is unknown.

(IS person) [IS friend_of]
  • The vertex pattern has only the person label.
  • The edge pattern has only the friend_of label.

When a graph pattern variable is not specified, a unique vertex or edge variable name is internally generated by the system. Therefore, you cannot reference the vertex or edge elsewhere in the query, as it is unknown.

(IS person|place|thing) [IS friend_of|student_of]
  • The vertex pattern has an alternation of three labels, person, place and thing. This implies that the vertex pattern can match any vertex having those labels.
  • The edge pattern has an alternation of two labels, friend_of and student_of. This implies that the edge pattern can match any edge having those labels.

As there is no explicit graph pattern variable in the vertex or edge pattern, you cannot reference this vertex or edge elsewhere in the query.

(a IS person|place|thing) [e IS friend_of|student_of] Same as the preceding table entry. However, the vertex and edge patterns contain a and e as vertex and edge graph pattern variables respectively. Therefore, you can reference the vertex or edge using the respective graph pattern variables elsewhere in the query.

See Example 5-12.

(a IS person),

(a IS car)

(a)–[e IS L1]->(b),

(a)–[e is L2]->(b)

  • The vertex pattern a IS person implies that a must match vertices having the label person, and the vertex pattern a IS car implies that a must match vertices having the label car. Therefore, this represents that a must match vertices having both person and car as labels, effectively an AND of these two conditions. Also, you can reference a vertex as a elsewhere in the query.
  • The edge pattern e IS L1 implies that e must match edges having the label L1, and the edge pattern e IS L2 implies that e must match edges having the label L2. Therefore, this represents that e must match edges having both L1 and L2 as labels, effectively an AND of these two conditions. Also, you can reference an edge as e elsewhere in the query.

See Example 5-13.

(a IS person WHERE a.name = 'Fred') [e IS student_of WHERE e.subject = 'Arts']
  • The vertex pattern has a label person and a vertex graph pattern variable a, which is qualified in the element pattern WHERE clause.
  • The edge pattern has a label student_of and an edge graph pattern variable e, which is qualified in the element pattern WHERE clause.

The only graph pattern variable that is visible within an element pattern is the graph pattern variable defined locally by the element pattern. Graph pattern variables from another element patterns cannot be accessed. See Example 5-5.

5.1.3 Accessing Label Properties

You can access a property inside a graph element pattern, in the out-of-line WHERE clause or in the COLUMNS clause.

Consider the following graph element pattern where a is a graph element variable and name is a property name:

(a IS person WHERE a.name='John')

You can then reference the property in the WHERE clause inside the graph element pattern as a.name. This means a.name references the property name of the graph element bound to the graph pattern variable a.

Also, the following conditions apply when accessing a property:

  • The property name is part of at least one table that satisfies the label expression.
  • A graph variable name must always be used to access a property.
  • At the time of query compilation, certain type checking rules apply for the vertex or edge table properties. See Type Compatibility Rules for Determining Property Types for more information.

The following examples describe a few scenarios for determining property types when querying SQL property graphs. Note that Example 5-1 to Example 5-3 refer to the SQL property graph definition for g1 which contains height as a shared property across different labels.

Example 5-1 Determining the Property Type for a Single Label

The data type for a.height in the following query is FLOAT:

(a IS person)
COLUMNS (a.height)
The query output is as shown:

Example 5-2 Determining Union Compatible Property Type for Two Different Labels

The data type for a.height in the following query is the union compatible type between FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE:

(a IS person|t3)
COLUMNS (a.height)
The query output is as shown:

In the SQL property graph g1, the property type for height associated with the labels person and t3 is FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE respectively. BINARY_DOUBLE takes precedence over FLOAT and hence the resulting output property type for a.height is BINARY_DOUBLE.

Example 5-3 No Union Compatible Property Type for Two Different Labels

Error is thrown for the following query as the data type for a.height is not union compatible across the tables, person (FLOAT) and t2 (VARCHAR):

   (a IS person|t2)
  COLUMNS (a.height)

On execution. the preceding query throws the error - ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

Example 5-4 Determining Union Compatible Property Type for Shared Labels

Consider the SQL property graph definition for g3 which uses a shared label (t) that is associated with a shared property name (height).

When querying g3, the data type for a.height in the following SQL graph query is BINARY_DOUBLE:

(a IS t)
COLUMNS (a.height)
The query output is a union of the property columns across all the graph element tables sharing the label. Also, the property type is BINARY_DOUBLE as per the Type Compatibility Rules for Determining Property Types: