Class ScalarCollection<E>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - the scalar type.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable, java.lang.Iterable<E>, oracle.pgx.common.IdentifiableCollection
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ScalarSequence, ScalarSet

    public abstract class ScalarCollection<E>
    extends PgxCollection<E,​java.lang.Void>
    A collection of scalars.
    • Method Detail

      • addAllElementsAsync

        public final PgxFuture<java.lang.Void> addAllElementsAsync​(java.util.Collection<E> source)
        Description copied from class: PgxCollection
        Adds elements to an existing collection.
        Specified by:
        addAllElementsAsync in class PgxCollection<E,​java.lang.Void>
        source - elements to add
      • removeAllElementsAsync

        public final PgxFuture<java.lang.Void> removeAllElementsAsync​(java.util.Collection<E> source)
        Description copied from class: PgxCollection
        Removes elements from an existing collection.
        Specified by:
        removeAllElementsAsync in class PgxCollection<E,​java.lang.Void>
        source - elements to remove
      • containsAsync

        public final PgxFuture<java.lang.Boolean> containsAsync​(E element)
        Description copied from class: PgxCollection
        Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
        Specified by:
        containsAsync in class PgxCollection<E,​java.lang.Void>
        element - element whose presence in this collection is to be tested
        true if this collection contains the specified element
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Description copied from class: PgxCollection
        toString in class PgxCollection<E,​java.lang.Void>
        See Also:
      • getIdType

        public IdType getIdType()
        Description copied from class: PgxCollection
        Gets the ID type of the element type.
        Specified by:
        getIdType in class PgxCollection<E,​java.lang.Void>
        the ID type of the element type.
      • removeAllElements

        public void removeAllElements​(ScalarCollection source)